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Important things you need to know about the flu(Influenza).

Important things you need to know about the flu(Influenza).

The flu season typically lasts from late fall to early spring and is accompanied by the typical flu symptoms of fatigue, sniffling, sneezing, and coughing.

The illness’s severity varies from person to person, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new sense of urgency to our need to safeguard ourselves as both of these viruses spread in the coming months.

Flu vaccinations are crucial every year, but this year they’re even more crucial to prevent the general public, especially vulnerable populations, from contracting the flu while COVID-19 is still a danger.

What is the flu?

A common and contagious virus called influenza is transmitted when droplets enter the body of a different person. The virus then establishes itself and starts to grow. The flu spreads throughout the country each year. According to a 2018 CDC study, the flu affects 3 to 11 percent of Americans each year. This explains why some people experience symptoms.

The flu’s main season is winter, with February being its peak. However, influenza can strike at any time of the year. There are numerous flu strains. Which viral strains will be most prevalent each year is decided by medical professionals and researchers. Then, vaccinations are created using those strains. One of the simplest and most reliable ways to prevent the flu is with a flu vaccine.

A few symptoms of the flu and the common cold are similar.

People who have any ailment frequently encounter:

  • runny or congested nose
  • sneezing
  • bodily pains
  • overall weariness

Generally speaking, flu symptoms are worse than cold symptoms. The seriousness of the two is another obvious distinction. Rarely do colds result in further medical concerns or issues. However, the flu can cause:

  • sinusitis
  • infected ears
  • pneumonia
  • sepsis

If your symptoms are severe, you might want to get a diagnosis of the flu or the common cold confirmed. Your doctor will order tests to assist identify the cause of your symptoms. Call beforehand to find out the procedure for going to a doctor in person or online during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The symptoms of the common cold and the flu should also be handled carefully because they are similar to those of COVID-19. You only need to treat your symptoms if your doctor identifies you with a cold until the virus has finished its course. These remedies may consist of:

  • utilising over-the-counter (OTC) medicine for colds
  • drinking water
  • obtaining lots of sleep

What’s the difference between the flu and COVID-19?

While there are some similarities between COVID-19, the flu, and allergies, there are also many differences. The primary signs of COVID-19 include:

Sneezing is unusual. The flu symptoms, such as fever and body aches, are comparable to COVID-19. However, you might not experience shortness of breath as a flu symptom. Sneezing, coughing, and wheezing are some of the more common chronic allergy symptoms.

What are the symptoms of the flu?


Your body temperature will nearly always rise when you have the flu. Fever is another name for this. The majority of fevers caused by the flu range from a low-grade fever of roughly 100°F (37.8°C) to a high-grade fever of 104°F (40°C).

While worrying, it’s not uncommon for young children to experience fevers that are higher than those of adults. Consult your child’s doctor if you think they may have the flu.

When your temperature is high, you could have “feverishness.” Chills, sweats, or feeling cold in spite of a high body temperature are symptoms. Most fevers last 3 to 4 days, which is less than a week in most cases.


When you have the flu, a dry, persistent cough is typical. It’s possible for the cough to get worse and become painful.

Occasionally, you could feel like your chest hurts or your breath is short. Many coughs brought on by the flu might continue for around 2 weeks.

Muscle pain

Your neck, back, arms, and legs are the most typical locations for flu-related muscle discomfort. They are frequently severe, making it challenging to move even when attempting to carry out simple duties.


Your first flu symptom can be a terrible headache. Sometimes headaches are accompanied by other symptoms, such as light and sound sensitivity.


A less visible flu symptom is feeling weary. One of several conditions can be an indicator of feeling generally ill. These feelings of exhaustion and fatigue may strike suddenly and be challenging to get rid of.

How long does the flu last?

The majority of people recover from the flu in a week or so. However, it can take a few more days until you feel like yourself again. Even a few days after your flu symptoms have disappeared, fatigue is not uncommon.

It’s crucial to skip the first day of class or work until you’ve been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without using fever-reducing drugs, of course). A day before your symptoms start to manifest and for up to seven days afterward, the flu virus can be transmitted to another person.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, if you exhibit any cold or flu symptoms, you should separate yourself while getting tested and continue to practise excellent hygiene by:

  • the act of handwashing
  • cleaning up high-touch areas
  • putting on a face mask
  • staying away from other people

Treatment options for the flu

The majority of flu illnesses are mild enough for self-care at home without the use of prescription drugs. When you first experience flu symptoms, it’s crucial that you stay at home and limit your contact with others.

You will need to:

  • Drink a lot of water. This includes low-sugar flavoured drinks, soup, and water.
  • Use over-the-counter drugs to treat symptoms including fever and headaches.
  • To stop the virus from getting onto other surfaces or persons in your home, wash your hands.
  • Use tissues to cover your coughs and sneezes. Get rid of the tissues right away.
  • When outside, hide your face.

Remedies for flu symptoms

The flu is not enjoyable. However, there are numerous treatments for flu symptoms that offer significant relief.If you have the flu, have in mind these remedies:Pain relievers.

  • Pain relievers. drugs that reduce pain. It is frequently advised to use analgesics like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to relieve symptoms. These include headache, fever, and aches and pains in the muscles.
  • Decongestants. This kind of medication can ease sinus and ear pressure as well as nasal congestion. Read the labels carefully to choose the decongestant that is appropriate for you because each type can have some negative effects.
  • Expectorants. This kind of drug aids in reducing the buildup of thick sinus secretions that give you a cough-inducing feeling in your head.


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What are the symptoms and causes of Tuberculosis?

What are the symptoms and causes of Tuberculosis?

A potentially dangerous infectious disease that mostly affects the lungs is tuberculosis (TB). People can contract tuberculosis from one another by coughing or sneezing small droplets of bacteria into the air.

Infections of tuberculosis, once uncommon in wealthy nations, started rising in 1985, in part due to the appearance of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. HIV impairs the immune system, making it incapable of warding off TB pathogens. In the United States, tuberculosis started to decline once more in 1993 as a result of more effective control initiatives. But it still raises questions.

The majority of medications used to treat tuberculosis don’t work on many forms of the disease. For months, those with active tuberculosis must take a variety of drugs to treat the infection and prevent antibiotic resistance.

Different kinds of tuberculosis

You may also hear about several forms of TB, such as the most prevalent, pulmonary (lung) tuberculosis, in addition to active or inactive TB. But in addition to your lungs, the bacterium can also harm other parts of your body, leading to extrapulmonary tuberculosis (or TB outside of the lung). Additionally, systemic miliary TB, which can affect the entire body and result in:

  • Meningitis is a brain inflammation.
  • High quantities of white blood cells in your urine are referred to as sterile pyuria.
  • Spinal tuberculosis, often known as Pott’s disease or TB spondylitis.
  • an adrenal gland disorder called Addison’s disease.
  • The liver infection hepatitis.
  • Neck lymphadenitis, often known as scrofula or TB lymphadenitis.

Who is most at risk?

The majority of persons with tuberculosis are in their prime working years. All age groups, though, are in danger. In low- and middle-income nations, there are more than 80% of cases and fatalities.

Active TB is 18 times more likely to develop in HIV-positive people. Additionally, people with other immune-system compromising illnesses are more likely to have active TB. Undernourished individuals are three times as vulnerable. In 2021, there were 2.2 million new TB cases worldwide that could be linked to malnutrition.

Smoking and problematic alcohol use both raise the risk of TB. The causes of 0.74 million new cases of tuberculosis (TB) worldwide in 2021 were related to alcohol use disorders, while 0.63 million were related to smoking.

Symptoms of tuberculosis?

The majority of persons harbouring TB germs in their systems don’t develop TB disease. They actually still have a latent TB infection. If you have latent tuberculosis, you:

  • had no symptoms
  • cannot transmit TB to others
  • In the future, if your immune system deteriorates due to another factor, you could become ill with active TB illness.
  • Must take medication to avoid contracting active TB disease in the future

The TB bacteria are active if you have TB disease, which means they are growing (multiplying) inside of your body and making you ill. You can distribute the TB germs to other individuals if the disease is developing in your lungs or throat. TB disease can strike weeks to years after you’ve contracted the infection.

Your TB symptoms will depend on where the disease is spreading in your body.

Typical general signs include:

  • the flu with a fever
  • sweats at night (heavy sweating during sleep)
  • shedding pounds without trying
  • reduced appetite
  • weakness or exhaustion

Your lungs’ TB illness symptoms could include the following:

  • Cough that persists for more than three weeks
  • coughing up sputum or blood (a thick mucus from the lungs)
  • chest pain

What causes tuberculosis?

TB is brought on by a bacteria known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There are numerous TB strains, some of which have developed drug resistance.

Airborne droplets that are infected with the TB bacteria can spread the disease. Anyone around can breathe in these droplets once they are in the air. TB patients can spread the germs by:

  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • speaking
  • singing

Even if they have contracted the germs, people with healthy immune systems may not show signs of TB. Latent or dormant TB infection is what this is. Latent TB affects about one-fourth of all people on the planet.

Although latent TB is not contagious, it can eventually develop into an active illness. You can get sick from active TB disease and spread it to other people as well.


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What are the best ways to prevent Pneumonia?

What are the best ways to prevent Pneumonia?

A buildup of fluid or mucus can lead to pneumonia, a lung infection. Your alveoli, which are tiny air sacs that transport oxygen from the air you breathe into your blood, are less effective as a result of these buildups.

Although pneumonia is not communicable, it can be brought on by a variety of factors, some of which may be contagious. These consist of:

When you breathe in food, stomach acid, or saliva into your lungs, you can have a specific type of pneumonia called aspiration pneumonia.

Because of procedures that interfere with normal breathing, such as the requirement for a “breathing tube” (also known as an endotracheal tube), inactivity, or taking specific medications, being in the hospital can increase a patient’s risk of developing pneumonia.

Ways to prevent risk of Pneumonia

Vaccination for pneumococcal conjugation

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination (PCV13) offers defence against 13 different bacterial species that can lead to life-threatening illnesses in both children and adults.

PCV13 is one of the routine vaccinations given to infants, and it is given by a paediatrician. Beginning when they are 2 months old, it is administered to infants in a series of three or four doses. Babies receive their final dose by the age of 15 months.

PCV13 is administered as a one-time injection to persons 65 years of age and older. Your physician might advise revaccination in five to ten years. This vaccination should also be given to people of any age who have risk factors, such as a compromised immune system.

Vaccination for pneumococcal polysaccharides

One dose of the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) provides protection against 23 different bacterial species.

It is not suggested for kids. Adults over 65 who have already gotten the PCV13 immunisation are given the PPSV23 vaccine. Usually, it’s presented a year later.

This vaccination should also be given to people aged 19 to 64 who smoke or have health issues that raise their risk of pneumonia. Most people who receive PPSV23 at age 65 don’t need to get it again later.

Clean your hands.

Though pneumonia itself is not contagious, it can be brought on by a number of infectious agents, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The easiest approach to prevent introducing these organisms into your respiratory system is by regularly washing your hands.

  • Make careful to thoroughly wash your hands by utilising the following procedures:
  • Use clean, preferably running water, to wet your hands.
  • Use enough soap to completely cover your hands’ and wrists’ surfaces.
  • Your hands should be fully and quickly lathered. Make sure to scrub your hands, wrists, fingernails, and all other exposed surfaces.
  • Spend no less than 20 seconds cleaning your hands and wrists.
  • Put your hands and wrists in clean, preferably running, water to rinse them.
  • Use a fresh towel to dry your hands and wrists, or let them air dry.
  • To stop the faucet, use a towel.

You can also wash your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to soap and water.

Avoid being around sick individuals.

The majority of respiratory illnesses are transferred by minuscule airborne or surface-contact particles. Avoiding contact with sick persons is a crucial step in avoiding pneumonia and other respiratory infections.

If you must be among ill individuals or are in a busy environment, make sure to:

  • regular hand washing
  • Wear a mask over your mouth and nose to avoid the flu dependable source, chilly, and COVID-19 dependable source
  • urging people to hide their sneezes and coughs
  • Do not exchange personal things

Make healthy choices.

Your body’s capacity to fend off infections that can result in pneumonia is strongly influenced by how you take care of your body and the world around you.

The following activities can help you fortify your immune system and lungs:

  • having enough sleep
  • maintaining a healthy diet
  • exercising consistently
  • eschewing smoking
  • lowering your exposure to toxic substances or pollutants
  • maintaining a current immunisation schedule

Prevent pneumonia from developing from a cold

Ask your doctor what preventative measures you may take if you already have a cold to keep it from developing into pneumonia.

Some recommendations are:

  • ensuring adequate sleep when recuperating from a cold or other illness
  • consuming a lot of water to relieve congestion
  • supplementing with zinc and vitamin C to strengthen your immune system

What happens if I get pneumonia?

The type of pneumonia you have and its severity will determine how it is treated. One portion of your lungs may only be affected by pneumonia, or it may spread to both of your lungs’ interior spaces.

Antibiotics may be administered to you if a bacterial infection caused your pneumonia or if the fluids that accumulate after aspiration get infected. Antifungal drugs can also be used to treat fungus-related pneumonia.

Antibiotics and Antifungals won’t help if the virus that is causing your pneumonia is caused by them. Antiviral medication may be used to treat various viruses, such as the flu. Otherwise, the best way to treat viral pneumonia is with supportive care, possibly even in a hospital.

Regardless of the cause, severe cases of pneumonia may necessitate the use of more intensive therapies, such as supplemental oxygen, breathing treatments, or even mechanical ventilation.


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What are the precautions and warnings of Montair tablets?

What are the precautions and warnings of Montair tablets?

An anti-allergic drug called Montair is primarily used to treat asthma and seasonal allergies. An allergic reaction is an immune system reaction to outside substances that are usually not detrimental to your body. These alien substances are referred to as “allergens”. A localised inflammatory illness of the lungs and airways, asthma can cause excessive mucus production in response to certain stimuli such viruses, allergens, and exercise.

Montelukast, a component of Montair, is a leukotriene antagonist. Leukotriene, a chemical messenger, is blocked, which lowers inflammation and swelling of the lungs’ airways. Asthma episodes are avoided and breathing is made easier. When you have an allergic reaction to something like dust or pollen, leukotrienes are also generated in your body. Leukotriene levels are reduced by Montair, which also prevents your symptoms.

Medicinal Benefits

The anti-allergic drug Montair contains montelukast. As a leukotriene antagonist, montelukast lowers edoema and inflammation in the nose and lungs, improving symptoms and treating a wide spectrum of allergy disorders. As a result, symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, coughing, watery eyes, etc. are reduced. Asthma and allergy symptoms can be avoided with the use of this drug, which is referred to as a preventer.

How to use?

Take it as your doctor prescribes, whether with or without food. With a glass of water, swallow the entire tablet. Do not chew, break, or chew it. Tablets that can be chewed. Completely chew the tablet before swallowing. Do not consume it in its whole. Granules. Before using, take sure to read the label carefully. Mix the granules thoroughly with the milk or water before drinking right away.

Side Effects of Montair

  • Headache
  • abdominal pain
  • Body pain or pains
  • urine with pus
  • Anxiety and agitation
  • Heartburn Skin rash
  • distorted vision
  • respiratory infection
  • Face, lips, tongue, eyelids, hands, and feet swelling
  • Unwellness or vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever

Precautions and Warning

If you are allergic to Montair or any of its constituents, avoid taking the medication. Before beginning Montair, let your doctor know if you have any mental disorders as it may cause mood changes (symptoms include anxiety, aggressive behaviour, irritability, restlessness).

At times, you could experience depression. If you experience any of these symptoms, let your doctor know. Avoiding contact with recognised allergens (agents that cause allergies), such as pollen, dust, etc., is advised. Allergies to particular foods have been documented. To decrease your mental alertness, Montair should not be taken with alcohol or other antidepressants. Do not stop taking Montair suddenly, even if you are asymptomatic and feeling fine. Doing so could cause an acute asthma attack.



While taking Montair, avoid consuming alcohol as it may aggravate adverse effects like tiredness.


The effects of Montair-10 Tablet 15s on pregnancy are not well understood. Prior to beginning Montair-10 Tablet 15, please consult your doctor if you are trying to conceive or are already pregnant.


The effects of Montair on breastfeeding are little understood. Montelukast, however, might enter breast milk. Please seek medical advice before beginning Montair-10 Tablet 15’s.


If you become drowsy or find it difficult to concentrate while taking Montair, do not drive or operate machinery. Your ability to drive could be affected by Montair. Consult a doctor if the symptoms last longer.


Patients with liver disorders should use LIVER Montair with caution. If you have a history of liver illness, tell your doctor. Before recommending Montair-10 Tablet 15s, your doctor will consider the advantages and possible hazards.


Patients with kidney disorders should use Montair-10 Tablet 15 with caution. If you have a history of kidney problems, tell your doctor. Before recommending Montair-10 Tablet 15s, your doctor will consider the advantages and possible hazards.


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What are the best remedies to treat a burned throat?

What are the best remedies to treat a burned throat?

A burning throat is the usual sign of infections and other underlying medical disorders. It may appear on its own or in conjunction with other symptoms.

A burning throat is frequently treatable at home. Recovery depends on getting lots of rest and consuming plenty of fluids.

What is a burning throat?

At the back of the throat, there is inflammation that causes a burning sensation. The back of your throat becomes swollen and painful when your body reacts to an injury or foreign object by increasing blood flow. One of the most frequent ailments for which individuals go to the doctor each year is a burning throat. There may also be additional symptoms in addition to the burning in your throat.

There are three parts of the throat, including the:

  • nasopharynx, which stretches from the uvula to the back of the nasal cavity.
  • Laryngopharynx, which connects to the oropharynx at the top
  • larynx at the bottom, is the region of the mouth that is located at the rear.

Anywhere in the throat, irritation or inflammation can cause a burning feeling. It may occur deeper in the larynx, towards the back of the nose and mouth, or at the top of the neck.

The discomfort may be brought on by issues with the digestive tract or the respiratory system. A hint to the underlying reason may lie in the area where the burning is occurring.

Symptoms included in Burning Throat

The symptoms of burning throat are as follows:

Your throat burns and all the symptoms mentioned above could be signs of a more serious disease.

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Mouth pain
  • difficulty swallowing
  • nausea and diarrhoea
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fatigue
  • Hoarseness

Causes of Throat burning

Conditions affecting the digestive system or the respiratory system can cause a burning throat.

Digestible reasons

There are several digestive system issues that can cause a burning throat, including:

  • stomach acid reflux disease (GERD)
  • abdominal hernia
  • occasional heartburn brought on by lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol or eating fatty, oily, or spicy meals
  • stomach ulcer illness

Respiratory conditions

Another cause of a burning throat is respiratory issues, such as allergies.

  • viral diseases like the common cold, flu, mononucleosis, or croup, as well as bacterial infections like strep throat
  • COVID-19

Other factors

The same circumstances that can cause heartburn can also cause a burning throat, such as:
obesity and excess weight

  • pregnancy
  • smoking
  • pregnancy

Reasons that are grave or life-threatening

Occasionally, a burning throat may be a sign of a serious or even fatal ailment, such as:

  • Inflammation of the tissue that covers the windpipe is known as epiglottitis.
  • stomach cancer
  • tongue, throat, or larynx tumours

Remedies for throat burning

The sore or burning sensation in your throat can be greatly relieved with a few simple home remedies.

  • As much sleep as you can.
  • To ease the dryness and stiffness in your throat, drink a lot of water.
  • Warm drinks like honey, lemon, or ginger tea are best.
  • Enjoy some hot chicken soup.
  • To ease the burning sensation in your mouth and throat, take a sip of ice chips.
  • To assist ease the pain, gargle with warm salt water.
  • Ssoothe your sore throat, chew on candies and lozenges.
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers like Advil or Ibuprofen.

Other Treatment Options

The following medicines may be appropriate for you depending on the severity and root of your condition:

  • The best course of action is to use antivirals, such as acyclovir or aciclovir, if mono or esophagitis are the cause of your throat burning.
  • Penicillin or any other antibiotic is administered for tonsillitis in order to lessen the intensity of the symptoms. The risk of reinfection must be reduced by finishing the prescribed course of treatment.
  • Antacids or histamine receptor blockers are prescribed by doctors to treat GERD. These are recommended to lessen the burning in your throat and the amount of stomach acid.

When To See A Doctor

Consult your doctor if the home cures don’t work for you and your sore throat lasts longer than 10 days. Additionally, you should seek medical attention if your burning throat is accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • chest pain
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • extreme tiredness
  • having a sore throat
  • Hoarseness

Your doctor will present you with a variety of treatment options once they have determined what is causing your burning sore throat. See what they are now.


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What is the correct way to use nasal spray?

What is the correct way to use nasal spray?

What is Nasal Spray?

Liquid medications that you spray into your nose are called nasal sprays. They are employed to aid in the relief of nasal congestion (stuffiness). Congestion is frequently a sign of a cold or allergy symptoms.

Depending on the type of nasal spray being used, nasal sprays can effectively treat the symptoms of allergies or other disorders when used properly. However, it’s critical that patients understand how to properly use the spray. This aids in boosting the drug’s effectiveness and lowering the possibility of nasal spray adverse effects.

Working and use of Nasal spray

Nasal sprays target inflammation in your nasal passages, which lessens swelling and aids in clearing out stuffiness, to put it simply.

Some nasal sprays, including steroid and antihistamine sprays, are intended specifically to relieve allergy symptoms and can be applied repeatedly.

Decongestant nasal sprays, a third kind, are best for relieving congestion brought on by the flu or a cold because they should only be used for a few days at a time.

Side effects of Nasal Spray

Some of the common side effects observed while using nasal spray includes:

  • a burning or stinging feeling in the nose.
  • nasal dryness and crustiness.
  • a scratchy, dry throat.
  • mouthfeel that is unpleasant.
  • In the nose, there is itching, redness, and swelling.
  • nosebleeds.

How to use Nasal Spray?

There are both over-the-counter and prescription nasal sprays. They also come in pressurised canisters and pump bottles, two different kinds of containers.

Procedures for utilising a pressurised canister

  • Blow your nose gently to remove any mucus before taking the medication.
  • Ensure that the canister is securely fastened in the holder. Just before using the canister, give it a few good shakes.
  • Maintain a straight back. Exhale gradually.
  • With one hand, hold the nasal spray container. Aiming the canister tip toward the back of your head, insert it into your nostril. Close the nostril on the side not getting the medication with a finger.
  • As you start to inhale slowly through your nose, press down on the canister. For the opposite nostril, repeat same procedures. Repeat all of these instructions if you’re using more than one spray in each nostril.
  • Avoid blowing your nose or sneezing right after applying the spray.

How to use a pump bottle.

  • Blow your nose gently to remove any mucus before taking the medication.
  • Take off the cap. Shake the container. You might need to “prime” the pump spray each time you use it for the first time. To accomplish this, spray the liquid several times into the air until a fine mist appears.
  • Lean your head slightly forward. Exhale gradually.
  • Your thumb should be near the bottom of the pump bottle, and your index and middle fingers should be on top. Aiming the canister tip toward the back of your head, insert the tip into your nostril. Your other hand’s finger can be used to cover the nostril on the side not receiving the medication.
  • As you start to take slow, deep breaths in through your nose, squeeze the pump. For the opposite nostril, repeat same procedures. Repeat all of these instructions if you’re using more than one spray in each nostril.
  • Avoid blowing your nose or sneezing right after applying the spray.

General mistakes

When using nasal sprays, there are numerous mistakes that are frequently committed that increase the risk of side effects or reduce their effectiveness.

Due to the medication’s focus on this delicate region of the nasal airways, nasal inflammation of the septum (the middle segment of the nose) is a frequent adverse effect. This can be prevented by spraying the other nostril with the opposite hand, such as from the left to the right or vice versa, so that the spray is directed at the outside of the nose.

Another frequent adverse effect is mild throat irritation, which can be brought on by the drug dribbling down the back of the throat due to poor head positioning or breathing in too quickly when administering the medication (snorting the medication). This can be prevented by maintaining a small forward tilt of the head while administering the spray and taking slow, deep breaths.

Finally, using nasal sprays can occasionally cause nosebleeds or severe nasal discomfort. Patients should use a saline spray for the next 1-2 days in this situation to allow the nasal lining to heal and stop using the spray for this reason.

Things to consider

Nasal sprays contain a variety of medications. If taken for an extended period of time, some of these medications can harm the lining of your nose. Additionally, continued use may cause your nose to cease reacting to the spray. You might need to apply more spray as a result to achieve the same results. If this occurs, consult your doctor. He or she might be able to make a suggestion that will be more practical for you.

There are certain nasal sprays with time restrictions. The duration of your spray’s use can be determined by your doctor.


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How can Sinusitis Leave You Dazed and Confused?

How can Sinusitis Leave You Dazed and Confused?

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining the sinuses. The sinuses are four paired cavities (spaces) in the head. They are connected by narrow channels. The sinuses make thin mucus that drains out of the channels of the nose. This drainage helps keep the nose clean and free of bacteria. Normally filled with air, the sinuses can get blocked and filled with fluid. When that happens, bacteria can grow and cause an infection (bacterial sinusitis).

This is also called rhinosinusitis, with “rhino” meaning “nose.” The nasal tissue is almost always swollen if sinus tissue is inflamed.

Different types of sinuses

Your head’s paranasal sinuses are close to your nose and eyes. They are named after the skeletons that support them.

  • Between your eyes are the ethmoidal sinuses.
  • Below your eyes are the maxillary sinuses.
  • Behind your eyes are the sphenoidal sinuses.
  • Above your eyes are the frontal sinuses.

The maxillary cavity, the largest sinus cavity, is also one of the ones that becomes infected the most frequently.

There are various sinusitis kinds, including:

  • Acute bacterial sinusitis: This condition is characterised by the sudden onset of cold symptoms, such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain, which do not go away after 10 days. It is also characterised by symptoms that initially appear to get better but later return and become worse (a condition known as “double sickening”). Antibiotics and decongestants work well on it.
  • Chronic sinusitis: Chronic sinusitis is a condition that lasts for at least 12 weeks and is characterised by nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain or pressure, and a diminished sense of smell.
  • Subacute sinusitis: When symptoms persist for four to twelve weeks, the condition is referred to as subacute sinusitis.
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis: When acute sinusitis symptoms return four or more times in a year and last fewer than two weeks each time, it is referred to as recurrent acute sinusitis.

Who can get Sinusitis?

Anyone can develop a sinus infection. However, sinusitis is more likely to affect persons who have nasal allergies, nasal polyps, asthma, or atypical nose structures. Additionally, smoking can increase the frequency of sinus infections.

According to estimates, 31 million Americans suffer from sinusitis. You are more likely to have:

  • swelling of the nose, similar to that from a cold
  • blocked drain pipes
  • structural variations that make such ducts smaller
  • nose growths
  • Immune system dysfunction or use of immunosuppressive drugs

Things that can induce sinusitis in children include:

  • Allergies
  • other children’s illnesses at daycare or school
  • Pacifiers
  • Taking a bottle while lying on one’s back
  • There is smoke around.
  • Adults who smoke and have illnesses are more likely to develop sinusitis.

Causes of Sinusitis

Spaces in the skull called sinuses are breathable. They are situated behind the forehead, cheeks, eyes, and nasal bones. There are no bacteria or other pathogens in healthy sinuses. Most of the time, air can pass through the sinuses and mucus can drain out.

Bacteria and other germs can grow more readily when the nasal passages are clogged or when too much mucus accumulates.

One of the following conditions can lead to sinusitis:

  • The tiny hairs (cilia) in the sinuses are unable to effectively expel mucus. Some medical issues could be to blame for this.
  • Colds and allergies may cause too much mucus to be made or block the opening of the sinuses.
  • The entry of the sinuses may be blocked by a deviated nasal septum, a nasal bone spur, or nasal polyps.
  • Mucosal edoema and inflammation can be brought on by chronic infection.

Risk Elements

There are several things that can make you more likely to acquire a sinus infection:

  • an earlier cold
  • Seasonal sensitivity
  • Secondhand smoke exposure and smoking
  • internal sinus structural issues. For instance, nasal polyps, which are growths on the sinus or nose lining.
  • A weak immune system or taking drugs that weaken the immune system

When to Get Medical Attention

Consult a physician if you have:

  • significant signs, such as a painful headache or a face soreness.
  • symptoms that worsen after they get better.
  • symptoms that last for more than 10 days without improving.
  • more than 3- to 4-day fever

Additionally, if you have experienced several sinus infections in the last year, you ought to contact a doctor. This is not a comprehensive list. If you have any symptoms that are serious or worrisome, please visit a doctor.

Sinusitis Treatment

Your doctor will examine you and ask you about your symptoms to determine if you have a sinus infection.

Many sinus infections can be treated without antibiotics. Without drugs, most sinus infections typically recover on their own. Antibiotics won’t help you if you don’t need them, and their adverse effects could still be dangerous. From minor reactions, like a rash, to more serious health issues, side effects can vary widely. Severe allergic responses, infections that are resistant to antibiotics, and C. diff infections are a few of these issues. Diarrhea brought on by C. diff can cause serious colon damage and even death.

But occasionally, you could require antibiotics. Consult your doctor about the best course of action for your condition. Your doctor might advise watchful waiting or delaying the prescription of antibiotics for some sinus infections.

  • Watchful waiting: To determine whether you require antibiotics, your doctor may advise waiting for two to three days. As a result, the immune system has more time to combat the illness. An antibiotic may be prescribed by the doctor if your symptoms don’t get better.
  • Delayed prescription: Your doctor might write you an antibiotic prescription, but they advise you to hold off on filling it for two to three days. You might be able to recover without the antibiotic.


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What happens when you are diagnosed with asthma?

What happens when you are diagnosed with asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory condition in which a person’s airways are inflamed, narrowed and swollen, causing extra mucus to build up, making it difficult to breath. The severity of this condition could range from mild to serious. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 25 million Americans suffer fromTrusted Source have asthma. It is the most common chronic condition among American children. One child out of every twelve suffers from itTrusted Source has asthma. 

Asthma is a major noncommunicable disease (NCD), affecting both children and adults, and is the most common chronic disease among children. Most asthma-related deaths occur in low- and lower-middle-income countries, where under-diagnosis and under-treatment is a challenge.

What is an asthma attack?

Under normal conditions, whena person breathes, the muscles that are present around our airways relaxed which makes it easy for the air to get inhaled and exhaled. This is the procedure of respiratory muscle under normal and ideal condition.

When a person experience asthma, there could be any of the three reasons mentioned below.


It causes the muscles surrounding the airways to constrict (tighten). Tightening them makes your airways narrow. When the airways are constricted, air cannot flow freely.


It causes the linning of your airways to become swollen. This reduces the passage diameter causing less amount of air to travel through and from your lungs.

Mucus production:

When you experience asthma attack, your body produces mucus. This thick substance blocks the air passage making it difficult to breathe.

Wheezing is the sound your airways make when you breathe out when your airways are constricting. Also known as an asthma attack flare-up or exacerbation, asthma attacks can be difficult to control. An asthmatic who does not control his or her asthma is said to have uncontrolled asthma.

Symptoms of Asthma

The most common symptoms associated with asthma is wheezing, as per studies and reports. It is the sound of whistling or squealing while sleeping. There are several other common symptoms such as:

  • difficulty talking
  • anxiousness or panic
  • coughing,
  • tightness in the chest
  • shortness of breath
  • fatigue
  • chest pain
  • trouble sleeping
  • rapid breathing
  • frequent infections, etc.

Types of asthma

Asthma is generally classified on the based of severity and frequency of symptoms occurence. As per health expert, asthma is divided into two types.

1. Intermittent:

This type of asthma could be mild to moderate which occurs and goes away frequently. The diagnosed person could feel normal between those flares.

2. Persistent

This types of asthma means that the diagnosed person experience symptoms most of the time. Symptoms could range fom mild to severe in nature.

These asthma types are classified on bases of how well you can manage general things during the occurence of attack as well.

Causes of Asthma

1. Allergies

Urbanization is associated with increased asthma prevalence, probably due to multiple lifestyle factors. People dealing with allergies such as eczema or hay fever are more likely to et diagnosed with asthma.

2. Environment factors

Most of the people hve often experience worsening of their asthma condition in polluted air. The substance present in those polluted air could be toxins, allergens, harmful smokes, and fumes.

3. Genetics

Asthma is a kind of medical condition which could get passed on to the upcoming generation. An individual is at risk who has a family history of getting asthma diagnosed.

4. Respiratory infections

There are certain respiratory tract infections which are known to cause damage espeially in children’s developing lungs. This may result in asthma

It is necessary to consult a doctor to know the reason that triggers the asthma attack. Avoid such triggering event by dealing wisely with them. Although, asthma attack is a kind of condition that could not be prevented.


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