What happens when you take P-shot for erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is basically a disorder found in men which could be a sign of physical or psychological condition. The symptoms associated with this disorder is found in men’s reproductive organ i.e. inability to keep an erection firmer and longer enough during a sexual activity.
There are many men who experience erectile dysfunction occasionally because of stress, fatigue, alcohol, or emotional issues, but 25% of men have recurring episodes of the disorder. People dealing with erectile dysfunction will be:
- Unable to achieve erection at anytime needed.
- might achieve erection sometime but not when needed like during sexual activity.
- might able to achieve erection when needed but not long enough
You are not alone if you experience erectile dysfunction (ED). In the US, an estimated 18 million men struggle from ED. Despite being prevalent, ED can have a negative impact on your close relationships, as well as your physical and mental health. Fortunately, it has been demonstrated that most men can successfully treat ED with drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The P-shot
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is used in the P-Shot, is drawn from your blood and injected into your penis. In order to boost tissue growth and, ostensibly, improve your erections, your doctor injects your own cells and tissues into your penile tissues.

The Priapus Shot is the most common variant. Dr. Charles Runels (of Kardashian vampire facial fame) was the first to utilise this moniker, which was derived after the Greek deity of sexual health, and it quickly gained popularity.
The P-Shot is based on PRP therapy, which has been investigated for the treatment of chronic health disorders and is used to recuperate from muscle and joint injuries. It is regarded as an experimental treatment in all circumstances.
In essence, the P-Shot has been utilised as an alternative therapy in situations like:
- erection problems (ED)
- sclerosus lichen
- Scar tissue caused by Peyronie’s disease causes the penis to curve when it is upright.
- Penis improvement
- increase of orgasm, performance, and general sexual function
How does it work?
The only evidence we have is anecdotal. Nobody understands why it works to improve sexual function, whether it can be repeated, what the results are, or how safe it is.
Orgasms can occur (or not) for a variety of physiological, psychological, and emotional causes. It’s possible that a shot won’t affect the underlying cause of your orgasmic ability.
The advantages of this therapy on sexual performance may be linked to: Dr. Richard Gaines, who offers the P-Shot along with other therapies at his LifeGaines office, claims that:
- Possibility of engaging in sexual activity on the day of the operation
- higher sensitivity
- greater assurance
- enhanced length and girth
- rapid start of the effects
- healthier and better sex
- better personal connections
What to expect during operation?
You can come in, get the P-Shot done, and leave later that day because it is an outpatient surgery. To give yourself enough time to complete it, you might wish to skip a day of work or other obligations, although this isn’t required.
You’ll probably be instructed to lay down on a table when you get to the facility and wait for the doctor to start. After starting the process, the physician or assistant will:
- Apply a numbing cream or ointment to the vaginal region, and a local anaesthetic will be administered to numb the surrounding area as well.
- Take some blood from your body and place it in a test tube, usually from your arm or another non-invasive location.
- Centrifuge the test tube for a few minutes to separate the blood’s constituent parts and isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
- PRP should be taken out of the testing tube fluid and placed into two different syringes for injection.
- PRP should be injected into the clitoris, penile shaft, or Gräfenberg (G) spot. With perhaps four to five different injections, this is finished in a short period of time.
- Giving a penis pump to patients who had a penile shaft injection. By doing so, you may make sure the PRP is operating as planned and draw blood into the penis. Over a few weeks, you might be required to perform this task on your own once a day for ten minutes. However, overusing one might weaken erections by harming the elastic tissue in the penis.
You’re done now! After that, you’ll probably be able to return home in an hour or less.
Side effects and complications
Following the injection, you may experience a few minor side effects that should subside in four to six days, including:
- swelling
- redness
- bruises
Some uncommon issues could be:
- infection
- scarring
- cold sore outbreaks if you’ve already had the herpes simplex virus
Additional study is required to back up the P-Shot. Talk in-depth with a provider if you want to give it a try. Additionally, think about speaking with a separate physician who is unaffiliated with the P-Shot provider. Remember that your mental and emotional well-being can have an impact on the blood flow, hormones, and physical states that create your erections and orgasms.
Investigate any health problems that might be affecting your sexual function if the P-Shot isn’t producing any results for you. You could also seek the advice of a therapist, counsellor, or sexual health expert who can help you identify the obstacles standing in the way of your sexual fulfilment.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/p-shot
- https://www.metromaleclinic.com/prp-injection-p-shot-a-solution-for-erectile-dysfunction/
- https://iashindia.com/p-shot-for-penile-enhancement/
- https://anti-agingdocs.com/erectile-dysfunction/
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