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How a keto diet may improve mental and cognitive function as one ages

How a keto diet may improve mental and cognitive function as one ages

A plausible mechanism supporting the benefits observed in aging male mice on ketogenic diets, or “keto diets,” has been identified by researchers. It has been shown that switching between a control and a ketogenic diet for male mice leads to an enhancement in the communication between brain synapses. One of the paper’s authors, John Newman, MD, PhD, previously published a proof-of-concept study demonstrating that feeding male mice a cyclic ketogenic diet decreased their risk of dying in midlife and avoided the typical aging-related deterioration in memory.

The lead author of the new study on keto diets and aging, Christian Gonza lez-Billault, is a professor at the Universidad de Chile, the director of the Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism (GERO), an adjunct professor at The Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and he said, “We decided to study the effect of the ketogenic diet after reading two seminal papers published in 2017 that showed its beneficial roles in the overall health of aged mice, including brain performance.” He went on, “The authors demonstrated improvement in these two [prior] works in particular behavioral tasks that are routinely used in animal experimentation to evaluate memory and learning.”

Gonza lez-Billault, who worked with Newman on the most recent study, continued, “Such an improvement convinced us to go deeper into the molecular mechanisms that explain that positive response on one side, but also prompted us to include several other assessments at different levels, ranging from the whole organism level to the molecular functions, to understand why the diet was beneficial in aged animals.” The team’s most recent findings are published in Cell Reports Medicine. In order to explore the earlier results more thoroughly, the researchers maintained 19 male mice, which are considered to be of “old age” in mice, for 20–23 months. They were either fed a control diet or a ketogenic diet that alternated with the control diet every other week.

The mice’s metabolic parameters were examined for the first twelve weeks, and then they were kept on their diets and had behavioral testing for five weeks. The findings showed that in older animals, the ketogenic diet was linked to reduced blood sugar, enhanced memory, and enhanced motor function. Researchers observed that the hippocampal area of aged mice’s brains had more flexibility. Subsequent investigation revealed that the enhanced plasticity observed in mice maintained on a ketogenic diet and alternated with a control diet was caused by a ketone body, a molecule generated when glucose levels are low, activating a signaling channel between the synapses.

We concentrate on older mice since prior research indicated that the influence of diet on juvenile animals was less pronounced and occasionally did not differ significantly from a control diet. These earlier findings imply that preserving resilience in elderly mice and enhancing their physiological processes as they age would be among the diet’s advantageous effects, according to Gonzá lez-Billault. The distinction between lifespan—which is our entire vital trajectory from the moment of our birth until the day of our death—and healthspan—which is the portion of our vital trajectory free from chronic diseases—makes this idea crucial to the study of aging, the speaker said.

Small human studies have also revealed that the ketogenic diet may improve cognition in addition to animal research, especially in older persons with dementia. The mechanisms, which include reduced inflammation, enhanced blood sugar regulation, and the potential for ketones to boost brain function, may be similar to those observed in animal research. To validate these possible advantages, larger clinical trials are necessary, although the research is still in its early phases. A drawback of ketogenic diets, aside from the paucity of solid human studies, is that many people find it difficult to maintain their diets without including carbohydrates.  

Ketogenic diets are linked to lower intakes of plant-based foods because they drastically limit carbohydrate intake. This may lead to a reduction in the consumption of nutrients crucial for general health, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Experts typically advise older persons to adhere to diets for good aging that are backed by more thorough human studies rather than the keto diet. Two of the most well-recommended and scientifically supported diets for good aging are the DASH and Mediterranean regimens.Trusted Source. To guarantee sufficient nutritional intake and the greatest possible health results, it is advisable for someone who is interested in trying a ketogenic diet to do so under the supervision of a doctor or qualified dietitian.

Both this investigation and earlier ones have focused exclusively on male mice. Because single-gender use improves the power of comparison and makes it difficult to examine the influence on the entire population—one of our study’s limitations—we chose to focus first on the intervention’s effects in male mice. Gonza lez-Billault clarified, “Yet, the results of this study call for additional analysis of the ketogenic diet’s effects on female mice. Given that women’s metabolisms digest fats differently than men’s, concerns have been raised in the past regarding the efficacy of ketogenic diets in this population. Research is now being done with this in mind.

But because the current research was done on mice, this means that the latest study is not only limited in its applicability to our understanding of ketogenic diets in humans, but it is also limited in terms of its applicability across biological sexes, as it was only conducted on males. Gonza lez-Billault concurred that more investigation into the findings is absolutely necessary.

“We plan to further investigate the molecular processes underlying the advantageous effects of food on elderly animals in our upcoming research. Our goal is to determine if the impacts we see in the brain are limited to the brain alone, or if some of the responses we assess are connected to broader systemic effects or the operation of other pertinent organs. Furthermore, we aim to gain a deeper comprehension of the metabolic alterations that enhance the brain’s cellular activities,” he informed us. While this study produced intriguing and surprising results, additional research in humans is necessary to validate these benefits, as other experts have also pointed out.

“This study suggests that repeatedly going on a short-term keto diet can have benefits to memory, motor function, and neuroplasticity, but doesn’t suggest any particular reason why,” said Catherine Rall, RDN, a registered dietitian based in Denver, CO, and a certified nutritionist at Happy V. Rall was not involved in the research. The fact that this study was conducted on male mice means that there is limited application of the findings to women and other human populations.

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Could a Mediterranean diet and regular exercise promote brain health?

Could a Mediterranean diet and regular exercise promote brain health?

The combined impact of a Mediterranean diet and walking on dementia and cognitive decline is now being researched. The Mediterranean diet and regular walking have each been linked to brain health, but this study aims to evaluate the combined impact of both. By the end of 2023, the study will be finished. The “MedWalk intervention” is being studied to see if it can lower the risk of dementias like Alzheimer’s dementia and cognitive decline in people. The abbreviation “MedWalk” stands both “Mediterranean diet” plus “walking.”

The benefits of a combined MedWalk intervention have been previously related to both a Mediterranean diet and walking, and this current study seeks to validate those associations. The COVID-19 epidemic caused an interruption to the research being done by scientists from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, but it is still underway. But the information regarding their procedures and current analysis has been made public by the authors in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

The Mediterranean diet and cognition

According to Medical News Today, research from 2014 and 2023 revealed that adhering to a Mediterranean diet was connected with reduced instances of dementia. Conner Middelmann, a licensed nutritionist with a focus on the Mediterranean diet who was not part in the present study, made this observation. Numerous studies, including ones conducted in 2015 and 2023, have linked a Mediterranean diet to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the most prevalent type of dementia. Middelmann issued a warning, noting that “[w]hile these studies suggest a link between the Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of dementia, it’s important to bear in mind that many factors can influence dementia risk, including genetics, lifestyle, and overall health.”

“Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, is just one aspect of a comprehensive approach to brain health and dementia prevention,” she continued.
According to Middelmann, a Mediterranean diet may benefit brain health in a variety of ways because it is high in antioxidants that fight inflammation and oxidative stress, “which are thought to be significant contributors to cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.” It includes omega-3 fatty acids, in particular the essential docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which has been associated to better cognitive function and a reduced risk of cognitive decline. The high fiber content of the Mediterranean diet may contribute to the balance of the gut microbiota. The diet discourages the intake of ultra-processed foods, which have been related to dementia, and is low in processed grains and sugars, which lowers the risk of insulin resistance and inflammation.

Finally, Middelmann said that other components of the Mediterranean diet that have been linked to brain health include eating meals with loved ones and friends and engaging in regular exercise.

How exercise can preserve mental health

In a similar vein, regular walking is linked to a slower rate of cognitive decline. A study conducted in 2022 discovered a dose-dependent connection between the quantity of steps walked and lowering the chance of dementia. According to that study, walking 10,000 steps each day cut the risk of dementia by 50%. An Australian and American study conducted in 2023 discovered a connection between walking pace and dementia, and a British Journal of Sports Medicine study from 2017 indicated that cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, can exacerbate cognitive decline.

“Walking may benefit the brain in a number of different ways. Depending on the amount, length, and frequency of walking, Ryan Glatt, a brain health coach at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute who was not involved in this study, stated that walking may enhance brain blood flow. Additionally, according to Glatt, it “benefits levels of brain activity, and may reduce feelings of overall stress while improving feelings of well-being.” According to Glatt, walking may also include social interaction and exposure to nature, both of which may be good for the brain. By the end of 2023, all data will have been collected for the current project.

Many diets have been suggested throughout the years as ways to stay healthy or lower the risk of particular diseases, but few of them have withstood serious scientific examination. The Mediterranean diet appears to be an exception, though. Studies are increasingly demonstrating that adopting this eating strategy has major advantages for one’s health. In addition to lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, research has indicated that it may also improve cognition, lower the risk of diabetes, lower the risk of some malignancies, and lessen the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

The term “Mediterranean diet” refers to a broad range of diets that are inspired by the traditional eating patterns of those who reside near the Mediterranean Sea. High intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes; low-fat or fat-free dairy products; fish, poultry, non-tropical vegetable oils; and nuts; and limited consumption of sodium, highly processed foods, refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and fatty or processed meats, according to the American Heart Association, which advises this type of diet for cardiovascular health. In addition to these suggestions, the Harvard School of Public Health emphasizes the value of healthy fats such olive oil, avocados, almonds, and oily fish.

It suggests limiting people’s consumption of red meat to just a few times a week while encouraging them to consume small amounts of chicken, eggs, and dairy products on a daily basis. Although people should mostly drink water, the typical Mediterranean diet allows for one or two small glasses of red wine each day. Researchers do note, however, that daily enjoyment-based physical activity should be combined with a nutritious diet.


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MIND diet: Can it assist in improving cognitive ability?

MIND diet: Can it assist in improving cognitive ability?

People may start to notice a minor slowdown in processing speed and sporadic memory lapses as a result of ageing or an age-related illness like dementia.

Although these results have not been replicated in clinical trials, diet may provide protective advantages against cognitive deterioration.

An older person’s cognition may be improved by reducing daily caloric consumption by a small amount, according to a recent study.

Improvements in cognition were similar for those on the MIND diet and those on any minor calorie restriction, with no significant differences between the two groups.

As we age, cognitive change is typical. Even in your 20s and 30s, you may notice a modest reduction in memory and processing speed, however this is typically accompanied by advances in accumulated knowledge well into old age.

Observational studies imply that the Mediterranean diet may have positive effects on cognition, despite the fact that no specific vitamin has been found to stop cognitive decline.

The MIND diet, a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets, and mild calorie restriction have now been examined for their impact on cognition.

Both diets had a somewhat positive impact on cognition, according to the study, but neither was noticeably superior to the other.

This study results point to mild caloric restriction and an average weight loss of 5.5% as lifestyle factors that may support cognition in older adults,” said Molly Rapozo, a registered dietitian nutritionist and senior nutrition and health educator at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, California.

The MIND diet: what is it?

The acronym “MIND” refers to “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.”

The MIND diet seeks to lessen dementia and the deterioration of brain health that frequently happens as people age. It combines elements of the Mediterranean diet with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, two highly well-known eating plans.

The DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet are two of the healthiest diets, according to many experts. They can lower blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a number of other ailments, according to research.

However, scientists sought to develop a diet designed particularly to support better brain health and guard against dementia.

They mixed foods from the DASH and Mediterranean diets, which have been demonstrated to improve brain function, to achieve this.

For illustration, both the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet advise consuming lots of fruit. Berries in particular have the greatest supporting data, although eating fruit in general has been related to increased brain function.

So, while the MIND diet does not emphasize fruit consumption in general, it does advocate eating berries.

As of right now, there are no fixed rules for adopting the MIND diet. You can easily increase your consumption of the 10 items that the diet suggests and decrease your consumption of the 5 foods that it advises you to limit.

Cutting calories may benefit the brain.

A total of 604 participants were enlisted in the study by the researchers. Despite eating poorly and reporting a family history of Alzheimer’s, none of the participants tested negatively for cognitive deterioration. Body mass index (BMI) > 25 (overweight) was present in each individual.

The participants were randomized into two groups at random: 301 individuals were assigned to the MIND diet, and the remaining 303 individuals continued to follow their regular dietary regimen.

Additionally, as one of the study’s objectives was to reduce body mass by 3-5%, the researchers decreased everyone’s daily calorie consumption by 250 calories.

For three years, the participants were instructed to stick to their diet, and throughout that period, they received frequent dietary counselling over the phone and in person. To make sure both groups were getting the right amount of calories, advice was given about portion size. The MIND diet participants also received instructions on which new meals to incorporate and which ones they should avoid.

Four times over the three years, the researchers checked in with the individuals to evaluate their mental functioning, blood pressure, diet, level of physical activity, and usage of medications.

Participants had a variety of cognitive tests administered by researchers who were not aware of which diet group they were in after six months, then at 12, 24, and 36 months. To detect any abnormalities in the brain, some also had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.

Inflammation and oxidative stress are reduced by the MIND diet?

The particular mechanisms by which the MIND diet operates are yet unknown, according to the available research. However, researchers believe that it might function by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Free radicals, which are unstable chemicals, build up significantly in the body and cause oxidative stress. Cells are typically harmed by this. Particularly susceptible to this kind of harm is the brain.

Your body naturally responds to injury and infection with inflammation. However, inflammation can also be damaging and a factor in many chronic diseases if it is not well controlled.

Inflammation and oxidative stress can both hurt your brain. They have been the focus of some recent Alzheimer’s disease prevention and treatment initiatives.

Lower levels of oxidative stress and inflammation have been linked to following the DASH and Mediterranean diets.

The MIND diet is a combination of these two diets, thus the foods that make up the MIND diet likely also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

By shielding the brain from oxidative stress, antioxidants in berries and vitamin E in olive oil, green leafy vegetables, and almonds are thought to improve brain function.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in fatty fish, are also well known for their capacity to reduce brain inflammation and have been linked to a slower loss of cognitive function.

The dangerous beta-amyloid proteins may be reduced by the MIND diet.

Researchers think that by lowering potentially hazardous beta-amyloid proteins, the MIND diet may also benefit the brain.

Protein fragments called beta-amyloid proteins can be found in the body naturally. However, they can assemble into plaques that develop in the brain, obstructing neural connections and ultimately resulting in the death of brain cells.

In fact, a lot of scientists think that these plaques are one of the main reasons why Alzheimer’s occurs.

Studies on animals and in cells indicate that the antioxidants found in several MIND diet items may aid in preventing the development of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain.

The Summary

The MIND diet was developed to decrease the deterioration of brain function that can occur with ageing and prevent dementia. The diet promotes the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, fish, chicken, beans, and wine.

These meals provide a variety of nutrients that support healthy brain function, perhaps by lowering oxidative stress, inflammation, and beta-amyloid plaque development.

According to preliminary study, strictly adhering to the MIND diet is linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease and a slower decline in brain function over time. To fully comprehend the consequences of the diet, more research is required.

Future study revealing that the MIND diet provides additional health advantages linked to the Mediterranean and DASH diets won’t come as a surprise because it is a combo of these two diets.

But for now, the MIND diet is a terrific and easy-to-follow method if you’re seeking for a way of eating that focuses on maintaining brain function as you age.


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These healthy habits may increase lifespan by several years

These healthy habits may increase lifespan by several years

According to research, those who start eight healthy living behaviours by the time they reach middle age may live significantly longer. These routines included practising good sleep hygiene and abstaining from smoking.

It is anticipated that men who adopt all eight behaviours by the age of 40 will live an average of 24 years longer than men who don’t.

The average life expectancy for women who developed all eight behaviours by the time they turned 40 was anticipated to be 23 years longer than for those who didn’t.

Eight lifestyle habits that, when adopted by midlife, may increase a person’s longevity were identified by a recent observational study.

The Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Programme MVP, a health research initiative centred on more than a million American veterans, provided data from medical records and questionnaires that were completed by 719,147 participants. The program’s goal is to aid in the study of the effects of genes, lifestyles, military experiences, and exposures on health and wellness.

The study was presented on Monday at Nutrition 2023, the premier annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Boston, Massachusetts, by Xuan-Mai T. Nguyen, a health science specialist at the Department of Veterans Affairs and fourth-year medical student at Carle Illinois College of Medicine in Illinois.

The eight behaviours noted are:

  • being active physically
  • not a smoker
  • reducing tension
  • keeping a healthy diet
  • not regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol
  • observing proper sleeping habits
  • keeping healthy social connections
  • not becoming addicted to opioids

lifestyle choices associated with increased longevity

Xuan-Mai T. Nguyen and co-author Yanping Li used information from medical records and surveys completed by more than 719,147 United States military veterans who participated in the Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Programme between 2011 and 2019 to investigate the relationship between lifestyle choices and lifespan.

Adults from 40 to 99 years old participated in the study. During the follow-up, 33,375 fatalities were noted.

The three characteristics that had the biggest impact on the researchers’ findings were inactivity, opioid use, and smoking; these behaviours were associated with a 30% to 45% higher risk of death over the course of the study.

Stress, binge drinking, an unhealthy diet, and poor sleep hygiene all contributed to a 20% increase in risk. A 5% increase in risk was linked to a lack of supportive social connections.

The researchers saw a decrease in the mortality rate per 1,000 person-years when each preventive practise was incorporated into people’s lifestyles, with those who embraced all eight experiencing a 13% decrease in all-cause mortality. Although it did get smaller as they aged, this effect was still statistically significant.

According to a news statement from the researchers, these findings demonstrate how different lifestyle choices can affect the development of diseases that increase the risk of early mortality and disability.

They also show how making better decisions might increase a person’s number of healthy years. It is never too late to start living a healthy lifestyle, according to Nguyen.

He did point out that this kind of research cannot demonstrate that acquiring these practises can lengthen life. He said that these are in line with other comparable studies.

Why making these changes could lengthen life

A clinical and preventive cardiologist, Tariq Hafiz, M.D., FACC, ABIM, stated, “As a clinical and preventive cardiologist, I strongly believe that adopting these comprehensive lifestyle factors is the foundation of both the primary and secondary prevention of many chronic diseases, i.e., cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, etc.”

He added that the advantages are probably attained by avoiding oxidative stress and inflammation.

The primary causes of death, according to Hafiz’s explanation, are cancer and cardiovascular disease, the latter of which has well-established modifiable risk factors. According to him, these risk factors include sedentary lifestyles, bad diets, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cigarette use, mental stress, and visceral obesity.

Additionally, he noted that tobacco smoking is a significant risk factor for a number of chronic illnesses, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung, bladder, and esophageal cancer, as well as chronic lung disease and diabetes.

The majority of morbidity and death are linked to chronic diseases, which also account for a significant portion of the financial burden and cost of medical care.

Advice on how to practice the longevity practices

Trinna Cuellar, Ph.D., MBA, VP of Biology and Head of R&D at Tally’s Health, advised adopting lifestyle-appropriate practises in order to make lasting changes.

She used a new mother as an illustration of how to tailor your approach to fit your unique needs. Although she might not immediately be able to increase her sleep or lessen her stress, a new mother might still work on improving her nutrition and social happiness.

She continued, “Being realistic and intentional is of relevance since consistency is crucial to impacting lifespan.

She emphasised testing once again in order to get feedback on the effectiveness of lifestyle adjustments. “What you don’t know cannot be addressed.”

She suggested using a service like Tally Health, which offers individualised action plans and testing, as a means of achieving this. But you can also work with your own private doctor.

Wearables, mobile apps, and community support, according to Cuellar, can all be beneficial for forming new habits. To assist you stay on track with your objectives, you could, for instance, utilise activity trackers, applications that monitor your drinking patterns, or group fitness courses.

When I develop a plan to exercise with my friends or coaches, they hold me accountable, which frequently works best for me, she added. Because of this, I find it more tougher to skip my workouts when my days are extremely busy.

Preventing chronic illness to lengthen life

The major causes of death and disability in the US, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, are chronic diseases including diabetes and heart disease.

According to Nguyen, non-communicable chronic diseases account for more than 80% of total healthcare spending.

It is expensive and burdensome for people and society as a whole to live with a chronic illness. According to studies, bad lifestyle choices are to blame for about 90% of diabetes, 80% of coronary heart disease, and 70% of cardiovascular mortality.

Chronic disease prevention is the emphasis of the specialty of lifestyle medicine.

Dr. Nguyen added that lifestyle medicine “provides a potential avenue for altering the course of ever-increasing [healthcare] costs resulting from prescription medicine and surgical procedures.” Because it is a rare chance to better understand and care for a particular demographic of people who have dedicated themselves to duty, “we chose to explore lifestyle factors among veterans participating in the Million Veteran Programme (MVP).”

A 2018 study by co-author Dr. Yanping Li, a research scientist in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, found that maintaining five healthy habits as adults—eating a healthy diet, exercising frequently, maintaining a healthy body weight, not drinking too much alcohol, and not smoking—may add more than ten years to life.

The data the MVP collects is so extensive that the researchers were able to add three more healthy behaviours to this study. According on the data that was available, Dr. Li remarked, “we expanded the previous five lifestyle factors into eight.”


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Snacking quality is more beneficial than snacking quantity.

Snacking quality is more beneficial than snacking quantity.

Researchers examined the effects of snack quantity, quality, and timing on cardiometabolic health.

They discovered that greater cardiometabolic health was most strongly associated with higher quality snacks—not necessarily amount or timing. The results imply that a healthy diet may include high-quality snacking.

Over 90% of adults in the United States consume one or more snacks everyday, with the majority eating in between snacks. According to studies, snacking has become more common and more substantial over the past few decades.

Few studies have looked into the health impacts of snack quantity, quality, and timing, even though snacks make up around 20% of the energy consumed in the American diet. Dietary recommendations may be improved by learning more about the effects of snacking on health.

Researchers have recently looked into the connection between snacking behaviour and cardiometabolic health.

They discovered that the most significant relationship between snack quality and health outcomes was not necessarily timing or frequency. Better cardiometabolic health has been linked to higher-quality snacks.

The statistics highlight the critical role that food quality plays in maintaining good health. Diet is the foundation of good health, and there are numerous ways to get the nutrients we require. High-quality, nutritious mini meals’ may be a useful supplement to a well-balanced diet,” according to Dr. Elizabeth R. Raskin, surgical director of the Margolis Family IBD Programme at Hoag Hospital. She was not involved in the study.

Analysing the length and content of snacks

The researchers used data from 1,001 UK-based volunteers with an average age of 46 for the study. The average BMI of 73% of females was 25.6; this is considered to be somewhat overweight.

Self-reported snacking quantity, quality, and timing were included in the data. Also, with insulin levels and cardiometabolic indicators such as blood lipids and glucose.

The participants self-monitored for 2-4 days, defining higher-quality snacks as those with appreciable levels of nutrients in relation to calories.

The majority of the participants—roughly 95%—ate an average of 2.28 snacks per day or at least one per day. An average of 22% of daily calories were consumed as snacks.

In the end, the researchers discovered that stronger blood lipid and insulin responses were associated with higher-quality snacking. They also discovered that eating most snacks after 9 o’clock at night was associated with higher blood lipid and glucose levels.

However, they pointed out that there was no connection between the frequency of snacks, the number of calories ingested, or the amount of food with any of the indicators of cardiometabolic health.

After adjusting for age, sex, BMI, education, physical activity levels, and the size of the main meal, the results were still valid.

Constraints of the research

Limitations, according to Dr. Raskin, include relying on self-reports for information about snack consumption and composition, which can be subject to forgetting.

She continued by saying that the study participants’ metabolic needs were unknown. Also, there was insufficient data on the make-up and consumption of the participants’ normal meals.

Dana Hunnes, Ph.D., is a senior clinical dietician at the UCLA Medical Centre in Los Angeles. He was also not engaged in the study, was also the subject. She pointed out that 2-4 days is a condensed period for nutritional assessment and to observe results.

The study’s only non-participant, Dr. Jaclyn Albin, an associate professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at UT Southwestern Medical Centre, also pointed out that the individuals were largely female, in their mid-40s, and with BMI-slightly overweight.

Thus, it is yet unclear how these findings would relate to other racial or ethnic groups, particularly those who have already received a metabolic disorder diagnosis.

Healthy snack suggestions

The owners of Focused Nutrition and Wellness, integrative brain health nutritionist Dani Felber, who was not participating in the study, were questioned by experts about what a nutritious snack might entail.

She mentioned the following as examples of balanced, healthful snacks:

  • vegetables with hummus
  • with guacamole, peppers
  • nut butter and sliced apples
  • Greek yoghurt and fruit
  • a few nuts or seeds that have been gently salted

As long as you select nutrient-dense snacks that are well-balanced with protein, fat, or fibre, you can have snacks whenever you feel hungry in between meals. These nutrients prevent a high blood sugar rise that can cause lethargy and sugar cravings, which is a particular issue for people who are prone to afternoon energy slumps and nighttime cravings, by slowing digestion and delaying glucose absorption.

Felber stated that late-night snacking is frequently associated with inferior food choices, such as high-fat snacks or sugary treats, which may contribute to fewer favourable health markers.

The negative consequences of late-night snacking, she added, may be lessened if you pay attention to the quality of your evening snacks and couple any carbohydrate-rich items with wholesome sources of protein, fat, or fibre.

Dr. Albin noted that another way to make snacking healthier is to pay attention to our bodies and only eat when we are truly hungry.

Many people may munch when they are bored or upset, and this habit might keep them from making the best decisions. According to Dr. Jaclyn Albin, the appropriate time to snack depends on each person’s appetite, activity level, timing of meals, and general health. Late-night snacking is generally to be avoided.

Snacking ought to be private.

Dr. Raskin emphasised the need of timing and eating snacks in accordance with one’s specific nutritional requirements.

For instance, a patient who needs to gain weight may need to concentrate on consuming more high-calorie snacks throughout the day. Similar to this, a diabetic patient may need to choose lower glycemic foods that yet provide them a surge of energy while assisting in the maintenance of stable insulin levels.

In general, it’s advised to avoid late-night munching if you’ve already reached your daily calorie target. A healthy food before night may be beneficial for someone with high metabolic needs, such as a high-performance athlete,” she added.


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Time limited eating helps in weight loss & type-2 diabetes.

Time limited eating helps in weight loss & type-2 diabetes.

According to recent studies, type 2 diabetics who practise time-restricted eating may experience weight loss and better blood sugar control.

According to a new randomized controlled research, those who restrict their eating to the eight hours from midday to eight o’clock lose more weight than people who lower their overall calorie intake by calorie counting.

However, experts advise patients to work closely with their doctor because certain medications and dietary needs may affect how beneficial a patient’s diet plan is.

In a recent study, people who restricted their eating to the hours between noon and eight o’clock lost more weight than those who merely cut their caloric intake overall by counting calories.

Despite the growing popularity of time-restricted eating, no studies had previously specifically examined an eight-hour meal window in people with type 2 diabetes.

In the study, 57 people with type 2 diabetes and obesity were divided into three groups: one group adhered to time-restricted eating, another group engaged in calorie restriction, and the third group acted as the control group.

The people in the time-restricted eating group could only eat between midday and 8 p.m., whereas the people in the calorie-restriction group could eat whenever they wanted as long as they kept track of their calories.

While the control group maintained eating normally without any special modifications, their objective was to cut their caloric consumption by 25% of what was needed to maintain their current weight.

Eating within a time limit reduces body weight.

The time-restricted eating diet resulted in a 3.55% weight loss in comparison to the control group during the course of the six-month study, according to the researchers.

To put this into perspective, it would mean that a person who weighs 275 pounds would have lost about 10 pounds.

Contrary to expectations, the calorie-restricted group did not significantly lose weight when compared to the control group.

In comparison to the control group, the time-restricted eating and calorie restriction groups both showed lower blood sugar levels (HbA1C), with decreases of about 0.91% and 0.95%, respectively.

The researchers also looked into whether these dietary approaches may lower blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, and lower fasting glucose levels, which are all cardiometabolic risk factors.

The weight loss brought on by time-restricted eating, however, did not reach the 5% mark usually linked with improvements in these parameters.

An interview with experts, Vicky Pavlou, registered dietitian nutritionist, University of Illinois at Chicago doctoral student, and author of the study, said, “We found that eating all calories within an 8-hour window is a good alternative to calorie counting for people with type 2 diabetes who want to lose weight and improve their A1C.”

“In comparison to the calorie counting group, the time-restricted eating (TRE) group dropped 4.28% of their body weight in six months. In both groups, the HbA1C was lowered by 1%, the expert said.

Calorie restriction versus intermittent fasting

Studies have previously examined the effectiveness of various dietary strategies among obese people. The prospective effects of time-restricted eating in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes, however, have not been studied.

75 obese persons with type 2 diabetes participated in the new study, which was directed by Vicky Pavlou, a doctorate student at the University of Illinois at Chicago who is also a registered nurse. Three groups of participants, ranging in age from 18 to 80, were created: control, calorie restriction, and time-restricted eating.

The calorie intake needed to maintain a person’s present weight (maintenance calories) was lowered by 25% for those in the calorie restriction group and remained unchanged for those in the control group. At any time of day, they could eat.

The time-restricted eating group, on the other hand, was only permitted to eat between noon and 8 p.m. every day without having a set calorie goal or keeping track of their consumption.

For the first three months of the trial, participants in both groups met with a dietician once per week; for the next three months, they met every other week.

Pavlou stated that the dietician “helped them with any challenges in following the diet and gave general nutrition advice,” emphasizing “the importance of reading labels and understanding calories.”

What kind of diet is best for those who have diabetes?

The researcher who was not engaged in this study, Dr. Seun Sowemimo, a board-certified surgeon at Prime Surgicare in Freehold, New Jersey, stressed that “using a combination of disease management tools is more effective than a single effort.”

Time-restricted eating (intermittent fasting) is a powerful strategy for weight loss and blood sugar control because it allows the body to switch from burning sugar to burning fat, resulting in weight loss,” he claimed.

Additionally, it helps diabetic control and lessens the frequency of blood glucose spikes, which can result in insulin surges.

Consuming whole meals with a high fibre content rather than processed foods with added sugar can also help people with diabetes maintain better blood sugar control. Unlike processed foods with free sugar, which are quickly absorbed and cause increased sugar levels and insulin spikes, natural fibre foods help regulate sugar absorption by allowing for a steady release into the bloodstream. Since the idea that fruit contains a lot of sugar is untrue, I also advise persons with diabetes to eat fresh fruits, stated Dr. Seun Sowemimo

Time-restricted eating “may help improve blood sugar control in individuals with type 2 diabetes,” according to registered dietitian Crystal Scott of Top Nutrition Coaching, who was also not involved in the study.

The insulin response may become more efficient by avoiding constant grazing and giving the body longer periods without food intake,” Scott said. Studies have revealed that time-restricted meals can increase insulin sensitivity, glucose levels, and HbA1c levels, which are indicators of long-term blood sugar control. But it didn’t in this study.

Potential effects on type 2 diabetic patients

Dr. Sowemimo stated that this “study adds another layer of clinical evidence that the timing of food consumption is a major contributing factor to diabetes management, weight loss, and overall well-being.

Patients with diabetes can safely be prescribed time-restricted eating, but they should do so in partnership with their physician,” Dr. Sowemimo stated.

Scott also emphasized the significance of investigating potential confounders, such as participant water intake, activity level, and stress-reduction techniques, as well as their use of diabetes medications.

Many additional factors must be addressed concurrently in order for a study like this one on dietary regimens to be entirely successful, according to Scott.

Scott further emphasized that this study shows there are “easier approaches to weight management that don’t involve tracking every piece of food,” even though people may recognize the necessity to implement time-restriction tactics to observe weight loss.


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Can low-carb or fat diets prolong life in middle-aged?

Can low-carb or fat diets prolong life in middle-aged?

A healthy low-fat diet has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and early death in middle-aged and older persons, according to research.

A healthy low-carbohydrate diet, according to experts, may marginally reduce the risk of early mortality in that age group.

According to experts, as you get older, weight and diet become more crucial, therefore choosing a healthy eating strategy is essential.

A recent study found that the health of middle-aged and older persons can be improved by diets reduced in fat and carbohydrates.

Low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets are healthy choices for weight loss and heart health in short-term research trials.

The most recent research, which was released in the Journal of Internal Medicine, looks at how such diets affect mortality in middle-aged and older persons.

The study examined 371 159 individuals between the ages of 50 and 71. 165,698 of the participants passed away over the study’s 23-year duration.

According to the researchers, low-saturated-fat diets that are high in plant protein and high-quality carbs are linked to lower risks of death from all causes, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A general low-carb diet and a bad low-carb diet, however, were linked to considerably greater rates of overall, cardiovascular, and cancer death. However, a low-carb, healthful diet was linked to somewhat decreased death rates.

“Our results support the importance of maintaining a healthy [low-fat diet] with less saturated fat in preventing all-cause and cause-specific mortality among middle-aged and older people,” the study’s authors said.

Fats and carbohydrates as you get older

The consensus among experts is that as people age, low-carb diets are typically the healthiest option.

However, when it comes to fat, experts advise limiting only the dangerous types of fat and carbohydrates rather than all of them.

It’s critical to distinguish between a healthy carbohydrate or healthy fat and an unhealthy one, according to Kailey Proctor, a dietitian at the City of Hope Orange County Lennar Foundation Cancer Centre in California who specialises in cancer nutrition.

Many people are unaware of the distinctions between basic and complex carbs, as well as saturated and unsaturated fats, according to Proctor, who observes cancer patients daily. “Complex carbs, such those found in whole wheat bread, quinoa, brown rice, and sweet potatoes, can be healthy to consume“. Compared to simple carbs, which have absolutely little nutritional value, including white bread, breakfast cereals, and pastries, these foods are all high in fiber, antioxidants, and micronutrients.

Low-carb, low-fat diets explained

Both diets have been proven to be beneficial for middle-aged people’s health, according to Trista Best, a certified dietitian at Balance One Supplements.

For instance, several low-carb diets encourage the consumption of protein and healthy fats. Not all carbohydrates are created equal, and some healthy carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can be a crucial component of a balanced diet, according to Best.

She continued, “Low-fat diets have also been found to offer health benefits, including improving cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease. Low-fat diets typically restrict fat intake and emphasize carbs and protein. But it’s crucial to pick good fats, such as those in nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish.

Registered dietitian Robert Lafelice works for the fitness brand Set For Set. He claimed that understanding a healthy diet is made simple by seeing it through the perspective of evolution.

All adults should follow a low-carb diet, according to the overwhelming body of research, Lafelice said. “Humans developed over hundreds of thousands of years on a diet high in protein and fat, not carbohydrates. The government’s proposal that we obtain more than half of our energy from carbohydrates is in direct opposition to the original human diet.”

According to Lafelice, a high-carb diet has been linked to everything from diabetes to cancer to dementia. He added that low-fat diets by themselves may not be healthful.

There are needed proteins and fatty acids, but no essential dietary carbohydrates, he claimed. “Eating low fat and high carb is particularly harmful and unhealthy for older folks. We naturally grow more insulin resistance as we get older. Therefore, eating a lot of carbs will only make things worse.”

Middle age diet

Dietician and author Heather Dyc told us that she is a “big fan of low carb, but not low fat, diets for the middle-aged.”

When it comes to aging, “good fats, or omegas, have so many health benefits, it might do more harm than good to cut these out of your diet,” the expert advised. For instance, they enhance mood, reduce cognitive decline, and maybe prevent metabolic disease. Healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, seafood, and olive oil are also very satisfying, causing you to consume fewer calories overall. Middle-aged people frequently have more belly fat than their younger counterparts, thus this is advantageous.

Dyc advised being selective about the sources of carbohydrates around middle age.

Our metabolism slows down and hormone production decreases in our 40s and 50s, she explained. “We have more aches and pains than usual, and weight gain is simpler. Fruits and vegetables that are high in nutrients have fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that promote healthy ageing.

The licensed dietician and nutrition adviser for the weight-loss app Lasta, Barbara Kovalenko, told us that as individuals become older, they need to make educated decisions about their health.

Both low-fat and low-carb diets, according to Kovalenko, may be able to improve the health of middle-aged and older persons, however, the precise advantages may vary.

In the end, Kovalenko claimed that there is no universally effective diet; what works best for one individual might not work for another. “However, this new research offers insightful information about how making straightforward dietary changes can have favorable effects on overall health outcomes.”

What food experts have to say

According to Lon Ben-Asher MS, RD, a nutritionist, and instructor at Pritikin Longevity Centre, the quality of food consumed as part of a person’s diet has the greatest impact on whether or not that person develops a disease or increases their chance of developing one.

For instance, he claims that the majority of evidence-based research supports adopting an eating pattern that is consistent with a low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet that is centered around high-quality carbohydrates and plant protein sources that are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and dietary fiber as a means of preventing or reducing the risk of chronic diseases like:

As examples of foods higher in fiber, he lists the following: peas, potatoes, beans, lentils, and other legumes; muesli; whole grains; and foods low in saturated fats and dietary cholesterol.

According to him, “This way of eating supports good bacteria in the gut microbiome, reducing inflammation throughout the body.” Ben-Asher continues by saying that this is advantageous for maintaining a healthy weight as well as for the brain.

According to a nutritionist and author of “Skinny Liver,” Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN, while she has many patients who have successfully managed their non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetes by following moderate- and low-carb dietary patterns, the most crucial aspect of any dietary pattern is making sure it contains lots of vegetables, protein, and low-glycemic foods.

She adds that it’s crucial to make sure your diet includes good fats like olive oil and nuts because they frequently form the basis of studies on healthy diets.


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