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What are the top benefits of using Valerian?

What are the top benefits of using Valerian?

What is Valerian and its use?

Valerian is an everlasting plant which is scientifically referred as Valeriana officinalis. The plant is widely grown and found in grassland areas of Asia, Europe, and North America. This plant is expected to produce flowers in summer with colors such as white, pink, and purple. This plant can grow over 6 feet tall from the ground and consist of a strong odor. The preparation for herbal medicines are mainly extracted from the rootlet of valerian plants.

There are nearly 250 different kinds of Valerian plant species out of which Valeriana officinalis is the most commonly used that has mild sedative properties. Back in history, Valerian was used to treat several medical conditions such as nervousness, headache, palpitations, trembling, insomnia, fatigue, stomach cramps, etc. 

In today’s time, apart from all those medical conditions, valerian is also used to treat anxiety, premenstrual syndrome, depression, menopause symptoms, etc. However, there is no proof regarding efficacy of valerian to treat anxiety and insomnia. It is generally thought to improve the level of a certain chemical in the brain called Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GAMA). The chemical GAMA plays a role in calming effect for the body.

Benefits of Valerian

For centuries, Valerian is used to treat a number of medical conditions. It consist of many useful medical properties that provides several benefits in a body human body such as:

Necessary amount of Valerian intake for a human body

  • Although being a naturally occurring plant, the amount of valerian used is generally based on an individual’s medical condition. It is very well tolerated in most of the cases. The amount and its frequency of doses with respect to the medical condition that is to be treated with different course periods of medication.
  • Ideally, 300-600mg of valerian medication is considered safe and effective when taken for several weeks or months. 
  • To treat anxiety, an individual can take 120-200mg three times of valerian dose daily.
  • to treat insomnia, the doses are comparably lesser than that to treat anxiety.

An individual must discuss with the doctor regarding the medical dose required to treat a medical condition that results in a beneficiary with valerian.

Natural sources of Valerian

Valerian is a kind of substance that is not found in any category of food sources be it plant, animal, fish, nuts, etc. However, as mentioned before, there are nearly 250 different species of valerian plant out of which roots of few of them are harnessed to get valerian. Some of the most common species are:

  • Officinalis Valerian – Valerian found in the United States which is commonly used in commercial products.
  • Wallichii Valerian – valerian found in Indian
  • Edulis Valerian – Valerian found in Mexico


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What are the top benefits of using Ginger?

What are the top benefits of using Ginger?

What is Ginger and its use?

Ginger is known as a flowering plant that is listed as a spice as well as a herb. The scientific name for ginger is Zingiber officinale. The plant is expected to grow 3 feet above the ground level which produces bundles of flowers. The underground part of this plant is the actual ginger that is used as a spice or sometimes as a general people medicine for several conditions.

It is harvested by pulling the plant out of the soil and extracting the root from leaves attached. The plant belongs to the family of Zingiberaceae and has a close biological relation with cardamom, turmeric, and ganangal. It is a common ingredient in recipes and also has a wide application in cosmetics and processed foods. 

Ginger not only associates delicious food but also consists of multinutrient properties. There are many different traditions worldwide that use ginger for a wide variety of applications that includes medicines, foods, ointment, etc.

Ginger consists of chemical properties that generally help in reducing cold, swelling, and nausea. The chemicals are expected to work in the stomach and intestine but also assist the nervous system and brain to manage nausea. In Asian region, ginger is associated with a number of medical reasons such as cold and flu symptoms, skin burns, muscle and joint pain, stomach pain, upset stomach, etc. 

Vitamins and nutrients in Ginger

There are a number of vitamins and minerals available in a pure ginger root or ginger that includes:

  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • Phosphorus
  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B3
  • potassium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Riboflavin

Benefits of using Ginger:

Ginger and its various forms consist of many chemical and nutritional properties that is wide used to get most of its beneficial health effects such as:

  • antioxidants properties
  • assist cardiovascular health
  • relieves muscle pain 
  • reduces dysmenorrhea pain
  • beneficial antiplatelet properties
  • relieves inflammation
  • attenuates morning sickness and nausea
  • helps to lower the risk of cancer 
  • improves digestion 
  • reduces formation of gas
  • eases symptoms of cold and flu
  • may control blood sugar level of type 2 diabetes
  • helps in losing weight
  • helps in treating osteoarthritis

Beneficial Ginger intake for humans

The amount of ginger intake for every age group for an individual is not classified. However, few standard information for ginger intake listed as:

  • Children below 2 years of age must not consume ginger
  • Rest individuals can consume ginger but not more than 3-4 grams of ginger daily
  • Pregnant women must not consume more than 1gm of ginger or 950ml of ginger tea per day.
  • Ginger is generally considered safe for breastfeeding women however, the research for its safety is considerably less.


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How to protect DNA and cell damage using Selenium?

How to protect DNA and cell damage using Selenium?

Selenium and its use in a human body

Selenium is one of the several most important minerals required to maintain overall health of the body. A human body needs a trace amount of selenium to permit its several important functions in the body. This mineral plays a key important role in maintaining several vital roles and responsibilities such as:

  • DNA Synthesis
  • metabolism pof thyroid hormone
  • safety from oxidative stress
  • safety from infections.
  • Protects body from free radicals

Selenium is typically stored inside human body tissues, majorly in skeletal muscle. It is a crucial mineral to perform several biochemical activities inside the body.

Benefits of Selenium

Although been a trace mineral require for the body, there are a number of benefits that associated the role of selenium in one way or other that includes:

  • supports immune system
  • reduces the risk of age related cognitive decline
  • maintains healthy thyroid functions
  • prevents HIV progression to AIDS
  • supports fertility
  • reduces inflammation
  • reduces platelet build up
  • prevents oxidative modifications of fats and lipids
  • reduces impairment that results in Alzhiemer’s disease
  • prevents cancer by repairing DNA

Natural sources of Selenium

The amount of selenium generally differs from region to region due to the different content of selenium that is present in the soil in which the food grew. Selenium is a kind of mineral that a human body cannot produce on its own. A human body consumes selenium through selenium rich diet that is commonly available such as:

  • Beef
  • chicken
  • eggs
  • sunflower seeds
  • mushroom
  • spinach
  • lentils 
  • banana
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • ham
  •  fish
  • brazil nuts
  • pork
  • turkey
  • cottage cheese
  • brown rice
  • baked beans
  • oatmeal
  • cashews

Necessary amount of Selenium Intake for humans

Amount of selenium for an individual is generally based on an individual’s age, medical conditions, and daily diet, which has a standard classification such as:
For Infants:

  • For babies below 6months old, 15 mcg of selenium if needed
  • 20 mcg of selenium is beneficial for babies between 7-12 months old.

For Children:

  • 20 mcg of selenium daily for toddlers between 1-3 years.
  • 4-8 years of children need 30 mcg of selenium per day.
  • children between 9-13 years of age demand 40 mcg of selenium daily

For Females:

  • 14-18 year olds need 55 mcg of selenium daily.
  • Adults need 55 mcg of selenium everyday.
  • pregnant females need 60  mcg/day of selenium.
  • lactating females need 70 mcg/day of selenium.

For Males:

  • 14-18 year olds need 55 mcg of selenium daily
  • Adults need 55 mcg of selenium everyday.


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Can Phosphorus improve your teeth and bones health?

Can Phosphorus improve your teeth and bones health?

What is Phosphorus?

There are several minerals in our body that are necessary to perform several tasks. Phosphorus is one of such minerals that our body needs which is present in every cell membrane and is a key energy source of our body. It is the second most abundant mineral in our body that makes up 1% of our total body weight. Most of the phosphorus of a human body could be found in bones and teeth.

The primary function of phosphorus minerals inside our body is the formation of teeth and bones. It also plays an important role in repairing tissue cells, and filtering waste from our body. Many proteins and sugar inside our body involve phosphate to an organic compound. In addition, this mineral also plays a key role in activation of enzymes, intracellular energy storage, maintenance of fluid PH level outside of the cell, etc.

Natural sources of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral after calcium that a human body is unable to produce on its own. Our body is dependent on the food we eat through which phosphorus mineral is harnessed and used. This nutrient can be found in a number of plant and animal sources. However, phosphorus extracted from animal sources is absorbed more quickly than that found in plant sources. 

Phosphorus can be found in a number of food products in the form of organic phosphorus such as:

  • organs meats,
  • chicken, turkey,
  • seafoods,
  • pollocks,
  • scallops,
  • catfish,
  • mackerel,
  • carp,
  • clams,
  • sardines,
  • crab,
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds,
  • whole grains,
  • nuts,
  • soybeans,
  • lentils,
  • quinoa,
  • amaranth,
  • cheese,
  • milk,
  • yogurt,
  • potatoes,
  • egg,
  • garlic,
  • dried fruits,
  • carbonated drinks, etc.

General Benefits of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is loaded with several essential health benefits in a human body such as:

  • Keep bones healthy and strong.
  • improves mobility of muscles and reduce pain 
  • build strong teeths
  • restores body energy
  • filter out waste from kidneys
  • helps in production of DNA and RNA
  • maintain regular heartbeat
  • maintains mineral balance and use
  • growth, development, and repairing of tissues and cells
  • encourage nerve conduction


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Is Iron important for Metabolic activities in your body?

Is Iron important for Metabolic activities in your body?

What is Iron?

Iron is an abundant and one of the most essential minerals that is necessary for almost all kinds of living beings and organisms. This mineral plays an important role in a wide variety of metabolic processes that includes electron transport, synthesis of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), formation of hemoglobin, oxygen transport throughout the body, and more.

This mineral is recycled in the body and then consumed. The chemically formed usable iron is delivered to several tissues by some specific transporter that captures release of iron in plasma. A human body uses iron to make a protein called Hemoglobin that carries oxygen from lungs to various parts of the body and also a protein called Myoglobin that carries oxygen to the muscles of the body. There are also several hormones that need iron for their production. 

Benefits of Iron in your body

Iron is necessary for a number of functions, productions, development, and maintenance tasks in a human body. This mineral is needed to perform such function and provide several health benefits to a human body that includes:

  • improves the immune system
  • regulation of body temperature
  • maintain gastrointestinal process
  • maintain general energy
  • reduces bruising and fatigue
  • improves concentration and restore sleep
  • improves concentration, muscle endurance and hemoglobin
  • helps to treat anemia

Natural source of Iron

Iron is one of the most vital minerals that a human body cannot produce on its own. Our body needs to harness this mineral from the food we eat. It is important to consider foods that are rich in iron into your daily diet. 

Such high iron source food products include Spinach, Legumes, Pumpkin seeds, turkey meat, soy-based food such as:

  • Tofu,
  • shellfish,
  • liver and other organ meat,
  • red meat,
  • Quinoa grain,
  • broccoli,
  • Cashews,
  • Baked potatoes, 
  • Whole-grain and enriched breads,
  • lentils,
  • cornmeal and syrup,
  • watermelon,
  • prune and its juice,
  • dried peas and beans,
  • wheat products,
  • dried peaches and apricots, etc.


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