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Month: May 2022

Does Sexuality really changes with Aging?

Does Sexuality really changes with Aging?

It may be worth reconsidering the idea that sex ceases to be a significant factor in people’s lives when they get older. According to a 2017 national survey conducted at the University of Michigan among senior citizens, 40% of those aged 65 to 80 are still having sex. 54% of couples report having sex. Sex is still an important factor in the quality of life for 61% of the survey respondents.

However, a person’s experience of sex can change over the course of a lifetime, partly as a result of aging and partly as a result of psychological and social factors.

Physical changes in Women:

Age-related changes in sexuality generally occur after menopause, as estrogen levels decline after menopause. As women age, they may experience some of the following physical changes that may affect their sex lives:

  • The vaginal walls may become thinner, stiffer, and less elastic
  • The vagina itself may shorten and narrow
  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction can be more common, and this can cause incontinence issues such as leaking urine during sex
  • Orgasm intensity may decrease
  • Vaginal lubrication may decrease, leading to vaginal dryness, which can make penetration painful or uncomfortable
  • Sexual arousal time may increase, meaning that it takes longer for a woman to get sexually excited

It is often an effective treatment option to use synthetic estrogen (or use a vaginal estrogen) for women who are trying to reduce the effects of these physical changes. Some women who experience vaginal dryness may find it more comfortable to perform sex with over-the-counter vaginal lubricants and moisturizers. Pelvic floor therapy may also benefit women with incontinence problems.

Physical changes in Men:

Men’s sexuality can be affected by several changes that occur as they age. there is a possibility that several men may experience sexual changes ina form of desire of performance due to low level of testosterone. Following are several changes that could take plce in men:

  • Erections that do not last as long as they did previously
  • A decrease in the firmness and size of erections
  • A longer period of time required between erections, as well as between orgasms (ejaculations)
  • A higher probability of erectile dysfunction (ED), or the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough for intercourse
  • A slower sexual response time
  • The loss of an erection after orgasm happening more quickly

A health care professional can offer advice to men experiencing ED, as there are many possible causes which can be treated differently. ED may be treated with medications like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. Other treatments may include hormonal therapy (taking synthetic testosterone), a penile pump, penile injections, or a penile implant, among others. To facilitate meaningful sexual interactions, a couple’s sexual script and style can be adjusted by a sexual therapist.

Social and Psycholoigical factor

While not as widely discussed, the psychological and social factors that affect people’s sexuality as they age are just as relevant. As sex is often associated with youth in many cultures, older individuals may be viewed as less desirable. Deficiencies in self-esteem, in turn, can negatively affect one’s performance in the bedroom.

It’s normal for your sexual desires and behaviors to change as you get older. But sex and physical intimacy remain important to many older adults. Staying sexually fit through masturbation, exploring new sexual activities, and practicing good communication may help you and your partner sexually satisfy each other. And remember, it’s important to use condoms during intercourse to help stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Safe sex is important, even as you get older.

Changing sexual desires and behaviors are normal as you age. However, many older adults are still interested in sex and sexual intimacy. Keep sexually fit by masturbating, trying new sexual activities, and practising good communication with your partner. Remember to use condoms during intercourse to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Sexual safety is important at any age.


  • It is normal to experience changes in sexual desire and behavior during your life cycle. You are especially likely to experience these changes as you age. Older people are stereotyped as being incapable of having sex. However, many people remain sexually active throughout their lives.
  • Later in life, intimacy and connection are still important. If you’re young, it’s likely that your sexual activity will predict your interest in and activity in later years. Even if sexuality is central to your life and happiness at age 30, it will probably still be relevant at age 60. You may measure your relationship satisfaction more in terms of affection, security, and commitment than emotional fulfillment.


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What does the term Sex Therapy generally means?

What does the term Sex Therapy generally means?

Sex therapy and its requirement

Sex therapy has gained popularity over the past few years thanks to shows like Sex Education and Sex Love & Goop. But what is sex therapy? The purpose of this type of therapy is to address issues regarding sexual function, sexual feelings, and intimacy, as well as other issues related to romantic relationships and sexuality.

The goal of sexual therapy is to address medical, psychological, personal, and interpersonal factors impacting sexual satisfaction in individuals and couples.

There is a high rate of sexual dysfunction. During their lifetimes, 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men report experiencing some form of sexual dysfunction. Such dysfunctions may include:

  • erectile dysfunction
  • low libido
  • lack of interest
  • premature ejaculation
  • low confidence
  • lack of response to sexual stimulus
  • inability to reach orgasm
  • excessive libido
  • inability to control sexual behavior
  • distressing sexual thoughts
  • unwanted sexual fetishes

Working of Sex Therapy

Like any other type of therapy related to physical, mental, or emotional cause, sex therapy is like a phychotherapy in which condition is treated with the help of an individual;s feeling, experience, and situation faced.

As you continue to work with your therapist, you will be challenged to better manage and accept your concerns that might be contributing to sexual dysfunction. It is both supportive and educational to undergo Sex therapy.

As you continue to work with your therapist, you will be challenged to better manage and accept your concerns that might be contributing to sexual dysfunction. It is both supportive and educational to undergo sex therapy.

Do I need sex therapy?

Some friends may have joked to you that you don’t need therapy since you already have them. However, sometimes you need help from a licensed professional who happens to be a neutral party. If you have determined hard stuffs for sex, a therapy would be appealing option for you.

Analyze what aspects of your life are most affected by how you feel today in order to determine whether you should see a sex therapist instead of another kind of talk therapist.

Seeing a sex therapist may be helpful if your quality of life and emotional health are affected by your sexual dysfunction. In the same way, if communication with your partner or lack of intimacy are your most serious concerns, you should consult a sex therapist.

There could be many more reasons and option for an individual to get a sex therapy be it physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually in nature.


  • For many reasons, having a fulfilling sex life is critical to your health. Stress reduction, lower blood pressure, and better heart health are a few benefits of a healthy sex life. Also, sex is a natural, enjoyable, and needful part of life.
  • Despite this, sex can be a source of anxiety and worry for some people. Dysfunctional relationships can result in loss of confidence, relationship complications, and more.
  • The aim of sexual therapy is to treat and eliminate underlying issues. This could be physical issues such as poor circulation. Psychological concerns, such as anxiety, stress, and lack of confidence, can also be factors.
  • In sexual therapy, couples and individuals learn how to communicate openly and honestly so that they can work through their concerns and challenges in order to lead a happy, healthy sexual life.


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Precautions and warnings before using Funnel 

Precautions and warnings before using Funnel 

Funnel interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as funnel are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and funnel. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of funnel along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Drugs that decreases blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and several others.
  • Contraceptive drugs– Drugs such as birth control pills contain estrogen. Consuming large amounts of fennel might change the estrogen level in the body. Therefore, interactions between funnel and contraceptive drugs might result in decreased effectiveness of birth control pills.
  • Estrogen– Fennel has potency to change estrogen level. Consuming funnel along with estrogen might decrease its effect in the body.
  • Medicine changed by liver– Some medicines are modulated and broken down by liver in order to work specifically. Fennel might change the working of those medicines and could create unwanted conditions or side effects. 
  • Ciprofloxacin– Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic medicine. Consuming fennel might decrease its absorption rate or amount in the body. This decreases the effectiveness of this antibiotic when taken along with funnel, resulting in conditions to be untreated.

Precautions and warnings before using Funnel 

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and food applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of funnel must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy- Funnel is generally considered unsafe during pregnancy. Regular consumption of funnel has been linked to preterm birth. It is recommended to avoid funnel during pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding- Funnel is generally considered unsafe during pregnancy. According to some reports, infants got their nervous system damaged when feede by mothers who were exposed to herbal tea containing funnel.
  • Allergy- Funnel is unsafe and may cause al;lergic reactions in people who are allergic to certain plants such as carrot, ellery, or mugwort.
  • Bleeding disorder- Intake of funnel resists the blood clotting which increases the risk of bruising and bleeding especially in people who are already diagnosed with bleeding disorder.

Side effects of using Funnel

Interaction of funnel with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • tightness in chest/throat
  • nausea
  • hives
  • skin itching or swollen
  • sun sensitivity
  • difficulty in breathing
  • easy bleeding/bruising
  • birth disorder
  • nervous system damage in breastfeeding child
  • chest pain
  • vomiting
  • rashes
  • mild increase in menstrual flow
  • seizures

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume funnel with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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Top nutritional benefits of consuming fennel.

Top nutritional benefits of consuming fennel.

What is Fennel and its use?

Fennel, scientifically known as Foeniculum vulgare, is a perennial herb that belongs to a carrot family of plants called Apiaceae. It is grown for its leaves, edible shoots, and seeds and is native to the Mediterranean region. This plant is native to Asia minor and southern Europe and is considered as an invasive species of plant in Australia and several parts of the United States. There are two types of fennel avai;ab;e in the nature namely:

  • Foeniculum vulgare
  • Florence fennel or Finocchio

All the parts of the plant available are used as a flavoring agent in a number of foods, candies, liquor, etc. The seeds and extracts such as oil, are used in scenting soaps and perfumes. The cultivated plant grows about 1 meter from the ground level and has a stem consisting of a number of linear and awl shaped segments. 

People often include Fennel into their daily diet due to its licorice-like flavor and several medical benefits in a human body. It is used as natural remedy to treat a number of medical conditions in human body such as:

  • Intestinal gas
  • loss of appetite
  • URT infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Backache
  • Visual problems
  • heartburn
  • bloating
  • colic in infants
  • cough
  • cholera
  • bedwetting

Benefits of using Fennel

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, fennel consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

There might be several other benefits of Fennel apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

Fennel Supplement

Fennel supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Fennel. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with bayberry.

These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.

Funnel dose for Humans

Fennel is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume Fennel to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of funnel in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional fennel supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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Can Chives possibly cause harm to our body?

Can Chives possibly cause harm to our body?

Chives interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as chives are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed with several drugs. However, there is not enough evidence and research that could classify any  drug that interacts with chives. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to get complete information regarding chives and its safety with any drug.

Precautions and warnings before using Chives

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and food applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Chives must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Chives are generally considered safe when used in a food amount. However, there is not much information regarding its safety when consumed in medicine amounts such as supplements or larger amounts. Therefore, it is advisable to stay at a safer side and avoid using chives during pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding– Chives are generally considered safe when used in a food amount. However, there is not much information regarding its safety when consumed in medicine amounts such as supplements or larger amounts. Therefore, it is advisable to stay at a safer side and avoid using chives during breastfeeding.

Side effects of using Chives

Certain Interaction of Chives with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • Indigestions
  • stomach pain
  • skin rashes
  • gas
  • bloating 
  • belching
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal discomfort

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume chives with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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Are chives more than just a garnisher in dish?

Are chives more than just a garnisher in dish?

What is Chives and its use?

Chives, scientifically known as Allium schoenoprasum, is a green vegetable with a flavor like onion. This vegetable belongs to the genus Allium which is the same for onion, leeks, and garlic. These perennial plants are primarily found across several parts of Asia, North America, and Europe. There are mainly four different types of chives namely:

  • Giant SIberian Chives (Allium ledebourianum)
  • Siberian garlic chives (Allium nutans)
  • Common or Onion chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
  • Garlic chives (Allium tuberosum)

Out of the four main types of chives, common chives are the most widely used. This onion type vegetable is commonly used as a flavoring agent in a number of dishes worldwide. These herbs are commonly used and are easily available in any grocery store. It is also used as a charming garnish for various dishes that includes salads, baked potatoes, soups, etc.

Chives are also used to treat a number of medical conditions of a human body. Most commonly, diseases causing worms that live and feed on the human body are treated by chives. Also, in addition with other natural agents, chives are useful in treating several other worm infections. Some of the medical conditions that is treated by chives include:

  • parasitic worm infections
  • to reduce water weight
  • cancer
  • memory
  • osteoporosis

Benefits of using Chives

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring properties in a number of dishes, chives consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • protect heart health
  • relieves digestive process
  • improves sleep and mood
  • immunity booster
  • aids cell divisions and DNA synthesis
  • health of antimicrobial properties
  • maintains blood pressure
  • fights cancer
  • improves bone health
  • improve blood purity and detoxify the body
  • rich source might improves hair
  • improves vision
  • improves health of skin

There might be several other benefits of Chives apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Energy
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Dietary fiber
  • Thiamine
  • Iron
  • Beta Carotene

Chives dose for Humans

Chives is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it.However, it contains rich nutrients and minerals that are very necessary for the overall being of the body. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume chives as a flavoring veggie or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of chives in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional chives supplement for any reason. Natural substances are usually considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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Is bayberry safe for High blood pressure?

Is bayberry safe for High blood pressure?

Bayberry interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as bayberry are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. However, there is not enough evidence and research that could classify drugs that could interact with bayberry.

There could be some specific medicines causing interaction with bayberry in an unusual manner. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to get complete information regarding bayberry and its safety with any drug.

Precautions and warnings before using Bayberry

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and food applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Burdock must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Consuming bayberry is generally considered unsafe due to certain chemicals present in it that could cause cancer. Also, products of this plant could cause nausea, vomiting, and damage to the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming bayberries during pregnancy. 
  • Breastfeeding– Consuming bayberry is generally considered unsafe due to certain chemicals present in it that could cause cancer. Also, products of this plant could cause nausea, vomiting, and damage to the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming bayberries during breastfeeding. 
  • High blood pressure- Bayberry contains chemicals called tannins that can increase the amount of sodium that causes extra fluid buildup in the body resulting in an increased blood pressure. It is recommended to avoid consuming bayberries if an individual is dealing with hypertension. 
  • Water retention– Bayberry is a kind of fruit that might cause the worsening of water retention condition in an individual’s body. It is necessary to avoid consuming bayberry while diagnosed with water retention.

Side effects of using Bayberry

Interaction of bayberry with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • liver damage
  • irritation
  • hypertension
  • cancer
  • worsening of edema

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume bayberry with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


  • There are several bayberry supplements available in the market with different brand names consisting of bayberry and several other supporting agents.
  • Due to lack of evidence, there is inappropriate information regarding drugs that could interact with bayberry.
  • There are certain medical conditions in which consuming bayberry might cause worsening of those conditions or could result in unwanted new conditions.
  • Such a condition could result in allergic reactions or side effects to an individual which must be informed to the doctor if they are severe in nature.


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Treat sore throat, skin wound, and nausea with Bayberry.

Treat sore throat, skin wound, and nausea with Bayberry.

What is Bayberry and its use?

Bayberry(Myrica cerifera/Myrica rubra), is any kind of small tree and shrub that belongs to the bayberry plant family called Myricaceae. It is a small family of shrubs and small trees in the fagales order. There are 3 genera in this family while many species of myrica has been separated as the fourth venus Morella by botanists. Bayberry is a shrub usually found in Texas and Eastern US.

This evergreen shrub is known for its small, bluish-white berries. The parts of the plant include roots, fruits, bark, leaves, etc. The difference in geographical area and method of harvesting bayberry could result in different constituents available in the extract. There are several common name for bayberry such as:

  • Candleberry
  • Red bayberry
  • Yang-mei
  • Wax myrtle plant
  • Chinese bayberry
  • Waxberry

Bayberry is mainly known for its berries that are useful for wax production, to make fragrant wax candles. Bayberries are generally safe and can be eaten directly or as a lendable juice. 

Apart from its edible uses, the roots and berries are used to make medicines. Although there are not enough scientific evidences to supports these claims, bayberry is used to treat a number of medical conditions in a human body such as:

Benefits of using Bayberry

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, bayberry consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • Healthy management of inflammation
  • Digestive health support
  • menstrual heath support
  • manage respiratory problems
  • antibacterial properties
  • treats chronic gastritis
  • antiparasitic properties
  • relieves sinus
  • treats skin infections
  • treat urinary tract infections
  • might helps against throat disorder
  • stops hair fall

There might be several other benefits of bayberry apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Carotene
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamin E
  • Riboflavin

Bayberry Supplement

Bayberry supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Bayberry. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with bayberry. These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.

Bayberry dose for Humans

Bayberry is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume Bayberry as a fruit or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of bayberry in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional bayberry supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


  • Bayberry(Myrica cerifera\Myrica rubra), is any kind of small tree and shrub that belongs to the bayberry plant family called Myricaceae.
  • This evergreen shrub is known for a number of different names and is useful to make several fragrant products such as wax candles.
  • The roots and berries of this plant are mainly used to make medicine that could treat a number of medical conditions of a human body.
  • Apart from its fragrant and edible applications, bayberry provides several essential medical benefits in a human body that is achieved due to several nutrients and minerals that reside within.
  • The dosage of bayberry is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. 


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Is Burdock safe for diabetic and allergic person?

Is Burdock safe for diabetic and allergic person?

Burdock interaction with Drugs

Interaction refers to risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products interact with one another. This could result in certain unwanted health conditions.

Natural products such as myrrh might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and burdock. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antidiabetic Drug– Antidiabetic medicines are used to lower the blood sugar level of the body. Myrrh might also lower the sugar level. Combination of both these medical agents could increase the risk of blood sugar level getting abnormally low which could cause complications. Such antidiabetic drugs include glimepiride (Amaryl), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase). Also, metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), glipizide (Glucotrol), and several others
  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of black pepper along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Drugs that decreases blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and several others.

There could be several other medicines causing  interaction with Burdock in an unusual manner. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to get complete information regarding rosemary and its safety with any other interacting drug.

Precautions and warnings before using Burdock

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and food applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Burdock must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– There is not sufficient information and evidence regarding safety of burdock during pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid or at least discuss its safety with a doctor before medicating with burdock.
  • Breastfeeding– While on breastfeeding stage, a woman must avoid consuming burdock as it is unsafe. This is concluded due to lack of information regarding its safety during breastfeeding conditions.
  • Surgery– Burdock might increase the risk of bleeding during or post surgery when consumed in a larger amount. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming it for at least 2 weeks before undergoing any surgery.
  • Allergy– People having an allergy to burdock or to any of the plants that belong to the Asteraceae/Compositae family, must avoid consuming burdock to avoid its allergic reactions.
  • Diabetes– According to several pieces of evidence, consuming burdock might cause a decline in blood sugar level. An individual must keep a daily check on their blood sugar level while consuming burdock.

Side effects of using Burdock

Interaction of burdock with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • skin rashes
  • low blood sugar level
  • increased risk of bleeding/bruising
  • allergic reactions

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume burdock with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


  • This natural plant and its products are expected to interact with several medicines of different drug categories causing more harmful effects to the body.
  • Individuals dealing with certain medical conditions must discuss with a doctor before consuming burdock as it may cause worsening of conditions or could develop new unwanted conditions.
  • Drug interactions and medical conditions might cause several side effects and allergic reactions in the body while consuming Burdock which must be informed to the doctor if they persist or get worse.


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Is burdock good to treat fever and infections?

Is burdock good to treat fever and infections?

What is Burdock and its use?

Burdock(Arctium Lappa), is a vegetable plant native to northern Asia and Europe. It belongs to a family of plants called Daisy Family, scientifically known as Asteraceae. There are several other names to identify burdock such as:

  • Arctium minus
  • Bardana
  • Bardanae Radix
  • Clotbur
  • Cockle Buttons
  • Fox’s Clote
  • Grande Bardane
  • Great Burdocks
  • Hardock
  • Herbe du Teigneux
  • Orelha-de-gigante
  • Philanthropium, and many more.

There are a total of 10 different species of burdock available in nature out of which, only 3 types are edible. 

The fruit of the plant is a round ball of seed materials covered by teeths that resembles a seed vessel that could stick to almost everything. This natural plant could be considered as a weed in many states but is also used as an important ingredient in a number of dishes like soups, sauces, etc.

Apart from food and flavoring applications, burdock consists of certain chemicals that fight swelling and bacteria. In Chinese tradition, burdock was used to get rid of toxins and was also used as a blood purifier. For centuries, burdock has been used as an interdisciplinary medicine to treat a variety of different medical conditions in a human body such as:

  • inflammation
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • skin conditions
  • joint pain
  • Gastrointestinal Complaint
  • cold
  • liver disease
  • hardening of arteries
  • hypertension, and many more.

Benefits of using Burdock

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, Burdock consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • very rich source of antioxidants
  • might reduce certain cancer
  • can assist or improve skin health
  • clears blood from toxins
  • might act as an aphrodisiac.
  • might treat certain infections
  • relieves joint pain
  • might improve gastrointestinal conditions

There might be several other benefits of Burdock apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • Folate
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Selenium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins

Burdock dose for Humans

Burdock is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally used Burdock as a flavoring and aromatic agent or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of Burdock in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional burdock supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.

Burdock Supplement

Budock supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Burdock such as anti infections, anticancer, antiviral, etc. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with Burdock. These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.


  • Burdock(Arctium Lappa), is a vegetable plant native to northern Asia and Europe. It belongs to a family of plants called Daisy Family.
  • Apart from food applications, it has also been useful for a wide variety of medical applications in the human body.
  • Burdock consists of a number of essential nutrients and minerals that provide many important health benefits to a human body.
  • The dosing of burdock is not specified and must be discussed with the doctor if consuming as a medicine amount such as supplements. 


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