Important note on Leukemia and its different types.
A malignancy of the bone marrow or blood that creates blood cells is called leukaemia. When blood cell synthesis is compromised, leukaemia results. Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are typically affected.
Leukemia is the most prevalent malignancy in people under the age of 15 but more frequently affects persons over the age of 55. In 2022, leukaemia will be diagnosed in 60,650 people in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute. Additionally, it forecasts that leukaemia will result in 24,000 fatalities in the same year.
Leukemia comes in various forms, and each variety has a varied prognosis. Acute leukaemia appears fast and progresses quickly, but chronic leukaemia worsens over time.
How does leukemia develop?

The delicate, spongy bone marrow, where your body creates blood cells, is where leukaemia first manifests itself. Before becoming fully developed, blood cells go through a number of phases. mature, healthy blood cells consist of:
- Red blood cells: Cells that transport oxygen and other essential substances to all of your body’s tissues and organs.
- White blood cells: Immune system defence cells.
- Platelets are the cells that aid in blood clotting.
These blood cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells (hemo = blood, poiesis = produce). Myeloid (MAI-uh-loyd) or lymphoid (LIM-foyd) cells can be formed from stem cells. The adult forms of blood cells, if normal development were to continue, are as follows:
- Red blood cells, platelets, and several types of white blood cells can all be produced from Myeloid cells (basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils).
- Certain white blood cells can arise from Lymphoid cells (lymphocytes and natural killer cells).
However, one of the growing blood cells starts to multiply uncontrollably if you have leukaemia. These aberrant cells, also known as leukaemia cells, start to occupy the available space in your bone marrow. They stifle the growth of cells that are trying to become healthy platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells.
How does leukemia affect my body?
Multiple factors make it detrimental to have an excessive number of leukaemia cells compared to normal cells:
- You cannot be healthy while having leukaemia cells in your body.
- Leukemia cells overrun healthy blood cells in your bone marrow, leaving them with very little room and support to develop and reproduce.
- Your body produces and releases less healthy white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells into your blood. As a result, the organs and tissues of your body won’t receive the oxygen they require to function correctly. Additionally, your body won’t be able to create blood clots as necessary or fight infections.
Different types of leukemia
Leukemia comes in four primary subtypes and four main kinds. Leukemia is divided into many categories by medical professionals based on how quickly the illness progresses and if leukaemia cells develop from lymphoid or myeloid cells.
Classifications of leukaemia
Leukemia is categorised by medical professionals depending on how quickly it advances and the type of blood cell involved.
By rate of illness development
Acute leukaemia. The leukaemia cells divide swiftly, and the illness advances rapidly. Within weeks of the leukaemia cells developing, you will begin to feel unwell if you have acute leukaemia. Acute leukaemia is a serious condition that needs to be treated very away. The most frequent type of cancer in youngsters is acute leukaemia.
Chronic leukaemia. These leukaemia cells frequently exhibit both immature and adult blood cell behaviours. Some cells mature to the point where they perform the intended functions, but not to the same degree as their healthy counterparts. Compared to acute leukaemia, the disease normally deteriorates gradually. If you have chronic leukaemia, you could go years without experiencing any symptoms. Compared to children, adults are more likely to develop chronic leukaemia.
By the type of cell
Myeloid cells give rise to myelogenous leukaemia, often known as myeloid leukaemia. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are produced by healthy myeloid cells.
Lymphoid cells give rise to lymphhocytic leukaemia. Normal lymphoid cells mature into white blood cells, which play a crucial role in the immune system of your body.
Types of Leukemia
The four primary kinds of leukaemia are as follows:
Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL): The most prevalent form of leukaemia in children, teenagers, and young adults up to age 39 is acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL). Adults of any age can be impacted by ALL.
Acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML): Adults with acute leukaemia most frequently develop acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML). Older folks are more susceptible to it (those over 65). AML can also affect youngsters.
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL): Adults most frequently develop chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), which is a type of blood cancer (mostly in people over 65). With CLL, symptoms may take years to manifest.
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML): Although it can afflict adults of any age, chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) is more prevalent in older adults, with a prevalence peak in those over 65. Children hardly ever experience it. With CML, symptoms could not show up for several years.
Causes of Leukemia
When the DNA of growing blood cells, primarily white blood cells, is harmed, leukaemia develops. The result is an uncontrollable growth and division of the blood cells.
Healthy blood cells typically expire after a certain amount of time and are replaced by new cells that form in the bone marrow. In leukaemia, the blood cells develop too quickly, don’t work properly, and don’t naturally expire at a certain point in their lifespan. Instead, they expand and take up more room.
Cancer cells start to overpopulate the blood as the bone marrow creates more of them, which stops the healthy white blood cells from developing and performing appropriately. Red blood cells and platelets are also impacted by this. In the blood, malignant cells eventually outweigh healthy cells.
Symptoms of leukemia
Leukemia symptoms can include the following:
- profuse perspiration, particularly at night (sometimes known as “night sweats”)
- Inability to recover from weariness and weakness with rest
- unintended loss of weight
- bone soreness and sensitivity
- swelling, painless lymph nodes (especially in the neck and armpits)
- enlarged spleen or liver
- Petechiae are rashes on the skin that are red.
- bruising and bleeding rapidly
- cold or fever
- many infections
Organs that the cancer cells have invaded or impacted by leukaemia can also exhibit symptoms. For instance, the following may occur if the cancer spreads to the central nervous system:
- headaches
- nauseous and dizzy
- confusion
- muscular control is lost
- seizures
The kind and severity of the leukaemia determine how aggressively the cancer spreads. Leukemia can also expand to several body regions, such as the following:
- lungs
- the digestive system
- heart
- kidneys
- testicles
Treatment for Leukemia
Options for treatment will depend on:
- which form of leukaemia
- age of the individual
- their general wellbeing
The following are some possible treatments a doctor might suggest:
- keeping a close eye out for slow-growing leukaemias like CLL and HCL
- chemotherapy
- radiation treatment
- targeted treatment
- immunotherapy
- transplant of bone marrow
- surgical removal of the spleen
- chemotherapy combined with stem cell transplant
This will be customised by a cancer care team based on the type of leukaemia. Early intervention increases the likelihood of successful treatment.
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