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How much Copper mineral does a child need?

How much Copper mineral does a child need?

Copper and its use in the human body

Copper is a small group of metallic elements which is one of the most essential nutrients for the human body. It is an important trace mineral that is necessary for survival of a human body. Although this mineral is extremely important, only a small amount of copper is needed for a inhuman body to ensure several vital intrabody functions. 

Copper associated with iron helps the body to form red blood cells. This essential mineral alo helps in maintaining the health of the immune system, blood vessels, bones, and nerves of a human body. It helps in formation of a key part of bones and connective tissue called collagen. 

This nutrient acts as an antioxidant that helps in reducing free radicals that could damage the cells and DNA of the body. Copper is also required for cardiovascular solidity, neuroendocrine function, lung elasticity, growth, etc.

Benefits of Copper in Humans

Inside a human body, Copper is associated with a number of health benefits that play a role alone or as a combination with other multinutrients. Some of the general health benefits of copper include:

  • supports the immune system
  • protects cells and DNA from free radicals
  • converts sugar into energy
  • helps in production of red blood cells
  • helps in formation of collagen that is essential for the health of bones and connecting tissues
  • assist in absorption of iron in the body
  • maintains healthy nerve cells
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • prevents bone diseases such as osteoporosis

Naturals Sources of Copper

Copper is a kind of nutrient that a human body is unable to produce on its own. Copper is available in several forms such as Copper bisglycinate, Copper citrate, etc. There are a number of natural and customized food products containing a rich source of copper that includes:

  • oysters
  • whole grains
  • potatoes
  • dark leafy green veggies
  • dried fruits
  • kidney
  • beef and lamb liver
  • cashews
  • lobster
  • beans
  • yeast
  • cocoa
  • black peppers
  • almonds
  • shiitake mushrooms
  • dark chocolate
  • Spirulina
  • coconut

Necessary amount of copper for the Human body

The amount of copper required for an individual’s body is generally classified by an individual’s age group, medical condition, and diet such as:
For all Infants:

  • 200 mg of Copper for infants upto 6months old.
  • 220 mcg of copper for infants between 7-12 months old.

For all Children:

  • 340 mcg of copper daily for toddlers between 1-3 years.
  • 4-8 years of children need 440 mcg of copper everyday.
  • children between 9-13 years of age demand 700 mcg of copper daily

For Males:

  • 9-18 year olds need 4500 mg of Potassium daily
  • Adults need 4800 mg of potassium everyday.

For Females:

  • 14-18 years old need 890 mcg of Copper daily.
  • Adults need 900 mcg of copper everyday.
  • pregnant females need 1000 mcg/day of copper.
  • lactating females need 1300 mcg/day of copper.

The most effective way of getting enough of such nutrients daily is to get a balanced diet daily. that must include a variety of healthy food products. 


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What happens when you consume more sulphur than required?

What happens when you consume more sulphur than required?

Sulfur Supplements

Sulfur supplements are synthetic medical drugs that consist of a rich source of sulfur. Deficiency of sulfur is common and supplement has a primary motive of treating low levels of sulfur for an individual. Supplements of sulfur could be used for other reasons where there is more demand for sulfur minerals.

The amount of supplement dosage is based on an individual’s diet, medical condition, and age group. A supplement of high quality must be consumed to treat such deficiencies which is available on mygenericpharmacy website. A deficit person must consult a health professional before consuming the supplement on their own. 

Deficiency of sulfur

Deficiency of sulfur is a condition in which a human body does not have the necessary amount of sulfur to perform several tasks and functions associated with it. The reason for such low levels of sulfur could be due to the diet or medical condition of an individual. Sulfur generally exists in blood and is excreted by urine. It is fundamentally an important mineral for the overall well being of a human body. When a human body runs low on sulfur, there is an increased risk of several medical conditions such as :

  • leg and foot cramps
  • muscle spasm and twitching
  • stress and depression
  • irritability
  • sensitive to loud noise
  • compromise of glutathione synthesis
  • Arthritis
  • brittle nails and hairs, etc.

Daily intake amount of Sulfur

  • Ideally, sulfur is consumed naturally by the general food we eat daily. However, there are standard amounts of sulfur associated for an individual in terms of their age group, medical condition, and diet. An individual must discuss all the matters thoroughly with their health professional in order to get proper knowledge on their daily sulfur needs. 
  • There is not much specific amount of sulfur specified for an individual as the mineral is broken down through certain minerals.

Toxicity of Sulfur

Sulfur toxicity is unlikely to be caused in humans because it is non-toxic. However, if a human body get diagnosed with high sulfur level, it will only lead to several mild symptoms such as:

  • irritation in ears, eyes, and nose
  • burning sensation
  • diarrhea
  • skin irritation
  • coughing
  • phlegm
  • may cause asthma attack

Your condition could worsen if any of the symptoms is caused during the exercising period. Sulfur toxicity could also be caused by inhaling or airbourne to the exposure to sulfuric chemicals. It is advisable to seek medical help immediately if an individual notices such effects.


  • The intake of sulfur must be based on an individual’s age, diet, and medical condition.
  • Deficiency of sulfur is common and can cause several unusual effects on an individual’s health
  • Supplements of sulfur are beneficial to treat deficiency and several other medical conditions associated due to lack of this nutrient
  • Toxicity of sulfur is an unlikely condition that consists of several mild effects which must be attended to as soon as identified.


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Top benefits of Sulphur nutrient in a human body

Top benefits of Sulphur nutrient in a human body

What is Sulfur?

Sulfur is one of the most abundant minerals found in a human body after calcium and Phosphorus. Sulfur is available in all kinds of living organisms including bacteria, plants, animals, archaea. It is reduced into a variety of oxidized forms. A human body needs sulfur to perform several vital roles and management. Sulfur helps our body to build and secure DNA. It also protects cells from damage and prevents serious diseases. 

Sulfur helps in food metabolism and also contributes by maintaining the health of skin, ligaments, tendons, etc. There are two amino acids that include sulfur in them namely Methionine and Cysteine. A human body needs to consume Sulfur in order to produce these compounds in the body. 

Sulfur is also found in three supplements that are rapidly used to relieve inflammation and joint pain. Those three supplements are Chondroitin sulfate, Glucosamine Sulfate, and Methylsulfonylmethane. Sulfur containing certain proteins plays a key structural role for the outer layer of human skin. 

This mineral is important for insulin production, plays a role in one of the most important antioxidants, and could help in treatment of certain Arthritis. 

Benefits of using Sulfur in a human body

According to recent research and evidence, Sulfur is associated with a number of vital health benefits. Some of the important health benefits that need sulfur for their task include:

  • development and safety of DNA
  • have anti-inflammatory effects that relieves allergy
  • protects against certain types of cancer
  • relieves joint and muscle pain and stiffness
  • increases immunity and helps to be healthy
  • improves skin by strengthening keratin
  • helps in speedy recovery of muscle stress and damage.
  • plays an important role in antioxidant property.
  • helps in production of insulin.
  • necessary form synthesis of certain key proteins.

Natural sources of sulfur for humans

A human body is unable to produce sulfur on its own. Therefore, Sulfur is obtained from proteins and compounds found in animals and plants food sources.  Sulfur is also available in the form of Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) and Vitamin B7 (Biotin). Some of the natural rich sources of sulfur are:

  • Whole grains
  • Garlic
  • shallot
  • leeks
  • onion
  • seeds
  • nuts
  • legumes
  • egg
  • fish
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • lentils
  • oats
  • walnuts
  • chickpeas
  • Cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • radish, etc


  • Sulfur is one of the most abundant minerals in a human body and is found in every living organism.
  • Sulfur is associated with a number of vital function inside a human body
  • There are several food products that consist of ample amount of sulfur that is beneficial for a human body


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Fluoride Overdose and its symptoms in a human body

Fluoride Overdose and its symptoms in a human body

Fluoride Deficiency

Fluoride is one of the most essential minerals required for the human body to improve/maintain health of bones and teeth. Its deficiency could be common due to insufficient amount of fluoride in the body or due to its limited utilization. A low amount of fluoride could create a condition for bacteria found in plague. This allows them to produce acid that affects the tooth enamel. There are few symptoms associated with low level of fluoride in the body such as 

  • cavities in teeth
  • brittle or weak bones
  • decaying of teeth
  • weakening of tooth enamel
  • osteoporosis
  • fractured hips

What is Fluoride Supplement?

  • Fluoride is a kind of mineral that is naturally available in a number of natural food products as well as in dietary supplements. These supplements are synthetic medications that consist of beneficial amounts of fluoride along with other assisting medical agents that inhibits or overturn the onset and development of tooth decay as well as helps in formation of new bones.
  • Generally, fluoride deficiency must not be common due to its wide availability in natural as well as manmade dental products especially for dental care. However, people lacking Fluoride intake could consume supplements of this mineral which are generally available in the market. 
  • These supplements are available in different forms such as drops, tablets, chewing gums, Lozenges, varnishes, mouth rinses, tooth paste, gel. foam, fluoridated water, etc. An individual must consume such supplements based on their diet, age group, and medical conditions that may interfere with the following medication. 

Fluoride overdose in Human body

As a limited amount of fluoride is associated with number of benefits especially for bones and teeth, excess consumption of fluoride generally results in a number of medical health issue such as

  • Skeletal Fluorosis – This could result in pain or damage to the bones due to less elasticity and more hardening of bones that increases the risk of fractures.
  • Neurological problems – According to several research studies, higher levels of fluoride was associated with lower IQ in children between 6-12 years old.
  • Dental fluorosis – excess exposure of fluoride during the developing stage of teeth i.e. childhood could result in dental fluorosis which could be identified by discoloration of teeth.
  • Thyroid problems – More excess of fluoride might also result in parathyroid gland damage. This causes hyperparathyroidism, a condition which could displace the calcium concentration from bone structure into the blood, thereby increasing the risk of bone fracture.

There are also several other medical condition that could be developed due to excess exposure of fluoride such as:

  • reproductive issue
  • several bone and joints disease or disorders
  • several skin problems such as acne
  • other thyroid disorder
  • high blood pressure
  • heart failure
  • myocardial damage
  • cardiac insufficiency
  • other cardiovascular disorders

There is also a condition called Fluoride poisoning in which very high exposure of fluoride is found which results in several serious health conditions such as:

  • Excess production of saliva
  • muscle spasm
  • abdominal pain
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • seizures

Such a high level is generally not caused by drinking usual fluoridated water but an accidental contamination of water due to explosion or specific industrial fire could result in such acute fluoride level. It is advisable to consult a health professional immediately in case any of such symptoms are identified by an individual and discuss all the possible pros and cons associated with supplements before consuming them.


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How to improve Mineralization of Bones/Teeth with Fluoride?

How to improve Mineralization of Bones/Teeth with Fluoride?


Fluoride. Treatment and prevention of disease. Syringe and vaccine. Medical concept. Selective focus

Fluoride is an inorganic monatomic anion of fluorine that is considered as one of the most important minerals necessary for a human body. About 99% of the total Fluoride of the body can be found in teeth and bones. 

This mineral is necessary to maintain and improve the health of bones and teeth. It has a primary function to strengthen tooth enamel (outer layer of teeth) during its growth and development by protection against acids in saliva and also stimulates formation of new bones.

Fluoride generally promotes tooth demineralization and remineralization. It protects teeth from bacteria in plague. It also helps in improving the hardness and density of bones thereby improving stability. Fluoride is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine. Once it reaches the bloodstream, the mineral is rapidly launched into mineralized tissue i.e. bones and teeth. 

Benefits of Fluoride

Although being a trace mineral for a human body, Fluoride is associated with several important growth and development roles that majorly deals in teeth and bones. Some of the important benefits include:

  • maintains health of teeths and bones
  • reverse early signs of tooth decay
  • remineralize weakened tooth decay.
  • prevent growth of harmful bacterias in mouth
  • resists the loss of minerals due to tooth decay.

Natural sources of Fluoride

Fluoride is a kind of mineral that a human body cannot produce on its own. There are a number of natural sources of soil, plant, water, food, etc, that consist of traces of fluoride in them such as:

  • ground water
  • black tea
  • bottled water with added fluoride
  • raisins
  • grape in any form
  • rice
  • pork
  • lamb
  • Corn
  • tuna
  • cooked beef
  • tortilla flour
  • yogurt
  • cottage cheese
  • potatoes
  • oatmeal
  • shrimp
  • coffee

Fluoride can also be found in air but in negligible quantities. 

Beneficial Amount of Fluoride intake

Fluoride is a kind of mineral that a human body is unable to produce on its own. A beneficial amount of this mineral for an individual is generally classified on the basis of age, gender, and medical conditions such as:
For Infants:

  • for babies below 6months old, 0.01 mg of fluoride if needed
  • 0.5 mg of fluoride is beneficial for babies between 7-12 months old.

For Children:

  • 0.7 mg of fluoride daily for toddlers between 1-3 years.
  • 4-8 years of children need 1 mg of fluoride per day.
  • children between 9-13 years of age demand 2 mg of fluoride daily

For Females:

  • 14-18 year olds need 3 mg of fluoride daily.
  • Adults need 3 mg of fluoride everyday.
  • pregnant females need 3 mg/day of fluoride.
  • lactating females need 3 mg/day of fluoride.

For Males:

  • 14-18 year olds need 3 mg of fluoride daily
  • Adults need 4 mg of fluoride everyday.


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How to avoid Iodine deficiency and its overdose?

How to avoid Iodine deficiency and its overdose?

Iodine Deficiency

When a body does not receive the necessary amount of Iodine i.e. the level of this nutrient in the body declines, such a deficit condition is termed as deficiency of iodine. As the primary function of Iodine is to produce thyroid hormones, low amounts of iodine generally results in Hypothyroidism i.e. a condition where your body cannot make enough thyroid hormone. Iodine deficiency is associated with a number of growth and development effects in humans as well as in animals. Some of the adverse effect of iodine deficiency are:

  • impaired mental function
  • hyperthyroidism
  • reduction in work productivity
  • infant mortality
  • congenital anomalies
  • abortion
  • perinatal mortality
  • still birth
  • endemic cretinism
  • dry skin
  • weight gain
  • constipation
  • cold intolerance
  • hair weakness and loss
  • depression
  • difficulty in swallowing
  • fatigue
  • brain fog

Iodine Supplements

  • If an individual is running low on Iodine level due to a malnutrition diet or any other reason, it is recommended to consume supplements rich in iodine to fill up the necessary iodine intake of the body. Generally, supplements rich in Iodine are used for treating hypothyroidism. These sup[plements make sure that your body gets enough of iodine to produce thyroid hormones for proper function and activity of the thyroid gland. 
  • The amount of intake for Iodine supplement is directly based on your diet, age group, and medical condition. It is advisable to consult a health professional before consuming supplements of Iodine. Excessive amounts of Iodine in the body has its own adverse effects on an individual’s body which must be avoided. 

Toxicity of Iodine

As deficiency of Iodine consists of a number of medical effects in your body, similarly, more amount of iodine that necessarily associates its own several adverse conditions. Iodine has a huge impact on thyroid activity. Too much of this mineral has similar effects as iodine deficiency such as goiters and thyroid problems. 
If a body consist of a very high iodine level, this causes poiing that results in symptoms such as 

  • fever and rash
  • Coma
  • nausea
  • vomiting, 
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal pain
  • weak pulse
  • burning of throat, stomach, and mouth
  • coughing
  • delirium
  • gum and tooth soreness
  • low appetite
  • shortness of breath
  • salivation
  • no urine output

Safety measures during Iodine toxic situation?

  • If a person is identified as toxic to iodine, it is advisable to take medical healp at the earliest. Try not to throw up unless instructed by a health professional. 
  • It is recommended to take milk, cornstarch, or flour mixed with water. However, avoid these ideas if the person is dealing with symptoms such as withdrawal, vomiting, low alertness, etc.


  • Low amounts of Iodine in the body cause less production of thyroid hormones resulting in hypothyroidism. This condition comes with a number of adverse health effects.
  • Iodine supplements are synthetic medical drugs that consist of iodine rich content. It helps to treat hypothyroidism or less iodine due to certain medical or natural factors.
  • Similarly, excess presence of iodine inside a human body has similar adverse effects on an individual health.


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Can Iodine improve your body’s Metabolism?

Can Iodine improve your body’s Metabolism?

What is Iodine?

Iodine is one of the most vital micronutrients that is used in every stage of life in which early childhood of every individual is the most critical phase where iodine is required the most. The primary function of Iodine inside a human body is to produce thyroid hormones. An imbalance in iodine could lead to overactive or underactive thyroid.  Function of such thyroid hormones includes bone health, metabolism, development of Central Nervous System and brain especially during pregnancy and infancy

Around 70-80 percent of total iodine in a body is found in the thyroid gland of the neck. The remaining iodine could be found in muscles, ovaries, blood, and several other parts of the body. Iodine is also needed to convert food into energy for cells of the body.

Iodine benefits in a human body

Been one of the most vital micronutrients, Iodine is associated with a number of regular health benefits that includes:

  • promotion of thyroid health helps in improving metabolism
  • manages overactive and underactive thyroid gland
  • helps in neurodevelopment during pregnancy
  • promotes birth weight
  • helps in disinfecting water
  • helps to treat infections
  • reduces risk of goiters
  • assist against thyroid cancer
  • improving cognitive functions
  • preservation from nuclear fallout
  • might be helpful to treat fibrocystic breast diseases

What are the natural sources of Iodine?

Iodine is a kind of micronutrient that a human body is unable to produce on its own. Therefore, every human body is dependent upon the food they eat to fill up the Iodine needs daily. There are a number of natural sources in the form of food products that contain varied amounts of iodine depending upon the source of food. 

The naturally occuring Iodine content in most of the foods and beverages are low. However, marine foods have more Iodine content due to more salt in ocean and sea waters. Some of the good sources of Iodine for a human body are:

  • Iodized salt
  • Reduced fat milk
  • eggs
  • whole or sheet seaweed
  • shrimp
  • cod and tuna
  • white enriched bread
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Oysters
  • greek yogurt
  • beef liver

Daily amount of Sodium for the human body

Sodium is generally used at every stage of an individual lifetime. The importance of Iodine is the most when a human is in the infant age group. The intake of Iodine is generally based on an individual’s age group, medical condition, and diet. Iodine consumption is classified as:

  • 110 mcg of Sodium for below 6months old.
  • 130 mcg of Sodium for 7-12 months old.


  • 1-8 years of children need 90 mcg of Sodium per day.
  • children between 9-13 years old demand 120 mcg of sodium daily.

Teens and Adults:

  • teenagers between 14-18 years need 150 mcg of sodium everyday
  • Adults need 150 mcg of sodium everyday as well.

Pregnant and Lactating Women:

  • pregnant teenagers and women need 220 mcg of sodium daily.
  • Lactating or breastfeeding teenagers and women need 290 mcg of sodium daily.


  • Iodine is one of the most vital micronutrients that is used in every stage of life
  • The primary function of Iodine inside a human body is to produce thyroid hormones
  • Iodine is associated with a number of health benefits
  • A human body is unable to produce iodine on its own therefore consumption of natural food sources are necessary that are rich in iodine.
  • The intake of Iodine is generally based on an individual’s age group, medical condition, and diet. 


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How bad is Deficiency and Toxicity of Sodium?

How bad is Deficiency and Toxicity of Sodium?

What is the Deficiency of Sodium?

When a body does not receive the necessary amount of Sodium i.e. the level of this nutrient in the body declines, such a deficit condition is termed as deficiency of Sodium (hyponatremia). Low sodium means that your body has an abnormally low amount of sodium due to a certain medical condition or intake of too much water that raises water level in blood and decreases the sodium level. Deficiency of sodium is generally common in older people or people who are hospitalized for a long term period. 

There are few signs and symptoms of low deficiency in a body such as comma, Seizures, and sometimes even death. A person must immediately get medical attention if any of the symptoms of sodium deficiency is identified. 

Who is at risk?

  • Some types of antidepressants
  • Drugs that make you urinate more (diuretics)
  • Underactive thyroid or adrenal glands
  • anti-seizure medication such as Carbamazepine 
  • Certain illnesses that can cause dehydration such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections, etc.
  • Certain types of cancers such as lung cancer
  • degraded function of the kidneys, liver, heart, etc


Hyponatremia could be treated by changing diet and medication that could affect the sodium level of your body. There are also few changes that could help in treating these conditions such as treating the primary disease, changing salt intake through your diet, and changing the amount of water intake daily.

Sodium Supplement

Sodium supplements are synthetic medical products that are generally used to treat hyponatremia i.e. low potassium levels in the body. This product is used to provide sodium chloride and water to your body. Also, supplements could be used to treat cramps caused by excessive sweating. 

Sodium supplements are available in different brand names and power. An individual must consume a quality product of such minerals and nutrients that are generally available in mygeneric pharmacy websites

What is Sodium Toxicity(Hypernatremia)?

Toxicity of sodium is a general term used to describe a condition in which sodium level in a body increases abnormally. Such an unusual condition is called hypernatremia. High levels of sodium causes poisoning in the body.

Hypernatremia consists of several harmful health conditions such as:

  • vomiting,
  • loss of appetite,
  • confusion,
  • nausea,
  • weakness,
  • intense thirst,
  • kidney damage, etc. 

Who is at risk?

Hypernatremia is a kind of acute condition that usually occurs in elderly people who cannot have proper diet and water. There are several other conditions that increase the risk of Sodium toxicity in a body such as:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • people with high fever,
  • dizziness while balancing,
  • severe dehydration or any kind of severe water loss from the body,
  • consumption of large quantities of salt, etc.


  • Sodium provides a number of important health benefits to a human body
  • There are a wide variety of food products that contain sodium in different proportions.
  • The amount of sodium for an individual’s body is based on their age group and diet.
  • Low level of sodium in a human body is referred to as Sodium deficiency(Hyponatremia) that comes with several health related issues. 
  • Synthetic medicines i.e. sodium supplements are available in mygeneric pharmacy that provides necessary amount of sodium chloride and water to a human body.
  • An abnormally high level of sium in a body is called Sodium toxicity(Hypernatremia) that involves few adverse effect to the body.


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How can Sodium help in managing the Blood Pressure?

How can Sodium help in managing the Blood Pressure?

What is Sodium?

Sodium is one of the most important minerals that is a nutrient as well as an electrolyte. Our body needs this mineral in a relatively large amount and carries an electric charge when dissolved in certain fluids of our body such as blood. 

Most of the sodium in a human body could be found in blood and fluids around the cells. A human body constantly monitors its sodium level and blood volume. When either of them increases, several organ sensors detect it and excretes the sodium through urine if the level of sodium or blood volume increases. 

In case of too much presence of sodium in the body, there is an increased risk of high blood pressure when the kidney is unable to get rid of them. This could result in several other harmful health conditions. 

Natural sources of Sodium

Sodium is a kind of mineral that is generally available in almost all foods. The most common kind of sodium commonly available is Sodium chloride. Some of the many foods that contains sodium include:

  • Eggs and omelets
  • chicken
  • burritos and tacos with frozen breaded meat
  • salted nuts
  • smoked, cured, or salted meat
  • ravioli, spam, and chilli
  • sardines
  • ham
  • frankfurters
  • caviar and anchovies
  • canned beans salted

Benefits of Sodium in a human body

Sodium is associated with a number of health benefits in a human body. Being a commonly available mineral helps almost all people to have sodium in their daily diet. Some benefits of this electrolytic mineral includes:

  • controls blood pressure 
  • controls volume of blood
  • manages proper function of nerves and muscles
  • decreases risk of certain cancer
  • maintain fluid balance in the body
  • prevents loss of water
  • removed excessive CO2
  • improves skin and teeth
  • prevents cramps
  • prevents skin dryness
  • helps in brain development

Controlling blood pressure from Sodium intake.

Sodium(Salt) is a kind of minerals that attracts the body’s water to balance its concentration in the blood. Having an adequate and safe amount of salt i.e.e Iodine draws proper and necessary amount of water in the blood. This helps in managing and improving the blood circulation thereby maintaining a proper blood pressure level of the body. Similar high and low blood pressure effects are observed as per Iodine intake quantity.

Healthy amount of Sodium for an Individual

The intake of any vital mineral is generally classified based on an individual’s age, gender, diet, and medical condition. Daily amount of Sodium for each individual, irrespective of their gender are classified below:
For Infants:

  • infants under 1 years must not consume more than 0.4g of salt that is generally made by breastmilk. 

For Children:

  • no more than 0.8g of sodium for children between 1-3 years
  • children between 4-6 years need 1.2g or less of sodium
  • 7-11 year need sodium below 2g

For Adults:

  • 11 years and older need 2.4 g of potassium everyday.


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How bad is Phosphorus deficiency? Who is at risk?

How bad is Phosphorus deficiency? Who is at risk?

Phosphorus Supplements

Phosphorus supplement is a synthetic medication that is generally used to treat deficiency of phosphorus also called hypophosphatemia. Deficiency of this vital mineral could cause a number of adverse effects on an individual body which must be avoided.

These synthetic medications ensure an ample amount of necessary minerals so that the nutritional needs of the body are very well acknowledged. Supplement must be consumed based on an individual’s gender, diet, medical condition, and age group. Such parameters must be discussed with a health professional based on which a beneficial amount of dose could be calculated and consumed. Make sure not to cross the safety limit in order to avoid the toxicity of the same.

Phosphorus deficiency in humans

Deficiency of phosphorus is a condition in which the body has low levels of phosphorus. Generally, deficiency of this vital nutrient is unlikely to happen. However, poor daily diet could be the primary cause of this condition. Also, several other medical conditions could cause phosphorus deficiency which must be consulted by a healthcare professional.

There are a number of phosphorus deficiency symptoms that are usually bone related such as:

  • joint stiffness,
  • weakness,
  • numbness,
  • changes in body weight,
  • irregular breathing,
  • irritability,
  • fatigue,
  • anxiety, etc.

A human body is unable to produce phosphorus on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to consume phosphorus rich food to avoid deficiency which is also called as  hypophosphatemia.

Obligatory intake of Phosphorus

The intake of phosphorus mineral is generally classified based on an individual’s age, gender, diet, and medical condition. Daily amount of phosphorus for each individual is classified below:

For Infants:

  • 100 mg of Phosphorus for below 6months old.
  • 275 mg of phosphorus for 7-12 months old.

For Children:

  • 460 mg of phosphorus daily for toddlers between 1-3 years.
  • 4-8 years of children need 500 mg of phosphorus per day.

For Females:

  • 9-18 year olds need 1250 mg of phosphorus daily.
  • Adults need 700 mg of phosphorus everyday.
  • pregnant and lactating females under 18 years need 1250mg/day of phosphorus.
  • pregnant and lactating females over 18 years need 700mg/day of phosphorus.

For Males:

  • 9-18 year old need 1250 mg of phosphorus daily
  • Adults need 700 mg of phosphorus everyday

Who is at risk of deficiency?

Several factor could increase risk of phosphorus deficiency in an individual body such as 

  • Diabetes– people dealing with diabetes or recovering from diabetes ketoacidosis might develop deficiency of diabetes. This could happen due to insufficient insulin production that makes it hard to break down fat and harness the phosphorus from it.
  • Inherited disorder– there are several genetic disorders that degrade the body ability to store phosphorus. Due to excess urination or weak absorption of minerals from food, deficiency of phosphorus could be developed. 
  • Insufficient diet or starvation– Even if the body doesn’t get enough phosphorus from diet, minerals present in the blood stream could come in handy. Generally, only extreme starvation could lead to phosphorus deficiency. However, several other minerals such as vitamin D could decrease the absorption rate of phosphorus when it is not sufficient enough in our body. 
  • Alcoholism– consumption of alcohol may lead to malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies including Phosphorus deficiency(hypophosphatemia).


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