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Explore the worst habits for your joint pain.

Explore the worst habits for your joint pain.

Wear anything intermittently all day, every day for decades. Also, it will eventually begin to exhibit signs of wear and tear. As an illustration, consider the cartilage that serves as a bolster between your bones.

According to Angelie Mascarinas, M.D., a physiatrist at the Hospital for Special Surgery with headquarters in New York City, the risk of acquiring osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition, rises with age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and affects around 50% of persons over the age of 65.

There is little you can do to stop time from moving forward. However, there are many lifestyle adjustments you can make to give your joints some extra TLC.


Despite the fact that you probably don’t need one more, here is one to stop smoking: Your joints experience damage from smoking. When nicotine constricts blood vessels, less oxygen and vital nutrients can reach the joint cartilage. This affects the health of the cartilage. Due to the fact that cartilage gets its nutrition from the fluid around the joint and the nearby bone, Mascarinas explains that this may cause cartilage to deteriorate.

Other than that: As it turns out, smoking increases your chance for osteoporosis, a condition that causes brittle bones. Seniors who smoke are 30 to 40% more likely than nonsmokers to shatter their hips, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

A physically inactive lifestyle

There are several ways that sedentary behaviours are detrimental for your joints. According to a study in Arthritis & Rheumatology that monitored more than 1.7 million people for more than four years, it is difficult to maintain a healthy weight and excess pounds are harsh on your joints, especially those in the hips, hands, and knees. Knees are particularly prone to injury. Almost three to five times as many participants who were obese, defined as having a body mass index of 30 or greater, developed knee osteoarthritis. According to one study, decreasing 1 pound of body weight relieved the knees of 4 pounds of pressure.

Regular sitting “also causes muscle tension in the hips and legs and weakens the muscles that stabilise the core,” according to Mascarinas.

Aim for 30 minutes of joint-friendly activity five days a week to counteract everything mentioned above. Walking, water aerobics, and swimming are a few moderate, low-impact sports that are gentle on the joints, according to Mascarinas. Avoid deep lunges and squats, jogging, repeated jumping, and sports like basketball and tennis. These acitivities require quick twists and abrupt stops if you have osteoarthritis.

Overdoing exercise

Weekend warriors pay attention: Your joints won’t benefit from trying to fit a week’s worth of workout into one weekend. A skilled orthopaedic foot and ankle specialist in Indianapolis once observed, “There’s a good medium between training our muscles and not overdoing the load on the joints.

According to studies, people with arthritis who maintain healthy muscles do a significantly better job of managing their condition. By combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise, you can find the sweet spot. Professionals assert that even 70, 80, and 90-year-olds can still experience positive muscle reactions from weight-training routines. According to research, it’s simpler to perform daily tasks like getting out of a chair, climbing and descending stairs, and potentially even lowering one’s body temperature.

Carrying a heavy load

It should come as no surprise that heavy lifting wears down your body, whether you’re carrying a fully-loaded tote bag every day or picking up your growing grandchild on those once-a-month visits. And it exacts a specific toll on your joints. “Carrying objects that are heavy creates imbalance throughout the body,” as said by professionals. Additionally, these imbalances “create torque or stress on the joints, which over time may further deteriorate the cartilage.”

Of course, determining a “heavy” load is the tricky part. According to experts, “any amount of weight that requires more than one hand to pick it up” should be taken into account. When lifting or carrying objects, be safe and use the palms of both hands, or use your arms in place of your hands, advises a professional organisation. Hold goods close to your body, which is less stressful for your joints.

Eating foods that cause inflammation

All the usual suspects are on the table: red meat, white sugar, French fries, Coke, and pastries. According to doctors, eating these foods can make joint pain worse. However, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such flaxseed oil and cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel, are thought to be anti-inflammatory and can help soothe inflamed joints. According to a study published in Rheumatology, which identified a connection between high cholesterol and knee and hand osteoarthritis, leafy greens are also advised, as are cholesterol-lowering foods like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts.

If you have joint pain, a specialist advises including foods like olive oil, berries, and salmon in your diet. According to her, studies have also shown a link between foods high in beta-carotene, fibre, magnesium, and omega-3s and decreased inflammation. Limiting pro-inflammatory foods like red meat, sweets, and dairy can also lessen joint discomfort, according to research.

Bad posture

While sitting posture is crucial for joint health, excellent posture should be adopted constantly. For instance, when walking, make careful to maintain a straight back, a set of level knees, and a set of backward-facing shoulders. Your joints will experience less strain as a result, which will make them less susceptible to fatigue and deterioration. Consider utilising seat cushions or lumbar supports when you have to sit for extended amounts of time to assist your spine stay in the right position.

Strength Training Ignored

We lose bone mass as we get older, which increases our susceptibility to fractures and diseases like arthritis. Fortunately, consistent strength training reduces the pace of bone deterioration and may even stimulate the formation of new bone. For this reason, it’s a good idea to include a few strength exercises to your normal exercise programme. You can still workout even if you have limited mobility. Use these seated chair exercises in your everyday regimen by trying them out.

Taking a Nap on Your Stomach

Even though everyone has a varied sleeping pattern, some are better for our bones than others. While both sleeping on your back and your side have advantages and disadvantages, sleeping on your stomach is the worst for your spine’s health. This makes us turn our necks while we sleep, which puts tension on our muscles and bones. Moreover, it causes longer-lasting vertebral pinching. Positioning pillows are a terrific tool to maintain your body in the right position during the night and relieve pressure from troublesome regions.

Finger Texting

De Quervain’s Tendonitis, also referred to as “texting thumb,” is a condition that develops over time as a result of repetitive motions like typing or texting that wear down your joints. Although it pays to be aware of how it’s impacting your body, it doesn’t imply you should quit doing it. Avoid using your thumbs for texting as much as you can to save the joint there from further stress. Instead, text with the tips of your other fingers.

If you already suffer from Texting Thumb, try wearing a thumb splint to decrease symptoms.

Excess weight

Obese or overweight people are more likely to get joint problems in their ankles, knees, and hips. The cause is rather straightforward—since each of these joints must support a higher weight, they all tend to deteriorate more quickly. There are many simple actions you may do to live a better lifestyle and lose weight; take a look at these:

  • Put on a fitness monitor.
  • Engage in daily exercise
  • Log your calorie consumption while working with a dietitian.
  • Work with a personal trainer
  • Track & Monitor Your Progress at Home
  • Establish manageable, gradual goals.

High-Heel Shoes

Even the most comfortable pair of heels can be just as detrimental for your joints as an uncomfortable pair of shoes. They affect everything from your ankles, to knees, to your lower back, creating extra strain on all these joints as you walk. Even an increased risk of osteoarthritis might be experienced by women who regularly wear high heels. While obviously not a cure, high heel insoles can assist to reduce some pain and distribute weight – if you must wear heels, consider A Pair of These for some protection.

Reduce Joint Pain

You can enhance your joint health by changing bad habits in addition as cutting back on them. To take control of your joint discomfort, try these solutions.

  • The best option for people seeking an immediate relief from joint discomfort is Pain Cream. To feel its effects, simply rub it where it is required.
  • Simple remedies like ice packs and heating pads can help speed up the healing process and lessen acute pain. Using them prior to or following exercise is extremely beneficial.
  • The ideal technique to guarantee that you receive the support you require while jogging or walking is using insoles. They encourage a healthy walk while reducing any current joint pain.
  • Compression items, such compression gloves and compression knee braces, are an excellent technique to relieve joint discomfort while stabilising the joint to prevent more joint pain.



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Latest and innovative ways to treat and avoid Smoking.

Latest and innovative ways to treat and avoid Smoking.

Smoking can have long-term harmful impacts on the body, including as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Tobacco harms your health whether it is smoked or chewed. Acetone, tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide are just a few of the dangerous ingredients included in tobacco products. The molecules you breathe in can have an impact on your lungs and other body organs.

Smoking can have long-term consequences on your bodily systems as well as continuous issues. While smoking can increase your risk of developing some diseases over time, such as glaucoma, cancer, and blood clotting problems, some physical impacts take place right away.

But many of these negative consequences on your health can be reversed if you stop smoking.

Smoking global report.

Smoking tobacco seriously compromises your health. There is no way to smoke safely. You won’t be able to escape the health dangers by switching to a cigar, pipe, e-cigarette, or hookah in place of a cigarette.

The American Lung Association estimates that there are 600 chemicals in cigarettes. Also found in cigars and hookahs are many of these substances. More than 7,000 compounds, many of which are harmful, are produced when they burn. At least 69 of these are known carcinogens, or they can make you sick.

Smokers in the United States have a mortality rate that is three times higher than non-smokers. In fact, smoking is the most prevalent preventable cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The problems and damage from smoking can linger for years, even though not all of its effects are immediate. The good news is that quitting smoking can significantly lower many of the risks for the illnesses and ailments listed below.

Affect of smoking on your body

Use of tobacco damages all of your body’s organs. More than 5,000 compounds, including several carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer), are also ingested into your lungs, blood, and organs when you smoke tobacco in addition to nicotine.

Smoking’s harmful effects might considerably reduce your longevity. In fact, smoking is the leading cause of death that may be prevented in the US.

Smokers who are pregnant also put their unborn children at risk. Pregnancy-related side effects include:

Ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo implants outside the uterus, is a potentially fatal disorder.

  • Miscarriages.
  • Stillbirths.
  • birth flaws like cleft palates.
  • low weight at birth.

Overall health and cancer risk of smoking,

Smoking can destroy your body’s organs and have a bad impact on your general health. In addition to weakening your immune system, smoking can cause more inflammation throughout your body. You could become more prone to infections as a result of this.

Despite the fact that experts are still trying to figure out the mechanism underlying the link, smoking is an environmental risk factor for diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Additionally, smoking and numerous cancer kinds have a well-established relationship. Your chance of developing cancer practically anyplace in your body can increase as a result of smoking. The following cancer subtypes fall under this:

  • urethral cancer
  • myeloid acute leukaemia
  • ovarian cancer
  • intestinal cancer
  • stomach cancer
  • uterus and kidney cancer
  • throat cancer
  • liver tumour
  • carcinoma of the oropharynx (which can include parts of your throat, tongue, tonsils, and soft palate)
  • pancreatic cancer
  • gastric or stomach cancer
  • lung, bronchial, and tracheal cancer

According to the kind of cancer, quitting smoking reduces your risk of getting the majority of these diseases in 10 to 20 years. Your risk will still be greater than that of someone who has never smoked, though.

How can I quit smoking?

There are numerous approaches to quitting smoking. Finding a smoking cessation strategy that suits your personality is essential for success. You must be intellectually and emotionally prepared. Not just your loved ones or close acquaintances who are exposed to your secondhand smoke should be the reason you wish to stop smoking.

These advice can be helpful if you decide to stop smoking:

  • Get rid of any cigarettes, lighters, and other smoking-related items like ashtrays.
  • A smoker as a roommate? Ask them not to smoke around you or persuade them to stop smoking beside you.
  • Don’t concentrate on the desires when they occur. Because cravings pass, concentrate on your motivation for quitting instead.
  • Do some doodling, play with a pencil or straw, or find other activities to occupy your hands while you wait. Alter all activities related to smoking as well. Instead of pausing to light up, go for a walk or read a book.
  • Take a big breath whenever you feel the want to smoke. Hold it for ten seconds, then slowly let go. Repeat this numerous times until you no longer feel the want to smoke. Additionally, you can try meditation to lower your overall stress levels.
  • Avoid the people, places, and circumstances that you identify with smoking. Spend time with non-smokers or visit locations where smoking is prohibited (like movies, museums, shops or libraries).
  • Avoid replacing smokes with food or sugar-based items. These could result in weight gain. Pick healthful, low-calorie options instead. Try chewing gum, carrot or celery sticks, or hard sweets without sugar.
  • Limit alcohol- and caffeine-containing beverages, but make sure to stay hydrated. They may make you want to smoke.
  • Remind yourself that you don’t smoke and that you are a nonsmoker.
  • Exercise is important because it helps you relax and is good for your health.



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Quick peek of study in the Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

Quick peek of study in the Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

Blood clots commonly form in a deep vein in the leg, which is where deep vein thrombosis occurs. The disorder can also affect pelvic veins in addition to leg veins. The condition known as venous thromboembolism includes the conditions of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE).

A medical emergency is DVT. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 10–30% of persons with DVT in the leg die within a month of their diagnosis due to severe consequences.

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?

Blood clotting known as DVT occurs in deep veins, frequently in the pelvis or leg. Doctors refer to a thrombus or blood clot breaking off as an embolus. A PE can develop if emboli reach the lung.

As in the case of those who have Paget-Schotter illness, clots can also form in the arm veins. DVT is the most frequent reason for maternal death in the industrialised world, according to a 2017 analysis.

DVT in children is incredibly uncommon. The most recent statistics, according to a 2016 study, indicate that 0.30 of every 100,000 children under the age of nine and 0.64 of every 100,000 children between the ages of 10 and 19 get DVT.

DVT symptoms

Only about half of DVT patients, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), experience symptoms. Typical DVT signs include:

  • swelling on one side of your leg, ankle, or foot
  • cramping pain, which typically starts in the calf, in the affected leg.
  • acute, irrational foot and ankle pain
  • a patch of skin that feels warmer than the rest of the body
  • depending on skin tone, the skin over the affected area becomes pale, reddish, or bluish in hue.

People who have an arm blood clot or an upper extremity DVT may not exhibit any symptoms. If they do, typical signs include:

  • a stiff neck
  • shoulders hurt
  • the hand or arm swelling
  • deeper or bluer tinge to the skin
  • from the arm to the forearm moving discomfort
  • fragility in the hand

It’s possible for someone to discover they have DVT only after receiving emergency care for a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung).

A DVT clot that has entered the lung from the arm or leg may cause a pulmonary embolism. It is life threatening and necessitates immediate medical attention when an artery in the lung becomes blocked.

Causes and risk factors

A blood clot is the root cause of DVT. The clot prevents blood from flowing through a vein and into your body normally. Various things can cause a DVT or raise the chance of getting one.

They consist of:

  • Injury: Blood flow can be restricted or blocked when a blood vessel’s wall is damaged. As a result, a blood clot may develop.
  • Surgery: Blood vessels may be harmed during surgery, which may cause a blood clot to form. Following surgery, bed rest with minimal to no activity may potentially raise your chance of developing a blood clot.
  • Reduced mobility or inactivity: Blood can accumulate in your legs, especially the lower ones, when you sit regularly, such on a lengthy flight. The blood circulation in your legs may dwindle if you are immobile for a lengthy amount of time. This may lead to the formation of a clot.
  • A few drugs: Some medications make it more likely for your blood to clot. These include antidepressants, glucocorticoids, hormone treatment medications, and birth control pills.
  • Age: DVT can occur at any age, however it is more common as people get older. DVT only occurs in 1 in 10,000 people under the age of 20, whereas it occurs in 1 in 100 people beyond the age of 80.
  • Trauma: A blood clot may form as a result of a wound that weakens your veins, such as a bone fracture.
  • Obesity. Being overweight might increase strain on the veins in your pelvis and legs.
  • Pregnancy: DVT risk is higher during pregnancy. Actually, compared to non-pregnant people, pregnant people have a 5–10 times higher risk of developing DVT.
  • Family history: If you have DVT, you may be more prone to get it.
  • Catheter: Inserting a catheter into a vein can make it more likely for a blood clot to form.
  • Smoking: This is linked to an increased risk of DVT.

Additionally, a number of other medical disorders can raise the risk of DVT.

These consist of

Complications of DVT

Pulmonary embolism is one of the main side effects of DVT. If a blood clot travels to your lungs and clogs a blood vessel, you could have a pulmonary embolism.

Your lungs and other organs could suffer severe harm as a result. Immediately seek medical attention if you experience any pulmonary embolism symptoms. These indicators include:

  • dizziness
  • sweating
  • coughing or taking big breaths causes chest pain that intensifies
  • quickly breathing
  • spitting blood
  • quick heartbeat

Treatments of DVT

Some DVT sufferers may require inpatient treatment. Others might be eligible for outpatient care.

Compression stockings, elevating the affected leg(s) during the day, and taking anticoagulant drugs (blood thinners) are all forms of treatment. In rare instances, intrusive therapies (catheter-based procedures) may be necessary when the DVT is severe.

The main objectives of treatment include:

  • Ensure that the clot doesn’t spread or include other veins.
  • Avoid having a venous clot fragment escape and travel to your lungs.
  • reduce the possibility of a new blood clot.
  • Prevent long-term complications from the blood clot (like chronic venous insufficiency).

Prevention of DVT

Many required modifications are included into a healthy lifestyle to stop blood clots from forming. This entails increasing physical activity, giving up smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight. Your risk of developing DVT can also be decreased by:

  • control of blood pressure
  • quitting smoking
  • keeping a healthy weight

In order to reduce your risk of getting clots following surgery, take whatever blood thinners your doctor recommends. When you sit for longer than four hours, your chance of getting DVT increases.

When you’ve been sitting for a while, moving your legs around will also keep your blood circulating. After being confined to bed, getting up and moving around can stop clots from developing. During long travels, get out of the vehicle and take regular breaks to stretch.


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Crohn’s disease: Top bad thing to your digestive system.

Crohn’s disease: Top bad thing to your digestive system.

Inflammatory bowel illness includes Crohn’s disease (IBD). It results in the tissues in your digestive tract swelling (inflammation), which can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhoea, exhaustion, weight loss, and malnutrition.

People with Crohn’s disease may experience inflammation in many parts of their gastrointestinal tract, most frequently the small intestine. This inflammation frequently penetrates the innermost layers of the bowel. The symptoms of Crohn’s disease can occasionally be life-threatening and can be both unpleasant and incapacitating.

Although there is no proven treatment for Crohn’s disease, medicines can significantly lessen its signs and symptoms and even result in long-term remission and inflammatory healing. With medication, many Crohn’s disease sufferers can lead productive lives.

Types of Crohn’s disease

Different parts of the digestive system may be impacted by Crohn’s disease. The following list includes many forms of Crohn’s disease:

  • Ileocolitis: Inflammation affects the small intestine and a portion of the colon’s big intestine. Crohn’s disease most frequently manifests as ileocolitis.
  • Ileitis: The small intestine swells and becomes inflamed (ileum).
    Gastroduodenal: The stomach and the top of the small intestine are both affected by inflammation and irritation (the duodenum).
  • Jejunoileitis: Patchy inflammation appears in the top portion of the small intestine (called the jejunum).

Who might get Crohn’s disease?

The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown. Your likelihood of getting the illness may be impacted by a number of variables, including:

  • Autoimmune disease: Your immune system may attack healthy cells as a result of digestive tract bacteria.
  • Genes: Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is a genetic condition that frequently runs in families. You may be more likely to get Crohn’s disease if one of your parents, siblings, or other family members does. People who have a number of certain gene mutations (changes) may be predisposed to Crohn’s disease.
  • Smoking: Smoking cigarettes could more than double your risk of developing Crohn’s disease.

These kinds of infections can become worse due to immune system issues caused by Crohn’s disease and associated therapies.

Yeast infections, which can harm the lungs and the digestive system, are frequent in people with Crohn’s disease. To avoid further difficulties, it’s crucial that these infections are correctly recognised and treated with antifungal drugs.

Crohn’s symptoms

Crohn’s disease signs and symptoms frequently appear gradually. Over time, some symptoms could possibly deteriorate more. Although it’s possible, it’s uncommon for symptoms to appear out of the blue. The following are some of the first signs of Crohn’s disease:

  • diarrhoea
  • stomach pains
  • stool with blood
  • fever
  • fatigue
  • reduced appetite
  • slim down
  • after having a bowel movement, you still feel like your bowels aren’t empty.
  • feeling the desire to go to the bathroom a lot

These symptoms can occasionally be confused with those of a different illness, such as food poisoning, an upset stomach, or an allergy. If any of these symptoms continue, you ought to visit your physician.

As the illness worsens, the symptoms could get worse. More problematic signs could be:

  • a discomfort and drainage-causing perianal fistula close to your anus
  • Anywhere from the mouth to the anus, ulcers may develop
  • swelling of the skin and joints
  • breathing difficulties or a reduced capacity for exercise as a result of anaemia

Early identification and detection can help you prevent serious problems and start treatment sooner.


More efficient therapies and perhaps even a cure for Crohn’s disease are still being sought for by researchers. However, symptoms can be well controlled, and remission is conceivable.

Your doctor can help you locate the proper prescription drugs, complementary therapies, and lifestyle changes that can be beneficial.

Consult your doctor if you experience gastrointestinal symptoms to identify the source and any relevant treatments.


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What are the best remedies to treat acidity?

What are the best remedies to treat acidity?

All of us have experienced eating a hearty dinner with extra-spicy food, then feeling a burning sensation in our chest. Yes, acidity, the burning sensation it causes, is a very common issue. The gastric glands in our stomach secrete acid to aid in food digestion. However, we feel acidity when these gastric glands secrete too much acid.

Acidity, sometimes referred to as acid reflux, can be brought on by a number of things, including irregular eating patterns, consuming too much spicy food, smoking frequently, or drinking alcohol.

What is Acidity?

A medical condition known as acidity is brought on by an excessive generation of acid. The stomach’s glands are responsible for producing this acid. Stomach ulcers, gastric inflammation, heartburn, and dyspepsia are just a few symptoms of acidity.

It is typically brought on by a number of things, including bad eating habits, inconsistent eating patterns, a lack of physical activity or sports, alcohol use, smoking, stress, and fad diets. In areas where people eat more meat, spicy food, and fried foods, they are more likely to acquire acidity.

Numerous pharmaceuticals, including NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), can also increase a person’s risk of developing stomach acidity. After eating a large meal, acidity is characterised by a severe burning feeling. Constipation and indigestion are also frequent among those with acidity.

Causes of Acidity

Gastric acids are often produced in our stomachs to aid with digestion. The mucosal lining secretes prostaglandins and natural bicarbonate, which counteract the corrosive effects of these acids. Acidity results from this injury to the stomach lining.

Other elements that contribute to acidity include:

  • huge meals or immediately following a meal, lying down
  • being obese or overweight
  • consuming a substantial meal, laying on your back, or hunching your waist
  • eating just before going to bed
  • Eating specific foods, such as spicy or fatty foods, citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, or onions
  • drinking specific liquids, like alcohol, fizzy beverages, coffee, or tea
  • Smoking
  • being a mother
  • using blood pressure medicines, ibuprofen, aspirin, or certain muscle relaxants

Symptoms of Acidity

These are typical signs of acid reflux:

  • Heartburn: sharp or searing pain or discomfort that may originate in your stomach and travel to your chest, abdomen, or even your throat.Regurgitation
  • Regurgitation: Acid that tastes sour or bitter that backs up into your mouth or throat.
  • Bloating
  • dark, bloody, or vomit that is bloody
  • Burping
  • Dysphagia, the feeling that food is lodged in your throat
  • Cramps that won’t stop
  • Nausea
  • Loss of weight with no apparent cause
  • Wheezing, a persistent sore throat, a dry cough, or hoarseness

Remedies to treat Acidity.

Cold Milk– One of the easiest natural cures for acidity is this. You might be able to reduce your acidity with just one simple glass of cool milk. Due to its calcium content, it might even stop your stomach from becoming too acidic.

Coconut water– Drinking two glasses of coconut water each day could help you relieve heartburn. It helps calm your digestive tract and is high in fibre. Additionally, it might shield your stomach from the negative effects of overproduction of acid.

Avoid eating raw onion– Fermentable fibre is known to be present in raw onions. Therefore, eating a meal that includes raw onion typically results in an increase in acidity in people. Additionally, it increases heartburn because it irritates the oesophagus. Therefore, refraining from eating raw onions completely may help you to reduce your acidity.

Ginger– Ginger is one of the best natural remedies for acid reflux due to its numerous digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits. You can either chew a slice of fresh ginger or use it in your cuisine. Additionally, you can reduce it to half a glass of water, boil it, and then drink the resulting liquid. It might be effective in treating heartburn.

Mint leaves– Mint leaves, commonly referred to as pudina, are also well recognised for their digestive benefits and their capacity to serve as a natural astringent. This enables you to effectively alleviate acid reflux and heartburn. Acid reflux can be effectively treated naturally with a cup of mint tea. You can also boil the mint leaves and then sip the resulting water.

Tulsi leaves– These leaves, often known as basil, aid in the production of mucus in our stomachs. This provides relief from heartburn, and the leaves might also calm the lining of the stomach. To obtain rapid relief from acidity, all you need to do is chew on a few basil leaves or boil them in water and drink it.

Buttermilk– One of the best at-home treatments for acid reflux and heartburn is your regular buttermilk, or “chaas.” Because of the lactic acid it contains, your stomach’s acidity will return to normal. After any heavy meal, you can drink a glass of buttermilk to reduce acidity.

There are also some other remedies to treat acidity such as Chew Gum, Apple Cider Vinegar, Bananas. Raw Almonds, Jaggery, Watermelon juice, Avoid having carbonated beverages, etc.


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Checkout simple tricks to cure Erectile dysfunction.

Checkout simple tricks to cure Erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is basically a disorder found in men which could be a sign of physical or psychological condition. The symptoms associated with this disorder is found in men’s reproductive organ i.e. inability to keep an erection firmer and longer enough during a sexual activity.

There are many men who experience erectile dysfunction occasionally because of stress, fatigue, alcohol, or emotional issues, but 25% of men have recurring episodes of the disorder. People dealing with erectile dysfunction will be:

  • Unable to achieve erection at anytime needed.
  • might achieve erection sometime but not when needed like during sexual activity.
  • might able to achieve erection when needed but not long enough

The Over-The-Counter Gimmicks

You must take action to restart or control the process of getting hard in order to combat ED. As a result, many gimmicks have been used over the years, as one might imagine. New, straightforward solutions are always being sought after or advertised.

Even some of them have been looked into through scant research, which is insufficient to offer much evidence. In a few investigations, menthol was found to be a “vasodilator”—something that encourages vascular dilatation.

The study, which was released in 2016 and concentrated on a small group of males, had promising findings, but it was faulty since menthol only affects the blood vessels that are located just below the skin, or cutaneous blood vessels, not the ones that are located inside the penis.

Although there are various drugs available to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), many men prefer to go the natural way. Fortunately, there are a number of original approaches that may be used to solve this problem for little money and with less work.

1. Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises aren’t exclusively for women. Men can participate too! Regularly performing Kegel exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor, which will enhance both ED and sexual performance. You may find online instructions for the exercises, or ask your doctor for specifics, and they are quite straightforward.

On a regular basis, you should contract the muscles near the base of your pelvis, hold the contraction for three seconds, and then relax. For optimum sexual fitness, perform this 10-15 times, three times every day.

2. Everyday Exercise

Additionally effective is traditional exercise. Since arousal necessitates healthy blood flow, Aerobic exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. Reversing erectile dysfunction can also be aided by maintaining a healthy weight. According to studies, men who have a waist circumference of 42 inches or more are 50% more likely to have ED. So take your significant other for a leisurely stroll!

3. Limiting Alcohol

One drink could help you loosen up and get in the mood, but if you have erectile dysfunction, drinking too much alcohol will swiftly lower your spirits. Alcohol might make your sexual reflexes and central nervous system less responsive.

Drinking more will make it harder for your body to feel, react, and function at its best. Additionally, long-term heavy drinking might harm the liver, which causes males to produce more oestrogen. Your satisfaction in the bedroom may increase if you cut back on your alcohol consumption.

4. Quitting Smoking

Smoking is detrimental to your cardiovascular system and causes vascular disease, which ultimately reduces blood flow to vital organs like the genitalia. You must give up all tobacco use in order to achieve optimal blood flow to all the necessary areas. Quitting smoking could make you more seductive in the bedroom if your companion is a nonsmoker. Additionally, you can work jointly to stop smoking if your partner smokes.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is sometimes referred to as the “herbal Viagra,” and numerous studies have shown that taking 600–1000 milligrammes of it three times per day can be a successful treatment for erectile dysfunction. Make careful to purchase “red ginseng,” a dried and cooked form of the root. Consult your doctor before attempting supplements if you’re currently taking medication for ED or another illness to make sure there won’t be any harmful drug interactions.

6. L-arginine

The body naturally produces the amino acid L-arginine, which aids in the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels to cause an erection. L-arginine users can experience significant improvements with as little as 5 grammes per day. Talk to your doctor before beginning a L-arginine regimen to ensure it doesn’t negatively interact with other medications or medical problems. It does appear to reduce blood pressure.

7. Watermelon

Amino acids save the day once more! Watermelon has high quantities of the amino acid citrulline, which appears to improve blood flow to the penis. According to one study, males who took a supplement containing citrulline noticed an improvement in their erections and felt more satisfied. You will be eating a little bit better at the very least if you include watermelon in your diet.

8. Sensate Focus

Techniques that entail experiences focused on sensation rather than performance are frequently effective for men who experience erectile dysfunction for psychological reasons. Sensate focus exercises gradually increase in intensity over a number of sessions to teach you more about your own and your partner’s bodies. It works wonders to lower anxiety and establish new habits of anticipation. More information on how to perform sensory focus exercises appropriately might be obtained from your physician or a therapist.

9. Good Conversation

One of the best natural sex tips for dealing with erectile dysfunction is to talk to your partner. A candid conversation with your partner can relieve anxiety and create a supportive environment to try various treatments. Sometimes it works best to have conversations about sex when you’re not in the bedroom.

Be very clear about your body’s changes and remember there’s more to physical intimacy and love than sexual performance. Honesty and teamwork can often be the natural wonder that improves erectile dysfunction.


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Know how smoking can cause you Erectile dysfunction.

Know how smoking can cause you Erectile dysfunction.


There is a lot of effort put into making smoking appear sexy by the tobacco industry. It has long been a strategy for tobacco companies to increase their appeal to the general public by using sexual themes in their advertising.

However, tobacco companies face an uphill battle with reality. In addition to being far from sexy, smoking can have a significant negative impact on a person’s sexual life. Decrease in libido, infertility, and erectile dysfunction, are the impacts caused by smoking.

How Smoking Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

As a result of smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipe tobacco regularly, your blood vessels can become damaged, resulting in a reduction of arterial blood flow throughout your body. Nicotine is the main culprit, since it is known to be a vasoconstrictor (a chemical that reduces blood flow throughout the body).

In response to sexual aroused feelings, your brain sends a signal to nerves in the penis. A lack of blood flow through the arteries of the penis can seriously harm your sexual performance, as erections depend on a combination of signals from your brain.

When you feel sexually aroused, your brain sends a signal to nerves in the penis. It causes the arteries to open, which increases blood flow to the corpus cavernous(the spongy tissue in the penis that hardens and fills with blood to form an erection).

As a result of smoking, blood circulation is damaged in many ways, resulting in a host of health problems such as heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, etc. You can also add erectile dysfunction to the list.

It is only possible to have an erection when the blood vessels in the penis enlarge and fill with blood. Due to the disruption of blood vessels in that part of the body, the action can’t always happen. It has been found that men as young as 20 can suffer from erectile dysfunction as a result of smoking.

Smoking and your blood vessels

The health risks associated with smoking are numerous. There are a number of parts of your body that can be damaged by smoking cigarettes. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that damage the lining of your blood vessels and affect their function. Other body tissues, such as the heart, brain, and kidneys, can also be damaged by these chemicals.

As a result of cigarette chemicals’ effects on the blood vessels in the penis, smoking can harm your erectile health. After receiving signals from nerves within the penis, the arteries in the penis expand and fill with blood, resulting in an erection. As a result of sexual arousal signals sent from the brain, the nerves respond. Physically, an erection might not be possible even if the nervous system is functioning properly if the blood vessels are unhealthy due to smoking.

What does the research show?

Men are more likely to develop ED as they get older, but it can occur at any age. Men who smoke are more likely to develop ED than those who never smoked, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2005. Cigarette smoking, however, is very likely to be the cause of ED in younger men.

Research your smoking habits if you are a heavy smoker, there is a much higher risk of developing ED. The symptoms of ED can, however, be improved by quitting smoking. A number of factors may affect your ability to return to healthy erectile function, including your age, the severity of your ED before you quit smoking, and other major health problems.

How to get help?

Your chances of finding a solution to ED increase the sooner you address it.

In the absence of a primary care physician, schedule an appointment with a urologist or men’s health specialist. ED is a very common health problem. Quitting smoking may be recommended to you as one of the things you should do.

You shouldn’t assume that quitting smoking is impossible if you’ve tried to quit before. Take a completely different approach this time.

  • Make a list of your reasons for wanting to quit and the reasons why you have not been successful in quitting before.
  • Keep an eye on what triggers your smoking behavior, such as drinking alcohol or coffee.
  • Family and friends can be a great source of support. When it comes to overcoming a powerful addiction, such as smoking, it’s OK to admit that you need help.
  • Over the counter medicines that are made to quit smoking must be discussed and prescribed with the doctor.
  • Get new hobbies such as exercise and physical activities that involves hand and mind. This will cause distraction from smoking habit.
  • Always be ready for craving and setbacks. You could get back on tract and also be successful even if you slip up and have a cigarette.


In addition to physical and psychological factors, erectile dysfunction (ED) is also known as impotence. Cigarette smoking is one of them. ED is often caused by a lack of arterial blood supply to the penis, which makes sense since smoking can damage your blood vessels. Fortunately, quitting smoking improves your vascular and sexual health, as well as your performance in these areas.


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