How much Vitamin C does your body need daily?
One of the most important nutrients required for our body to perform several functions is Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid. It is one of the thirteen essential vitamins that a human body requires on a daily basis. Vitamin C is necessary for repairing several tissues and general growth of the body. It plays an important role in making ligaments, blood vessels, tendons, and skin of your body. Also, vitamin C plays an important role for the production of a natural substance called Collagen which works as a main component for connecting tissues and 1-2% of your body’s muscle build-up.
Dose of vitamin C
Although it is true that vitamin C supplements are applicable for all groups of people i.e. children, adults, and elderly, it is important that a human body must consume this nutrient based on their age group.
- For babies upto 6 month old, a 40mg dose is required while 7-12 months old babies need 50mg of vitamin C.
- Coming to toddlers between 1-3 years, supplement of 15mg and children from 4-8 years old require 25 mg of vitamin c daily.
- Finally for teenagers and adults, an ideal dose of 60-90 mg/day is recommended with an extreme upper limit of 2000 mg/day.
However, an individual should recommend to a doctor before taking high doses of vitamin C when dealing with kidney disease, liver disease, gout, etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin C

Due to low levels of nutrients, people usually take vitamin C supplements to maintain or increase the nutrient level in their body to avoid symptoms of its deficiency.
Low level or deficiency of vitamin C in the body could lead to a number of unwanted and troublesome diseases such as:
- skin disorders such as rough skin or skin ageing,
- weakening of bone,
- swollen joints which may lead to Arthritis,
- slow healing of wound,
- anaemia,
- teeth and gum problems,
- hair growth disorders, etc.
Overdose on Vitamin C

It is universally true that vitamin C is very important for a human body’s needs but over intake of this supplement will not only decrease its importance but also increase the risk of several harmful effects to your body.
Overconsumption of vitamin C could result in unfavourable conditions such as gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, abdominal cramp, increased risk of cardiovascular disease in post menopause women, tissue damage, etc.
It is professionally recommended to conduct certain tests to determine a specific amount of vitamin C that will be beneficial for an individual body.
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