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Improve your memory and thinking skill using Sage.

Improve your memory and thinking skill using Sage.

What is Sage and its use?

Sage(Salvia officinalis), also known as common sage or garden sage, is a natural aromatic herb that belongs to the mint family of Lamiaceae. Sage is native to the Mediterranean region with several varieties that are even used as traditional ornaments because of their beautiful leaves and flowers. 

Sage is a perennial plant that grows about 2 feet tall from the ground level. the color ranges from gray-green to whitish green. The flowers are supported by spikes and the two lipped rolls are found to be attractive by many insects, butterflies, birds, etc.

It is commonly used as a spicing agent in a number of dishes. It has an earthly flavor and strong aroma which is used in a very small amount to add flavor or texture in several dishes such as breads, pastries, sauces, butters, etc.

Apart from flavoring application, this natural herb has a wide application in medical use. In several forms, Sage is used for a number of medical conditions such as:

  • loss of appetite
  • bloating
  • flatulence
  • depression
  • heartburn
  • cold sores
  • memory loss
  • Alzhiemer’s disease
  • Asthma
  • gum diseases
  • nasal conditions
  • sore throat, mouth, or gum
  • stomach pain
  • overproduction of perspiration and saliva

Benefits of using Sage

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, Sage consist of several important healthbenefits that justifies a wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • rich source of antioxidants
  • relieves symptoms of menopause
  • supports memory
  • might reduce bad LDL cholesterol
  • might resist skin aging
  • antimicrobial properties
  • assist oral health
  • might reduce diarrhea
  • might reduce blood sugar level
  • improves brain health
  • fights against cancerous cells
  • supports bone health

There might be several other benefits of Sage apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals found in this herb such as:

  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin K
  • Iron
  • Calories
  • Carbs
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B6

The percentage of these minerals is typically based on the amount of sage intake.

Sage dose for Humans

Sage is not a kind of matter that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. People generally used sage as a flavoring and aromatic agent or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports the oral dosing of sage in a human body. However, a typical amount of not more than 6g per day of sage leaf is described. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional Sage supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.

Sage Supplement

Sage supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Sage such as antioxidants, anticancer, etc. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with sage. These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pill, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future. 


  • Sage(Salvia officinalis), is a natural herb that belongs to the plant family of Lamiaeae, found in mediterranean.
  • Thre are many benefits obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals found in this herb
  • It is commonly used as a spicing and flavoring ingredient. For a long time, Sage has been useful for a wide variety of medical applications.
  • It consists of many essential nutrients and minerals that provide many important health benefits to a human body.
  • The dosing of sage is not specified and must be discussed with the doctor if taking as a medicine amount such as supplements. 


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Reduce the risk of Heart attack and strokes using Dill.

Reduce the risk of Heart attack and strokes using Dill.

What is Dill and its use?

Dill is a natural herb annually found that belongs to the plant family called Apiaceae. There are about 3700 kinds of different plant species. There are a number of varieties found in dill that differ in flavor, maturity timer period, and size. Some of the favorable varieties include:

  • Compatto
  • Bouquet
  • Dukat 
  • delikat
  • Fernleaf
  • Elephant
  • Hera
  • Greensleeves
  • Mammoth long island
  • Herkules
  • Teddy
  • Super dukat
  • Vierling
  • fern leaf and many more.

Each of these types consist of different features. Out of all the varieties found, Bouquet is the most common and widely used Dill. 

DIll is the most popular variety due to its fragrance in the leaves and seeds that is used in pickling as well as in cooking. This aromatic plant leaves and its seeds are used fresh or dry as a flavoring agent in sauces, soup, salads, sandwich feeling, main course dishes, and particularly in pickles.

Apart from flavoring and aromatic application of Dill in foods, It treats, relieves, several medical conditions that are essential for a human body such as:

  • colic
  • bad breath
  • hemorrhoids
  • stomach alignment
  • flatulence
  • hiccups
  • heart health and several others.

Dill working in a human body

DIll generally works by relaxing the body muscles through chemicals which are present in its seeds. Also, other chemicals of the seeds might help to tackle bacterias and could also increase the production of urine.

Benefits the human body receives while using Dill.

As dill is capable of several features including flavor, aroma, and medical properties, its intake helps a human body to receives several important benefits that includes:

  • Antioxidant properties such as Tannins, Terpenoids, and Flavonoids.
  • consist of blood sugar lowering effects.
  • antibacterial properties
  • helps menstrual cramp
  • might benefits heart health
  • have anticancer properties
  • improves bone health

The above potential benefits provided by dill is possible due to certain set of vitamins and minerals, residing in this natural herb that include:

As for DIll seeds, similar multi nutrition benefits and properties are reported that includes iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.

Dill dosing for Humans

Dill is a kind of natural herb that is typically used as a flavoring ingredient in the food. There is no fixed amount to consume dill. Its intake is generally based on an individual’s age, medical health, and several other conditions of the body. It must be noted that natural products are generally safe but only if the amount and body conditions are considered. It is advisable to follow the thenadvise of the doctor to avoid any overdosing and complications of the same.


  • Cilantro is an annual natural herb that belongs to Apiaceae family of plants. 
  • It consists of a number of medical as well as flavoring features
  • Out of several types of Dill, Bouquet is the most famous and commonly used.
  • Apart from flavoring features, dill is capable of providing essential medical benefits in a human body
  • The dose for dill is generally not fixed. It is based on an individual’s age, medical conditions, and several other conditions.


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How to improve wound healing using Manganese?

How to improve wound healing using Manganese?

Manganese and its use in a human body

Manganese is a chemical element that is considered as one of the most essential minerals required for a human body. It is a trace mineral that is mostly found in several parts of the body such as the kidney, livers, bones, and pancreas. 

Manganese is involved in many chemical processes of a human body including carbohydrates, proteins, and Cholesterol. It is an important component of antioxidant enzymes called superoxide dismutase (SOD), that helps to fight against free radicals. Manganese is associated with a number of vital intrabody functions such as immune response, reactive oxygen species scavenging, formation of tissues, blood clotting factors, bones, sex hormones, and prevents inflammation. 

It is necessary for a human body in a trace amount i.e. lower the manganese level, higher the absorption rate inside the body. It is a cofactor for many essential enzymes such as pyruvate carboxylase, arginase, and manganese superoxide dismutase. These enzymes help to maintain cell membrane and mitochondria and prevent the damage caused by them. 

Natural sources of Manganese for humans

Although manganese is needed in a trace amount, a human body is dependable to consume this mineral from the food and supplements they add in their diet.

Manganese is naturally available in a number of natural food products in categories of fishes, nuts, fruits, meats, etc. Some of those food products include:

  • Milk
  • egg
  • chicken breast
  • tuna
  • Coffee
  • Apple
  • black pepper
  • sesame seeds
  • Squash
  • White rice
  • Lentils
  • peanuts
  • bread
  • pineapples
  • chickpeas
  • oysters
  • pecans
  • mussels
  • hazelnuts
  • brown rice
  • clam
  • spinach
  • soybeans
  • oatmeal
  • tea
  • potato
  • kidney beans
  • blueberries
  • kale
  • asparagus
  • shrimp, etc.

A human body is able to absorb only 1-5% of manganese provided by diet. As per studies, infants and children tend to absorb more manganese i.e. nearly 20% when compared to an adult body. Also, the absorption rate of manganese increases with less quantity and decreases when more manganese is received with not much known about the factor that controls the absorption rate.

Essential Manganese benefits in a human body

Inside a human body, Manganese is associated with a number of health benefits that play a role for the growth and development. Some of the essential health benefits of this mineral include:

  • improves wound healing due to role in collagen production
  • strong antioxidant properties
  • regulation of blood sugar level
  • metabolism of several other nutrients
  • maintains and improves brain functions
  • protection against free radicals
  • improves bone health with other nutrients
  • reduces inflammation
  • reduces the risk of epileptic seizures
  • helps to maintain good thyroid health
  • reduces premenstrual (PMS) symptoms


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Can Iodine improve your body’s Metabolism?

Can Iodine improve your body’s Metabolism?

What is Iodine?

Iodine is one of the most vital micronutrients that is used in every stage of life in which early childhood of every individual is the most critical phase where iodine is required the most. The primary function of Iodine inside a human body is to produce thyroid hormones. An imbalance in iodine could lead to overactive or underactive thyroid.  Function of such thyroid hormones includes bone health, metabolism, development of Central Nervous System and brain especially during pregnancy and infancy

Around 70-80 percent of total iodine in a body is found in the thyroid gland of the neck. The remaining iodine could be found in muscles, ovaries, blood, and several other parts of the body. Iodine is also needed to convert food into energy for cells of the body.

Iodine benefits in a human body

Been one of the most vital micronutrients, Iodine is associated with a number of regular health benefits that includes:

  • promotion of thyroid health helps in improving metabolism
  • manages overactive and underactive thyroid gland
  • helps in neurodevelopment during pregnancy
  • promotes birth weight
  • helps in disinfecting water
  • helps to treat infections
  • reduces risk of goiters
  • assist against thyroid cancer
  • improving cognitive functions
  • preservation from nuclear fallout
  • might be helpful to treat fibrocystic breast diseases

What are the natural sources of Iodine?

Iodine is a kind of micronutrient that a human body is unable to produce on its own. Therefore, every human body is dependent upon the food they eat to fill up the Iodine needs daily. There are a number of natural sources in the form of food products that contain varied amounts of iodine depending upon the source of food. 

The naturally occuring Iodine content in most of the foods and beverages are low. However, marine foods have more Iodine content due to more salt in ocean and sea waters. Some of the good sources of Iodine for a human body are:

  • Iodized salt
  • Reduced fat milk
  • eggs
  • whole or sheet seaweed
  • shrimp
  • cod and tuna
  • white enriched bread
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Oysters
  • greek yogurt
  • beef liver

Daily amount of Sodium for the human body

Sodium is generally used at every stage of an individual lifetime. The importance of Iodine is the most when a human is in the infant age group. The intake of Iodine is generally based on an individual’s age group, medical condition, and diet. Iodine consumption is classified as:

  • 110 mcg of Sodium for below 6months old.
  • 130 mcg of Sodium for 7-12 months old.


  • 1-8 years of children need 90 mcg of Sodium per day.
  • children between 9-13 years old demand 120 mcg of sodium daily.

Teens and Adults:

  • teenagers between 14-18 years need 150 mcg of sodium everyday
  • Adults need 150 mcg of sodium everyday as well.

Pregnant and Lactating Women:

  • pregnant teenagers and women need 220 mcg of sodium daily.
  • Lactating or breastfeeding teenagers and women need 290 mcg of sodium daily.


  • Iodine is one of the most vital micronutrients that is used in every stage of life
  • The primary function of Iodine inside a human body is to produce thyroid hormones
  • Iodine is associated with a number of health benefits
  • A human body is unable to produce iodine on its own therefore consumption of natural food sources are necessary that are rich in iodine.
  • The intake of Iodine is generally based on an individual’s age group, medical condition, and diet. 


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Is magnesium good for symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome?

Is magnesium good for symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome?

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the most common minerals found in a human body as well as the second most common mineral found within a cell. Magnesium is associated as a chemical compound in more than 300 different enzyme systems.

This vital mineral plays a key role in important functions of our body that include nerves and muscles function, energy production, synthesis of nuclear material, active transmembrane transport for other ions, development of bones, maintaining steady heartbeat, helps to maintain blood sugar level and blood pressure, etc. 

Natural Sources of Magnesium

Magnesium is a kind of nutrient that our body cannot produce on its own. However, it is available in a number of natural food products that includes sources of plants, animals, and beverages. Such food product includes:

  • spinach,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • almonds,
  • cashews,
  • oil roasted peanuts,
  • soy milk,
  • Edamame, 
  • Peanut butter, 
  • Avocado,
  • brown cooked nice,
  • fortified cereals,
  • kidney beans,
  • cocoa powder,
  • milk, raisins,
  • beef,
  • raw carrot,
  • shredded wheat cereals, 
  • cooked black beans,
  • dark chocolate,
  • whole wheat bread,
  • potato,
  • plain yogurt,
  • oatmeal,
  • banana,
  • salmon,
  • halibut,
  • chicken breast,
  • cooked broccoli,
  • apple, etc.

Benefits of Magnesium in a human body

Magnesium is one of the most common and vital minerals that helps a human body in multiple productive and maintenance functions. when added in a daily diet, there are several benefits of magnesium in a human body such as:

  • improves the symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • involvement in more than 300 types of enzyme chemical reaction.
  • assist against depression.
  • helps to lower blood pressure.
  • helps to prevent migraines.
  • improves exercise performance.
  • beneficial against type 2 diabetes.
  • anti-inflammatory properties.
  • improves insulin production.
  • considerably safer nutrient that is commonly available in many food products.

Magnesium For Prementrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a condition of female body in which several group of synptoms and side effects associated the female body for period between ovulation and period. The cause for such effects are still not understood but such menstrual cycle are supposed to have hormonal change in female body. Such symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • tender breast
  • depression
  • fatigue
  • Irritation
  • unusual mood swings
  • food craving, etc.

If a woman is suffering from premenstrual syndrome, the mineral Magnesium could be a lot helpful. It is expected to relieve symptoms o prementrual syndrome by relaxing the smooth muscles of your Uterus and reducing the pain associated with period by reducing prostaglandins. Common symptome of Premenstrual syndrome could be taken care of by 360mg of magnesium mineral daily in your diet.


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