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What are the Symptoms of Selenium toxicity?

What are the Symptoms of Selenium toxicity?

Selenium Deficiency

Selenium deficiency is a condition in which a body receives insufficient amounts of selenium to perform its roles and responsibilities. As per reports of 2017, about 1 billion people worldwide are dealing with selenium deficiency which makes it quite a common condition. The deficiency directly relates to the selenium availability in the soil which differs from region to region. Plants and animals receiving low selenium from soil are bound to be deficient in their own body. Such deficit food products are consumed by humans which results in less consumption of selenium which reggiers this condition. Some of the common symptoms of selenium deficiency an individual experience are:

Causes of Selenium deficiency

Apart from selenium level in soil on which the life cycle depends, there could be several conditions in which a body is unable to use sufficient amount of selenium levels such as:

  • diagnosed with HIV
  • sustaining dialysis
  • diagnosed with certain digestive disorder such as Crohn’s disease

Such medical conditions are termed as the cause of Selenium deficiency due to their interaction with absorption of selenium inside the body. Even consuming enough amounts of selenium could cause deficiency in such medical conditions as absorption of this mineral is affected and decreased. An individual must consult a doctor to treat such conditions to maintain overall health of the body.

Is selenium mineral that important?

As selenium deals with DNA, free radicals, and metabolism of various vital functions and hormones, its roles and responsibilities make it really important to maintain overall health of the body. Also, there are several situations in which the need of this mineral becomes very critical such as:

  • having thyroid growth
  • a weakened immune system
  • having thyroid disease like grave disease
  • dealing with cancer
  • during pregnancy
  • when already deficit to selenium

Selenium Supplements

Selenium Supplements are synthetic medicines that consist of adequate amounts of selenium and several other associated medical agents. These supplements come with a primary role of treating selenium deficiency. They work as an alternative to benefits and roles performed by natural selenium inside the body. People dealing with deficiency must add and consume such supplements in their diet to avoid any unusual deficit symptoms. It is advisable to consume a quality supplement that is generally available in the market to provide good resources for the body.

What is Selenium toxicity?

Toxicity of selenium is a condition in which high levels of selenium get deposited in the body. Such excess amounts of selenium are not considered safe. Due to abnormally high amount of selenium, a body is prone to get affected by several medical conditions such as:

  • liver and kidney damage
  • blood clotting
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • hair loss
  • irritability
  • nail discoloration
  • nail brittle or loss
  • fatigue
  • foul breath odor
  • Diarrhea
  • skin rashes

An individual must get immediate medical attention if any of these conditions are identified due to selenium toxicity in the body. Although toxicity of selenium is reversible, untreated conditions could be fatal.

Cause of Selenium Toxicity

There are several reason due to which a body could get toxic with selenium mineral such as:

  • drinking high level selenium water
  • excess exposure of selenium in the working environment
  • intake of more than necessary amount of selenium supplement
  • acute or chronic ingestion of excess selenium
  • certain medical condition 


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Is Calcium deficiency common? How to treat and prevent?

Is Calcium deficiency common? How to treat and prevent?

What is Calcium Deficiency?

Calcium deficiency is an unfortunate condition that occurs in your body due to low calcium levels. There are generally two types of calcium deficiency namely Dietary calcium deficiency and Hypocalcemia

Dietary Calcium Deficiency

In this type, deficiency of calcium is caused in a body due to less intake of calcium through daily diet. This leads to several bone diseases such as Bone thinning, Bone weakening, Osteoporosis, etc.


In this type, deficiency of calcium takes place due to low calcium level in your blood. This can happen due to interaction of certains medications or certain medical conditions such as Hypoparathyroidism or renal failure. 

Ideally, a person is unlikely to get diagnosed with calcium deficiency within proper diet and routine checkup, however, there are a number of unusual effects involved when a body falls deficiency to calcium. Such conditions include:

  • Spasm on hands and feets called tetany,
  • Abdominal cramps,
  • Poor bone mineralization,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Highly irritable nervous system,
  • Muscle cramp,
  • Overactive reflexes,
  • Osteomalacia i.e. bone softening,
  • Ricket and impaired growth in childrens, etc.

Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements consist of salts of calcium that is generally used when there is not enough calcium consumption through a daily diet. These synthetic supplements maintain or improve the calcium level of your body so that several unusual effects of calcium deficiency could be prevented such as osteoporosis, weakening of bones, etc.

A beneficial amount of calcium supplement must be calculated based on an individual’s age, medical conditions, and diet. A quality supplement of calcium is necessary for any individual which is available in mygenericpharmacy with known brand names. 

How much Calcium do you need daily?

5 Tips to Prevent Calcium Deficiency in Your Body - O40HF

The amount of calcium required for an individual depends upon their age group and medical conditions, irrespective of their gender under general circumstances. The following is the classification of calcium intake for an individual.

  • babies upto 6 months of age need 200 mg of calcium per day
  • babies between 6-12 months old need 260 mg of calcium daily
  • toddlers between 1-3 years need 700mg of calcium everyday
  • children between 3-6 years old require 0.97mg of calcium per day
  • children between 6-10 years demands 1.12mg of calcium per day
  • Kids between 10-12 years need 1.4mg per day of calcium
  • 1.82 of calcium per day is needed for teenager between 12-15 years 
  • male above 15 years need 1.97 calcium per day
  • female above 15 years need 1.54 calcium per day
  • a pregnant woman needs 2.27mg/day while a lactating woman needs 2.89mg of calcium daily.

Toxicity of Calcium:

Taking moderate calcium doses daily is generally considered safe. However, high doses of calcium supplement for a longer period of time could result in high levels of calcium in your blood called Hypercalcemia. This condition results in a number of unusual symptoms such as:

  • vomiting,
  • nausea,
  • frequent urination,
  • muscle pain,
  • tiredness,
  • weakness,
  • headache,
  • loss of appetite,
  • abdominal pain,
  • constipation,
  • difficulty in thinking,
  • confusion,
  • disorientation,
  • depression,
  • bone pain, etc. 

Seek medical attention right away if you notice such toxic effects while taking calcium supplements.


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Enhance your body’s skin health with Vitamin C.

Enhance your body’s skin health with Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a kind of nutrient that is one of the primary requirements of your body daily. A human body is made up of a combination of several organs, bones, nerves, etc, with a predefined individual function. Such a huge set of organs require an appropriate amount of vitamins to function daily.

One of the most important nutrients required for our body to perform several functions is Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid. It is one of the thirteen essential vitamins that a human body requires on a daily basis. Vitamin C is necessary for repairing several tissues and general growth of the body. It plays an important role in making ligaments, blood vessels, tendons, and skin of your body. Also, vitamin C plays an important role for the production of a natural substance called Collagen which works as a main component for connecting tissues and 1-2% of your body’s muscle buildup.

Consuming vitamin C naturally from food

There are a number of fruits, vegetables, and food products that are rich in vitamin C nutrients such as strawberries, broccoli, potatoes, peppers, oranges, kiwi, lemon, cauliflowers, brussel sprouts, papayas, lychees, mustard spinach, etc. A person primarily aims to get the necessary amount of vitamin C through daily meals. However, people are not much likely to consume that amount of nutrients through their daily meal.

Vitamin C Supplement.

Vitamin C supplements are synthetic tablets or capsules that consist of ascorbic acid. There high quality Vitamin C supplements are available in mygeneric pharmacy with different brand names that are potent enough to stock up the daily nutritional need of your body. 

These supplements provide a number of beneficial effects to your body such as immunity booster, reduction in chronic and heart diseases risk, iron deficiency prevention, protection of memory and thinking, reduce blood uric acid levels and prevention against gout attacks, etc.

Applications of vitamin C supplement

Speaking of its application, this supplement has a vast variety of use in many forms which could be consumed by every age group with variable dosage and concentration. Even every skin product that offers maintenance or improvement of skin health consists of vitamin C nutrient in a certain form as a vital ingredient due to its antioxidant property that maintains your skin cells and makes you look fresh and young. 

Taking these supplements for a while may also help your body to fight against some cancerous cells and could also assist along with other therapy to treat fatigue and several infections. 


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