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What are the drugs that can cause Erectile dysfunction?

What are the drugs that can cause Erectile dysfunction?


Sexual dysfunction is a result of a variety of medical problems and treatments. Antihypertensives, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antiandrogens are among the medications frequently implicated.

The doctor will be able to customise therapies for the patient and his or her partner by being aware of the potential for drug-induced sexual issues and their detrimental effects on adherence to treatment.

Good clinical treatment necessitates facilitating a conversation with the patient regarding sexual function and offering solutions to the issue.


Sexual dysfunction in both men and women is a result of several prescription drug groups. A patient’s likelihood of not adhering increases if they experience drug-induced sexual dysfunction. Antipsychotics and antihypertensives have been found to have this effect. Less information is known on female or couple problems, and the literature has emphasised male sexual disorders.

Alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and hallucinogens are examples of recreational drugs that can alter sexual function. Alcohol consumption has a short-term impact on sexual desire by lowering inhibitions, but it also lowers performance and delays climax and ejaculation. Contrary to what their spouses frequently describe, many substance users claim to have greater sexual function.

The phases of sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm make up sexual function. Any of these periods might be problematic for both men and women. A person’s partner may also be impacted by low desire, lack of swelling and lubrication in women, erectile dysfunction, premature, retrograde, or absent ejaculation, anorgasmia, and painful sex.

Medications resulting in Erectile dysfunction

You might want to start by looking in your medication cabinet if you are having trouble getting or keeping an erection. Many prescription and over-the-counter medications have the potential to cause erectile dysfunction. While these medications may be used to treat an illness or condition, they can also have an impact on a man’s hormones, nervous system, and blood circulation, which might lead to ED or raise the risk of ED.

Below is a list of medications that could result in ED. To rule out any medications as a cause of, or contributor to, ED, talk to your doctor about the medications you are now taking.

Medicine to lower blood pressure

Although all blood pressure drugs have the potential to result in erectile dysfunction, “diuretics” (sometimes known as “water pills”) are the most likely to do so. Following are a few blood pressure drugs that frequently result in ED:

  • Chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, and hydrochlorothiazide are examples of thiazide diuretics.
  • Furosemide, Torsemide, and Ethacrynic Acid are examples of loop diuretics.
  • Spironolactone
  • Clonidine
  • Guanethidine
  • Methyldopa
  • Lastly, Beta-blockers, another class of heart medication, carry a negligible risk of ED. Popular medications such as metoprolol (Lopressor), atenolol (Tenormin), propranolol (Inderal), and bisoprolol are among them (Zebeta).

There is some good news if you take one of these drugs and experience ED. ED is not frequently brought on by the following blood pressure medications:

  • ACE inhibitors such as lisinopril, benazepril, enalapril, ramipril, quinapril, and ramipril
  • Alpha-blockers such as doxazosin, prazosin, and terazosin

Cholesterol-lowering drugs

Contrary to popular belief, statins (drugs used to decrease cholesterol) such as atorvastatin, simvastatin, and rosuvastatin do not result in ED. Self-reported erectile function for men with ED who take statins for elevated cholesterol really improves by 25%. It’s a win-win situation because the statin also promotes heart and then brain health.


Low sex drive and erectile dysfunction are frequently brought on by depression. However, a lot of antidepressants might worsen erectile dysfunction and low sex drive.

Examples of antidepressants that cause ED include the following:

  • SSRIs include sertraline, fluoxetine, citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), and paroxetine (Paxil) (Zoloft)
  • SNRIs include duloxetine, venlafaxine, and desvenlafaxine (Effexor, Pristiq) (Cymbalta)
  • MAOIs include tranylcypromine, phenelzine, and isocarboxazid (Marplan) (Parnate)
  • Amitriptyline, nortriptyline, and clomipramine are examples of tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants.

The most often prescribed antidepressants and those that are most likely to result in ED are SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). This is unfortunate because SSRIs are some of the best available antidepressants.

The following antidepressants have a lower risk of causing erectile dysfunction:

  • Bupropion (Zyban) (Zyban)
  • Mirtazapine (Remeron) (Remeron)
  • Patches for selegiline (Emsam)

Finally, discuss this with your doctor if you believe your antidepressant is contributing to erectile dysfunction.


Erectile dysfunction can also be brought on by antihistamines like Benadryl, Dramamine, and Phenergan. Histamine, a substance in the body that has a role in both allergic reactions and good erections, is blocked by antihistamines.

Acid reflux medications

Similar to antihistamines, some H2 blocker medications used to treat acid reflux can disrupt histamine and result in erectile dysfunction. Cimetidine (Tagamet), a medication in this class, carries the highest risk for ED, but ranitidine (Zantac) and famotidine (Pepcid) carry a lower risk.

Opioid pain medications

Opioids and ED go hand in hand as well. Long-term opiate use can cause low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Medications that contain opioids include morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone.

Do not stop taking the medicine if you have ED and suspect it might be related to your prescription without first talking to your doctor. Your doctor might be able to recommend a different drug if the issue continues.

The following recreational and regularly misused drugs are among those that can induce or lead to ED:

  • Alcohol /Amphetamines
  • Barbiturates
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Methadone
  • Nicotine /Opiates

ED is not frequently discussed, aside from the well-known negative effects that using and abusing these medicines can have. However, using these medications can result in ED. These medicines can seriously harm blood vessels and result in persistent ED in addition to affecting and frequently suppressing the central nervous system.


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Maintain Sexual function & organs with Himalaya Kapikachhu.

Maintain Sexual function & organs with Himalaya Kapikachhu.

Himalaya Kapikachhu

Kapikachhu is a multi-faceted herbal product generally used for sexual problems in men but can be used by both men and women. This medicine is used to increase sperm count, manage sperm production, maintain semen balance, and improves sperm count.

The Kapikachhu tablets from Himalaya Wellness help men who suffer from sexual difficulties. The primary element in Kapikachhu, L-dopa, functions as an aphrodisiac by enhancing sexual desire, performance, and mood.

Uses of Kapikachhu

Mucuna pruriens is cultivated extensively throughout much of the world. The plant fixes nitrogen and fertilises the soil because it is a legume. The beans are consumed and are well-known as Benguk in Indonesia, especially in Java. The beans can also be fermented to create Benguk tempe or tempe Benguk, a dish that is similar to tempe.

In the tropics, kapikachhu is a common fodder plant. Animals are fed the entire plant as silage, dry hay, or dried seeds. Additionally, it is used as a biological control for the troublesome Scientifically known cylindrica grass in Benin and Vietnam.

Benefits of Kapikachhu

Himalaya kapikachhu is loaded with a number of beneficial effects especially for sexual organs and function such as:

Low Dopamine and L-Dopa

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects your central nervous system and is essential for motivation, focus, memory, mood, relaxation, sexual desire, sleep, and many other functions.

There is evidence that mucuna pruriens may help Parkinson’s disease, which is believed to be caused by a deficiency of dopamine in the brain. Researchers are also looking into the connection between depression and low dopamine levels.

If the dopamine levels of people with Parkinson’s disease or clinical depression can be normalized with the help of kapikachhu and its L-dopa, this could have significant therapeutic implications. especially considering that studies have demonstrated that mucuna extract is more efficient than isolated L-dopa.

For Mood Enhancement

The advantages of taking mucuna may include a noticeably upbeat influence on mood for someone whose dopamine levels are being adversely affected by stimulant use and the demands of modern life. According to studies like this one, the L-dopa in mucuna pruriens causes an increase in dopamine in the cerebral cortex.

Numerous users of kapikachhu powder or mucuna pruriens supplements claim improved mood and increased alertness within an hour of taking them on an empty stomach. It’s crucial to note, however, that low doses of L-dopa should be used in Kapikacchu and that more is not always better when it comes to dopamine.

Numerous positive benefits on mental and physical health can result from a gradual increase in the amount of dopamine accessible. However, taking a lot more L-dopa than is advised might have adverse effects, including anxiety, tension, and high blood pressure. It is actually best to take pruriens gradually at first.

Increases Testosterone

For both men and women, the production of testosterone is crucial to libido and sexual function. Although testosterone is produced in considerably lower amounts in women than in men, it is nevertheless a crucial hormone for sex drive and interest.

Benefits of kapikachhu have been utilised historically as an aphrodisiac for both sexes. A different hormone called prolactin is one of the scientific explanations for why the herb has shown to be so successful for this goal.

A hormone called prolactin has reproductive, metabolic, and immunoregulatory effects. While a small quantity is required, a surplus of oestrogen in the body can result in high levels. Sexual attraction is generally decreased by prolactin, which tends to balance out testosterone in the body.

Impotence in men and decreased libido in women are actual negative effects of prolactin function-stimulating medications. A high-quality kapikachhu extract’s L-dopa raises dopamine levels while lowering excessive prolactin and raising testosterone levels in the body. When taking kapikachhu, many women and men find an immediate improvement in sexual desire and performance.

Increases dopamine level

By promoting the generation of human growth hormone, kapikachhu may aid in boosting lean muscle mass by raising dopamine levels in the body. Human growth hormone (HGH) is known to boost protein synthesis and aid in stimulating muscular growth, and it has been demonstrated that dopamine raises HGH levels in the body.

Lowers stress

Benefits of kapikachhu also include better sleep and relaxation. L-dopamine dopa’s influences the pineal gland, which releases the melatonin-producing sleep hormone. Additionally, lower stress and an enhanced capacity for relaxation are linked to higher dopamine levels.

Nutritional Value of Kapikachhu

Lecithin, gallic acid, glycosides, nicotine, prurenine, prurenidine, dark brown viscous oil, alkaloids mucanine, tannic acid, resin, and L-dopa (4-3, 4-dihydroxy phenyl Adaline) are all present in kapikachhu. The dried beans and kapikachhu silage each contain 20–35% crude protein, 35–40% crude fiber, and 11-23% crude protein. It possesses effects that are anthelmintic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, nervine, astringent, rejuvenating, analgesic, and carminative.


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Is Obesity affecting the sexual health of Men?

Is Obesity affecting the sexual health of Men?


Overweight and obesity have become major public health problems worldwide, since they may reduce life expectancy by 7 years at the age of 40 years. Excess bodyweight is now the sixth biggest risk factor for the cause of global morbidity and mortality. Compared to normal weight subjects, overweight and obesity increase the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by 30–90%. Subjects with ED, however, tend to weigh more and have a greater waist circumference than those without, and are more likely to have hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.

A link exists between ED and the metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by insulin resistance and abdominal obesity. A higher prevalence of sexual dysfunction exists among women with metabolic syndrome compared to matched control women. Physical activity and lifestyle changes aimed at reducing body weight are associated with improvements in both erectile and endothelial functions in obese men. In addition, preliminary research suggests that a Mediterranean-style diet could improve sexual function in women with metabolic syndrome. Changing your lifestyle, including regular physical activity and a healthy diet, is an effective and safe method for preventing cardiovascular disease and premature mortality in all population groups; it may also prevent and treat sexual dysfunction for both sexes.

Low testosterone role

Males with a large amount of belly fat often have lower than normal testosterone levels, which may require treatment. Low testosterone levels are associated with increased weight gain related to high estrogen and cortisol levels in men. There are several disorders having link with low testosterone level such as,

The connection between high BMI numbers and low testosterone levels has been found in many studies about low testosterone. It has been shown that losing weight helps increase testosterone production, which can resolve problems with erectile dysfunction or impotence.

Losing weight sometimes results in men gaining lean muscle and having normal testosterone levels once again, so they can experience normal sexual stamina and performance.

Effects of poor blood circulation on ED

Erections require an increased flow of blood to the penile region, as most men already know. Several health conditions, including inflammation, hypertension, and other conditions associated with obesity, can impair the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently throughout the body.

There are many conditions that damage the inner lining of blood vessels. It is therefore much more difficult to achieve an erection when an increase in blood is not reaching the penis.

In addition to eating a diet high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and cholesterol, obese people also tend to suffer from poor nutrition. The arteries narrow and harden when you eat a low quality diet, which can be harmful to your heart and circulatory system. In addition to affecting blood flow, atherosclerosis also causes a thickening of the arteries.

Can weight loss really help Erectile dysfunction?

YES. Fortunately, weight loss can minimize, if not completely cure the erectile dysfunction. It has been scientifically shown that losing weight is one of the leading ways to restore healthy erectile function.

Researchers found promising results when they examined the connection between weight loss and erectile dysfunction. Among the men in the study who lost weight, more than 30% reported that they regained normal sexual function after losing weight. In addition, they displayed reduced inflammatory and oxidative markers, which are also related to erection maintenance and difficulty getting an erection.

Men do not need to take drastic measures in order to lose weight to cure ED, according to the study. A decrease in daily calories of 300 and increased exercise throughout the week was all participants needed to lose weight. A diet low in calories and an increase in physical activity is usually the most effective way to burn excess fat and pounds.

It is beneficial to lose weight in two ways. In addition to improving your physical health, losing weight also improves your mental health. By simply dropping a few pounds, you can cure any conditions that could cause ED, such as high blood pressure. A healthier diet will keep your arteries from narrowing and clogging, allowing blood to flow more efficiently.

Aside from feeling more confident and having higher self-esteem, losing weight also promotes a sense of self-esteem. Bedroom anxiety can be much easier to deal with when you feel and look your happiest. Positive self-images and feelings of self-worth can make a significant difference in sexual performance and stamina.

Tips for losing weight and belly fat to counter erectile dysfunction

In order to lose weight and regain control over your health, there is no shortcut. Maintaining your weight loss requires lifestyle changes that will serve you for years to come. Following are some of the most effective ways to loose weight.

  • Lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be part of a balanced diet.
  • sugary drinks must be replaced with low calorie or low sugary drinks.
  • Drinking more water also helps in loosing fat.
  • Often a combination exercise with resistance training, stretching, and cardiovascular exercises must be the part of lifestyle.

An individual can feel huge difference in the overall health by loosing weight and getting rid of excess belly fat. More importantly, regaining sexual health and confidence boost in bedroom are result of following such discipline.


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