Relieve digestive problems with the help of Cumin?

Cumin, scientifically known as Cuminum Cyminum L, is a leafy flowering plant that belongs to the family Apiaceae. This plant grows low to the ground and is native to India, China, the Middle East, and mediterranean region. These plants contain fruits in a form of cumin seeds which are harvested by hand annually. There are three types of cumin available in the nature namely:
- Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
- Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa/kalonji)
- Bitter Cumin (Cuminum Nigrum/Kashmiri Jeera/Shahi jeera)
Out of all the three types of cumin, Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa/kalonji) is the best and most commonly used. Cumin provides unique flavors to tamales, chili, and various indian dishes. As a staple spice, Cumin is also used in many other food cultures including African, Asian cuisine, and particularly mexican.
Apart from its wide edible application as a flavoring and spicing agent, cumin is getting people’s attention due to its some of essential health benefits as per newer research. The seeds are used as a traditional medicine to treat a number of medical condition of a human body such as:
- high cholesterol
- diarrhea
- obesity
- bowel spasm
- colic
- sexual desire
- memory
- relieves pain
- diabetes
Benefits of using Cumin
In addition to its several features, Cumin consist of several essential health benefits that provides enough evidence for its wide medical application in a human body that includes:
- rich source of iron
- might help against diabetes
- may promote fat loss
- increases antioxidant intake
- might decrease drug dependence
- may tackle inflammation
- might prevent illness due to foodborne
- might improve blood cholesterol
- consist of essential plant compounds
- improves digestion

There might be several other benefits of Cumin in addition to those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals broken down inside human body such as:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Proteins
- Carbohydrate
- Calcium
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Vitamin B6
- Potassium
- Phosphorus
- Sodium, and several more.
Cumin Supplement
Cumin supplements are herbal medicines made from extract or from whole Cumin seeds. They are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Cumin. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with it.

These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pills, soft capsules, liquid extracts, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication associating the body’s health in future.
Cumin dose for Humans
Cumin is not a kind of substance that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. People generally consume cumin supplements to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties for the overall being of the body.
There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports an appropriate amount of oral dosing of saw palmetto in a human body. However, there are a number of supplements available in the market with an ideal daily dose of 300-600 mg per day in capsule form. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are consuming the natural cumin or its supplement form. Ideally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.
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