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Is cranberry juice really effective for UTIs?

Is cranberry juice really effective for UTIs?

Over 50% of women experience urinary tract infections (UTIs) at least once, and a third of them experience recurrent UTIs.

A recent meta-analysis by Australian researchers with approximately 9,000 participants supports the notion that cranberries are an effective dietary supplement for those trying to prevent recurrent UTIs.

According to the researchers’ data, cranberries have a preventive effect against UTIs in women, kids, and individuals who are susceptible to them after receiving medical treatment.

In some persons who experience recurrent UTIs, the authors claim that their research provides compelling evidence that cranberry juice can lower the incidence of UTI infections.

For many years, cranberries have been used to treat or prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, research has thus far shown contradictory proof of its efficacy.

In a recent study, researchers from Flinders University and The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Australia found that cranberry products may in fact lower the risk of UTIs in specific populations.

A review that was first published in 1998 and most recently updated in 2012 is now in its sixth iteration. The Cochrane Reviews mention it.

The research conducted by Prof. Jonathan Craig and his team “shows a very positive finding that cranberry juice can prevent UTI in susceptible people,” according to Prof. Craig, the study’s senior author.

UTI with E. coli

The urethra, bladder, ureter, and kidney are all parts of the urinary system, which is where UTIs originate from when bacteria enter and infect them. The most frequent cause of UTIs is the expansion of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the urinary system.

This particular type of bacteria is normally found in the gut, but it has the potential to spread to the bladder when faeces are contaminated. Then it attaches to the bladder walls and starts to proliferate.

The study’s principal author, Dr. Gabrielle Williams, told that the symptoms shouldn’t be taken lightly: “People with recurrent UTI symptoms are occasionally desperate for something that heals them. Having a treatment option that they can attempt is a good thing because I’ve seen mothers in tears over their children’s UTIs.

Dr. Jacqueline Stephens, a co-author of the study, claims that untreated UTIs can spread to the kidneys and result in problems like sepsis. The greatest way to reduce these hazards, according to her, is through preventive.

Cranberries’ potent antioxidants, polyphenols

Prescriptions for antibiotics are the most common form of prevention and treatment, and this has led to an increase in infections that are resistant to antibiotics.

Proanthocyanidins (PAC), a kind of polyphenol, are found in cranberries. These “offense and defense” nutrients have exceptional antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Researchers from Canada discovered that PAC may aid in preventing the development of bacterial biofilm in the lining of the urinary system in a 2022 study article. Additionally, they demonstrated how PAC could prevent the early activation of uropathogenic E. coli “virulence genes in the gut reservoir.”

A review of 50 studies

The Cochrane Kidney and Transplant Specialised Register was searched up until March 2023 by the researchers. Results from randomised controlled trials comparing cranberry products to placebos, probiotics or antibiotics, or no specific treatment for UTI prevention were analysed.

This version now includes 50 research with 8,857 individuals after the team incorporated 26 new studies.

Doctor Stephens stated, “The trials we examined used a variety of techniques to ascertain the advantages of cranberry products. The overwhelming majority of studies compared cranberry products with a placebo or no treatment for UTI and found that cranberry juice or capsules reduced the number of UTIs in women with recurrent cases, in children, and in people susceptible to UTIs after medical interventions like bladder radiotherapy.”

Consuming cranberry juice has many advantages.

In women with recurrent UTIs, consumption of cranberry products was strongly associated with a lower risk of symptomatic, culture-verified UTIs, according to the study’s authors.

The use of therapies like bladder irradiation among children and people at risk of UTIs was found to have a considerable protective advantage, according to the study. It was unclear which treatment for UTIs was more effective—cranberry juice, pills, or various PAC dosages.

Few consumers who used cranberry products mentioned any negative effects. The most frequent adverse effect was upset stomach. But according to the study, the proportion of people who had these side effects “probably does not differ between those taking cranberry products and those receiving placebo or no specific treatment.”

How much to consume?

8 to 10 ounces (240 to 300 mL) of cranberry juice per day may be the most efficient dosage if you’re using it to help prevent a UTI from recurring, according to study.

In 373 women with a history of recent UTI, a 2016 high-quality study examined the results of cranberry juice consumption on a regular basis. It was discovered that people who consumed 8 ounces (240 mL) of cranberry juice every day for 24 weeks experienced fewer UTIs than those who took a placebo.

In contrast to the 67 diagnosed UTIs experienced by the women in the placebo group, the women in the cranberry group had a total of 39 diagnosed UTIs.

The dosage for cranberry supplements varies according to the contents. According to studies, cranberry extract doses of 200 to 500 mg per day may help some people experience fewer UTI recurrences.

There are many different kinds of cranberry supplements available, so it’s crucial to read the instructions on your particular product for recommended dosage information.

It’s best to first consult with a healthcare provider if you frequently have UTIs and are interested in utilising cranberry juice or supplements to help avoid them.

Although some research does indicate that certain individuals may be helped by cranberries in preventing UTIs from recurring, other treatments might be more suitable and successful.

Other natural UTI remedies

Try out any of these scientifically supported suggestions if you frequently develop UTIs and are looking for natural ways to keep them from recurring:

  • Remain hydrated. According to certain research, some persons may be protected from recurrent UTIs by consuming at least 6 to 8 cups (1.5-2 litres) of water daily.
  • Reduce your consumption of certain foods and drinks. Diets rich in animal proteins, artificially sweetened beverages, coffee, soda, and alcohol may raise the risk of UTIs and exacerbate their symptoms. More study is, however, required in this field.
  • Front to back, wipe. After using the loo, women should wipe from front to back rather than back to front to help lower their risk of getting a UTI.
  • Don’t wait to urinate. Women who wait to void or go to the toilet more frequently have a higher chance of developing recurrent UTIs. Bacteria might build up in the urinary tract if you don’t urinate regularly enough.
  • Increase your level of activity and keep a healthy weight. Recurrent UTI rates are associated with being overweight and inactive.
  • Maintain body weight. You may lower your risk by maintaining a healthy body weight and engaging in adequate physical activity (if you are able to).
  • Other treatments and supplements that could be beneficial. For some patients, other dietary supplements including D-mannose, particular probiotic strains, cranberry products with propolis, as well as vaccines and immunomodulating drugs, may be a possibility.

Consult a medical practitioner if you believe you have a UTI. UTIs can develop into serious, sometimes fatal illnesses.

If you frequently experience UTIs, collaborate with a reputable healthcare provider to develop a treatment strategy based on your individual medical requirements.

The conclusion

According to research, some persons may experience a lower risk of UTI recurrence when using cranberry products like cranberry juice and pills with cranberry extract. However, there isn’t enough proof to support the claim that these products can assist treat an existing UTI.

If you frequently experience UTIs and wish to stop them from recurring, engage with your healthcare provider to develop a plan that may include taking vitamins and making other lifestyle changes.

Your quality of life may be negatively impacted by recurring UTIs. If you do, create a preventative strategy with the help of a healthcare provider. It could involve altering your diet, getting more exercise, using supplements, and other things.


For Urinary Tract Infection medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Blueberries can improve cognitive and cardiovascular health

Blueberries can improve cognitive and cardiovascular health

A recent study suggests that eating a few handfuls of wild blueberries per day could improve cardiovascular and cognitive health.

According to the study, the anthocyanins in blueberries are in charge of enhancing vascular and cerebral blood flow, which are some of the most likely mechanisms underlying normal cognitive performance.

Polyphenols, a group of plant-based chemicals with a growing body of evidence linking them to health advantages, include anthocyanins.

According to a recent study from King’s College London Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine in the UK, a cup of wild blueberries is more than just a sweet treat. Additionally, it can improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and give you a mental boost.

The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study discovered that those who consumed blueberries had better executive function, a stronger short-term memory, and quicker reaction times.

For a period of 12 weeks, study participants who consumed a drink made from 26 grammes (g) of freeze-dried wild blueberry powder daily exhibited enhanced blood vessel function and a 3.59 mmHG decrease in systolic blood pressure compared to those who took a placebo powder.

When given blueberries, participants performed better at switching accuracy and were better at recalling word lists right away. However, the delayed recollection showed no improvement, according to the researchers.

Every day, 178 grammes of blueberries

61 healthy Londoners between the ages of 65 and 80 made up the study’s male and female subjects. Over the course of 12 weeks, half of them drank a beverage every day that contained 26 g of freeze-dried wild blueberry powder. The other half ingested a placebo that was identical in terms of flavor, appearance, macronutrients, fiber, and vitamin C.

For precise measures, powdered ingredients are frequently used in food studies.

Participants consumed 178 grammes of whole blueberries in the form of 26 grammes of blueberry powder per day. Given that blueberries come in a variety of sizes, this amounts to roughly 75 to 80 blueberries.

It is not necessary for the blueberries to be wild, according to senior researcher Dr. Ana Rodriguez-Mateos. Since “other studies that have been conducted with other types of blueberries showing benefits in cognitive and vascular health.”

Anthocyanins: Beneficial organic pigments

The anthocyanins, blue pigments found in blueberries, are thought to be responsible for the health benefits. The study’s daily intake of powdered wild blueberries comprised 302 mg of anthocyanins. There was none in the placebo drinks.

According to Michelle Routhenstein, a dietician specialising in heart health who was not involved in this study, “anthocyanins are a class of polyphenols.”

She continued, “There are around 8,000 different kinds of polyphenols that have health advantages. Green tea, broccoli, pears, and spices like turmeric and cinnamon are a few additional dietary categories that contain advantageous polyphenols.

Strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, and purple vegetables all contain anthocyanins.

Other anthocyanin-rich foods have been shown to have health benefits. There is no reason to believe that they won’t have the same effect as blueberries. As long as the anthocyanins present in those meals are sufficient, bioavailable, and accessible, said Ana Rodriguez-Mateos, M.D.

How the study was created?

Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos and co-author Dr. Claire Williams had independently examined the cardiovascular and cognitive advantages of blueberries and observed comparable outcomes.

Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos explained that as a result, they “decided to investigate the effects on vascular and cognitive function simultaneously in one clinical study.”

They set out to evaluate cerebral blood flow since prior studies have suggested that it might be a mechanism underlying the positive effects of polyphenols in addition to increased vascular blood flow.

Recent discoveries about the gut bacteria and the gut-brain axis also motivated them to investigate this connection.


There is still much to learn about the mechanism underlying polyphenols’ positive effects.

A possible explanation is that polyphenol “metabolites may act as signaling molecules, acting through several cell-signaling pathways, modulating nitric oxide bioavailability and different enzymes,” according to Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos.

After the 12-week study period, the researchers discovered increases in anthocyanin metabolites in the individuals’ urine.

According to Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos, “the mechanism of action in the blood vessels is endothelium-dependent and therefore mediated through the nitric oxide pathway.”

Although the study showed indications that blueberries increased cerebral and vascular blood flow, they observed no difference between those who consumed the fruit and the placebo group in arterial stiffness or blood cholesterol levels.

Nevertheless, according to Routhenstein, “when blood flow is improved, both heart and brain health benefit.”

According to Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos, “a hypothesis we proposed in our study is that polyphenols may act via enhancing the abundance of butyrate-producing beneficial bacteria, and therefore the production of butyrate.” This is in reference to the involvement of the gut microbiota. She stated that more research is necessary to prove this.

Foods good for heart, brain health

The American Heart Association claims that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, minimally processed meals, and moderate amounts of oil and salt promotes improved cardiovascular and cognitive health.

A Mediterranean diet may be the best one for heart health, according to a recent study. The advantages of “green vegetables, in particular spinach, Swiss chard and kale rich in nitrates, which can help dilate the arteries,” were mentioned by Routhenstein.

“This helps to improve blood flow and vascular, heart, and cognitive function,” she said.

According to Routhenstein, there are many additional foods connected to cognitive wellness. “Omega-3 fats like wild salmon and sardines are linked to better cognition because of their rich DHA content and potent anti-inflammatory properties,” she noted.

Furthermore, “some studies suggest unsaturated fats, like omega-3 fats, may also help lower levels of beta-amyloid, a component in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.”


For Cardiovacular disease medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

What are the foods that keeps healthy and supple skin?

What are the foods that keeps healthy and supple skin?

Numerous foods contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can assist to improve the health of your skin.

Studies reveal that plant-based diets can actually assist enhance skin elasticity and hydration since they are particularly rich in nutrients that support the skin, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans. They might possibly aid in lessening wrinkle visibility.

There isn’t a special superfood for healthy skin. Instead, what matters is your entire nutritional pattern. The greatest method to encourage healthy skin is to consume a diet high in plants and oily fish in moderation.

It is becoming more and more obvious that what you eat has a substantial impact on the health and ageing of your skin as scientists understand more about diet and the body.

What makes food good for your skin?

Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and polyphenols are a few elements found in plant-based meals that serve as antioxidants. These antioxidants maintain the structural support of the skin, lessen inflammation, and protect against oxidation. They also have a lot of beans, fruits, vegetables, coffee, and tea.

Polyunsaturated fats, found in foods like nuts, seeds, and fatty seafood, are essential for maintaining good skin. These fats, which comprise omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, may lessen inflammation, which could aid in the treatment of skin diseases like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne.

According to one study, eating a diet high in plant-based foods is linked to less face wrinkles, whereas eating a diet high in red meat and snack foods is linked to more facial wrinkles. Therefore, it makes sense to consume less ultra-processed foods and more plant-based foods.

The best foods and beverages for your skin

Fatty fish

Salmon, mackerel, and herring are all good sources of fat for maintaining healthy skin. They are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for preserving the health of the skin.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining healthy, thick, supple skin. In actuality, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to dry skin. Since inflammation can result in redness and acne, fish’s omega-3 fats help to alleviate it. They may even lessen your skin’s sensitivity to UV rays from the sun.

According to some research, fish oil supplements may aid in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune skin disorders like lupus and psoriasis.


Healthy fats are abundant in avocados. These fats help your body in various ways, including with skin health. It’s crucial to consume enough of these fats to maintain skin supple and hydrated. A high consumption of total fat, specifically the good fats found in avocados, was linked to more elastic, springy skin, according to a study involving over 700 women.

Additionally, preliminary research suggests that avocados contain substances that could help shield your skin from solar damage. Wrinkles and other ageing symptoms can be brought on by UV damage to your skin.

Vitamin E, a vital antioxidant that aids in preventing oxidative damage to your skin, is another crucial nutrient that can be found in abundance in avocados. The majority of Americans do not consume enough vitamin E.


Walnuts are a great food for healthy skin because of a variety of factors. They are a good source of vital fatty acids, which your body needs but cannot produce on its own.

In fact, they contain more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than the majority of other nuts. An excessive intake of omega-6 fatty acids may encourage inflammation, including skin diseases like psoriasis.

Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, reduce inflammation throughout your body, especially in your skin. Omega-3 fatty acid sources are few compared to omega-6 fatty acid sources in the Western diet.

Walnuts have a healthy balance of these fatty acids, which may assist them combat any potential inflammatory reactions to too much omega-6.

Sunflower seeds

Nutrients that are excellent for the skin can be found in abundance in nuts and seeds. Sunflower seeds are a great illustration.

Sunflower seeds include 5.5 grammes of protein, 49% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin E, 41% of the DV for selenium, and 14% of the DV for zinc in one ounce (28 grammes).

The sweet potato

A nutrient called beta carotene is present in plants. It performs as a provitamin A, which means your body can change it into vitamin A. Oranges and vegetables including spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes contain beta carotene.

One half-cup (100 grammes) serving of baked sweet potatoes contains enough beta carotene to supply more than six times the DV for vitamin A, making them a great source. By serving as a natural sunblock, carotenoids like beta carotene aid in maintaining the health of your skin.

This antioxidant is absorbed into your skin after consumption and aids in shielding your skin’s cells from UV radiation. This may lessen the risk of skin cancer, cell death, and wrinkled, dry skin.

Yellow or red bell peppers

Bell peppers are a great source of beta carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A, just like sweet potatoes are. The amount of vitamin A in one cup (149 grammes) of finely chopped red bell pepper is equivalent to 156% of the DV.

Additionally, they are among the greatest sources of vitamin C. The production of the collagen protein, which maintains skin strong and firm, depends on this vitamin.

149 gram or one cup of bell peppers contain an astounding 211% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C. Eating a lot of vitamin C was associated to a lower chance of developing wrinkles and dry skin as people age in a significant observational research involving women.


Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C are just a few of the vitamins and minerals abundant in broccoli that are crucial for healthy skin.

Additionally, it has lutein, a pigment that functions similarly to beta carotene. Lutein aids in preventing oxidative skin damage, which can lead to dryness and wrinkles in the skin. But sulforaphane, a unique substance found in broccoli florets, also packs a powerful potential punch. Even some varieties of skin cancer may be resistant to it’s effects.

Sulforaphane is also an effective solar damage preventative. It functions in two ways: by scavenging dangerous free radicals and activating additional defence mechanisms within your body.


The main carotenoids, including lycopene, and vitamin C are all present in tomatoes. It has been demonstrated that beta carotene, lutein, and lycopene can shield your skin from UV damage. They might also aid in avoiding wrinkles.

Tomatoes are a great meal for preserving good skin since they are high in carotenoids. Think about combining foods like tomatoes that are high in carotenes with a source of fat, such cheese or olive oil. Your body absorbs more carotenoids if you are fat.


Isoflavones, a class of plant compounds found in soy, have the ability to either imitate or prevent the effects of oestrogen in your body. Your skin may benefit from isoflavones, among other regions of your body.

In a small research of middle-aged women, it was discovered that consuming soy isoflavones daily for 8–12 weeks decreased fine lines and increased skin suppleness. Soy may benefit postmenopausal women with skin dryness issues and may boost collagen production, which keeps skin strong and supple.

These isoflavones not only help to shield your body’s internal cells from harm but also your skin from UV radiation, which may lower your risk of developing some types of skin cancer.

Dark chocolate

Here’s one more justification, in case you needed it: On your skin, cocoa has some pretty amazing properties. Participants in one study reported fuller, more moisturised skin after taking an antioxidant-rich cocoa powder daily for 6–12 weeks.

Additionally, their skin had greater blood flow, which carries more nutrients to the skin, and was less scratchy and scaly, as well as less vulnerable to sunburn.

Another study discovered that consuming 20 grammes of high-antioxidant dark chocolate daily could increase your skin’s ability to withstand more than twice as much UV radiation before burning.

Similar outcomes, including changes in the appearance of wrinkles, have been seen in several other investigations. Keep in mind, nevertheless, that at least one study did not discover any appreciable effects.

Green tea

Your skin may benefit from green tea’s ability to prevent ageing and damage. Catechins, potent substances included in green tea, have been shown to benefit skin health in a number of ways. Green tea, like a number of other foods high in antioxidants, can help shield your skin from UV damage.

One 12-week study involving 60 women discovered that drinking green tea on a regular basis could cut sunburn redness by up to 25%. Additionally, green tea enhanced their skin’s elasticity, thickness, roughness, and moisture content.


Without mentioning the advantages of staying well hydrated, no list regarding skin health would be complete.

A wise decision is to constantly drink lots of water. Since water makes up up to 64% of skin cells, it significantly affects the health and appearance of your skin. While a severe dehydration can cause dry skin, several research suggest that drinking enough water has favourable effects on typical skin physiology.

Above list does not contain all of the food that can help in improving skin health.

Your skin’s health can be dramatically impacted by what you consume. Make sure you’re receiving the necessary nutrients to keep your skin protected. The foods on this list are excellent choices for maintaining the strength, radiance, and health of your skin.



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