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Month: November 2023

People with diabetes and other conditions can benefit from high-intensity water exercise.

People with diabetes and other conditions can benefit from high-intensity water exercise.

According to research, adults with chronic conditions can exercise more effectively when they participate in aquatic high-intensity interval training (AHIIT). They observed that AHIIT had an effect comparable to that of land-based training (LBHIIT) and that it might be a useful and safe substitute for those with long-term medical conditions who are unable to engage in land-based exercise. Although there is conflicting data regarding the physiological benefits of exercising in the water, experts agree that it can help reduce joint strain and enable individuals to perform movements that they may not be able to on dry land. For those with long-term medical conditions who find land-based training too challenging, researchers have a message. Come on in. The water is clear. Currently available in the BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine journal. According to the study, adults with chronic conditions like diabetes and arthritis can exercise more effectively when they participate in high-intensity interval training (AHIIT), which is conducted in water. Additionally, the researchers claim that AHIIT has an effect comparable to that of land-based training (LBHIIT) and that it could be a beneficial and safe substitute for LBHIIT for those with long-term medical conditions. Dr. Sports medicine expert Mark Slabaugh of Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore told Medical News Today that exercising in the water has obvious advantages for those with chronic pain, arthritis, and tendinitis.

Salbaugh, who was not involved in the study, said, “This study gives us as clinicians even more options for patients who are interested in cross training and doing HIIT workouts but can not due to joint pain.”. “I advise my patients to begin with these brief AHIIT sessions and work their way up to longer swimming sessions, as swimming is a sport that can be continued well into old age. The study team examined 18 trials to compare the effects of AHIIT and LBHIIT on participants’ ability to exercise (as determined by oxygen consumption, walking tests, and other physical fitness assessments). Additionally, they contrasted AHIIT with a control group that did not exercise and moderate-intensity exercise in water (AMICT). Using the widely accepted GRADE system, the researchers evaluated the degree of certainty in the evidence. They examined 868 participants with a variety of illnesses, including multiple sclerosis, back pain, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and chronic lung disease (COPD), with 74% of the participants being female. A few individuals were dealing with multiple chronic illnesses. Standardized mean differences (SMD) were used in the study to represent group differences. A small effect was indicated by an SMD of 0.2-0.49, a moderate effect by 0.5-0.79, and a large effect by 0.8 or more.

According to the study, AHIIT had a minor positive impact when compared to AMICT (SMD 0.45) and a moderately positive impact when compared to no exercise (SMD 0.78). Furthermore, there was no discernible difference in the exercise capacity between LBHIIT and AHIIT. Compared to LBHIIT, fewer adverse events were reported with AHIIT. The range of 84 percent to 100 percent was the adherence rate for AHIIT. Physical therapist Sydnee Corbin is also the clinic director of SporTherapy in Texas, where therapy is conducted in a swimming pool. Water-based therapy, according to Corbin, who was not involved in the study, helps people with conditions like osteoarthritis, balance issues, sensory processing disorders, generalized weakness/deconditioning, and post-operative patients by offloading joints while increasing resistance. According to Corbin, “the pool is a great opportunity to provide resistance and sensory feedback—a unique property that is difficult to replicate on land.”. Reaching a patient population that would otherwise be sedentary or inactive can be greatly facilitated by an aquatic setting. “.

According to Corbin, individuals who suffer from osteoarthritis, persistent low back pain, or other long-term medical conditions might not be able to fully engage in LBHIIT and reap the full benefits of HIIT. “By introducing AHIIT, we can decrease further health risks to those populations and be more inclusive to them,” the speaker stated. In addition to offloading joints, the aquatic environment gives users’ systems sensory input that might otherwise be sensitized due to chronic pain, constant resistance from the water, and, if done in a heated pool, the ability to relax otherwise painful muscles and joints. “Mr. Medical News Today was informed by William Ashford, an orthopedic surgeon at AICA Orthopedics in Atlanta who was not involved in the study, that AHIIT presents a highly effective treatment modality, especially for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions like chronic back pain and arthritis. According to Ashford, the buoyancy of the water minimizes joint stress and offers a natural resistance, enabling people to engage in exercises that would be too painful or impractical on land. Additionally, Ashford noted that the cardiovascular benefits of HIIT are well-established, and applying this knowledge to an aquatic setting appears to enhance these benefits for some populations. According to Ashford, maintaining an exercise routine is essential to managing chronic illnesses.

Water exercise has its limitations as well. “Although beneficial for numerous individuals, it may not be appropriate for all patients, particularly those with specific chronic lung conditions, as the water pressure may cause difficulties in breathing,” stated Ashford. Also, some patients may find it difficult to get to the right facilities. Having said that, Ashford recommended further study to find strategies for expanding the reach of water-based therapy. “AHIIT is a highly effective, flexible, and patient-centered method for treating a range of chronic illnesses,” the speaker stated. The benefits of HIIT are combined with the special qualities of water to create a synergistic effect that can be especially helpful for patients who have trouble with land-based exercises. “.


For diabetics medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Even if you use blood pressure medication, cutting less on salt can help you lower your blood pressure quickly.

Even if you use blood pressure medication, cutting less on salt can help you lower your blood pressure quickly.

Excessive salt consumption is common in the diets of middle-aged and older adults in the United States, and experts believe this has led to an increase in mortality over the past ten years. A low-sodium diet lowered blood pressure in almost three out of four participants in a recent study involving 213 individuals, as opposed to a high-sodium diet. Researchers found that the drop in blood pressure they saw was unrelated to the presence of hypertension or the use of blood pressure medications. The anti-hypertensive effect of the low-sodium diet was equivalent to that of a commonly used blood pressure medication. The American Heart Organization reports that nine out of ten Americans eat too much sodium. older and middle-aged U.S. S. Adults consume more sodium on average—3.5 g on average—than the World Health Organization’s recommended threshold for sodium reduction. Even in people with normal blood pressure, high-salt diets are frequently linked to increases in blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular death.

“For the general population, it is recommended to have a sodium intake of under 2300mg per day,” said cardiologist Dr. Bradley Serwer, chief medical officer at cardiovascular and anesthesiology services provider VitalSolution, in an interview with Medical News Today. We advise against taking more than 1500 mg daily if you have high blood pressure or heart disease. To put this in perspective, there are roughly 2,300 mg of sodium in one tablespoon of salt. But differing blood pressure reactions to sodium consumption have cast doubt on dietary sodium recommendations. Additionally, little research has been done to date on how eating sodium affects blood pressure in individuals using blood pressure medications. According to a cutting-edge study supported by Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a low-sodium diet can lower blood pressure just as much as a prescription medication. This work was done in collaboration with researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Northwestern University. The term “salt sensitivity of blood pressure” (SSBP) describes variations in blood pressure correlated with variations in salt consumption. Naturally, blood pressure varies to keep the balance of sodium in the blood. Hormone imbalances governing sodium excretion and retention may contribute to susceptibility to SSBP. Although it is unclear how precisely sodium affects blood pressure, vascular dysregulation may also be to blame.

Michelle Routhenstein, a preventative cardiology dietitian at, who was not involved in the research, spoke with Medical News Today about this study. According to preliminary research, eating too much salt may lead to inflammation, which in turn can elevate blood pressure. “The first line of treatment for high blood pressure is always dietary restriction. Dr. Serwer clarified, “We start medication if someone is unable to achieve normal blood pressure with a low sodium diet.”. In this study, blood pressure responses to dietary sodium were examined within individuals, the blood pressure differences between those assigned to a high- or low-sodium diet initially, and whether these differences were related to baseline blood pressure and the use of antihypertensive medications. 213 community-based participants were enrolled in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)–SSBP study between April 2021 and February 2023. The age range of the participants was 50 to 75. Of the 213 participants, 25% had normal blood pressure (normotension), 20% had hypertension under control, 31% had hypertension uncontrolled, and 25% had hypertension untreated.

The average age of those who finished both diets was sixty-one. Sixty-four percent of the group were Black, and sixty-five percent were female. Individuals who were ineligible for high- or low-sodium diets or who had resistant hypertension were not included. Two groups were randomly assigned to the participants. For one week, the groups were assigned to either a high sodium diet, which involved adding 2,200 mg of sodium to their usual diet, or a low sodium diet, which involved adding 500 mg of sodium. After that, they alternated diets for a week. Systolic blood pressure decreased after a week-long low-sodium diet, which was similar to the typical effect of 12.5 mg of the prescription hypertension medication hydrochlorothiazide. In total, 71.7% of people reported lower blood pressure after adopting a low-sodium diet. Norrina Allen, Ph.D., Dr. C. , of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, informed MNT that “This effect was consistent whether or not the patient was taking antihypertensive medicine.”. In contrast to 92.9 percent of those who consumed a high-sodium diet, only 8% of study participants reported any mild adverse events after this regimen. Furthermore, neither the individual nor the between-group changes were dependent on the use of blood pressure medications or the presence of hypertension. Additionally, the drops in blood pressure were similar amongst the subgroups.

The authors of the study think that by supplementing everyone’s usual diet with dietary sodium, they were able to capture realistic variations in sodium intake. It exceeded the sodium consumption of typical diets, unlike the diets used in the DASH-Sodium and GenSalt studies. The study’s utilization of a 24-hour urine sodium excretion, the gold standard technique for assessing sodium intake in population surveys, is one of its most notable strengths. Additionally, a larger range of people were included in the study to evaluate the impact of dietary sodium on blood pressure, including those with normal blood pressure, high blood pressure, treated or untreated, and appropriately managed or not, according to Routhenstein. Nevertheless, the researchers were unable to rule out the possibility of nonsodium dietary factors because the diets were not completely controlled. Thankfully, reducing salt intake doesn’t have to be difficult. According to Dr. Allen, the low-sodium diet consisted of items found in typical grocery stores. Reading food and beverage labels is highly advised. A lot of patients don’t know how much sodium is in some foods and beverages. Fast food, highly processed meals, canned vegetables, and even the food in fine dining establishments are frequently very high in sodium, Dr. Serwer warned. Everybody was urged by the cardiologist to cook at home whenever possible since they could manage the quantity of ingredients.


For blood pressure medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Daily avocado consumption a way to lower Diabeties.

Daily avocado consumption a way to lower Diabeties.

A recent study indicates that while not everyone benefits greatly from avocados, some people may have much better blood sugar control. The study found a strong correlation between a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes and individuals with a newly discovered metabolic biomarker of avocado intake, including decreased fasting glucose and insulin. A new era of personalized nutrition may result from the study of one’s microbiome and body metabolites, or metabolomics. Only a weak correlation was found between avocado consumption and lower fasting insulin in a study looking into the relationship between avocado consumption and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes; this correlation vanished when body mass index (BMI) was taken into account. However, the study’s authors found that some individuals had a “avocado intake biomarker” that was strongly linked to lower fasting insulin and glucose levels as well as a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The results of the study imply that customized metabolic profiling might be essential for determining which foods can consistently improve an individual’s health.

Small molecule byproducts of metabolic processes that take place in cells, tissues, or an organism are known as metabolites. The methodical study of the body’s metabolite-related chemical reactions is known as metabolomics. It enables scientists to recognize unique fingerprints connected to particular biological functions. According to the study, the metabolome and the well-known microbiome may be essential for creating individualized, focused health interventions. The Hass Avocado Board provided funding for the study, which was published in The Journal of Nutrition. Based on information from 6,220 adults, ages 45 to 84, who took part in the ongoing Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, the study was conducted (MESA). Between 2000 and 2002, participants were recruited at six locations across the United States, and until 2018, they were followed up with every 18 months. In addition to over 100 other foods from 47 food groups, people reported consuming avocados. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of fasting serum samples obtained during recruitment was used to derive metabolomic profiles for 3,438 of these individuals. “Metabolomics can provide us with an extra instrument to understand a person’s specific health problems and possible remedies in a more personalized manner,” said Dr. Jason Ng, a clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who did not participate in this investigation, to Medical News Today.

Following a comparison between the Human Metabolome Database and the spectral features derived from the participant samples, three spectra were found to closely correspond with avocado intake. The study’s authors came to the conclusion that the three metabolic annotations—CH2-lysyl—represented the same metabolite since they were similar. They then computed a mean value for all three to determine their metabolic biomarker of avocado intake. The biomarker was found to be highly correlated with lower levels of insulin and fasting glucose, even after controlling for a number of potential confounding variables, such as adiposity, BMI, health behaviors, alcohol and smoke consumption, and sociodemographic characteristics. The authors discovered that this association was not as strong in those who had dysglycemia as they had predicted. They point out that alterations in a type 2 diabetic’s microbiome may have an impact on dysglycemia. Michelle Routhenstein, a cardiology dietitian and the proprietor of Entirely Nourished, stated, “The way we metabolize foods and the byproducts of food metabolism can help [shine] more light into how diets affect us and our cardiometabolic health.” She was not involved in this study. Additionally, it might shed light on the management of chronic diseases and aid in the control of cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels. She continued.

According to Routhenstein, “vocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels.”. “We are aware that some foods are generally healthier than others,” Dr. Ng added. According to this study, avocados, for instance, may help the body’s metabolism of sugar. Since not all foods will benefit everyone equally, it would be beneficial to keep researching how these foods can affect specific individuals so that they can understand what could, in particular, benefit them the most, he continued. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the number of people with diabetes worldwide increased fourfold from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Over 95% of these individuals have type 2 diabetes. According to more recent data, there are currently over 500 million diabetics globally, and by 2050, there may be 13.3 billion diabetics worldwide. Diabetes is described as “a defining disease of the 21st century” in The Lancet. “Although diabetes is becoming more common worldwide, North Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean are particularly affected.”. Even though diabetes is usually controllable, in the worst case it can lead to kidney failure, eyesight loss, a heart attack, or even the amputation of a lower limb. Avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise all lower the chance of developing diabetes. Drugs can help delay the onset and progression of illness.


For diabetics medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Blood Test Indicates Worsening of Multiple Sclerosis One to Two Years Before it Occurs

Blood Test Indicates Worsening of Multiple Sclerosis One to Two Years Before it Occurs

Approximately 228 million people worldwide suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS) as of 2020. The majority of MS patients experience symptoms that gradually worsen their level of disability. A blood test developed by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) can identify the progression of MS disability up to two years in advance. In 2020, there will be roughly 20.8 million cases of multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic illness that affects the central nervous system of the body. MS does not currently have a cure, but most patients eventually experience the disease’s progression even though they may initially have few symptoms. Knowing more about when an individual’s MS symptoms might get worse would help medical professionals prescribe disease-modifying treatments, which should help slow the disease’s progression. In support of these efforts, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have developed a blood test that can identify the progression of multiple sclerosis disability up to two years in advance.

As stated by Dr. Ari J. According to Green, co-senior author of this study and chief of the Division of Neuroimmunology and Glial Biology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the loss of connections within the nervous system is the biological basis for permanent irreversible neurological dysfunction. According to Dr. Green, “the cumulative effect of the loss of tens of thousands or even millions of axons and connections from the critical circuits that underlie our essential neurological functions is likely to be the cause of progressive disability worsening in MS,” Medical News Today. If neurological function is lost in the midst of a progressive worsening, on the other hand, it is a terminal event that cannot be reversed. We are powerless to stop it if we wait for someone to demonstrate this deterioration. Thus, discovering methods to identify neurological deterioration before it occurs in multiple sclerosis gives us hope that we can intervene to halt or reverse the process,” he said.

The blood biomarker for the test was the neurofilament light chain (NfL), which was the main focus of the researchers. Dr. Ahmed Abdelhak, a physician-scientist, clinical instructor, and co-first author of this study in the Division of Neuroimmunology and Glial Biology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), explained to MNT that neurofilament light chain is one of several unique proteins found mostly in nerve fibers. “Some of this protein or short segments called peptides find a way to enter the blood when nerve fibers (axons) get damaged or lost,” he said. “We can measure this tiny fraction using a digital immunoassay, which is an ultrasensitive technique that measures proteins or peptides like this at incredibly low concentrations,” Dr. Abdelhak went on. Consequently, NfL takes on a significant role as a marker to check for signs of nerve fiber damage. According to him, it more accurately forecasts future declines in the function that gives rise to the symptoms that patients endure than it does actual symptom aggravation.

Drs. Green and Abdelhak, along with their team, examined data from approximately 1,900 MS patients for this investigation. Of those, roughly 570 were categorized as having a disability that kept getting worse, the bulk of them not having relapsed. Relapses, also known as flare-ups, happen when preexisting symptoms get worse or develop new ones. Researchers discovered that a 91 percent increased risk of deteriorating disability with a relapse approximately a year later was linked to elevated NfL levels. A 49 percent higher chance of increasing disability without relapse was associated with elevated NfL levels approximately two years later. Dr. Green stated that they were taken aback by both results, particularly by their scope and the length of time they could detect changes. First, we believe that MS relapses are a rather sudden, acute event that lasts a few days. We have traditionally believed that the immune system attacks a small localized area in the brain, optic nerve, or spinal cord when it becomes activated inappropriately,” he went on. But this research indicates that before people with MS experience a permanent disability as a result of a relapse, there may be damage to nerve fibers occurring more widely throughout the brain or locally at the location of the future relapse. Understanding this process is crucial because it could lead to a paradigm change in how we view MS injuries generally and relapses that result in permanent disability in particular, said Dr. Abdelhak.

It is very exciting to see a biomarker that can predict disability one to two years before occurrence, according to Dr. Lana Zhovtis Ryerson, research director at the Hackensack Meridian Neuroscience Institute at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Center, who reviewed this study and told MNT. “We are beginning to monitor this biomarker in our clinic, and it shows that long-term observation of this data point can have an impact on our patient population,” said Dr. Ryerson. And Bruce F. Drdot. Bebo Junior. , executive vice president of research at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, told MNT that choosing the best disease-modifying treatment for a patient would be made much easier if it were possible to forecast how their disease would progress. Dr. Bebo stated, “At this time, there is not much information available to help guide the choice of disease-modifying therapy.”. “With this information, the patient and physician could choose a therapy with confidence. A biomarker like sNfL may enable people to begin effective treatment earlier, as we are aware of the many advantages of starting someone on a therapy that works for them.


For medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Depression increases the risk of mortality among people living with diabetes

Depression increases the risk of mortality among people living with diabetes

More than 462 million people worldwide suffer with type 2 diabetes, making it the ninth most common cause of death. People with type 2 diabetes frequently experience mental health problems; research indicates that the likelihood of depression is twice as high in those with the disease as in those without it. According to a recent study, the risk of dying young is four times higher for those who have type 2 diabetes and depression combined than for those who don’t. The authors advocate for the inclusion of mental health services in type 2 diabetes patients’ medical regimens.

Using data from the Global Burden of Disease dataset, a study conducted in 2017 projected that 462 million individuals worldwide, or 6.28% of the total population, had type 2 diabetes. Since then, the number has grown, and by 2050, it is anticipated that there will be more than 1.3 billion type 2 diabetics globally. Individuals who have diabetes are more likely than those who do not to experience depression. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 5% of persons worldwide suffer from depression, also known as depressive disorder. Research has also shown that people with type 2 diabetes have twice the risk of developing depression compared to the general population.

Type 2 diabetes and depression together can raise the chance of death by up to four times, according to a recent study. Both illnesses increase the risk of mortality. Professor of public health at current Mexico State University and lead and corresponding author of the current study Dr. Jagdish Khubchandani told MNT that “it is estimated that almost a fifth of people with diabetes may also have depression symptoms of varying severity” globally. Data from 14,920 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted between 2005 and 2010, were analyzed by the researchers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) death records up to December 31, 2019, were then linked to these data.

When it came to the participants’ diabetes status, the researchers recorded it as diabetes if they replied “yes” or “borderline” to the question, “Other than during pregnancy, have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have diabetes or sugar diabetes?”. They measured depression using the PHQ-9, a tool for gauging depression severity. Anyone who received a score of 10 or higher on the questionnaire—which has a maximum score of 27—was deemed to have depression. 10% of the cohort had type 2 diabetes, and 9 points08 percent had depression. Sixteen percent of people with type 2 diabetes also experienced depression. The researchers discovered that, overall, individuals with type 2 diabetes had a 1:7 chance of dying before their time after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. The risk of dying young was more than four times higher for those with type 2 diabetes and depression than for those without either illness.

“Considering the range of additional conditions, including depression, that often coexist with diabetes, specialists in diabetes care may not be able to provide assistance on their own,” he continued. Dr. This viewpoint was echoed by Gabbay, who stated that “[t]he American Diabetes Association Standards of Care recommends routine screening for depression because it is a common condition in people with diabetes, predicts poor outcomes, and, shockingly, now increases the risk of death.”. “It is crucial to screen for depression, which can be as easy as asking a PHQ-2 question [about the frequency of depressed mood], and then concentrate on appropriate treatments, given that there are effective treatments for depression,” he said. According to Dr. Gabbay, there are a number of factors that may contribute to diabetes and depression, including inflammation, sleep disturbance, an inactive lifestyle, poor dietary habits, and environmental and cultural risk factors.

There are several possible explanations for the link between type 2 diabetes and depression. He pointed out that people who are depressed are frequently less likely to lead healthy lifestyles, which can result in poorer glucose regulation and an increased risk of diabetes complications. We may not fully understand the biological connection, but it appears to play a significant role in the relationship between depression and type 2 diabetes, Dr. Gabbay continued. Dr. Khubchandani stressed how critical it is to treat both illnesses. He informed us that a combination of antidepressants and hypoglycemic drugs are recommended for optimum management of both the disorders and to prevent worsening of any of these, although receiving treatment for any one of the two disorders is still preferable to receiving none at all. He continued, Frequent monitoring and screening is essential for this to occur, and diabetes care practitioners must remain vigilant about mental health issues among patients.. Dr. Khubchandani further emphasized the need for prompt action to stop needless diabetes-related deaths. He emphasized that by 2050, the number of people with diabetes worldwide will have rapidly doubled from 400 million today, adding that diabetes imposes a lot of social, economic, and emotional burdens.. In the absence of a more thorough and serious approach to mental health issues, the number of diabetics who pass away too soon will increase. .

High blood sugar levels brought on by diabetes can cause a number of health problems that can impact the body’s organs. Controlling these levels can lower the chance of harm occurring to the entire body. Diabetes can be treated to a lesser extent by receiving an early diagnosis and adhering to a treatment plan that includes medication, lifestyle modifications, and routine medical care. The primary cause of early death for diabetics is cardiovascular disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the CDC, the risk of having a stroke or passing away from heart disease is two to three times higher for those who have diabetes than for those who do not. Moreover, diabetes patients typically experience more severe cardiac issues earlier in life than non-diabetic individuals. Furthermore, diabetes frequently coexists with other heart-stressing conditions like obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease are both at risk due to poor diet and inactivity. When there is an infection or wound, the body’s capacity to heal is compromised by poor circulation. The lack of blood, oxygen, and nutrients is the cause of this. Diabetes patients should frequently examine their skin for wounds and should consult a physician if they experience any infection-related symptoms, such as redness, swelling, or fever.

One of the most frequent side effects of diabetes is neuropathy, or nerve damage. Nerve damage affects roughly 10–20% of individuals with diabetes at diagnosis. A person’s risk of developing neuropathy increases with the length of time they have diabetes. Over 50% of individuals with diabetes will develop the illness at some point. Any area of the nervous system, including the nerves governing autonomic or involuntary processes like digestion, can be affected by neuropathy. On the other hand, peripheral neuropathy is the most prevalent type. The legs, feet, and toes, as well as the arms, hands, and fingers, are affected, resulting in pain and numbness. The upper legs and hips can also be affected by neuropathy. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), peripheral neuropathy accounts for up to 50% of cases of diabetes, while autonomic neuropathy accounts for over 30% of cases. High blood sugar levels have the potential to harm kidney blood vessels over time. The kidneys’ ability to filter waste from the blood is compromised by this damage. Kidney failure may develop eventually. One of the primary causes of kidney disease, according to the NIDDK, is diabetes. It impacts one in three diabetics.

Diabetes raises the possibility of several ocular issues, some of which can result in blindness. One of the short-term issues is hazy vision from elevated blood sugar. Diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, cataracts, and glaucoma are long-term complications. Controlling blood sugar, avoiding or quitting smoking, and scheduling routine eye exams can all help preserve eye health in diabetics. Nervous system damage can impact autonomic bodily processes, such as digestion. When nerve damage prevents the digestive system from properly moving food from the stomach into the small intestine, the condition known as gastroparesis may result. Diabetes may cause a person to experience nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, bloating, abdominal pain, and, in extreme situations, weight loss. Stress can be reduced by learning as much as possible about diabetes. It may also cause concerns about treatment, health, and potential complications that can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Concerns about the cost of treatment and whether or not they are getting it right, especially if symptoms change mood disorders that make it difficult for a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A person will feel more in control of their diabetes and its management the more informed they are about their illness. Being aware of what to do in every circumstance can help someone feel more confident and better about themselves in general. Reducing these issues can be achieved by collaborating with a healthcare provider. A physician or therapist may do so.


For  Anti Depression and Diabetes  medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Using cannabis may increase your chance of having a heart attack, according to studies.

Using cannabis may increase your chance of having a heart attack, according to studies.

Two different research looked at the potential effects of long-term cannabis usage on the heart. According to the first study, there is a 34% increased risk of heart failure with daily cannabis usage. According to the second study, hospital stays involving cannabis use are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks or other cardiac events among older users. Although the results are strong, they are constrained by the fact that the studies did not look at whether participants took edibles or breathed cannabis. The goal of this research, according to the scientists, is to improve the knowledge of cannabis consumers and healthcare professionals so they may better advise their patients.  

According to data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), cannabis consumption has grown by about 50% in the last ten years. In a study done in 2022, 44% of respondents said they had used cannabis in the year before, up from 28% in 2012. The fact that cannabis is now legal in some states for both medical and recreational purposes contributes to this. Numerous studies have demonstrated the potential benefits of cannabis use in easing anxiety symptoms, lowering pain thresholds, and treating gastrointestinal ailments. However, some scientists are concerned about the potential negative effects of chronic cannabis use on health.

Researchers closely examined the long-term effects of cannabis use on the heart in two trials. In one study, participants’ cannabis usage is tracked for four years, while data from the 2019 National Inpatient Sample was analyzed in the other study. One of the cannabis studies was directed by Dr. Yakubu Bene-Alhasan, a physician at MedStar Health in Baltimore, and it concentrated on the relationship between cannabis usage and heart failure. In the research abstract, Dr. Bene-Alhasan stated, “With the increasing state-level legalization of marijuana throughout the United States, its use has increased exponentially, especially among the youth.” “However, there are still many unanswered questions about its implications for cardiovascular health.” Data from around 157,000 participants in the All of Us Research Program were used in this study.

For four years, the subjects were monitored by the researchers. None of the subjects had heart failure at the start of the study, and they disclosed how frequently they used cannabis (the researchers didn’t inquire as to whether the subjects inhaled or ingested the drug). While some participants reported taking cannabis for recreational purposes, others were prescribed it. The researchers were curious about the latter group’s cannabis consumption beyond what their doctors had prescribed. About 2% of the patients in the trial went on to suffer heart failure by the end, and daily cannabis users had a 34% increased chance of doing so. “More research on marijuana use is needed to fully understand its health implications, particularly with regard to cardiovascular risk,” the researchers stated in a statement.

Dr. Bene-Alhasan told Medical News Today that while regular cannabis usage had an influence on heart failure, infrequent use did not. Dr. Bene-Alhasan stated, “Daily use was associated with an increased risk of heart failure.” “It was not found that less frequent use was protective or linked to an increased risk of heart failure.” Adults over 65 who use cannabis were the subject of the second investigation. This study was directed by Dr. Avilash Mondal, a physician at Philadelphia’s Nazareth Hospital. According to Dr. Mondal, the use of cannabis has risen in older adults in recent years. Given this, it is imperative to assess the potential effects of cannabis on cardiac disease in this age group.

Dr. Mondal conducted a study to find out if cannabis use affects hospital stays in patients who have a higher risk of cardiac problems. The researchers compared data from cannabis users and non-users after removing tobacco users. Using data from 28,535 cannabis users, the scientists investigated if cannabis users had a higher rate of cardiovascular events during hospital admissions than non-users. The findings were startling: patients who used cannabis had a 20% higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke while they were in the hospital.

Nearly 14% of those who reported using cannabis experienced significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events while they were in the hospital, according to the study abstract. Acute myocardial infarctions, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, and strokes were also more common in cannabis users. The study’s findings, according to Dr. Mondal, highlight the significance of healthcare professionals following up with patients on cannabis use. Major heart and stroke incidents in older persons with cannabis use disorders are something we need to be aware of. To understand the long-term repercussions of cannabis use, further research is now required, according to Dr. Mondal. In addition, Dr. Richard Wright, a board-certified cardiologist at Santa Monica, California’s Providence Saint John’s Health Center, discussed the study with MNT.

Dr. Wright stated, “These provocative findings could be significant in light of the perhaps naïve belief that the drug is safe and the increasing use of cannabis.” One shortcoming of the research, as noted by Dr. Wright, was that it did not assess whether subjects swallowed or breathed cannabis. According to Dr. Wright, “this is a critical issue because any inhaled combustible material contains noxious substances that are known to have potential adverse effects on the heart, lungs, and systemic health.” Additionally, according to Dr. Wright, everyday cannabis users may be doing so to treat chronic pain issues, which increases their risk of heart failure.

The report was also reviewed by Dr. Cheng-Han Chen, medical director of the Structural Heart Program at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills, California, and board certified interventional cardiologist. According to Dr. Chen, the study supports a growing body of evidence that cannabis use may have detrimental effects on the heart. According to Dr. Chen, “researchers have only recently gathered data associating cannabis use to worsened clinical cardiovascular outcomes.” Three out of ten cannabis users suffer from cannabis use disorder (CUD), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

“They are unable to stop using marijuana even though it’s causing health and social problems in their lives,” according to the CDC. Regular cannabis cravings, increasing cannabis consumption to get high, suffering withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit using cannabis, and enduring social problems as a result of cannabis use are some indications of cannabis use disorder.


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Research relates poor sperm count and male infertility to smartphone use.

Research relates poor sperm count and male infertility to smartphone use.

For fifty years, medical professionals have looked for lifestyle and environmental factors that could be causing a decline in the number of male sperm. According to some researches, male fertility may be impacted by low-level radiofrequency electromagnetic fields released by mobile phones. Sperm concentration and total sperm count were found to decrease with increased mobile phone use in a large Swiss population research. The results suggest that sperm quality may not be as affected by sophisticated phone technologies. Roughly half of cases of clinical infertility are estimated to be caused by compromised male fertility. A 50% decrease in male sperm counts over several decades has specialists concerned about the growing public health issue of male infertility. In an attempt to find answers, scientists have been looking at the possible effects of a variety of environmental conditions on the quality of sperm. Radiation exposure, endocrine disruptors, stress, alcohol, narcotics, and smoking are a few examples of these.

Researchers from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and the University of Geneva recently looked into the potential impact of mobile phone use and location on male infertility. The 13-year study indicates that among young adult males, smartphone use may be linked to decreased sperm concentration and total sperm count (TSC). However, because newer phones have lesser transmission powers, the influence on sperm count may have been lessened by the switch to 3G and 4G. 2,886 men between the ages of 18 and 22 were gathered for the study between 2005 and 2018 at military recruitment sites. The study periods were from 2008 to 2011, from 2012 to 2018, and from 2005 to 2007. The lab experts extracted semen samples and noted the motility, concentration, and total sperm count (TSC).

In addition to answering questions on their education, lifestyle choices, and general and reproductive health, participants were also asked how frequently they used their gadgets. Responses on how often they used it varied from once a week to more than 20 times a day. 2,764 participants in all provided answers to the questions. Based on how frequently they used their phones, the participants were divided into five groups by the researchers. those who reported using their phones once a week had a significantly greater median sperm concentration than those who used their phones more than 20 times a day.

Furthermore, compared to other study periods, the first study period revealed a “more pronounced” relationship between smartphone use and sperm concentration. The trajectory seems to be in line with the development of new technologies, from 2G to 3G to 4G, which is associated with a drop in the output power of mobile phones. The participants were also questioned by researchers about where they kept their phones when not in use. Responses for non-use phone locations included belt carriers, jackets, jeans, and other non-body parts. Approximately 85.7% of the 2,368 male participants in the research stated they kept their phones in their pants pockets when not in use. The remaining men either kept their phones outside of their bodies (9.7%) or inside their jackets (4.6%). There was no correlation found in study models between having a phone in your pants and poorer measures related to semen quality.

The stratified analysis based on the recruitment period similarly showed this lack of association. A male may need more than a year to conceive with a partner if his sperm concentration is less than 15 million per milliliter, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source. Furthermore, if the concentration of sperm is less than 40 million per milliliter, there is less probability of becoming pregnant. According to research, the average number of sperm per milliliter has decreased from 99 million to 47 million. This is especially true for countries in the West. Medical News Today spoke with UK consulting practitioner Dr. Hussain Ahmad about the Swiss study. He did not participate in the study.

According to Dr. Ahmad, sperm count is impacted by a wide range of factors, including stress, alcohol and tobacco usage, prescription and illicit drug use, and physical inactivity. Perfluoroalkyl and polymers formed of synthetic materials, or PFAS, are widely used in consumer goods and industry. The “forever chemicals,” or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are gradually being phased out because of documented health risks, including lowered semen quality. These substances do, however, remain in both the environment and human bodies. According to an analysis published in 2022, PFAS builds up to levels that are observable throughout the body and in bodily fluids like seminal fluid. This extensive cross-sectional investigation on mobile phone use and semen quality was conducted in collaboration with the academics. They collected data on thousands of men in Switzerland during a ten-year period.

Self-reported data dependence is a major drawback. The authors conducted another study in which participants downloaded a smartphone application in an effort to get around this in future studies. The study was limited to male participants aged 18 to 22. Research has not yet been done on how radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) from cell phones affect elderly males. While the Swiss study is intriguing and merits more research, Dr. Ahmad told MNT that it could be worthwhile to look into a larger picture that influences stress and reproductive rates. Stress and decreased reproduction rates may also be caused by economic issues, persistently bad international news, and social media pressure. According to Dr. Ahmad, “[this means] that more people are experiencing stress levels that require medical treatment.”

In fact, several scientists question whether using a cell phone alone may have a major impact on male fertility. Dr. Paulvin pointed out that since “we live in a world where it’s practically impossible to operate without frequent cell phone usage,” there isn’t a definitive answer to the question. However, because there are so many other factors that affect fertility, it is challenging to draw firm conclusions from this study. Additionally, Dr. Paulvin said that while the study did find a correlation between cell phone usage and sperm concentration, there were numerous other characteristics that were not shown to be associated.


For fertility medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

Tai chi help slow the progression of Parkinson’s

Tai chi help slow the progression of Parkinson’s

According to a recent study, tai chi may benefit Parkinson’s disease sufferers. Parkinson’s disease has no known cure, and although current treatments reduce symptoms, they don’t seem to stop the disease’s progression. Parkinson’s disease patients can benefit from physical treatment that teaches their brains to compensate for lost mobility. This helps improve their gait and balance. According to recent studies, practicing tai chi, a Chinese martial art that entails a sequence of slow motions and postures, may help reduce Parkinson’s disease symptoms and decrease the disease’s progression.

The research, which was published on October 24 in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, discovered that tai chi practitioners with Parkinson’s disease experienced a slower deterioration in cognitive function than non-practitioners. Parkinson’s disease has no known cure, and although current treatments reduce symptoms, they don’t seem to stop the disease’s progression. According to the researchers, regular exercise, such as tai chi, may help manage symptoms and slow the disease’s progression. Dr. Molly Cincotta, a neurologist at Temple University Hospital and assistant professor of clinical neurology at Temple University’s Lewis Katz School of Medicine, claims that previous research indicates exercise is one of the only interventions that appears to reduce the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s patients’ gait and balance can also be enhanced by physical treatment that teaches brain regions to compensate for lost movement.

Beginning in January 2016, researchers recruited 330 Parkinson’s disease patients to learn how tai chi affects the disease’s symptoms and complications. For the study, the average observation period was 4.3 years. The participants were divided into two groups: 143 engaged in one-hour, twice-weekly tai chi practice, and 187 got normal medical care without engaging in any tai chi exercises. All patients had their disease progression evaluated by the research team at the beginning of the study, and then again in November 2019, October 2020, and June 2021. They examined the degree of mobility, mood, sleep quality, and cognitive abilities of the subjects as well as the autonomic nervous system’s performance (including bowel and urine movements).

The group who practiced tai chi showed slower illness progression, according to the team’s findings. Tai chi practitioners reported better sleep, balance, and cognitive function as well as fewer difficulties. For instance, compared to 7.5% of individuals who did not practice tai chi, 1.4% of those in the tai chi group exhibited dyskinesia. Moreover, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) was observed in 2.8% of tai chi practitioners as opposed to 9.6% in the non-tai chi group. Additionally, those who did not practice tai chi used more medications. Compared to 71% of those who consistently practiced Tai Chi, over 83% of people who did not practice the art needed to increase their prescription in 2019. Compared to 87% of individuals who practiced tai chi, over 96% of those who did not practice the kind of meditation required a higher dosage in 2020.

“In patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, this study suggests that regular [tai chi] practice may be beneficial for motor function, sleep, cognition, and overall quality of life,” stated Cincotta. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition primarily marked by the death of brain cells that generate dopamine, a neurotransmitter essential for mood regulation, thought processes, and motor function, among other bodily processes. It’s like trying to drive with the parking brake on when these cells are gone and the brain has less dopamine. Although movement is possible, it is frequently jerky, stiff, and slow, according to Cincotta. According to Cincotta, a deficiency in dopamine can eventually result in tremors, changed facial expressions, a shuffling gait, anxiety, despair, or indifference.

Increased inflammation may also be a result of the disease, and research indicates that the more inflammatory chemicals the body produces, the more severe the symptoms usually are. The primary treatment for Parkinson’s disease is medication. These medications, which work by increasing low dopamine levels, alleviate symptoms but don’t seem to have a major effect on the course of the illness. Furthermore, some medications may become less effective as the illness progresses.

The University of Miami Health System’s chief of the Division of Movement Disorders, Dr. Ihtsham ul Haq, asserts that the only approach to delay the progression of Parkinson’s disease is through exercise. He stated, “Tai chi is a great way to get this benefit, but it’s definitely not the only way.” Scientists are trying to figure out why exercise affects Parkinson’s disease in this way. According to Haq, frequent exercise may alter cellular processes including protein aggregation and mitochondrial function, as well as enhance cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation. Cincotta continued, “Tai chi in particular may support people in maintaining their social connections, which has a positive effect on cognition.”

Haq asserts that it’s difficult to say whether one form of exercise is superior than another. People with Parkinson’s disease should exercise in any way they find rewarding as often as it is convenient for them, according to Haq, as no limit has been identified to the effect. According to recent studies, tai chi may lessen Parkinson’s disease symptoms and delay the disease’s progression. Parkinson’s disease is mostly treated with medication; however, the medications now on the market don’t seem to slow the disease’s progression. Numerous studies indicate that the only intervention that appears to be effective in delaying the course of disease is exercise, such as tai chi.


For parkinson medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

The survival and relapse rates of cervical cancer are improved with induction chemotherapy.

The survival and relapse rates of cervical cancer are improved with induction chemotherapy.

Advances in screening, prevention, and therapy have contributed to recent increases in cancer survival rates. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination as a preventative measure and screening for early diagnosis have been the main focuses of efforts to increase cervical cancer survival. Nonetheless, some people continue to be diagnosed with advanced cancer that has to be treated. According to a recent study, induction therapy may increase the overall survival rates of advanced cervical cancer by 39%.

At sites in the United Kingdom, Mexico, India, Italy, and Brazil, researchers gathered a cohort of 500 women with cervical cancer that measured more than 4 centimeters (cm) across (stage 1B2 to stage 4A) or less than 4 cm (stage 1B1 if the cancer is also in the lymph nodes). This group was divided into two arms; the first underwent six weekly doses of chemotherapy consisting of carboplatin and paclitaxel, followed by up to six weeks of treatment with radiation therapy and the chemotherapy medication cisplatin for their cancer. For their malignancy, the second trial arm’s participants had only the conventional six weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

After five years of cohort follow-up, researchers discovered that patients who had undergone induction chemotherapy had a noticeably higher overall survival rate. Patients who got induction therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy had an overall five-year survival rate of 80%, while patients who had only standard chemotherapy and radiation therapy had a five-year survival rate of 72%. For patients who got the induction therapy initially, this meant a 39% lower chance of death over a five-year period. People who live with cancer without it progressing or spreading are said to be progression-free survivors.

At five years, the progression-free survival rate for patients who had received induction therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation was 73%, while the rate for patients who had just received standard chemotherapy and radiation was 64%. This indicated a 35% decrease in the likelihood of progression during the five years that followed treatment. The group receiving induction chemotherapy experienced more adverse effects than the other; 59% of that group’s side effects interfered with their ability to go about their daily lives, compared to 48% of the other group.

According to a 2023 study by the American Cancer Society (ACS), the United States’ cancer death rate has dropped by a third since 1991. The American Cancer Society (ACS) attributes the decline in U.S. mortality to advancements in early identification and treatment. Other nations have also witnessed a decline in mortality; early in 2023, the National Health System in the United Kingdom reported a 10% rise in cancer survival rates since 2005. The advent of induction chemotherapies is one advancement in treatment. Induction therapy is described as “the first treatment given for a disease” by the National Cancer Institute, following previous medical interventions.

Chemotherapy administered before to other treatments for patients with aggressive malignancies that have a high chance of spreading is known as induction chemotherapy. They have previously been demonstrated to be successful in raising overall survival rates for a number of cancers, including pancreatic, lung, acute myeloid leukemia, and breast cancer. After these therapies, further radiotherapy, surgery, or chemotherapy may be administered. Additionally, Dr. McCormack stressed that cervical cancer is a disease that is largely preventable. In order to help prevent infection and the subsequent development of cervical cancer, the HPV vaccine was first made available to adolescent girls in 2006 and subsequently to boys prior to their sexual maturation.

Between 2012 and 2019, the United States had a 65% decline in the rate of cervical cancer in people in their 20s. Researchers hypothesize that this decline “foreshadows” a subsequent decline in cervical cancer rates in that region and is caused by the introduction of the HPV vaccine in 2006.


For cancer medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here

According to a study, insulin may be kept at room temperature for months without losing its effectiveness.

According to a study, insulin may be kept at room temperature for months without losing its effectiveness.

According to recent studies, insulin does not lose its efficacy even when kept out of the refrigerator for several months. Insulin can be maintained at room temperature, according to guidelines already in place, but the new information provides further detail on acceptable temperature ranges. Insulin must be kept out of direct sunlight and kept at or above 25°C (77°F) or below freezing for optimal effects. For those with type 1 diabetes who are unable to consistently refrigerate their insulin, new research reveals that insulin can be kept at room temperature for months and still maintain its efficacy.

In a recent review, the Cochrane Collaboration examined the effects of various temperatures on insulin and discovered that unopened containers of some human insulin types could be kept at 77°F, or 25°C, for up to six months without significantly losing potency. The information affects both individuals without refrigerators and those whose refrigerators may not be dependable. Richter points out that some refrigerator pockets truly get too cold below freezingwhich reduces the effectiveness of any insulin that may be kept there.

It is possible to maintain the efficacy of insulin if it is not refrigerated and is stored outside. Richter advises avoiding direct sunlight and letting it grow too hot or too chilly. Insulin that hasn’t been opened should normally be stored in refrigerators at 4°C (39°F), whereas insulin that is being used should be left at room temperature. Richter noted that the new data from our research indicated that insulin could be administered for longer periods of time and at greater temperatures without significantly reducing activity in those living in challenging settings.

According to him, the results have raised new issues that might be the subject of further investigation, such as examining the impacts of both motion and temperature. According to him, “people who use insulin pumps, for instance, wear them close to their bodies, which causes a higher temperature, and they’re more or less continuously moving.” We also seek information on how people who live in cold climates keep their insulin from freezing. Individuals with type 1 diabetes are well aware of the urgent necessity of insulin. Insulin is a dependable and efficient treatment for type 1 diabetes since it lowers blood glucose in those whose systems are unable to manage glucose on their own.

It is imperative for physicians to inform their patients about the warning signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia reactions. For this reason, he said, it’s imperative that you constantly remind your patients that they must eat in order for their bodies to absorb glucose and that they should always carry a glucose tablet. Dr. Romain mentioned that he treats patients from a low-income community, which can make it difficult for them to get insulin.

For the patient, it might be quite difficult, especially if they don’t have insurance. I make an effort to learn about my patients’ daily lives because many people are unaware of the seriousness of type 1 diabetes. He stated that it is important to consider the potential for serious problems. Knowing what foods to eat and how much exercise is necessary since diabetes, whether type 1 or not, can induce myocardial infarction, which is the main cause of death for diabetics. Dr. Romain continued, “It all comes down to teaching the patient how critical it is to get the illness under control so we can avoid those consequences from developing.


For diabetes medications that have been suggested by doctors worldwide are available here