Is Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate the same?
Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate gel is a medical drug available to us under the brand name Depo-testosterone which belongs to a class of medication called Androgens. This medicine is used to treat low levels of a natural hormone in men called testosterone. It works by increasing the production of testosterone level in the body so that body can perform function properly.
It is possible to use testosterone to cause puberty in certain adolescent boys who have delayed puberty. Some types of breast cancer can also be treated with testosterone.
Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone Enanthate is a man-made synthetic version of a naturally occurring hormone in a male body called testosterone. It belongs to an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) drugs class. It is used in adult men for the treatment of several health issues caused by lack of testosterone in the body.
Testosterone Enanthate is also used in hormone therapy for men who are transgendered.
Working Mechanism
Testosterone cypionate belongs to a class of drugs known as Androgens. A class of drugs refers to a group of medications that work in a similar way. Such medications are commonly used to treat similar conditions. Males with hypogonadism can take testosterone cypionate to replace the lack of testosterone in their bodies. According to few researches, Testosterone Cypionate delivers success in boosting a protein synthesis which in turn helps to build muscle when taken with a disciplinary diet and exercise.
Testosterone Enanthate, also known as Testosterone Heptanoate, is generally used to treat symptoms of low levels of testosterone in male body. This medicine works by building muscles and enhancement of sex characteristics generally associated to male in the body. It works by adding or replacing testosterone in the body to normal and healthy levels.
When and how to use?
Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate, both are available to us in a form of medical solution that must be applied on the buttock muscle through syringe as per your doctor prescription and guidance. It is usually taken once every 1-4 weeks. Dosage is based on your medical condition, testosterone blood level and response to the treatment. Prepare and follow all the procedures if taking it on your own.
Take this medicine on a regular schedule to get the most benefits from it. Discuss all the other medicines that you might be taking along with Testosterone Cypionate for the same or different reasons. Follow the medical prescription carefully and consult your doctor in case of any exception or confusion.
Side effects
Both testosterone cypionate and enanthate shares similar sde effects that are severe in nature. However, commonly occuring side effects are different.
Severe side effects associated with testosterone cypionate and enanthate are mental/mood changes, trouble sleeping/snoring, signs of serious liver disease, hands/ankles/feet swelling, unusual tiredness, fast/irregular heartbeat, trouble urinating, increased urination (especially at night), breast swelling/tenderness, too frequent/prolonged erections, etc.
Side effects of Testosterone Enanthate are Nausea, vomiting, headache, skin color changes, increased/decreased sexual interest, oily skin, hair loss, and acne.
Common side effects of Testosterone Cypionate are nausea, skin color change, vomiting, oily skin, hair loss, change in sexual desire, etc, may occur.
Difference between testosterone cypionate and enanthate
Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate, both the medical drugs are given by injecting it in the buttock muscle to increase the low level of testosterone level generally used in men.

Both the medical drugs shares almost equal side effects and have similar kind of dose administration. However, the only generl difference fond in both these drugs as per reserach and studies is their chemical structure. Testosterone cypionate has an additional carbon atom compared to enanthate. This makes the half life of cypionate a little longer than half life of enanthate.
Cypionate here has a little advantages of getting shorter half lie time which also reduces risk of side effect to the user.
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