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Precautions and warnings associated with Aloe Vera

Precautions and warnings associated with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera dosing

Aloe vera is a kind of natural product that is used worldwide in different forms depending upon its need. The gel could be used raw as extracted or could be customized and converted into facewash, cream, moisturizer, solid drugs, beverages, etc. However, the amount of aloe vera used is based on an individual’s application. Some of the medical  applications of aloe vera are:

  • For treating angina pectoris and diabetes, 1 tablespoon of fresh inner gel twice or 100mg daily is recommended. 
  • A Dose of 25-50ml with 90-95% purity of gel is beneficial 3 times a day to treat irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. 
  • 10-70% of aloe vera customized inner gel can be applied of the infected area 3 times a day to treat burns.
  • To treat seborrheic dermatitis, 30% aloe vera gel in hydrophilic emulsion on the infected area twice daily.
  • To treat genetical herpes and psoriasis, 0.5% of aloe gel in hydrophilic cream must be used on the infected area 3 times a day daily.

It is usually safe to treat infants with Aloe vera. However, it is necessary to consult with a health professional before the onset of medication with any form of aloe vera.

Interaction of Aloe vera

Interaction with a drug generally refers to potential risk that could develop inside the body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions interact with one another in a negative manner. Although aloe vera is a natural medicine that consists of a number of health benefits and is used for a variety of medical conditions, there are several medical drugs that could interact with this harmful gel in a harmful nature. Such medications include:

  • Digoxin
  • Oral Aloe drug
  • Sevoflurane 
  • Warfarin
  • Anticoagulants
  • diabetes
  • Antiplatelet
  • Stimulant laxatives
  • diuretics

The above-mentioned drugs and their classes have a high risk of interacting with aloe vera gel or some of its customized form in one or the other way. It is advisable to consult a doctor regarding all the potential risks and benefits before medicating with aloe vera during medication with such drugs.

Precautions and warnings associated with Aloe vera

Aloe vera is considered as a harmful product when taken by mouth under certain medical conditions. Usually the product is safe and it treats many medical conditions and disorders. However, some conditions needs different resources and intake of aloe vera usually by mouth could interact in an harmful manner under such conditions that includes:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding – Intake of aloe vera by mouth during pregnancy could possibly cause harmful effects on the unborn child. Also, it could enter the breastmilk and get passed on to the baby.
  • certain intestinal conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or obstruction – Aloe vera is a bowel irritant and medication with Aloe latex must be avoided.
  • certain kidney disorders – According to reports, high doses of Aloe latex are associated with kidney failure and diseases. 
  • ongoing or recent surgery – Intake of aloe during a surgery or while after surgery could alter the blood sugar level control and blood pressure of the body.
  • children – Tropical aloe products are generally safe in children. However, consumption of aloe latex by children below 12 years could result in several side effects such as cramps, diarrhea, etc.
  • diabetes – According to some research, aloe is associated with low blood sugar. While medicarting with aloe latex, it is advisable to have a check on blood sugar level of your body. 
  • hemorrhoids – It is advisable to avoid the usage of Aloe latex when diagnosed with hemorrhoids. 


  • The intake amount of aloe vera is based on an individual’s age and medical conditions to be treated
  • Being a beneficial natural gel, oral intake of aloe vera has some adverse interaction with several medications.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women must avoid oral administration of aloe vera.
  • There are several other medical conditions which could be harmful when aloe vera is administered orally.


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