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Hypertension: Even a single drink of alcohol can add to it.

Hypertension: Even a single drink of alcohol can add to it.

Heart attacks and other ill health outcomes are made more likely by high blood pressure. The risk of high blood pressure can be affected by a variety of variables, including lifestyle decisions.

Researchers are still trying to fully comprehend how various lifestyle decisions affect blood pressure levels.

According to data from a recent study, drinking alcohol raises systolic blood pressure, even at moderate doses of alcohol consumption.

A crucial health indicator is blood pressure. Reduced risk of negative health effects can be achieved by maintaining optimal blood pressure levels. Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, can be caused by a variety of circumstances. Researchers are still working to fully comprehend the effects of these risk variables, though.

The effect that drinking alcohol has on blood pressure is one topic of interest. Alcohol consumption is widespread, even at tiny doses. It’s consumption can raise blood pressure, albeit it may only be in tiny amounts.

Alcohol consumption, even as little as one drink per day, was linked to higher blood pressure, according to a study published in the journal Hypertension.

High blood pressure effects and risk factors

The force of blood pushing against the body’s arteries is measured by blood pressure. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements reflect the contraction and relaxation of the heart, respectively.

When blood pressure rises too high, there is a higher chance that the body will sustain harm. For instance, high blood pressure can raise the risk of heart failure and heart attack.

Smoking, consuming a diet heavy in sodium, and having little physical activity are risk factors for high blood pressure. Consuming alcohol can elevate risk. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other organisations currently advocate for limiting alcohol consumption to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Current recommendations were further explained by Dr. Cheng-Han Chen, an interventional cardiologist and the medical director of the Structural Heart Programme at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Centre in Laguna Hills, California.

We have long known that consuming alcohol in moderate to high doses will increase blood pressure. This has a lot to do with cardiovascular health because increased blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a significant risk factor for heart attacks and strokes, among other cardiovascular disorders. We have advised people to limit their alcohol consumption to a “moderate” level (2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women).

Alcohol’s effects on blood pressure

How much alcohol affects the risk of high blood pressure is one topic that needs more research. To comprehend how various alcohol consumption levels affected blood pressure levels, researchers for the current paper wanted to know. Does alcohol consumption, for instance, affect risk even at modest doses?

This study involved the dose-response meta-analysis of seven various non-experimental cohort studies. To gather a massive amount of data, researchers examined the data from over 19,500 participants. United States, Japanese, and South Korean subjects were involved in the studies.

Almost five years were spent on follow-up on average. To ensure that only participants without a prior history of cardiovascular illness were included in studies, strict eligibility requirements had to be met by each one.

They discovered that, on average, drinking 12 grammes of alcohol per day resulted in a 1.25 mmHg rise in systolic blood pressure. Twelve grammes of alcohol is even less than the fourteen grammes of alcohol in a regular American drink.

Higher alcohol intakes were linked to a more pronounced rise in systolic blood pressure, with 48 grams per day of alcohol being linked to an average rise of 4.9 mmHg.

Author of the study and adjunct professor in the epidemiology division at Boston University’s School of Public Health, Dr. Marco Vinceti, from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy:

The overall (or “public health”) message for the relationship between alcohol consumption and blood pressure that emerged from our dose-response meta-analysis is “the lower the better, and no consumption even better,” as we were unable to find any evidence that even very small amounts of alcohol consumption might be beneficial for people’s health.

Research limits and future directions

There are significant limitations to the data in this study. First, there wasn’t a lot of research accessible for analysis. The association between age, blood pressure, and alcohol consumption was not able to be thoroughly investigated. Misclassifications were a possibility, and some individuals’ levels of alcohol use likely changed over the follow-up period. Additionally, the study did not investigate the effects of various types of alcohol on blood pressure. Some data depended on self-reporting; further data could use more representative samples.

In the studies that met the eligibility requirements, there was a special risk for bias, and there is still a possibility for residual confounding. There are numerous chances to build on the research, including learning more about how alcohol consumption affects women’s blood pressure.

Dr. Vinceti identified the following issues as needing more study:

Our systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis concentrated on a continuous endpoint, changes in blood pressure over time, but it did not look at ‘hard outcomes’ like hypertension (as a dichotomous outcome), stroke (for which high blood pressure is an established and strong risk factor), coronary heart disease, and ultimately overall CVD risk. Therefore, to paint a complete picture of the consequences of alcohol use on the cardiovascular system, our study must be supplemented with such additional (and updated) assessments.”

The results of this study may alter recommendations for alcohol consumption, albeit it will probably take time and additional study. On this subject, Dr. Chen made the following assumptions:

For a very long time, the general opinion was that drinking in moderation might be considered safe.” This study supports other recent results that indicate that consuming alcohol at any level is not beneficial for the heart. As a result, I anticipate that in the future, medical advice about alcohol intake will change.


For High blood pressure medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Epilepsy risk is 2.5 times higher in hypertensive people.

Epilepsy risk is 2.5 times higher in hypertensive people.

Researchers looked into the connection between epilepsy and high blood pressure. They discovered that taking antihypertensive drugs lowers the risk of epilepsy. This is increased by high blood pressure by about 2.5 times.

They come to the conclusion that while high blood pressure is a risk factor for epilepsy, further research is required to fully understand the mechanisms that underlie the association.


After stroke and dementia, epilepsy is the third most prevalent neurological illness that affects elderly individuals.

According to research, late-onset epilepsy has increased in prevalence over the past 20 years. As the population ages, the prevalence of the disorder will undoubtedly continue to climb. This makes epilepsy a substantial public health concern.

Despite this, 32-48% of cases of epilepsy have unknown underlying causes. According to several studies, vascular risk factors may raise the chance of developing late-onset epilepsy. According to another study, epilepsy may be caused by vascular risk factors starting in a person’s 30s.

Policymakers may be better able to develop public health initiatives and preventive actions to lower and manage rates of the condition if they have a better understanding of the involvement of vascular risk factors in late-onset epilepsy.

A recent investigation of the relationship between vascular risk factors and the start of epilepsy was conducted by researchers in the United States under the direction of the Boston University School of Medicine.

They discovered a connection between hypertension and a nearly 2-fold increased incidence of late-onset epilepsy. For those who did not use medication to control their blood pressure, this risk was significantly larger.

Data evaluation

Data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), an ongoing, community-based study that started in 1948, was used by the researchers. Through health exams every four years, the Offspring Cohort follows the health outcomes of 5,124 of the children of the original participants.

The researchers combined data from 2,986 individuals who underwent their fifth checkup between 1991 and 1995, were at least 45 years old at the time, and whose health records contained information on vascular risk factors.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured as vascular risk factors. The researchers defined high blood pressure as having a systolic pressure of at least 140 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and a diastolic pressure of at least 90 mm Hg, as well as taking antihypertensive drugs.

Additionally, the researchers looked for:

  • diabetes
  • cholesterin amounts
  • smoking history
  • a cardiovascular condition
  • stroke
  • BMI, or body mass index

The ICD-9 codes associated with epilepsy or seizures, self-reported seizures, routine chart reviews for neurological diseases, and antiepileptic medication use were utilised by the researchers to screen participants for epilepsy or seizures.

To identify cases of epilepsy, the researchers also analysed electroencephalography (EEG), cardiac, and other pertinent data, as well as brain imaging.

The study found 55 cases of epilepsy in the group, of which 26 were confirmed, 15 were likely, and 14 were suspected. The average age of the subjects at the time of a possible diagnosis was 73.8 years old.

The study’s findings revealed a nearly 2-fold increased risk of epilepsy in people with hypertension. The other risk variables, however, were unrelated to epilepsy.

They also discovered that the probability of having epilepsy increased by 17% for every 10 mm Hg change in systolic blood pressure.

Underlying processes

The connection between epilepsy and hypertension is explained by several theories. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which controls blood pressure, may be one mechanism.

According to research, rats who have had repeated seizures had 2.6–8.2 times the RAS components of seizure-free mice. Antihypertensive medications that decreased RAS component levels postponed the start of seizures and decreased their frequency.

More investigation is required, though, as other studies indicate the system may only have a modest impact on the relationship between epilepsy and hypertension.

Small vascular disease (SVD), a disorder in which the walls of small arteries and capillaries are damaged and do not adequately convey oxygen-rich blood to numerous organs, is another potential underlying mechanism, claim the researchers. According to a recent study, the duration of high blood pressure is a reliable indicator of developing SVD in later life.

The researchers also mention that temporal lobe epilepsy and SVD are related. Cortical microinfarcts, tiny lesions in the cortical tissue, and the disruption of U fibers are a few potential explanations. These conditions may cause excessive excitability and hence seizures. U fibers link adjacent regions of the cerebral cortex.

The researchers draw the conclusion that hypertension is a standalone predictor of late-onset epilepsy and carries a 2-fold chance of getting seizures after 45 years.

They do acknowledge that their study has some limitations. It might not accurately represent all races and ethnicities because it was mostly made up of white people. The study’s observational design, according to the researchers, precludes the ability to establish causality.

Dr. Jason Hauptman, a neurosurgeon at Seattle Children’s Hospital, told us that these findings were particularly intriguing because there has been debate over whether elevated blood pressure (hypertension) is a standalone risk factor for stroke.

living with high blood pressure and epilepsy

A healthy blood pressure reading is less than 120/80 mmHg; if you are unsure of your current blood pressure, ask your doctor. High blood pressure is closely linked to a variety of health risks, including cardiac arrest, so it is important to try and maintain this level. The good news is that there are lots of easy lifestyle adjustments you can make to lower your blood pressure, like:

  • healthy eating
  • not a smoker
  • controlling stress
  • lowering the consumption of alcohol
  • Exercising
  • consuming less salt

Speak to your doctor if you have concerns about your epilepsy and high blood pressure. They can assist you in creating a management strategy to lower your blood pressure through dietary and activity modifications. while also making sure that you are controlling your seizures.


For Epilepsy disease treatments that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Avoid hypertension and heart disease with Japanese plump.

Avoid hypertension and heart disease with Japanese plump.

Globally, almost 1.3 million people suffer from high blood pressure. Additionally, the top global risk factor for death is hypertension. One is greatly at risk for developing various forms of heart disease if they have high blood pressure.

Juice concentrate is made from the Japanese plum, according to Temple University researchers. It may aid persons with hypertension who are at risk for cardiovascular disease.

The juice concentrate was also discovered by scientists to help prevent the development of hypertension.

High blood pressure, sometimes referred to as hypertension medically, affects about 1.3 million people worldwide. This makes it the leading cause of mortality.

According to research, having high blood pressure increases the chance of other cardiovascular conditions such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

Currently, Temple University researchers think that the Japanese plum juice concentrate can help lower cardiovascular disease risk in persons with hypertension and may even help prevent high blood pressure. A mouse model was used for the investigation.

Is it possible for Japanese plum to lower blood pressure?

It is customary in Japan to use the word “ume” to refer to the Japanese plum, or Prunus mume, also known as the Japanese apricot.

For use in wine or juice beverages, it is occasionally transformed into an infused juice concentrate. It is known as bainiku-ekisu.

This study’s senior author, Dr. Satoru Eguchi, is a professor in the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Sol Sherry Thrombosis Research Centre and Centre for Metabolic Disease Research at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. He said the study was motivated by the need for treatments other than prescription medications for hypertension.

Even while they normalise blood pressure, he told us, “current treatments are insufficient to normalise the risk of cardiovascular disease death and incidences like myocardial infarction or stroke.” “Compared to subjects with normal blood pressure, hypertension patients have a higher risk for cardiovascular disease regardless of treatment or drug-induced blood pressure normalisation.”

Researchers claim that prior studies in blood vessel smooth muscle cells shown that bainiku-ekisu helped prevent angiotensin II-induced signals that promote proliferation. Circulatory hormone angiotensin II is recognised to contribute to the emergence of hypertension.

Angiotensin II is a major hormone (regulating) blood pressure and contributes to the development of hypertension in humans,” stated Dr. Eguchi. In cultured vascular cells, our earlier study showed that it reduced angiotensin II signaling and function. All other fruit extracts failed to change the effects of angiogenic factors in these cells. Our in vitro results, however, were somewhat limited. Thus, we proposed the hypothesis that it might lower blood pressure. Also, the related vascular issues are caused by hypertension in vivo.

Preventing the development of cardiovascular disease

Dr. Eguchi and his team tested their hypotheses on the ume juice concentrate, bainiku-ekisu, using a mouse model for this study.

Angiotensin II was infused into mice to raise their blood pressure. The mice were then given water that either contained bainiku-ekisu or normal water.

Analysis revealed that mice who drank the water with bainiku-ekisu did not develop hypertension.

The Dainik-kiss additionally assisted in shielding their vasculature from the damaging effects of angiotensin II. For instance, mice given the juice concentrate only experienced slight aortic hypertrophy. Whereas mice given normal water experienced severe aortic hypertrophy.

The researchers also discovered that bainiku-ekisu assisted in reducing immune cell levels, which would typically lead to an inflammatory process connected to hypertension.

Additionally, scientists found that bainiku-ekisu prevented the cellular switch from aerobic metabolism to glycolysis which is typically seen in hypertension. This aids in preventing the body from suffering from oxidative stress, which can lead to inflammation, vascular stiffness, and even the emergence of more serious cardiovascular disease.

According to Dr. Eguchi, “Our animal studies indicate that bainiku-ekisu may lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension.” “It is okay to mix with standard treatment. Reducing the amount of medication required to maintain normal blood pressure may also be helpful.

Additionally, he continued, “Taking bainiku-ekisu may help you avoid complications related to hypertension, like heart attack and stroke.”

Previous studies on the health advantages of ume

The Japanese plum is grown on a tree that, like cherry trees, blooms with plum blossoms in the spring, ushering in festive occasions in Japan.

In warm to subtropical climates, Japanese plum trees thrive. The Japanese plum has been grown for thousands of years in China and Japan, but it has also spread to other regions of the world, including sections of the United States.

The Japanese plum has a taste that is more acidic and tart even though it resembles Western plums or apricots in appearance and scent.

The Japanese plum is frequently used to make umeboshi, which is a highly salted and pickled plum that is used as a condiment in conventional Japanese cuisine, in addition to being processed into the infused juice concentrate known as bainiku-ekisu.

Japanese plum has previously been investigated for its potential health advantages. According to earlier studies, ume may aid those who experience the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with their digestive problems.

Other research have revealed that ume contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and may help prevent obesity and allergy disease.

Additionally, a 2017 study discovered that persons with grade I hypertension who consumed ume extract daily saw an improvement in their diastolic blood pressure.

Study restrictions and conclusions

In addition, we discussed the latest findings with Dr. Rigved Tadwalkar, a board-certified cardiologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Centre in Santa Monica, California.

Although it was conducted on mice, he said, “what’s interesting is that bainiku-ekisu was able to attenuate hypertension and protect against vascular remodelling, which is really quite positive.”

Dr. Tadwalkar did advise caution, however, because there is still much to learn about ume and bainiku-ekisu as potential remedies.

“This is somewhat novel, and mouse models don’t always reflect the complex pathophysiology of human cardiovascular disease,” he said. Therefore, it is evident that human testing would be necessary to establish the effectiveness, safety, and dosage for controlling this.

Dr. Tadwalkar continued, “It does give a potential avenue for these alternative medicines in the therapy of cardiovascular disease. So altogether, it’s encouraging, but obviously, I approach the subject with a little bit of scepticism.”

Dr. Tadwalkar concurred, saying it’s critical to look into alternative treatments for cardiovascular illnesses.

Today’s patient is looking for a range of options and they want to have a specific treatment plan that’s tailored to their needs and circumstances,” he added. “This offers a slightly more individualized approach. And it can include all of the popular holistic treatments, including dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and all-natural cures combined.

I think it allows patients to feel more empowered because they can take a little bit more of an active role in their own care,” Dr. Tadwalkar continued. According to my observations, patients are frequently much more likely to be interested in conventional medication when they may adopt a complementary strategy that encourages the use of alternative medicines.


For Heart disease medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Reduce the Dementia risk by strict blood pressure control.

Reduce the Dementia risk by strict blood pressure control.

The effects of intensive versus routine hypertension treatment on brain lesions were examined by researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Centre in San Antonio.

The researchers discovered that intensive therapy that maintains blood pressure within normal bounds is associated with a slowed progression of lesions using data from a previous study.

The study results could influence treatment strategies for hypertensive patients to lower the likelihood of lesions that can result in diminished cognitive performance with further research and trials.

Millions of people have hypertension, which can lead to strokes and brain lesions and compromise brain health.

An aggressive blood pressure regimen can slow the growth of white matter lesions in the brain, according to a recent study headed by UT Health San Antonio.

In contrast to patients with systolic blood pressure readings of 140 mm Hg, the researchers compared the MRI scans of individuals who maintained blood pressure levels below 120 mm Hg.

What is considered hypertension?

Millions of Americans suffer from the medical disease known as hypertension, sometimes known as high blood pressure. Nearly half of American adults have hypertension, which the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention claim contributed to more than 670,000 deaths in 2020.

Blood vessel damage and other health issues can result from high blood pressure. Heart attacks and strokes are two conditions brought on by hypertension.

The following blood pressure ranges are described by the American Heart Association:

For individuals, a normal blood pressure reading is defined as an upper number (systolic) less than 120 over a lower number (diastolic) of 80 mm Hg.

  • Blood pressure that is elevated is 120 to 129 over 80 or less.
  • Hypertension in stage 1 is defined as 130-139 above 80-89.
  • 140 over 90 or higher indicates stage 2 hypertension.

When the systolic and/or diastolic values exceed 180 and 120 respectively, a hypertension crisis ensues.

As the cardiologist, Dr. Kershaw Patel points out in the Houston Methodist podcast On Health, “When we talk about high blood pressure, we must realise it affects not just the heart, but also the brain, the kidneys, and other organs in the body.”

Although doctors frequently prescribe prescription drugs to treat high blood pressure, patients can also try to lower or normalise their blood pressure by making changes to their lifestyle.

Dr. Patel stated that lifestyle changes and then drugs are commonly used to manage high blood pressure. And it really comes down to two-thirds lifestyle and one-third medicine. By adjusting a few aspects of our lifestyle, we can significantly lower our blood pressure.

Blood pressure can be normalised by giving up smoking, consuming less alcohol, exercising, eating a low-sodium diet, and eating more fruits and vegetables.

lowering one’s blood pressure to 120

The American Academy of Family Physicians’ (AAFP) standard of care for hypertensive patients is to lower their systolic blood pressure to 140 mm Hg. This goal lowers the risk of cardiovascular death, according to the AAFP.

To assess the effect on white matter lesions (WMLs), the UT Health San Antonio researchers compared the normal treatment target to a more rigorous therapy. The goal of the rigorous treatment program was to lower participants’ systolic blood pressure to under 120 mm Hg.

The researchers examined data from 458 participants using information from the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT), which tracked participants for 4 years. Participants in the study were “aged 50 years or older with hypertension and without diabetes or a history of stroke,” according to the study’s authors.

At the start and conclusion of their trials, the researchers matched each participant’s treatment to their MRI images. They were searching for WMLs, a type of injury to the brain’s white matter that can result in cognitive impairment.

Treatment that is intensive lessens brain damage

According to the study’s findings, the intensive treatment group’s WML volume progression and fractional anisotropy (FA) declines were slower than those of the conventional treatment group.

The FA result is noteworthy since it represents a “measure of connectivity in the brain.” The right splenium, right tapetum, and left anterior corona radiata are a few of the brain areas that saw slower WML growth.

The study also demonstrates that aggressive blood pressure management may be able to maintain some myelin structure, which, according to the scientists, “ultimately slows the progression of injury patterns associated with dementia.”

According to research author Dr. Tanweer Rashid, who works with the Biggs Institute at UT Health San Antonio, “our study shows that specific areas have greater benefit, representing sensitive regions to track in future trials evaluating small-vessel disease.”

How white matter is impacted by blood pressure?

The study’s findings were discussed by Dr. Arun Manmadhan, a cardiovascular disease expert at Columbia University Irving Medical Centre in New York City.

“White matter lesions are abnormally damaged regions of tissue in the white matter of the brain. According to Dr. Manmadhan, they are frequently brought on by anomalies in the tiny blood arteries that provide oxygen and nutrients to the brain.”

Dr. Manmadhan provided more information on the study’s findings, namely how blood pressure may affect WMLs.

“The current report, which is a SPRINT-MIND substudy, examined the impact of stringent blood pressure management on changes in the brain’s white matter as determined by MRI.”

According to Dr. Manmadhan, the results here point to a potential benefit of tight blood pressure control in slowing the development and progression of white matter lesions, which are linked to a higher risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

Overall, according to Dr. Manmadhan, the study is an asset to the field of hypertension.

This study “adds to the already substantial body of literature that managing blood pressure is very important for not only preventing cardiovascular events but also in maintaining memory and cognition,” the author added.


For Dementia disease medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Longer naps may increase the risk of obesity & hypertension

Longer naps may increase the risk of obesity & hypertension

According to research, those who nap during the day for longer than 30 minutes appear to be more likely to be obese and have high blood pressure.

They observed that persons with shorter naps are less likely to develop high blood pressure.

Longer naps, according to specialists, may play a role in these illnesses because they can disturb both eating and sleeping patterns at night.

More than 30-minute naps during the midday may raise blood pressure, increase body mass index, and worsen diabetes and heart-related diseases, according to research.

The prevalence of high blood pressure was lower among people who took what are known as “power naps,” which are midday sleep sessions lasting 30 minutes or fewer.

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston evaluated more than 3,000 adults from a Mediterranean population—where midday naps, known as “siestas,” are common—for a recent study that was published in the journal Obesity.

The duration of siestas and their association with metabolic syndrome and obesity were investigated by the researchers.

According to studies, those who take siestas of at least 30 minutes are more likely than those who don’t to have higher blood pressure, a higher body mass index, and other diseases linked to diabetes and heart disease.

Additionally, compared to people who did not take a siesta, those who took brief naps were less likely to exhibit elevated systolic blood pressure. “Not all siestas are the same,” said Marta Garaulet, Ph.D., MS, a senior study author and a visiting professor in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders. “The health effects of a nap can depend on the length of time, position of sleep, and other particular factors.”

Obesity and Naps

According to Garaulet, the group previously conducted research in the UK and discovered that siestas were linked to a higher risk of obesity. The next step was to examine siestas in a nation where afternoon naps were more prevalent in culture.

According to Garaulet, “in this case, Spain, as well as how the duration of siestas is related to metabolic health.” The group notes that there are more than 1 billion obese people in the world, which is a rising health risk.

In the course of metabolic processes, how people digest food has a connection to fat accumulation in the body. Researchers suggested that studying how habits, such as napping, alter certain metabolic pathways, could contribute in the understanding of how habits affect health.

Findings from the napping research

The group looked at information from 3,275 persons in the Murcia region of Spain.

Participants at the University of Murcia had their baseline metabolic parameters assessed, and information about their naps and other lifestyle elements was gathered. No siestas, shorter than 30 minutes, and more than 30 minutes were the categories into which the subjects were split.

In comparison to those who did not take siestas, subjects who took longer naps had higher body mass indices and were more likely to have metabolic syndrome (MetS).

The extended nap group exhibited greater waist circumference, fasting glucose levels, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure values as compared to the no-siesta group. Longer siestas were linked to later nighttime eating and sleeping, more energy consumed during lunch, and smoking.

Sleep and obesity

A lot of study has been done on the relationship between sleep and obesity, according to Becca Krukowski, PhD, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.

In contrast, Krukowski noted, “This article adds knowledge about sleep and health risks in a cultural context where naps are promoted among healthy people, across the lifespan, while also considering other potentially related factors, such as nap length and eating patterns.”

According to Krukowski, it’s probable that the health issues led to the lengthier sleeps rather than the other way around. The direction of these correlations cannot be determined from this study because it is cross-sectional. It’s likely that obese people sleep less soundly at night and require longer naps as a result.

The study, according to Krukowski, might be a first step towards more illuminating research.

“Previous studies have shown that weight loss interventions improve sleep quality,” said Krukowski. It could be interesting to look at whether weight loss is impacted by sleep therapies, such as controlling nap length and increasing nocturnal sleep.

More study is required on napping

The authors of the study acknowledged that it’s possible that some factors—rather than siestas per se—might be a result of obesity rather than being caused by siestas, as evidenced by a prior investigation of data from the UK Biobank that found a causal link between napping and obesity, particularly abdominal obesity, which they refer to as the most harmful type.

The link between siestas and health indices was found to be mediated by a number of statistically relevant lifestyle factors, according to the authors.

They urge further investigation into whether a little siesta is preferable to a long one, especially for people who smoke, have bad habits like sleeping in late or delaying meals, or who have delayed sleep patterns.

The Brigham’s Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders’ Frank Scheer, PhD, a senior neuroscientist and professor in the Medical Chronobiology Programme, commented on the study’s findings in a statement. “This study shows the importance of considering siesta length and raises the question of whether short naps may offer unique benefits,” he said. Numerous institutions are starting to recognise the advantages of quick naps, mostly for work productivity but also more and more for overall health.


For High blood pressure medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Treating hypertension with help of the ultrasonic device.

Treating hypertension with help of the ultrasonic device.


The findings of a recent meta-analysis of prior studies looking into a novel method of blood pressure control seem promising. It explains a treatment that “mutes” overactive kidney nerves, a sign of hypertension frequently observed in middle-aged adults.

Participants’ blood pressure was dramatically reduced after the procedure, dropping by an average of 8.5 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Follow-ups two months later and three years later supported the effectiveness of this advantage.

One of the primary causes of death on a global scale is hypertension or high blood pressure. In addition to heart, brain, and renal disorders, it can cause strokes. Since an estimated 46% of people with hypertension are unaware that they have it, it is frequently referred to as the “silent killer”.

Many hypertension medications, may be helpful in addition to a healthy lifestyle and dietary adjustments in managing the illness. Many folks find this to be adequate. Nonetheless, some people’s blood pressure continues to be consistently high.


According to a recent meta-analysis, the 506 hypertensive participants in three randomized clinical trials had considerably lower blood pressure when therapeutic ultrasonography was used to reduce kidney-nerve hyperactivity.

The exact etiology of hypertension is unknown. Scientists speculate that it may be a result of a mix of genetics, lifestyle, aging, and other processes.

Middle-aged hypertension is typically accompanied by hyperactive renal nerves, which can raise blood pressure in several different ways. It could cause salt and water retention as well as the production of hormones that raise blood pressure.

Even though there are many different medications for treating hypertension, none explicitly target this renal overactivity. So, the “renal denervation” ultrasound approach investigated in the present study provides clinicians with an extra instrument. Thi was made to support patients in maintaining their health.

Researchers from the Université de Paris in France and Columbia University in New York City carried out the study. You can find it in JAMA Cardiology.

How blood pressure is measured?

Millimeters of mercury, or mmHg, is used to measure blood pressure. This is because early precise blood pressure gauges and some contemporary systems rely on mercury.

Two blood pressure readings are usually displayed, one above the other or to the left of the other. Systolic blood pressure, or the pressure the heart puts off when pumping blood, is the first value. The pressure in arteries between heartbeats is shown by the second value, called the diastolic value.

The American Heart Association defines good blood pressure as having a systolic reading of less than 120 mmHg over a diastolic reading of less than 80 mmHG. A value of 130–139/80–89 mmHG indicates stage 1 hypertension. Higher results indicate hypertension in stage 2.

The current study discovered that renal denervation dramatically decreased participants’ blood pressure, by 5 to 10 mmHG, with an average decrease of 8.5 mmHg.

kidney nerves and high blood pressure

It is believed that overactive renal nerves induce water and sodium retention and produce hormones that can elevate blood pressure. They are a contributing factor in the development of hypertension in middle age. As blood arteries stiffen in older adults, hypertension frequently develops.

Antihypertensive medications lower blood pressure in a variety of methods, such as by dilation of blood vessels, removal of extra fluid, or blockage of hormones that elevate blood pressure. Yet, none of these drugs specifically target the renal nerves.

By calming hyperactive nerves in the renal artery, ultrasound treatment blocks the signals that cause hypertension. A thin catheter that is placed into a vein in the wrist or leg and sent to the kidney delivers the therapy to the nerves.

Renal denervation

A tiny catheter that is placed into a vein in the leg or wrist and threaded into the kidney makes up the renal denervation device addressed in the study. During the operation, ultra-high-frequency sound waves are used to treat the kidney’s nerves. This causes minute amounts of scar tissue to form, which reduces the nerve activity. “Ablation” is the name of this procedure.

Lead author Dr. Ajay J. Kirtaine predicted that the surgery would be performed as an outpatient, similar to cardiac catheterization.

“Ultrasound-renal denervation’s ablation portion is less than one minute, and the whole procedure is less than an hour, with conscious sedation/local anesthetic,” he said.

In the research, participants were divided into two groups: the ultrasound denervation group and the control group, which had a sham operation with no therapeutic benefit.

The number of participants in the study arm who received the therapy to lower blood pressure to 135/85 was twice as high. This outcome was the same in all three investigations, which included a population of different racial backgrounds, indicating the technique is probably valuable to many people.

The investigations indicated that the reduction in blood pressure persisted for at least 2 months following the operation and that participants’ blood pressure was improved. The result of the surgery “appears to be durable with follow-up out to 3 years,” according to Dr. Kirtaine.

Not yet, at least not for everyone.

The device is experimental so far, having not acquired permission for usage in the United States. The study’s authors plan to apply it to people whose blood pressure is still uncontrolled despite modifying their lifestyles and taking medication.

Dr. Jayne Morgan, a cardiologist who was not involved in the study, concurred and viewed the procedure as perhaps a secondary treatment rather than a first-choice therapy. But she noted, “I envision that this might certainly be reversed in the future with continued trials and information/data.

According to Dr. Morgan, the surgery may be especially beneficial for Black people and other minorities who have high rates of hypertension and heart disease.

This is a terrific reason why Black volunteers should be recruited, she said, since it may offer a more long-lasting option for blood pressure control in the future. 17% of participants in the meta-analysis were Black Americans.

Dr. Devin Kehl, who was not involved in the research, issued a warning: “The trials have been quite limiting in their inclusion and exclusion criteria,” despite the fact that the technique has an outstanding long-term safety profile and is probably safe.


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Are the eyes the window to our health condition?

Are the eyes the window to our health condition?

Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and even Alzheimer’s disease can all be identified simply looking into someone’s eyes. Most people have their eyes checked periodically. However,few may be aware that an eye exam is used for more than simply vision correction and vision testing.

The eye is the only organ in the body that allows for a non-invasive examination of the inside by medical professionals due to its frontal “window.” The retina, which is located at the back of the eye, is where blood vessels and the optic nerve are visible in detail.

An optometrist may refer a patient to a medical ophthalmologist if a normal eye exam causes them to have concerns. The medical ophthalmologist will further investigate by doing additional eye exams. If the results of their examinations point to a systemic disease, doctors can then refer the patient to the appropriate expert.

What can be diagnosed?

A routine eye exam can discover vision issues including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Also, other eye conditions like glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. The optometrist can learn a lot about a person’s general health by checking the blood vessels in the retina and the optic nerve.

This non-invasive method can identify a wide range of medical illnesses. This includes hypertension, diabetes, thyroid issues, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis, and hypertension that may not be immediately apparent to the eyes (MS).

“Ocular inflammation can damage a variety of eye structures and is frequently the initial symptom of a systemic illness. According to Dr. Ibrahim, concentrated history-taking and a guided evaluation of the pertinent physiological systems, including blood testing, are the keys to determining the cause.

Eye Exams and Your Health

Doctors can identify general health concerns early enough to intervene with the use of eye examinations. With the use of advanced tests, ophthalmologists can more accurately forecast cardiovascular events. This includes stroke and perhaps spot early indications of mental deterioration like Alzheimer’s. Learn how eye exams can reveal much more than simply eye health by reading the information below.

Brain tumours and stroke

Because the blood vessels in the brain and eyes are similar, an eye doctor may occasionally be able to identify a problem with the brain by looking at the blood vessels in the eyes. If swelling or shadows are noticed in the eye, this could be a sign of a dangerous brain problem. This includes a tumour or blood clots that could cause a stroke.


Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edoema are conditions where diabetes has damaged the blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye (DME). In order to help control their blood sugar, the patient would be encouraged to consult a doctor if an optometrist discovered leaky blood vessels in their eyes. The slow changes begin before any visible symptoms are seen. The likelihood of maintaining vision improves with earlier management of diabetic eye illness.


An eye exam can identify high blood pressure, which is characterised by excessive blood vessel pressure. Sometimes even before your regular doctor makes the diagnosis. You can see swelling, haemorrhages, and leakage in the eyes as a result of the blood vessels that are injured. The CDC claims that approximately one in three adults have hypertension, known as “the silent killer,” and that up to 20% of those people are unaware of their condition. Thus, early diagnosis during an eye doctor’s evaluation can actually save lives.

High Cholesterol

Exams of the eyes might also spot cholesterol accumulation. One of the simplest illnesses to diagnose during a thorough eye exam is high cholesterol. Since the deposits of the disease show up on the front of the eye as a thin, grey rim surrounding the cornea. By analysing artery and vein patterns, it can also be found in the retina.

Retinal Blood Vessel Occlusion is a condition in which blockages limit blood flow to the back of the eye. This leads to temporary or permanent vision loss. These deposits may be an indication of the current or future development of this condition.

Heart Problems

Certain heart disorders that cause the carotid artery in the heart to accumulate plaque can also result in deposits that obstruct the ocular arteries in the eyes. An optometrist would often advise consulting a specialist if they notice these modifications to the vascular system at the back of the eye.

Several Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis may be to blame for sudden visual loss (MS). While the colour and appearance of the optic nerve are indicators of MS that the optometrist can detect, such instances will be sent for additional testing to confirm the diagnosis.


There are various ways that thyroid disease can manifest in the eyes. Certain thyroid abnormalities can lead to dry eye illness because the thyroid gland regulates the hormones that influence tear production. Furthermore, hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid condition, can cause the extraocular muscles to expand and stiffen, resulting in bulging eyes, a sign of Graves’ disease.


The eyes may become inflamed as a result of systemic illnesses that are linked to inflammation in the body. For instance, uveitis, which can result in eye inflammation, redness, and blurred vision, is more common in patients with autoimmune illnesses including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and others.


An eye exam can occasionally reveal metastatic malignancies like breast cancer, leukaemia, and other types of cancer. Eye specialists can also diagnose lymphoma and other eye cancers in addition to the previously stated brain cancer, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma (skin cancer), which can also be diagnosed. A good eye check saves lives.



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