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Eyedrops Could Prevent Nearsightedness in Kids

Eyedrops Could Prevent Nearsightedness in Kids

According to new research, eye drops frequently administered before to eye tests may prevent toddlers from becoming nearsighted.

Eye muscles are relaxed and the pupils are dilated with atropine eye drops. Myopia, or nearsightedness, could be avoided in youngsters by using a low concentration, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Most Americans—about one-third of them—are nearsighted. Due to people spending more time indoors and staring at screens, The Wall Street Journal predicted the number will rise to about 60% in 30 years. Myopia that is too severe can cause cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachment.

Myopia, according to physicians, happens when the eyeball lengthens and light entering the eye can no longer reach the retina in the rear of the eye. The necessity for spectacles or contact lenses, which work by reflecting light back onto the retina, results from this.

According to Nimesh Patel of Harvard Medical School, who was not involved in the study, atropine drops prevent people from seeing what is right in front of them. The exact mechanism by which the drops prevent nearsightedness is unknown, he claimed.

What is Myopia (Nearsightedness )?

Myopia, a disease that affects many people, causes near objects to appear clear while far distant objects to appear blurry. It happens when light rays incorrectly bend (refract) due to the shape of the eye or specific portions of the eye. Light rays are focused in front of the retina, which is where they should be directed to illuminate the retina, the nerve tissue at the rear of the eye.

Between the ages of 20 and 40, nearsightedness typically becomes more stable after developing during childhood and adolescence. As a rule, myopia runs in families.

Nearsightedness can be verified by a simple eye checkup. You can use eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery to correct your hazy vision.

How can eye drops improve vision in myopia?

Myopia sufferers cannot experience an immediate eyesight improvement from eye drops. However, studies have shown that over time, low-dose atropine eye drops can enhance vision. They can thereby stop the progression of myopia in youngsters. These drops can help slow the progression of myopia, lowering the risk of progressive myopia, a condition that can impair vision.

Children who have progressive myopia, or nearsightedness, need a stronger prescription at each checkup. High myopia is frequently developed in people with progressive myopia. Furthermore, when individuals become older, this may increase the chance of problems that could endanger their vision. The progression of myopia can occasionally be slowed down by using methods like myopia control contact lenses or spectacles.

Although these are excellent choices, some kids could feel uncomfortable wearing these specialised lenses. It might be simpler for these kids to receive atropine eye drops everyday just before bed.

Additionally, some eye specialists could suggest a combination of low-dose atropine eye drops along with myopia-controlling contacts or spectacles. This may be a comprehensive strategy for managing myopia.

Importance to slow down myopia progression

The likelihood of having good vision in the future can be increased by stopping the growth of myopia. Millions of kids run the risk of acquiring excessive myopia, which will cause permanent visual loss.

When myopia grows to -6.00 D or higher (severe myopia), a person may be at risk for:

  • a breach in the retina known as retinal tears
  • The retina separates from the back of the eye in a retinal detachment.
  • A disorder known as glaucoma that can harm the visual nerve
  • A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens.
  • Myopia-related macular ageing
  • A separation of the vitreous gel from the retina is known as a posterior vitreous detachment.
  • Damage to the optic nerve is called optic neuropathy.

What are atropine eye drops?

Eye drops containing atropine have long been used in medical offices. They enlarge the pupil while also paralysing the eye’s accommodating mechanism.

For pupil dilatation, eye doctors typically employ 1% atropine eye drops in their offices. Children need a lesser dose, such as 0.01%, 0.025%, or 0.05% concentration, to control their myopia.

It is unclear how exactly atropine inhibits the progression of myopia. Atropine generally has a better effect on controlling myopia at higher concentrations. Studies are being conducted to determine the best dose and protocol.

Side effects of atropine eye drops

The small amount of atropine in the eye drops used to treat myopia shouldn’t have a significant impact on the eyes’ ability to concentrate. It has been demonstrated that atropine doses used in paediatric myopia treatment only slightly impact pupil size and up-close vision.

The following are side effects of atropine eye drops:

Can eye drops improve vision in other eye conditions?


The FDA has approved eye drops for presbyopia that use the medication pilocarpine, which constricts the pupil. This enables a brief improvement in vision by extending the field of vision.

Dry eye

People with dry eyes can use certain eye drops to regulate and replace their tears. Some patients’ eyesight may be improved by these drops by preserving a steady tear film, which is necessary for high visual acuity.



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What are the benefits of doing Triphala eye wash?

What are the benefits of doing Triphala eye wash?

The most significant of the five senses and a fundamental component of the human body are the eyes. They require a lot of care because they are extremely fragile and sensitive. Good vision is ensured by healthy eyes, which are necessary for carrying out regular tasks.

The eyes are continually exposed to radiation from computers, desktops, mobile devices, television screens, and other electronic devices in today’s world. Additionally, eyestrain increases significantly as a result of dietary and lifestyle changes. Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal remedy that can treat all of your eye issues.

Amla, Haritaki, and Bibitaki are three incredibly nourishing and renowned ayurvedic fruits that make up the triphala recipe. These powerful fruits contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive plant substances. This amazing mixture is full of nutrients that help to energise and fortify the body, including vitamins, minerals, salt carbohydrates, gallic acid, chebulinic acid, chebugali acid, and many others.

How To Use Triphala?

  • Mix one teaspoon of boiling water with the triphala powder. The chemicals in triphala are activated by the hot water.
  • Let the mixture completely cool.
  • Now filter the mixture using a fine fabric to remove any coarse powder particles that can irritate the eyes.
  • Put on eyepatch and pour triphala water into these glasses.
  • Blink a couple of times while placing your eyes in the eyecup. For at least a minute, repeat this.
  • After this treatment, just wipe the areas surrounding your eyes without rinsing them. The optimal time is immediately before going to bed since it allows the eyes to get plenty of rest and relaxation.


Triphala is an extremely powerful liver and kidney detoxifier, aids in digestion, and regulates blood sugar levels. Triphala functions as a Saptadhatu nourisher and has all six flavours recognised by Ayurveda. It is also a great component for eye health. Triphala eyewash is incredibly effective at treating eye conditions and preserving clear eyesight. Dry eyes, computer vision syndrome, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, conjunctivitis, and glaucoma can all be avoided with this treatment.

Degeneration of the macula

Macular degeneration is an eye condition where the retina deteriorates over time, eventually leading to visual loss. This eye problem can be prevented and improved with the use of triphala eyewash.

Elderly Cataract

Eyewash containing triphala is effective at treating and preventing senile cataracts. Age, smoking, and ongoing UV exposure all contribute to the development of this illness.

brings down oxidative stress

As a naturally abundant source of vitamin C, triphala possesses strong antioxidant qualities. It has the ability to stop harmful poisons from oxidising healthy cells and fight against free radicals in the body. Any oxidative stress-related ocular damage can be lessened with triphala eyewash.

Anti-aging Eye Conditions

One of the main components of Triphala, haritaki essence, has several health-improving qualities as well as anti-aging effects. Triphala eyewash is an ideal treatment for age-related visual issues due to these activities.

Boost Eye Muscle Strength

Triphala is well known for supporting clear vision and eye health and for enhancing eye muscle power. Triphala’s amla content is thought to enhance the Alochaka pitta, which controls vision. The ayurveda texts state that amla is a recognised sight rasayana.

Side effects

Despite being a safe option, triphala churna does include some hazards. Due to triphala’s downward energy flow, which might even result in miscarriages, pregnant women should avoid taking it. Triphala should not be taken by anybody, including nursing women, as it can harm the unborn child and pass through breast milk. Only give your infant a pinch of this powder at a time because more than that can cause diarrhoea and other digestive issues. Triphala churna should never be used in excess as it can dehydrate you and produce loose stools.

Consult your doctor before using triphala if you have diabetes. Due to triphala’s high fibre content, overusing it might cause bloating issues. Therefore, use low dosages if you already have gastric issues.

Usually, the first time you immerse your eyes in triphala water, there may be some moderate irritation. It is not cause for concern, but, as anything intolerable should be reported to the healthcare provider. You should be aware that the triphala formulation you are using is devoid of all chemicals and eye-harming preservatives. It is best to consult an ayurvedic practitioner before using the product because the eyes are the most delicate organ in the body.


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