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Is Calcium deficiency common? How to treat and prevent?

Is Calcium deficiency common? How to treat and prevent?

What is Calcium Deficiency?

Calcium deficiency is an unfortunate condition that occurs in your body due to low calcium levels. There are generally two types of calcium deficiency namely Dietary calcium deficiency and Hypocalcemia

Dietary Calcium Deficiency

In this type, deficiency of calcium is caused in a body due to less intake of calcium through daily diet. This leads to several bone diseases such as Bone thinning, Bone weakening, Osteoporosis, etc.


In this type, deficiency of calcium takes place due to low calcium level in your blood. This can happen due to interaction of certains medications or certain medical conditions such as Hypoparathyroidism or renal failure. 

Ideally, a person is unlikely to get diagnosed with calcium deficiency within proper diet and routine checkup, however, there are a number of unusual effects involved when a body falls deficiency to calcium. Such conditions include:

  • Spasm on hands and feets called tetany,
  • Abdominal cramps,
  • Poor bone mineralization,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Highly irritable nervous system,
  • Muscle cramp,
  • Overactive reflexes,
  • Osteomalacia i.e. bone softening,
  • Ricket and impaired growth in childrens, etc.

Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements consist of salts of calcium that is generally used when there is not enough calcium consumption through a daily diet. These synthetic supplements maintain or improve the calcium level of your body so that several unusual effects of calcium deficiency could be prevented such as osteoporosis, weakening of bones, etc.

A beneficial amount of calcium supplement must be calculated based on an individual’s age, medical conditions, and diet. A quality supplement of calcium is necessary for any individual which is available in mygenericpharmacy with known brand names. 

How much Calcium do you need daily?

5 Tips to Prevent Calcium Deficiency in Your Body - O40HF

The amount of calcium required for an individual depends upon their age group and medical conditions, irrespective of their gender under general circumstances. The following is the classification of calcium intake for an individual.

  • babies upto 6 months of age need 200 mg of calcium per day
  • babies between 6-12 months old need 260 mg of calcium daily
  • toddlers between 1-3 years need 700mg of calcium everyday
  • children between 3-6 years old require 0.97mg of calcium per day
  • children between 6-10 years demands 1.12mg of calcium per day
  • Kids between 10-12 years need 1.4mg per day of calcium
  • 1.82 of calcium per day is needed for teenager between 12-15 years 
  • male above 15 years need 1.97 calcium per day
  • female above 15 years need 1.54 calcium per day
  • a pregnant woman needs 2.27mg/day while a lactating woman needs 2.89mg of calcium daily.

Toxicity of Calcium:

Taking moderate calcium doses daily is generally considered safe. However, high doses of calcium supplement for a longer period of time could result in high levels of calcium in your blood called Hypercalcemia. This condition results in a number of unusual symptoms such as:

  • vomiting,
  • nausea,
  • frequent urination,
  • muscle pain,
  • tiredness,
  • weakness,
  • headache,
  • loss of appetite,
  • abdominal pain,
  • constipation,
  • difficulty in thinking,
  • confusion,
  • disorientation,
  • depression,
  • bone pain, etc. 

Seek medical attention right away if you notice such toxic effects while taking calcium supplements.


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Search this blog by following keywords also calcium deficiency symptoms | low calcium symptoms | signs of low calcium | lack of calcium | calcium deficiency diseases | calcium and vitamin d deficiency | calcium deficiency treatment | calcium deficiency diseases.

How to Protect your bone with high calcium food?

How to Protect your bone with high calcium food?

What is Calcium?

The Primary role of calcium inside the body is to improve or maintain healthy teeth and bones. Your body uses calcium to maintain bones and teeth for ages. Healthy amount of calcium in the body could prevent bone disease such as Osteoporosis for the lifetime. 

Calcium also plays an important role for releasing hormones and other chemicals, cardiovascular functions, muscle movements, etc. It is a cofactor for many enzymes and plays an important role for enzymes working efficiently. Such quality calcium supplements are available in

Why does our body need calcium?

The mineral for strong bones is calcium. The bones and teeth are where the body stores the majority of its calcium. The mineral gives them their strength and hardness. The body requires the remaining 1% for a variety of processes that keep it operating normally. Calcium aids in the contraction and expansion of blood vessels, the contraction of muscles, the transmission of messages through the nervous system, and the hormone secretion of glands.

Every day, calcium enters and exits the bones as they undergo continual remodelling. The total amount of bone mass grows in children and teenagers because the body replaces lost bone more quickly than it degrades new bone. This lasts until around age 30, at which point the pace of new bone creation and old bone disintegration roughly equalises. Bone is broken down more quickly than it is created up in older adults, especially in post-menopausal women. Too little calcium in the diet might cause osteoporosis.

Natural Sources of Calcium

A human body consists of several complex systems combined but cannot produce several minerals by its own such as calcium. Calcium is a kind of abundant nutrient that is a general need for maintenance of bones and teeths of your body with other additional responsibilities. There are a number of fortified and natural food/drink products that must be added in daily diet through which calcium is extracted when entered inside our body. Such food and drink products include:

  • milk
  • salmon and sardines
  • tofu
  • fortified breakfast cereals
  • severals nuts and seeds such as almonds, sesame, chia, etc
  • corn tortillas and cornmeal
  • yogurt
  • fortified dairy products such as soymilk
  • cheese
  • green leafy vegetables
  • fortified fruit juices
  • grains and legumes


  • Calcium is one of the most bountiful minerals that is necessary for all living organisms. 
  • There are a number of food product available in nature that provide sufficient amount of calcium need for an individual body.


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What is the primary role of calcium in a human body?

What is the primary role of calcium in a human body?

What is Calcium?

Calcium is a kind of mineral that a human body consumes through the intake of food. It is one of the most bountiful minerals that is necessary for all living organisms. More than 99% of calcium of a human body is found in teeths and bones and the remaining is found in extracellular serum calcium. This mineral is distributed among departments of various tissues in a human body. Several other vitamins may also be required to maintain or increase the absorption rate of calcium in the body. 

The Primary role of calcium inside the body is to improve or maintain healthy teeth and bones. Your body uses calcium to maintain bones and teeth for ages. Healthy amount of calcium in the body could prevent bone disease such as Osteoporosis for the lifetime. 

Calcium also plays an important role for releasing hormones and other chemicals, cardiovascular functions, muscle movements, etc. It is a cofactor for many enzymes and plays an important role for enzymes working efficiently.

Benefits of Calcium intake 

Calcium consist of various health maintenance benefits to make sure several parts, organs, and function of your body get least affected due to aging that include

  • prevention and maintenance of healthy bones.
  • maintains the action of heart muscles and heartbeat.
  • plays an important role in blood clotting.
  • reduces risk of a non-cancerous tumor called colorectal adenomas.
  • lower blood pressure in younger people and in pregnant conditions.
  • improves cholesterol level in the body.
  • releases hormones and other chemicals.
  • helps nervous signals for communication within the body.

Ways to get enough calcium

Eating a range of healthful meals from all the different food categories is the greatest approach to ensure that you get enough calcium every day. To assist the body absorb and use calcium from meals, it’s critical to get adequate vitamin D each day from foods like fortified milk or from exposure to the sun.

Here are some simple tips for choosing calcium-rich foods:

  • Calcium content is higher in dairy products. Milk, yoghurt, and cheese are dairy products. Milk has 300 mg of calcium in a cup (8 ounces). The amount of calcium in skim, low-fat, and whole milk is the same.
  • Vegetables that are dark green and have leaves are rich in calcium. All three vegetables—broccoli, kale, and collards—are excellent calcium sources, especially when consumed raw or just heated. (Vegetables lose a lot of their mineral content when they are boiled.)
  • About 200 mg of calcium can be found in a serving of canned salmon or sardines. It is located in the fish’s soft bones.
  • Calcium can be added to the diet through foods like cereal, pasta, bread, and other grain-based foods. Look for cereals that have been fortified with calcium and other minerals.
  • In addition to cereal, calcium may also occasionally be added to tofu, soy and rice beverages, and fruit juices. To determine whether a food item contains additional calcium, read the product label.


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Is Zinc supplement harmful for us in any way?

Is Zinc supplement harmful for us in any way?

What is a Zinc supplement?

Zinc supplements are harnessed from several rich zinc sources to ensure the right amount and quality of this mineral for your body. This supplement could be taken in any form for overall being and improvement of several systems in your body. This include immune system, blood sugar level, maintenance of several parts and organs of your body.

This synthetic mineral is available to us in the best quality pill form under the brand name Zincovit in our website mygeneric pharmacy. Taking a beneficial amount of such supplement will eventually help you against a number of unusual effects. It also boosts healthy maintenance of your body

Zinc Deficiency

Zinc is a kind of mineral that is generally available in a variety of food products. It is unlikely to cause deficiency of zinc in your body. However, certain circumstances, illness, or poor diet could result in this unusual condition. Vegans are at more risk of zinc deficiency as the majority of zinc is found in meat and seafood products. 

Zinc is beneficial and plays several important roles in your body which make it a very vital nutrient although the demand is of negligible amount. A number of unusual and degrading conditions could be resulted if low level of zinc is found in your body with severe effects such as:

  • weakened immune system,
  • diarrhea,
  • degraded sense of smell and taste,
  • hypogonadism,
  • loss of appetite,
  • weight loss,
  • slow or inability of healing wound,
  • hair loss, etc.

An individual can identify with symptoms that there is deficiency of Zinc if these symptoms occur for unexpected reasons.

Necessary amount of Zinc 

According to the expert committee, an estimation of zinc intake for people of all groups and medical conditions has been established. This estimation assures the average biological requirement of the body that consist of amount and average body absorption rate so that the mineral intake results are beneficial for every individual. The amount of zinc intake are classified as:

  • babies between 6-12 months of age need 0.84mg of zinc per day
  • toddlers between 1-3 years need 0.83mg of zinc for their daily activity.
  • children between 3-6 years old require 0.97mg of zinc per day
  • children between 6-10 years demands 1.12mg of zinc per day
  • Kids between 10-12 years need 1.4mg per day of zinc
  • 1.82 of zinc per day is needed for teenager between 12-15 years 
  • Above 15 years of male need 1.97 zinc per day
  • Above 15 years of female need 1.54 zinc per day
  • pregnant woman need 2.27mg/day while lactating woman need 2.89mg of zinc per day.

Overdose on Zinc supplement

As a certain amount of zinc is very important and resourceful for maintenance of function of several systems in your body, it is necessary to avoid the quantity of such minerals more than required. Similar to the beneficial amount of zinc, there is a standard limit provided for such minerals so that an individual must prevent the toxicity of the same. 

Such overdose may occur due to frequent use or unnecessary higher dose of supplement than recommended. This could lead to a number of harmful conditions such as diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, low count of good hdl cholesterol, vomiting, change in taste, flu like symptoms, rapid infections, copper deficiency, etc.

One must contact a doctor or get medical attention immediately if such effects are observed as Zinc toxicity could be life threatening. Any dose of zinc above 50mg is considered as an overdose so make sure to avoid its encounter.

Interaction of Zinc mineral

Interaction generally refers to potential risk that could develop inside an individual’s body when two or more drugs, substances, medical conditions or therapies interact with one another in a positive or negative manner. However, zinc is a kind of mineral that does interact with any of the medications. There are no reports stating interaction of zinc with any medical drugs with any moderate or severe conditions. 

Also, there are very limited medical conditions that could interact with zinc supplement when taken without any medical guidance such as malabsorption syndrome and renal dysfunction. It is always recommended to consult a doctor or any healthcare professional to ensure your safety with respect to dosage, quality, and other circumstances when using a zinc supplement.


  • The amount of zinc requirement is based on your age group, gender, and medical condition.
  • Lack of certain food products especially for vegans could lead to risk of zinc deficiency in your body that consist of several unwanted symptoms.
  • A synthetic zinc mineral is available on mygeneric pharmacy that provides enough supply of zinc that benefits your body.
  • Zinc supplement must be consumed within beneficial limits as excess if zinc could result in a number of toxic side effects.
  • No medicines are bound to interact with zinc however, certain medical conditions could decrease the zinc absorption rate which must be discussed with the doctor.


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Can Zinc improve your immune system health?

Can Zinc improve your immune system health?

What is Zinc?

Zinc is one of the most important nutrients that is found in cells throughout the body. It is a kind of mineral whose only traces are required for the body, yet this negligible amount is enough to carry out chemical reactions for almost 100 kinds of enzymes. 

Maily, Zinc has its most importance during the growth age of a child. It plays an important role in several bodily functions and developments such as building proteins, creation of DNA, healing damaged tissue, supporting a healthy immune system, and growth and development of cells

Are there any benefits of Zinc in a human body?

Zinc is associated with a number of essential health benefits for an individual that includes:

  • improves and maintain well being of immune system
  • plays an important role in wound healing.
  • prevents cell damage and age related vision loss and degeneration.
  • very helpful in treatment of diarrhea for infants.
  • due to antioxidant properties, it helps against several chronic diseases.
  • maintains sexual fertility, development, and prevents other sexual problems in male.
  • prevents neurological and deficiency symptoms.
  • improves Eye health
  • improve mental capability to learn and memorize.
  • maintains bone health and prevents osteoporosis.
  • shortens the duration of viral fever such as common cold.

Are there any natural source of Zinc?

Zinc is a vital mineral for a human body and its availability is already taken care of by nature. Ideally, a person is likely to consume the necessary amount of zinc mineral daily due to a variety of food consumption. There are a number of natural food products that are rich in zinc minerals and must be considered in daily diet to maintain benefits of it in the body. Such food products include

  • meats
  • fish
  • whole-grain cereals
  • fortified foods
  • beans
  • nuts
  • seafoods, 
  • dairy products such as yogurt
  • seeds
  • eggs
  • dark chocolate
  • some vegetables
  • some fruits


  • Zinc is one of the most vital minerals that is required for growth, development, and functioning of several systems and cells throughout your body.
  • There are a number of well being and maintenance benefits involved with zinc minerals in your body.
  • A number of general food products must be added in your biet to consume rich sources of zinc i.e.e beneficial for you.


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Are Aphrodisiac products good for Sexual Life?

Are Aphrodisiac products good for Sexual Life?

What is Aphrodisiac?

Aphrodisiac is a general term used to describe any food product or any substance that has a potency to increase the sexual behaviour, desire, activity, performance, attraction, affection, or pleasure of/for sexual activity of both male and female. The name ‘APHRODISIACS’ is a term derived from the Greek Goddess that symbolises Love.

There is a constant hunt by men for an effective Aphrodisiacs pursuit almost throughout the history. Naturally, Aphrodisiac could be a substance or food product that is harnessed from nature in the form of a plant, animal, and mineral, and has been in a huge demand all around the world for their capability of enhancing sexual ability. People with low sex drive or incapable of giving a good sexual performance considered such products as savior of their relatioship, confidence, and self esteem. 

Aphrodisiac not only is not only limited in the mechanism of products, Certain factors such as shape, sound, size, smell, surface, etc of products could attract or turn on an individual sexually.

Aphrodisiac Classification

Classification of Aphrodisiac is generally based on their chemical properties i.e. natural and Synthetic.

1. Natural Aphrodisiac

There are many historical substances that are known as Aphrodisiacs depending upon cultures of different countries. Even in today’s world, certain food products are considered as Aphrodisiacs such as:

  • honey, 
  • chocolate, 
  • strawberries, etc.

However, there is no scientific evidence that supports such claims in these products.

There are a number of natural Aphrodisiac such as:

  • Tribulus,
  • Red ginseng, 
  • Pistachio nuts, 
  • Maca, Ginkgo
  • biloba, 
  • Fenugreek, 
  • Saffron, 
  • asparagus,
  • Figs, 
  • spicy chili peppers, 
  • watermelon,
  • artichokes,
  • chocolate,
  • oysters,
  • strawberries, etc.

2. Synthetic Aphrodisiac

There are a number of synthetic man made drugs that are worldwide used to enhance their sexual performance such as viagra, cialis, avanafil, levitra, priligy, testosterone gel, etc. Such kinds of medical drugs are used to treat several incapability in an individual that lacks arousal, interest, orgasm, intensity, libido, erection, etc. Also, ayurvedic medicines are derived from certain herbal plants to boost sexuality in both men and women that includes cofindo, shilajit, Gokshura, Ashwagandha, etc, that does not associate any side effects with them.


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How much Vitamin K2-7 is good for our body?

How much Vitamin K2-7 is good for our body?

Of all the K2 Vitamins, Menaquinone K2-7/Mk7 has been identified as the most productive cofactor for chemical reactions. It introduces the carboxyl group into a molecule or compound for Gla proteins and matrix Gla-proteins. 

Deficiency of Vitamin K2-7

  • Deficiency of any mineral or nutrient generally occurs due to less amount of nutrient or mineral in the body that causes several deficiency-related side effects. Common symptoms for low-level K2-7 vitamins consist of mineralization of bones resulting in osteoporosis. Severe deficiency could increase the blood clotting time in an individual body, increasing the risk of bruising and bleeding resulting in hemorrhage. 

Vitamin K2-7 supplements

Vitamin K2-7 deficiency is rare and most people are often thought to get enough vitamin K from their daily diet. However, any individual at risk of vitamin K deficiency must wish to add dietary supplements to their diet. 

Vitamin K2-7 supplements consist of minerals that are needed when there is not enough calcium consumption through a daily diet. These synthetic supplements maintain or improve the K2-7 level of your body so that several unusual effects of K2-7 deficiency can be prevented.

A beneficial amount of Vitamin K2-7 supplement must be calculated based on an individual’s age, medical conditions, and diet. A quality supplement is necessary for any individual which is available on mygeneric pharmacy websites with certain brand names. 

Vitamin K2-7 intake

  • babies up to 6 months of age need 2 mcg of vitamin K2-7 per day.
  • babies between 6-12 months old need 2.5 mcg of K2-7 daily.
  • toddlers of 1-3 years need 30 mcg of K2-7 everyday
  • children between 4-8 years old require 55 mcg of K2-7 per day
  • children between 9-13 years need 60 mcg per day of K2-7
  • 75 mcg of K2-7 per day is needed for teenagers between 14-18 years 
  • above 19 years of male need 120 mcg of K2-7 per day
  • above 19 years of female need 90 mcg of K2-7 per day
  • a pregnant or lactating female under 19 needs 75 mcg of K2-7 per day.
  • a pregnant or lactating female above 19 needs 90 mcg of K2-7 per day.

Toxicity of Vitamin K2-7

Generally, almost every mineral is known to cause unusual side effects on our body when the safety limit for a particular mineral is exceeded. However, unlike other minerals and nutrients, K2 is a kind of vitamin that is not stored in the liver in any significant quantity. 

According to the latest research, no adverse effects have been reported or have not been known that are associated with high levels of vitamin K2. However, it is always recommended to stick to a prescribed amount of supplement that is generally based on your health condition, age, gender, and diet, to avoid unwanted complications for no reason. 

Interaction of Vitamin K2-7

Interaction generally refers to potential risks that could develop inside an individual’s body when two or more drugs, substances, medical conditions, or therapies interact with one another positively or negatively. Certain medications can affect the Vitamin K level in the body. A cholesterol-lowering medicine could affect the absorption of vitamin K while using antibiotics for a longer duration could kill the gut bacteria that produce vitamin K naturally. Also. blood thinners such as Warfarin could adversely interact with vitamins and could cause unusual symptoms in your body. 

It is advisable to discuss all the medicines you may be taking and your medical conditions before adding vitamin K supplements to your diet.


  • The human body requires Vitamin K2-7 based on age group, medical condition, diet, and gender.
  • Deficiency of Vitamin K2-7 is rare but consists of several adverse symptoms. 
  • There are some K2-7 vitamin supplements available to make up for low vitamin levels in your body when added to your daily diet.
  • high level of vitamin K2 generally; do not associate any unusual side effects on our body, but toxicity must be avoided.
  • There are certain medicines and medical conditions that must be discussed with the doctor to ensure the prevention of interaction with vitamin K2 in your body.


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Improve your Bone health from Vitamin K2-7

Improve your Bone health from Vitamin K2-7

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that our body cannot produce naturally on its own. This vitamin is necessary for blood clotting, healthy heart, cellular metabolism, and swift healing of wounds. This nutrient is also thought to maintain a strong bone system. There are three types of Vitamin K.

1) Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone)

This type of vitamin K is found in leafy green plant sources. It makes up about 75-90% of vitamin K that is consumed by the human body.

2) Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone)

This type of vitamin K is found in the source of animal and fermented food products. Also, a small amount of vitamin K2 is produced by gut bacteria inside our body. It consists of several subtypes.

3) Vitamin K3 (Menadione)

This type of vitamin K is a synthetic mineral that is naturally not produced or found. It does not have any use in the human body.

According to some scientific suggestions, the roles of Vitamin K1 and K2 are quite different and there is an appeal for separate nutrient classification for both of these nutrients. However, more research and studies are required to totally understand the functional difference between these two K vitamins.

Vitamin K2-7

There are nine variants of Vitamin K that are determined by the number of organic compound units in their side chains. Vitamin K2-7/K2-MK7 is one of the variants of Vitamin K2 that range from MK-4 to Mk-13 where Mk represents Menaquinone i.e. Vitamin K2. 

Out of all the K2 Vitamins, Menaquinone K2-7/Mk7 has been identified as the most productive cofactor for chemical reaction that introduces carboxyl group into a molecule or compound for Gla proteins and matrix Gla-proteins. 

Natural sources of Vitamin K2-7

A human body cannot produce Vitamin K on its own but needs to consume certain food to get Vitamin K nutrient. There are a number of food products that provide ample amounts of vitamin K2-7 in your body. Such resourceful food products include:

  • Cooked natto,
  • hard cheese,
  • Curd cheese,
  • Soft cheese,
  • Sauerkraut,
  • buckwheat,
  • buttermilk, etc. 

Benefits of Vitamin K2-7

  • play an important role in bone tissue homoeostasis
  • assist joint health.
  • acts as a potent stimulator of bone resorption involved in the regulation and turnover of bone
  • enhances athletic results by increased cardiac results during optimal serum storage in the body.
  • prevent mineralization of blood vessels
  • support properties of anti-cancer
  • supporting cardiovascular health and in preventing the development of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)


  • There are three types of vitamin K namely Vitamin K1(Phylloquinone), Vitamin K2(Menaquinone), and Vitamin K3(Menadione). 
  • Vitamin K2-7 is the most productive type of Vitamin K that is needed for our body.
  • Vitamin K2-7 nutrient could be consumed by several food products that are commonly available.
  • There are a number of health benefits associated with Vitamin K2-7.
  • This nutrient is very essential in metabolism of calcium and maintain the bone health of the body.


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Is too much Vitamin E bad for my health?

Is too much Vitamin E bad for my health?

What is Vitamin E supplement?

Vitamin E supplements are synthetic tablets or capsules that consist of  Alpha tocopherol nutrient. These high quality Vitamin E supplements are available in mygeneric pharmacy with different brand names. They are potent enough to stock up the nutritional need of your body and could be taken daily to maintain the Alpha tocopherol level. These supplements provide a number of beneficial effects in your body such as maintenance and improvement in health of skin, relief in symptoms of osteoarthritis, neutralizes free radicals that cause rusting of cells, used in variety of treatments that include, cancer, neurodegenerative disease and cognitive decline, disorder related to aging of eye, etc.

Interaction of vitamin E

Interaction generally refers to potential risk that could develop inside the body when two or more drugs/substances or medical therapies interact with one another in a positive or negative manner. Vitamin E is a type of protein that has negative interactions with therapies and medications such as simvastatin, niacin, antiplatelet medications, anticoagulant medications, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. A person must discuss these medical parameters before taking any synthetic vitamin E supplement.

Vitamin E deficiency

It is usually rare for an individual body to get vitamin E deficiency, certain diseases and conditions such as Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, bile secretion disorder from liver to digestive tract could lead to certain conditions that causes need for extra vitamin E supplements.

Deficiency of vitamin E could cause a number of harmful conditions in your body such as:

  • loss of feeling in arms and legs due to muscle and nerve damage,
  • vision problem,
  • headache and drowsiness,
  • movement control disorder,
  • weakened immune system,
  • muscle weakness,
  • infertility,
  • heart disease,
  • impaired thinking,
  • skin damage,
  • symptoms of oxidative stress, etc.

Risk of too much vitamin E

Overdose of vitamin E especially on the basis of daily food or diet is unlikely to happen.  An individual should make sure that while taking extra vitamin E through synthetic medicines, the limit of 1000 milligrams per day must not be exceeded. Higher doses of this nutrient could cause several unwanted and serious side effects in an individual body that includes increased risk of prostate cancer in men and increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke.


  • Vitamin E is unlikely to happen but consists of serious health conditions which must be avoided with proper diet and supplements.
  • It is advisable to consult a doctor as too much vitamin E nutrient in your body will lead to severe side effects.
  • Also, consult a doctor to avoid risk of any harmful interaction between vitamin E supplement and several other medications and therapies.


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How much Vitamin E do our body need daily?

How much Vitamin E do our body need daily?

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a collective term used to describe a nutrient that is necessary to perform several tasks and functions in a human body. It is a fat soluble compound that comes in several forms but a human body only consumes Alpha tocopherol form. 

Vitamin E is important to maintain and improve the blood quality, reproduction, vision, and health of several organs of your body such as the brain, skin, etc. The main role of this nutrient in the human body is to hunt down free radicals or prevent the production of such free radicals that can damage several cells.

Natural forms Vitamin E

Naturally, there are 8 forms of vitamin E available in chemical form namely:

  • Alpha tocopherol,
  • Beta tocopherol,
  • Gamma tocopherol,
  • Delta tocopherol,
  • Alpha tocotrienol,
  • Beta tocotrienol,
  • Gamma tocotrienol,
  • and Delta tocotrienol.

Out of all these naturally occurring chemical forms of vitamin E, a human body consumed only Alpha tocopherol which is considered as the most important one.

Natural source of vitamin E

Vitamin E is a kind of nutrient that is available for certain percentage in a number of food product that with an appropriate quantity such as:

  • medium size tomato 5% DV,
  • broccoli 8% Dv,
  • 1/2 cup boiled spinach 13% DV,
  • Nuts such as peanut, hazelnuts, 1 oz almonds 45% DV,
  • vegetable oils such as sunflower, soybean oil, safflowers, wheat germ,
  • corn,
  • fruits juices,
  • equipped breakfast cereals,
  • fruits such as mango 5% DV,
  • kiwi 7% DV, etc. (DV stands for Daily Value)

Daily requirement of Vitamin E for an individual

Vitamin E is a kind of nutrient whose necessary amount is usually consumed by an individual in their daily meal. However, the amount of this nutrient varies with respect to the age group and condition of a human body.

  • Toddlers between 1-3 years old need 6mg or 9UI of vitamin E nutrient per day.
  • Children between 4-8 years old need 7mg or 10.4UI of nutrients per day.
  • For children between 9-13 years of age, ideally 11mg or 16.4 UI per day is recommended.
  • Talking about adults, 15mg or 22.4Ui amount of nutrient is required daily. 
  • Also, pregnant women need 15 mg whereas breastfeeding women need 19 mg of vitamin E per day.


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