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Top ways to keep a healthy skin condition

Top ways to keep a healthy skin condition

What is a skin?

Skin is the largest of all the organs in the human body. As long as we keep it in proper health, it forms several protective layers that shield us from different exposures. However, when its maintenance is compromised, the skin’s ability to function as an effective and protective barrier is compromised. 

Our skin is the biggest window to your body that could reveal the history of your life. Both your age and your health are reflected in your skin, from acne breakouts during your teenage years to pregnancy glows and sunspots.

Skin functions

There are many functions performed by skin, making it the ultimate multitasker of the body. The most important role of our immune system is to protect us from bacteria, viruses, pollution, and chemical substances that we encounter at home and at work.

A number of external factors can damage the skin, including unprotected sunlight and excessive washing. Unhealthy diets, stress, inadequate sleep, insufficient exercise, dehydration, smoking, and certain medications all decrease the effectiveness of the skin’s protective barrier.

There is a compiled list of skin health tips to help you banish wrinkles, get a radiant glow, and keep your skin supple and soft all year long.

1. Healthy diet

Your diet is just as significant as the products you use on your skin. In order to maintain a clear complexion, you need to eat a healthy diet from the inside out. Following are some of the food very beneficial for your skin.

  • Tomatoes
  • Green tea
  • Olive oil
  • Mango
  • Omega-3
  • Kale
  • White tea
  • Soy, etc.

An individual must also make sure to have a calorie restricted diet and must also avoid intake of alcohol.

2. Stress check

Stress level has some serious links with skin health and conditions. As per several studies and reports, people having higher stress are associated with unhealthy skin or skin with some issues such as darkning. In a study of college students, those who experienced high stress levels were more likely to experience skin issues such as:

  • itchy skin
  • hair loss
  • flaky, oily, or waxy patches on the scalp
  • troublesome sweating
  • scaly skin
  • hand rashes

Stress increases the production of sebum, the oily substance that blocks pores, according to the researchers. This, in turn, leads to greater acne severity. Stress reduction may help you achieve clearer skin. Consider stress reduction techniques such as tai chi, yoga, or meditation if your skin is affected by stress.

3. Maintain skin moisture

Moisturizers keep the top layer of skin cells hydrated and seal in moisture. There are three types of moisturizers: humectants, occlusive agents, and emollients. Humectants attract moisture, occlusive agents retain moisture in the skin, and emollients smooth the pores between the cells.

As per American Academy of Dermatology, following are the resommended ways to prevent dry, red, and itchy skin:

  • Take one 5- to 10-minute shower or bath per day. Excessive washing can strip away the oily layer of the skin and dry it out.
  • Use warm water instead of hot water.
  • Minimize the use of harsh soaps. Use a gentle and fragrance-free cleanser.
  • Stay away from abrasive scrub brushes, bath sponges, and washcloths that can damage the skin’s surface.
  • Pat skin gently dry with a towel.
  • Moisturize immediately after washing. To trap in moisture, ointments, lotions, and creams need to be applied within minutes of drying off.
  • Use ointments or creams rather than lotions in order to minimize irritation.
  • Never scratch the skin. Cold compresses and moisturizers should help to control itching.

4. Quit smoking

Smoking accelerates the aging process of your skin. You will also need more time to heal your wounds if you smoke. Research shows that smoking worsens some skin conditions, such as psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa.

Furthermore, the constant repetitive expressions that are made while smoking such as pursing the lips, can contribute to wrinkles on the face.

5. Get necessary amount of daily sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should sleep between seven and nine hours every day. It can be detrimental to your health, and to your skin in particular, when you don’t get enough sleep.

There is a link between chronic sleep deprivation and obesity, immune dysfunction, diabetes, and cancer, but sleep quality may also have an impact on skin function and aging.


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