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Importance of Intense exercise for Parkinson’s symptoms.

Importance of Intense exercise for Parkinson’s symptoms.

According to a recent study, vigorous exercise may help reduce the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Nearly 90,000 people in the United States receive a new diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease each year. The second most prevalent neurological disease worldwide is Parkinson’s.

Recent findings from an international team of researchers suggest that a vigorous exercise regimen may possibly halt the progression of Parkinson’s disease, opening the door for non-pharmaceutical methods of relieving symptoms and treating the condition.

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, almost 90,000 people in the United States receive a new diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease each year. Right now, there is no remedy.

Clinical researchers from all over the world are working to manage symptoms and better understand how to do so in addition to trying to find a cure.

Parkinson’s disease, which has been afflicting people for many years, is the second most prevalent neurological ailment in the world after Alzheimer’s disease.

However, because many of the symptoms appear years after the damage begins, it can be challenging to understand this disorder in its early stages.

This rat study looked at whether strenuous exercise could alter the brain abnormalities shown in a Parkinson’s disease experiment.

Physical activity and Parkinson’s

Data showing that vigorous exercise reduces both the motor and cognitive symptoms connected with Parkinson’s disease were published on July 14 in the journal Science Advances by a team of neuroscientists from the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University, Rome Campus with the A. Gemelli IRCCS Polyclinic Foundation.

They have gained a better understanding of how this works thanks to their research.

As a neurologist treating Parkinson’s disease patients in the early stages, Paolo Calabresi, Full Professor of Neurology in the Department of Neuroscience at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy, said: “I noticed that some of them had a better course of the disease when they were routinely actively doing aerobic exercise.”

How is exercising beneficial?

Exercise, according to experts, is essential to sustaining a healthy lifestyle in general. They also think it can lessen some of the more noticeable symptoms of some illnesses, like Parkinson’s.

Tremors, a shuffling stride, and general slowness of physical movement are some of the early signs of Parkinson’s disease. Harvard Health Letter claims that one of the best methods to treat the illness is through exercise.

How does it assist?

It has been demonstrated that physical activity increases the production of neurotrophic factors including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). These elements are essential for the development, maintenance, and survival of neurons. These are essential for the development of new neurons, the preservation of existing neurons, and the improvement of synaptic connections, according to Jennifer Prescott, RN, MSN, CDP, the study’s lead author.

Exercise has been demonstrated to enhance mitochondrial function and encourage mitochondrial biogenesis. For the generation of energy and overall brain health, healthy mitochondria are essential, according to Prescott.

Dr. Daniel Truong, a neurologist and the medical director of The Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Institute at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Centre in California, claims that there are more ways exercise benefits people with Parkinson’s disease.

For us, Truong provided the following examples:

Reduced Alpha-Synuclein Aggregates: The spread of pathogenic alpha-synuclein aggregates in the brain is inhibited by intense exercise. These aggregates, which are a defining feature of Parkinson’s disease, cause neuronal malfunction and death.

Exercise May Help Preserve Motor Control and Visuospatial Learning: According to research, Parkinson’s disease frequently results in a decline in motor control and visuospatial learning because of the degradation of particular brain regions (the substantia nigra pars compacta and the striatum).

The study found that the neurotransmitter glutamate, which is important in learning and memory, interacts with the NMDA receptor for BDNF, whose levels rise with exercise. Through this interaction, neurons in the striatum can react to stimuli more quickly, which offers advantages that go beyond exercise practice.

Exercise has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which may help treat Parkinson’s disease.

Which workouts are most beneficial for Parkinson’s disease

Dr. Andrew Feigin, the executive director of the Marlene and Paolo Fresco Institute for Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders at NYU Langone Health in New York stated that regular exercise helps maintain motor function in [Parkinson’s] patients and may reduce the advancement of the disease.

“We frequently advise all of our Parkinson’s patients to engage in regular exercise. However, we do urge activity,” Feigin said. “Of course, patients have varying capacities for exercise depending on a variety of things, including the severity of Parkinson’s.

“In the past, exercise advice might have been ambiguous, such as ‘taking a walk occasionally. With a better understanding of the advantages of exercise, we are offering more specific advice: this study and others that came before it emphasizes the need for high-intensity exercise, with earlier research suggesting that this intensity should achieve 80 to 85 percent of maximum heart rate for 30 minutes, three to four times per week.

Power walking, swimming, water aerobics, exercise cycles, and other activities with little to no impact but high intensity are frequently recommended to patients, said Petrossian. Additionally, in line with earlier studies, we suggested strength training twice a week using progressive resistance exercises with heavier weights or repetitions. Additionally, we offer our patients advice on stretching, balance training, core strengthening, and skill-based exercises like Pilates, yoga, dance, boxing, and ping pong.

“Exercise can help reduce the symptoms of [Parkinson’s] in the short term, improve energy, lengthen strides and balance, prevent falls, improve sleep and mood, and improve cognition,” she added. In addition to the recent study indicating decreased alpha-synuclein propagation, BDNF release is neuroprotective. Through angiogenesis, exercise can also increase cerebral blood flow.

In advanced Parkinson’s disease, exercise can help

The researchers examined exercise in the new trial and found distinct and significant advantages when the disease was in its early stages.

According to experts, exercise may also be advantageous later on and have other goals.

“In the later stages of Parkinson’s disease, the primary benefits of exercise could potentially shift towards the maintenance of mobility, strength, balance, and flexibility, as well as improvement in quality of life,” added Truong. “As we all know, exercise can help control symptoms like constipation and can also enhance mood and sleep. Falls are less likely when you exercise your balance.

Truong stated that it’s crucial to keep in mind that patients with Parkinson’s disease in its latter stages frequently experience more severe symptoms and may have additional medical problems. “Therefore, any exercise programme must be carefully designed to ensure safety and effectiveness for the individual’s specific condition and needs.”


Intense exercise may help people with Parkinson’s disease lessen their symptoms, according to a recent study. Exercise preserved the aggregates that cause Parkinson’s disease and prevented their spread, according to research done on rats. They discovered that exercise reduced the symptoms and slowed the disease’s progress as a result.


For Parkinson’s disease medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Common Dry-Cleaning Agent May lead to Parkinson’s Disease

Common Dry-Cleaning Agent May lead to Parkinson’s Disease

Trichloroethylene (TCE), a chemical, has been linked by some researchers to Parkinson’s disease. Dry cleaning, degreasing, and even decaffeinating coffee have all been common uses for TCE.

According to recent study, the chemical’s capacity to reach the brain and harm cell mitochondria may be the root of the problem.

The authors claim that the chemical’s influence might be “enormous” given how commonplace it is in the environment. TCE should be outlawed, and people should be shielded from more exposure, as suggested alternatives.

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, the substania nigra, a region of the brain that includes cells that create the neurotransmitter dopamine, is affected by Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative condition.

Parkinson’s disease patients endure tremors, slowness of movement, limb stiffness, and balance issues.

Muhammed Ali and Michael J. Fox are two well-known public celebrities who suffer with the illness.

According to the authors, up to a third of the groundwater in the United States has TCE pollution. The chemical is additionally present in Camp Lejeune, a Marine Corps base, and 15 Superfund sites in Silicon Valley.

What is trichloroethylene (TCE)?

TCE is a chemical that is a colourless liquid that does not exist in nature. It is well known to smell like chloroform.

This substance can be found in a wide range of goods and businesses, such as:

  • industry-wide dry cleaning
  • metal scrubbing
  • wiping cloths
  • carpet and garment stain removers
  • lubricants
  • aerosol adhesives

Using TCE-containing products or working in a TCE-containing plant are two ways that people can be exposed to the chemical.

TCE can also contaminate our air, water, and food and drink by leaking into the soil, water, and air near where it is used or disposed of. High levels of TCE exposure can cause the following symptoms:

  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • confusion
  • nausea
  • facial paralysis

Link between TCE and Parkinson’s disease

According to the study, which was published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, there may be a “invisible” cause of Parkinson’s disease that is related to the widespread use of TCE.

Dr. James Beck, Chief Scientific Officer of the Parkinson’s Foundation, commented on the study, saying, “We have known for some years that TCE exposure and Parkinson’s disease are related. I believe that this opinion piece effectively highlights the risks associated with TCE exposure.

The researchers’ findings are discussed in the study together with the evidence tying TCE to Parkinson’s disease.

TCE is lipophilic, as the scientists explain in their research, which means that it has a propensity to dissolve in fatty tissues. This makes it simple for it to enter the brain and other bodily tissues where it can wreck havoc with cell mitochondrial function. This sort of toxin is extremely toxic to dopamine-producing cells, which may help to explain how exposure to TCE might cause Parkinson’s disease.

Seven other people, including the late Senator Johnny Isakson, are also profiled. Isakson employed TCE to degrease aircraft during his time in the military; as a result, he eventually developed Parkinson’s disease as well as renal cell carcinoma, a cancer associated to TCE exposure.

The matter was initially brought to his notice, according to co-author Dr. Ray Dorsey, when his colleague, Dr. Caroline Tanner, told him about the exposures at Camp Lejeune.

TCE poses a “enormous” risk to the general public’s health, he claimed. “At one time, it was used by 10 million Americans, including printers, embalmers, mechanics, dry cleaners, chip manufacturers, engineers, painters, metal workers, pilots and others. It has been absorbed into the environment by millions more people.

Avoiding exposure to TCE

The issue of TCE contamination, according to Dorsey, requires a few actions. It must be prohibited first, along with tetrachloroethylene (PCE), another industrial solvent.

Second, home remediation systems such to those used for radon must be deployed to alert and protect persons who are at danger of exposure.

The connection between TCE and Parkinson’s disease, he added, has to be explored further through research. People can be exposed to TCE through contaminated soil, food, water, air, or direct skin contact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

You are most likely to become exposed by drinking polluted water, but you can also become exposed through the air as it is released from contaminated water, as a third of all groundwater may be affected.

Working in a sector where TCE is manufactured or utilised, like the degreasing business, is a significant additional method that you could be exposed to it. It can enter the body by coming into direct touch with the skin or by inhaling the vapours.

You may also be exposed through contaminated soil, such as that found in landfills. Moreover, TCE can enter your body through the consumption of contaminated foods or contact with consumer products that contain it.

According to the CDC, TCE is a common solvent used in a variety of products, including cold metal cleaners, adhesives, lubricants, paints, varnishes, paint strippers, and paints. Labels for these goods should include instructions on how to reduce exposure.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also mandates that your company give you a material safety data sheet (MSDS) outlining the dangers and proper handling techniques for any chemicals you use at work.

When exposed to TCE

A doctor can check for TCE in your blood, breath, or urine if you’ve recently been exposed to the substance, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).

It can also be tested for in the environment you have visited. But, once you’ve been exposed, there is no cure to get it out of your system. Either your breath will expel it or your kidneys will excrete it into your urine.

They advise avoiding any known toxic regions, such as those with tainted water, soil, or air.

You should always use items containing TCE in well-ventilated areas with the appropriate personal protective equipment, such as chemical-protection gloves, safety goggles, and respirators, in addition to adhering to any safety advice on such products.

High TCE exposure can, in the short term, irritate people and even make them pass out or become fatally ill. If you have been exposed to the chemical extensively, it is crucial to seek immediate medical care.

The individual should also be transferred to clean air, and any contaminated clothing should be taken off, if it’s safe to do so. If the skin or eyes have been exposed, thoroughly rinse them with water.

Kidney cancer and Parkinson’s disease have both been associated with long-term TCE exposure. The ATSDR advises that the greatest form of protection is to shield yourself from exposure altogether.


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Important note on Parkinson’s disease you need to know.

Important note on Parkinson’s disease you need to know.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that worsens over time. Movement issues are one of the earliest symptoms. Dopamine is a chemical that exists in the brain and is responsible for smooth and coordinated motions of the body’s muscles. The “substantia nigra” is a region of the brain where dopamine is made.

The substantia nigra cells begin to deteriorate in Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine levels drop as a result of this. Parkinson’s disease symptoms begin to show up when they have decreased by 60 to 80%.

Parkinson’s disease stages

Parkinson’s is a progressive illness, which means that over time, the condition’s symptoms usually get worse.

The Hoehn and Yahr scale is frequently used by doctors to categorise its stages. This scale categorises symptoms into five phases and aids medical practitioners in determining the severity of disease symptoms and signs.

Stage 1

Stage 1 is the mildest type is Parkinson’s. In fact, it’s so mild that you could not even notice any symptoms. Your regular activities and chores might not yet be affected by them.

Even if you do experience symptoms, they might just affect one side of your body.

Stage 2

It may take months or even years for stage 1 to move into stage 2. The experiences of each person will vary. You might feel symptoms at this stage, which is moderate such as:

Stiffness in your muscles can make regular tasks more difficult and take longer to complete. However, you probably won’t have any balance issues at this point.

The body’s two sides may experience the same symptoms. Posture, movement, and facial expression modifications may be more obvious.

Stage 3

The symptoms change course at this midpoint. You probably won’t develop any new symptoms, but they might become more obvious. They might also obstruct all of your daily activities.

Activities move more slowly as a result of the noticeable slower movements. Falls can grow more frequent as balance problems become more serious. However, people with Parkinson’s disease in stage 3 can typically keep their independence and carry out daily tasks without much help.

Stage 4

There are substantial modifications as the stages 3 and 4 proceed. Without a walker or other aid, it will be quite difficult for you to stand at this point.

Significantly slower reactions and muscle motions are also observed. It might be risky and unsafe to live alone.

Stage 5

In this most advanced stage, constant help is required due to the intense symptoms. Standing will be challenging, if not impossible. Most likely, a wheelchair will be needed.

Parkinson’s patients may also have disorientation, delusions, and hallucinations at this stage. The disease’s consequences can start developing in its latter stages.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Some of the early signs of Parkinson’s can show up years before there are any movement issues. These initial indications include:

  • reduced capacity to smell (anosmia)
  • constipation
  • tiny, squished handwriting
  • voice variations
  • hunched position

The four most prevalent motor issues include:

  • tremor (shaking that occurs at rest)
  • sluggish motions
  • rigidity in the arms, legs, and trunk
  • difficulties with balance and a propensity to tumble

Additional signs include:

  • blank look on the face
  • a propensity to become trapped while walking
  • low-pitched, muted speech
  • reduced swallowing and blinking
  • inclination to reverse direction
  • shortened arm walking while swinging
  • Parkinsonian gait, or the propensity to walk with shuffled steps

Additional signs and symptoms could be:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis is the condition when the skin develops flaky white or yellow scales on greasy areas.
  • greater likelihood of developing the deadly skin disease melanoma
  • vivid dreams, chatting, and movement while sleeping are all signs of disturbed sleep.
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • hallucinations
  • psychosis
  • issues with focus and memory
  • visual-spatial interactions are challenging

Parkinson’s disease’s early warning signals could go unnoticed. With these warning signals, your body may try to warn you of the movement issue years before any movement difficulties appear.

Causes of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition brought on by alterations in the brain. Although the exact reason why it occurs is unknown, scientists have found some varieties that do.

Low dopamine levels

Parkinson’s disease symptoms are mostly brought on by low or declining levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It occurs when brain cells that make dopamine die.

The area of the brain that regulates movement and coordination receives information from dopamine. Therefore, it may be more difficult for people to control their movement when dopamine levels are low.

The severity of the symptoms gradually worsens as dopamine levels continue to drop.

low levels of norepinephrine

Damage to the nerve terminals that create another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, which supports blood circulation and other natural bodily activities, may also be a component of Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease patients with low norepinephrine levels may have both motor and nonmotor symptoms like:

  • rigidity and stiffness
  • physical unsteadiness
  • tremor
  • anxiety
  • having trouble focusing
  • dementia
  • depression

This may help to explain why orthostatic hypotension frequently occurs in persons with Parkinson’s disease. When someone stands up, their blood pressure fluctuations, which can cause dizziness and a chance of falling, is referred to as this.

The Lewy body

The brain of a person with Parkinson’s disease may have Lewy bodies, or clusters of the protein alpha-synuclein. Changes in movement, thinking, behaviour, and mood can result from the buildup of Lewy bodies, which can also result in nerve cell death. Dementia may also result from it.

Lewy body dementia is not the same as Parkinson’s disease, although because the symptoms are similar, some people may have both.

Genetic factors

Although mutations in numerous genes have been found to be associated with Parkinson’s disease, experts do not believe this to be a hereditary ailment.

Only 10% of cases, particularly in those with early-onset disease, seem to be genetic in nature.

Autoimmune factors

According to a 2017 study, there may be a hereditary connection between inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinson’s disease.

In 2018, Taiwanese health data were examined by researchers who discovered a 1.37-fold increased risk of Parkinson’s disease in patients with autoimmune rheumatic disorders.

Risk factors for parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease risk may be increased by a number of environmental variables.

These consist of:

  • Past traumatic brain injury: For instance, head traumas sustained while playing contact sports may raise the likelihood of the illness.
  • Exposure to toxins: These include metals, pesticides, solvents, and other contaminants.
  • Males are 50% more likely than females to have the illness, while a 2016 study found that the risk for females may rise with age.
  • Age: The illness frequently manifests around the age of 60.
  • Some pharmaceuticals: Some drugs can cause Parkinsonism, a condition in which a person exhibits tremors and other symptoms but does not have Parkinson’s disease.

Symptoms typically start to show up around the age of 60. However, early-onset Parkinson’s, which manifests before the age of 50, affects 5–10% of those who have the condition.

Statistics in the past have indicated that Black Americans are less likely than people of other ethnicities to have Parkinson’s disease.

The lack of knowledge about how the disease can affect Black people and a higher likelihood of misdiagnosis as a result of unequal access to healthcare, according to experts, may be to blame for this.



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