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When should a person worry about fatigue?

When should a person worry about fatigue?

A generalised sense of exhaustion or lack of energy is referred to as fatigue. It differs from merely feeling sleepy or drowsy. You lack both energy and motivation when you are exhausted. Sleepiness may be a sign of exhaustion, but the two are not the same.

Many medical disorders, ranging in severity from moderate to serious, frequently exhibit fatigue as a symptom. It also happens naturally as a result of some lifestyle decisions, including not exercising or eating poorly.

See your doctor if your weariness doesn’t go away with adequate rest and nourishment or if you think it might be brought on by a physical or mental health condition. They can collaborate with you to identify the root cause of your exhaustion and address it.

What causes fatigue?

Fatigue may have a variety of causes. They can be categorised into three broad groups:

  • lifestyle elements
  • physical state of health
  • mental illness problems

lifestyle elements

Your activities and other lifestyle decisions could be to blame for your exhaustion. For instance, the following can cause fatigue:

  • physical effort
  • absence of exercise
  • absence of sleep
  • being obese or overweight
  • Stressful emotional times
  • boredom
  • grief
  • taking specific drugs, including sedatives or antidepressants
  • frequent alcohol consumption
  • utilising illegal narcotics, like cocaine
  • overdosing on caffeine
  • not maintaining a healthy diet

Physcial health issues

Fatigue is a common symptom of many medical problems. Examples comprise:

  • anaemia
  • arthritis
  • fibromyalgia
  • syndrome of protracted weariness
  • illnesses like the common cold and flu
  • A condition called Addison’s disease that can mess with your hormone levels
  • thyroid underactivity, or hypothyroidism
  • Overactive or hyperthyroidism thyroid
  • disturbances of sleep, such as insomnia
  • disorders of eating, including anorexia
  • autoimmune conditions
  • enlarged heart failure
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • renal illness
  • liver illness
  • persistent pulmonary obstruction (COPD)
  • emphysema

Difficulties with mental health

Fatigue can result from issues with mental health as well. As an illustration, exhaustion is a typical sign of anxiety, sadness, and seasonal affective disorder.

Medical conditions

Fatigue is a symptom of thousands of diseases and ailments. The following are a few of the most typical causes of fatigue:

  • Illness and infection: Multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, cancer, and kidney disease are just a few illnesses that might make you tired. Moreover, illnesses like mononucleosis, HIV, and the flu can manifest as fatigue.
  • Mental health issues: The exhaustion brought on by despair or anxiety may make doing daily tasks challenging or impossible.
  • Autoimmune disorders: Several autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, have fatigue as a symptom.
  • Hormone imbalances: Issues with your endocrine system (the glands that produce hormones in your body) might make you feel exhausted.
  • The most prevalent reason of weariness is hypothyroidism.
  • Persistent illnesses such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or CFS) result in extreme, persistent exhaustion.
  • Cardiovascular disorders such as heart disease, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and congestive heart failure all commonly present with fatigue.
  • Deficiencies: Fatigue is frequently brought on by anaemia and other vitamin deficiencies (such as vitamin D or vitamin B12). Fatigue can result from dehydration since the body needs a lot of fluids to function.
  • Fatigue is one of several symptoms that can result from weight issues and eating disorders such anorexia, bulimia, obesity, and underweight.

When is it time to see your doctor?

If you’re experiencing exhaustion and any of the following, you should schedule a visit with your doctor:

  • I cannot think of anything that could explain your weariness.
  • have a body temperature that is higher than usual
  • having lost weight that isn’t being explained
  • feel incredibly sensitive to cooler climates
  • regularly experience sleep difficulties
  • you think you might be depressed

Make an appointment with your doctor if your weariness has persisted for two weeks or more and you’ve tried unsuccessfully to address the most frequent lifestyle factors, such as lack of sleep, bad eating habits, and stress.

Your fatigue may occasionally be brought on by a significant medical problem. If you develop weariness and any of the following symptoms, visit the hospital right away:

  • abdominal bleeding
  • throwing up blood
  • terrible headache
  • suffering from chest discomfort
  • fainting sensations
  • unsteady heartbeat
  • breathing difficulty
  • significant discomfort in your pelvis, back, or abdomen
  • Having suicidal or harmful thoughts
  • thoughts of hurting someone else

You should also visit your doctor if you frequently feel weary even after getting a good night’s sleep, lack motivation to start the day, or find it difficult to do tasks that are usually simple. These could be indications of depression or a sleep issue.

Your doctor will attempt to rule out any problems during your examination, such as adverse drug reactions. In order to ascertain whether the exhaustion is caused by a particular condition, such as anaemia, hypothyroidism, or liver inflammation, he or she may also request blood testing (hepatitis). If your doctor cannot identify a cause, do not be shocked. I’ve discovered that most of the time, rest and a good night’s sleep help people recover from exhaustion.



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Who must not consume Cardamom and its supplement?

Who must not consume Cardamom and its supplement?

Cardamom Interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as Cardamom are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and this herb or its supplement.

Currently, there is no information regarding interaction of cardamom with any medical drug. However, it is advisable to discuss all the medicines that an individual might be taking before consuming cardamom.

Precautions and warnings before using Cardamom

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Cardamom must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Consuming Cardamom is likely to be unsafe during pregnancy. It acts as a natural hormone that could be harmful. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming Cardamom during pregnancy. 
  • Breastfeeding– Cardamom is generally safe when consumed in a food amount. There is not enough evidence regarding safety of mother or nursing child while breastfeeding and consuming cardamom. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using this herb during breastfeeding.
  • Gallstone– People dealing with gallstone must avoid consuming cardamom greater than typical food amounts. The seeds in cardamom could trigger gallstone colic. 

Side effects of using Cardamom

Interaction of Cardamom with several medical drugs, overdose, or no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and conditions in a human body.

Currently, there are no reports of side effects associated with cardamom when consumed as a natural spice or as a supplement. Also, its potential side effects are still unknown Therefore, it is advisable to inform a doctor if an individual notices any medical condition caused by cardamom consumption. 

Side effects that may associate with cardamom are:


  • There could be several drugs or medical copndition that interacts with cardamom which must be discussed before medicating with cardamom supplements.
  • Medical condition such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gallstone might interact with cardamom supplement. Discuss all the risks with your doctor before using it.
  • Currently, there are no reports of side effects associated with cardamom when consumed as a natural spice or as a supplement. However, it is advisable to inform a doctor if an individual notices any medical condition caused by cardamom consumption. 


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