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Saw Palmetto for Enlarged Prostate Gland and Hair Loss.

Saw Palmetto for Enlarged Prostate Gland and Hair Loss.

Saw palmetto

Saw palmetto, scientifically known as Serenoa Repens, is a shrub-like plant native to the Southeastern United States, most commonly along South Atlantic, sand hills, and the Gulf coastal plain. The plant generally grows 10 feet tall from the ground with leaves as thronshaped, arranged like a fan with many wings. 

Nowadays, the berries of saw palmetto are used as a whole or dried and could also be used to make tea. The berries are similar in oil content to the black olive with similar size. 

As an alternative medicine, Saw palmetto is used in the treatment of a number of medical conditions in the human body such as:

However, this natural herb is mainly known for its assistance in treating prostate problems. It could be used as a natural product or as a dietary supplement to treat urinary symptoms such as Enlarged prostate gland or any other conditions caused by low testosterone level.

Benefits of using Saw Palmetto

In addition to its several features, Saw palmetto consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body that includes:

There might be several other benefits of saw palmetto in addition to those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals broken down inside human body such as:

  • Volatile oils
  • Tannin
  • Resins
  • Vitamin E
  • Flavonoids
  • Plant Sterols
  • fatty acids

Saw palmetto Supplement

Saw palmetto supplements are herbal medicines made from extract of palmetto’s berries. They are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural saw palmetto. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with it. These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, liquid extracts, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication associating the body’s health in future.

Saw palmetto dose for Humans

Saw palmetto is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume this natural herb in natural or supplement form to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties for the overall being of the body. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of saw palmetto in a human body. However, adults often take 320-960mg of dose daily for around 3 years. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are consuming the natural berry or supplement for any reason. Ideally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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What happens when Milk Thistle interact with drugs?

What happens when Milk Thistle interact with drugs?

Milk thistle interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as milk thistle are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and milk thistle . This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antidiabetic Drug– Antidiabetic medicines are used to lower the blood sugar level of the body. Milk thistle might also decrease the blood sugar level of the body. Combination of both might result in abnormally low blood sugar levels than usual causing complications. It is recommended to keep a frequent check on the blood sugar level when consuming milk thistle along with antidiabetic drugs or avoid it. Such antidiabetic drugs include glimepiride (Amaryl), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), glipizide (Glucotrol), and several others.
  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of milk thistle along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding due to lower blood clotting than usual. Drugs that decreases the blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and several others.

There are also several other medicines and drugs that interact with milk thistle because both are broken down by the same liver enzyme causing interaction. such drugs include:

  • High cholesterol
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Cancer drugs
  • Allergy drugs

Precautions and warnings before using Milk thistle

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Milk thistle must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– There is not enough evidence regarding safety of mother or nursing child while pregnant when Milk thistle is consumed. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using this herb during Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding– There is not enough evidence regarding safety of mother or nursing child while breastfeeding and consuming milk thistle. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using this herb during breastfeeding.
  • Surgery– Consuming milk thistle might weaken the effects of drugs administered during surgery by mild increase in drug metabolism of the body. It is advisable to withdraw consuming milk thistle at least 2-3 weeks before surgery.
  • Diabetes– Milk thistle is a kind of natural herb that decreases the sugar level of an individual. People dealing with diabetes tend to use antidiabetic drugs. Consumption of both might increase the risk of fall in sugar level more than usual that could result in creating unwanted complications.
  • Bleeding disorder– Individuals diagnosed with bleeding disorder tend to use drugs that increase the clotting of blood. Milk thistle might decrease the effectiveness of such drugs resulting in creased risk of bleeding.
  • Allergy– An individual must make sure to avoid consuming milk thistle if allergic to it or any other natural herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family.

Side effects of using Milk thistle

Interaction of Milk thistle with several medical drugs, overdose, or no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Gas
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rash
  • Allergic reactions
  • Diarrhea
  • Itching
  • Nausea
  • Anaphylaxis

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume Milk thistle with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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Treat Inflammatory Liver disorders with Milk thistle

Treat Inflammatory Liver disorders with Milk thistle

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle, scientifically known as Silymarin, is a herbal remedy plant that is native to Europe and was further introduced by early colonists in America. Currently, this herbal plant is found throughout South America, United states, Asia, Africa, Australia, and California. This prickly plant has unique purple flowers with white veins. 

The flowers and leaves of this natural herb are used in several food products such as salads and as a substitute for spinach. Also, the seeds are roasted and used as a substitute for coffee beans. 

Apart from several edible applications, Milk thistle is used to treat a number of medical conditions in a human body due to its several essential medical properties that play an important role inside the body. As per studies and reports, conditions that are treated by milk thistle includes:

  • Jaundice
  • Hepatitis
  • Gall bladder disorder
  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver disorders

Benefits of using Milk Thistle

In addition to its several features, milk thistle consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

There might be several other benefits of milk thistle in addition to those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • Crude Moisture
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Fiber
  • Ash
  • Protein
  • magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • chromium
  • Iron
  • Copper

Milk Thistle Supplement

Milk thistle supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Milk thistle. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with MIlk thistle.

These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, liquid extracts, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.

Milk thistle dose for Humans

Milk thistle is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume milk thistle to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of milk thistle in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional goldenseal supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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Search this blog by following keywords also cirrhosis of the liver | liver cancer | liver disease symptoms | liver failure | liver disease treatment.

Can a pregnant or breastfeeding woman use Goldenseal?

Can a pregnant or breastfeeding woman use Goldenseal?

Goldenseal interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as goldenseal are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and Goldenseal. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions.

Such interacting medical drugs include:

Antidiabetic Drug

Antidiabetic medicines are used to lower the blood sugar level of the body. Goldenseal might also decrease the blood sugar level of the body. Combination of both might result in abnormally low blood sugar levels than usual causing complications. It is recommended to keep a frequent check on the blood sugar level when consuming Goldenseal along with antidiabetic drugs or avoid it. Such antidiabetic drugs include glimepiride (Amaryl), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), glipizide (Glucotrol), and several others.

Antihypertensive Drug

Antihypertensive medicines are used to lower the blood pressure level of the body. Goldenseal might also decrease the blood pressure level of the body. Combination of both might result in abnormally low blood pressure levels than usual causing complications. It is recommended to keep a frequent check on the blood pressure when consuming Goldenseal along with antihypertensive drugs or avoid it. 


Goldenseal consists of a natural substance that might decrease the rate of tacrolimus breakdown inside the body. This might increase the side effects associated with tacrolimus.

Sedative medicine

Goldenseal might cause dizziness and drowsiness. Sedative medicines are generally used for sleep and could cause slow breathing. Combination of both might result in excessive dizziness, sleepiness than usual.

Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.

Cytochrome P450 2E1(CYP2E1)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.

Cytochrome P450 2C9(CYP2C9)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.

Cytochrome P450 3A4(CYP3A4)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.

Cytochrome P450 2C8(CYP2C8)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.

There are also some minor interactions of Goldenseal with other drugs such as Oseltamivir.

Precautions and warnings before using Goldenseal

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Goldenseal must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Consuming Goldenseal while pregnant is generally unsafe. A chemical in this herb can cause brain damage to the unborn child. It is recommended to avoid using goldenseal during pregnancy. 
  • Breastfeeding– Consuming Goldenseal while breastfeeding is generally unsafe. A chemical in this herb can pass into the breastmilk and cause brain damage to the nursing child. It is recommended to avoid using goldenseal during breastfeeding. 
  • Bleeding disorder– Goldenseal might increase the risk of bleeding especially in individuals who are already diagnosed with such disorder. It is advisable to use a goldenseal seal with caution.
  • Children– Newborn or infants must not be given goldenseal as it can cause brain damage in them.
  • Surgery– Goldenseal increases the risk of bleeding. This might increase the bleeding during or post surgery. It is advisable to avoid using this herb and its extract at least before 2 weeks of surgery.

Side effects of using Goldenseal

Interaction of Feverfew with several medical drugs, overdose, or no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • Cardiac damage
  • Depression
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Paralysis
  • Respiratory failure
  • low blood pressure
  • easy bleeding\bruising
  • brain damage in unborn and newborn child
  • constipation
  • skin irritation
  • digestive disorders
  • excitability

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume goldenseal with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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Is Goldenseal really effective for Urinary Tract Infection?

Is Goldenseal really effective for Urinary Tract Infection?


Goldenseal, scientifically known as Hydrastis canadensis, is a perennial herb that belongs to the buttercup family called Ranunculaceae. This natural herb is native to Eastern North America. Although excessive harvesting and loss of habitat has decreased the goldenseal availability, this plant is however grown in the United States commercially in the Blue Ridge mountain.

Goldenseal gained wide popularity in the early 18th century, to be a megical cure for many medical conditions. It is historically used by native Americans to treat several medical conditions such as Ulcers, skin disorders, fevers, etc. 

There are several medical application of goldenseal that is not supported by scientific evidences, however, there is a natural substance called Berberine, found in goldenseal that is used to treat several medical conditions of a human body along with its overall medical uses and remedies such as:

Benefits of using Goldenseal

In addition to its several features, Goldenseal consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

There might be several other benefits of Goldenseal in addition to those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

Goldenseal Supplement

Goldenseal supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Goldenseal. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with Goldenseal.

These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, liquid extracts, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.

Goldenseal dose for Humans

Goldenseal is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume goldenseal to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of goldenseal in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional goldenseal supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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Search this blog by following keywords also urinary tract infection treatment | bladder infection | urinary pain | bacteria in urine

What are the side effects of consuming Feverfew?

What are the side effects of consuming Feverfew?

Feverfew interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as feverfew are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and Feverfew. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of feverfew along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding due to lower blood clotting than usual. Drugs that decreases the blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and several others.
  • Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.
  • Cytochrome P450 2C91(CYP2C91)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.
  • Cytochrome P450 2C9(CYP2C9)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.
  • Cytochrome P450 3A4(CYP3A4)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.
  • Cytochrome P450 2C8(CYP2C8)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Feverfew might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.

Precautions and warnings before using Feverfew

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Echinacea must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Feverfew is commonly considered safe during pregnancy when consumed in a food amount. However, a pregnant woman must avoid consuming Echinacea as it may increase the risk of miscarriage and contractions.
  • Breastfeeding– There is not enough evidence regarding safety of mother or nursing child while breastfeeding and consuming Feverfew. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using this herb during breastfeeding.
  • Bleeding disorder– Intake of feverfew resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding due to lower blood clotting. People diagnosed with bleeding disorder tend to have an increased risk of more bleeding than usual.
  • Surgery– Feverfew reduces the formation of blood clotting. This might increase the bleeding during or post surgery. It is advisable to avoid using feverfew before 2 weeks of surgery.
  • Allergy– Feverfew might cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to it or any of its family members of Asteraceae. 

Side effects of using Feverfew

Interaction of Feverfew with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • heartburn
  • loss of taste
  • swelling in the mouth
  • mouth sores

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume feverfew with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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Is Feverfew effective against painful medical symptoms?

Is Feverfew effective against painful medical symptoms?


Feverfew, scientifically known as Tanacetum parthenium L, is a herbal medicinal flowering plant that belongs to the plant family of Asteraceae. The name of this plant is derived from the Latin word Febrifugia meaning Fever reducer. The plant is native to Southeastern Europe. However, it is now widespread throughout North America, Europe, and Australia. 

Feverfew is a short perennial plant that generally blooms between July and October, with a bitter odor. Its consist of alternate yellow green leaves and daisy like flowers are arranged in a flat top clusters.

The leaves of the feverfew i.e. dried or fresh, and its extracts consist of a number of medical applications in a human body. For centuries, feverfew has been used as a traditional and folk medicine. The plant contain a large number of natural products which assist to treat several medical conditions in a human body such as:

Benefits of using Feverfew

In addition to its several features, Feverfew consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anticancer effects
  • relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • treats rosacea
  • prevents blood vessels constriction in brain
  • analgesic
  • antipyretic properties

There might be several other benefits of Feverfew in addition to those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • Flavonoids
  • Volatile oils

Feverfew Supplement

Feverfew supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Feverfew. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with Feverfew.

These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.

Feverfew dose for Humans

Feverfew is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume Feverfew to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of feverfew in a human body. However, a general dose of 50-150mg upto 4 months is considerable. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional feverfew supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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What are the side effects of consuming Echinacea?

What are the side effects of consuming Echinacea?

Echinacea interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as Echinacea are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and Echinacea This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Caffeine– Consuming Echinacea might decrease the absorption rate of caffeine when taken together by slowing down its breakdown in the body. This increases the risk of side effects related to caffeine such as headache, jitteriness, etc.
  • Medicine changed by liver(Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4))– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Echinacea might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.
  • Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2)– Some medicines require the liver for their breakdown and change inside the body. Echinacea might reduce the breakdown action of such medicines which might result in several unwanted side effects.
  • Immunosuppressants– Echinacea has a potency to increase the activity of the immune system. Consuming Echinacea with immunosuppressants might decrease the suppressing feature of such medicines. 
  • Etoposide– Consuming Echinacea along with etoposide might decrease the breakdown of this medicine inside the body. This could result in increased risk of etoposide’s side effects.

There are also some minor interactions of Red Cloves along with several other drugs such as Darunavir, Warfarin, Midazolam, Docetaxel, Lopinavir, Etravirine, etc.

Precautions and warnings before using Echinacea

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Echinacea must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Echinacea is commonly considered safe during pregnancy when consumed in a food amount. However, a pregnant woman must avoid consuming Echinacea in larger amounts or for more than 7 days due to harmful risks.
  • Breastfeeding– There is not enough evidence regarding safety of mother or nursing child while breastfeeding and consuming Echinacea. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using this herb during breastfeeding
  • Hormone sensitive– Echinacea  is expected to increase the activity of the immune system. If an individual is dealing with any medical condition that is affected by change in immune system, do not consume echinacea.
  • Atopy– People dealing with allergic reactions to echinacea might get diagnosed with allergic reactions. It is recommended to avoid echinacea in such conditions.

Side effects of using Echinacea

Interaction of Echinacea with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Vomiting
  • Itchy skin
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume Echinacea with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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Shorten the symptoms of cold and flu with Echinacea

Shorten the symptoms of cold and flu with Echinacea


Echinacea, commonly known as purple coneflower, coneflower, American coneflower, is one of the most popular herbs known worldwide. It is a genus of flowering plants that belongs to the daisy family. There are 9 different species of echinacea that are native to North America. However according to World Flora Online, there are 10 species of Echinacea namely:

  • Angustifolia- Narrow-leaf coneflower
  • Atrorubens- Topeka purple coneflower
  • Laevigata- Smooth coneflower, smooth purple coneflower
  • Pallida- Pale purple coneflower
  • Paradoxa- Yellow coneflower, Bush’s purple coneflower
  • Purpurea- Purple coneflower, eastern purple coneflower
  • Sanguinea- Sanguine purple coneflower
  • Serotina- Narrow-leaved purple coneflower
  • Simulata- Wavyleaf purple coneflower
  • Tennesseensis- Tennessee coneflower

Out of all the 10 species of Echinacea mentioned above, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, and Echinacea purpurea are the most commonly used species generally for medical purposes. Echinacea is widely used to treat infections related to the common cold and respiratory tract. Some people take Echinacea to prevent the symptoms of infections while some take Echinacea to relieve the severity of symptoms. 

There are also several other infections in which Echinacea is useful such as:

  • urinary tract infections
  • Herpes
  • human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • tonsillitis
  • syphilis
  • malaria
  • swine flu
  • diphtheria
  • vaginal yeast infections
  • bloodstream infections (septicemia)
  • streptococcus infections
  • typhoid
  • ear infection
  • warts

Apart from treating several infections, Echinacea is also useful in treating several other medical conditions such as:

  • Migraine headache
  • Gingivitis
  • low white blood cell counts
  • Uveitis
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Benefits of using Echinacea

Echinacea consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

There might be several other benefits of Echinacea in addition to those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals extracted by human body from this substance such as:

  • polysaccharides
  • flavonoids
  • Vitamin C
  • zinc
  • alkylamides
  • polyphenols
  • selenium
  • rosmarinic acid
  • cichoric acid

Echinacea Supplement

Echinacea supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Echinacea. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with Echinacea.

These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future.

Echinacea dose for Humans

Echinacea is not a kind of mineral content that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume Echinacea to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of Echinacea in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional red clover supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


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What are medical risks associated with Red Clover?

What are medical risks associated with Red Clover?

Red clover interaction with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural products such as red clover are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed as a medicine amount like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and Red clover. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of red clover along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding due to lower blood clotting than usual. Drugs that decreases the blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and several others.
  • Estrogen– A high amount of red clover might cause similar effects as that of estrogen. Consuming red clover along with estrogen might decrease the effects of estrogen in the body.
  • Methotrexate– Consuming red clover might increase the methotrexate level in the body. Intake of red cloves along with additional methotrexate might increase the methotrexate level higher than usual which increases the risk of side effects.
  • Tamoxifen– Consuming red clove might result in decreased effects of tamoxifen. It is advisable to avoid red clove while using tamoxifen.

There are also some minor interaction of Red Cloves along with several other drugs such as:

Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19), Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9), Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP21A2), Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), Caffeine, etc.

Precautions and warnings before using Red Clover

Although being a natural herb, there are certain medical conditions in a human body. In these conditions, intake of funnel must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy– Red clover is commonly considered safe during pregnancy when consumed in a food amount. However, a pregnant woman must avoid consuming red clover in larger amounts as it affects a natural hormone called estrogen which might be harmful for the mother or the nursing child.
  • Breastfeeding– Red clover is commonly considered safe during breastfeeding for both mother and the baby, when consumed in a food amount. However, a breastfeeding woman must avoid consuming red clover in larger amounts as it affects a natural hormone called estrogen which might be harmful for the mother or the nursing child.
  • Hormone sensitive– Red clover is expected to act like a natural hormone called estrogen. If an individual is dealing with any medical condition that might get worse with estrogen, do not consume Red clover.

Side effects of using Red Clover

Interaction of red clover with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

There could be more side effects not mentioned in the above list. An individual must make sure to consume red clover with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention as soon as possible if necessary.


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