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Improve your memory and thinking skill using Sage.

Improve your memory and thinking skill using Sage.

What is Sage and its use?

Sage(Salvia officinalis), also known as common sage or garden sage, is a natural aromatic herb that belongs to the mint family of Lamiaceae. Sage is native to the Mediterranean region with several varieties that are even used as traditional ornaments because of their beautiful leaves and flowers. 

Sage is a perennial plant that grows about 2 feet tall from the ground level. the color ranges from gray-green to whitish green. The flowers are supported by spikes and the two lipped rolls are found to be attractive by many insects, butterflies, birds, etc.

It is commonly used as a spicing agent in a number of dishes. It has an earthly flavor and strong aroma which is used in a very small amount to add flavor or texture in several dishes such as breads, pastries, sauces, butters, etc.

Apart from flavoring application, this natural herb has a wide application in medical use. In several forms, Sage is used for a number of medical conditions such as:

  • loss of appetite
  • bloating
  • flatulence
  • depression
  • heartburn
  • cold sores
  • memory loss
  • Alzhiemer’s disease
  • Asthma
  • gum diseases
  • nasal conditions
  • sore throat, mouth, or gum
  • stomach pain
  • overproduction of perspiration and saliva

Benefits of using Sage

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, Sage consist of several important healthbenefits that justifies a wide medical application in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • rich source of antioxidants
  • relieves symptoms of menopause
  • supports memory
  • might reduce bad LDL cholesterol
  • might resist skin aging
  • antimicrobial properties
  • assist oral health
  • might reduce diarrhea
  • might reduce blood sugar level
  • improves brain health
  • fights against cancerous cells
  • supports bone health

There might be several other benefits of Sage apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits are obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals found in this herb such as:

  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin K
  • Iron
  • Calories
  • Carbs
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B6

The percentage of these minerals is typically based on the amount of sage intake.

Sage dose for Humans

Sage is not a kind of matter that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. People generally used sage as a flavoring and aromatic agent or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports the oral dosing of sage in a human body. However, a typical amount of not more than 6g per day of sage leaf is described. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional Sage supplement for any reason. Generally, natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.

Sage Supplement

Sage supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of natural Sage such as antioxidants, anticancer, etc. In addition to this, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with sage. These herbal supplements are available in different forms such as pill, soft capsules, oil, etc. The dosage is based on an individual’s age, medical condition, diet, and other circumstances. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future. 


  • Sage(Salvia officinalis), is a natural herb that belongs to the plant family of Lamiaeae, found in mediterranean.
  • Thre are many benefits obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals found in this herb
  • It is commonly used as a spicing and flavoring ingredient. For a long time, Sage has been useful for a wide variety of medical applications.
  • It consists of many essential nutrients and minerals that provide many important health benefits to a human body.
  • The dosing of sage is not specified and must be discussed with the doctor if taking as a medicine amount such as supplements. 


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Is Rosemary safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Is Rosemary safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Rosemary Supplement

Rosemary supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of Rosemary such as antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, etc. In addition to rosemary, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties along with rosemary. These herbal supplements are available in different forms namely pill, soft capsules, oil, ointment, powdered, etc. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future. 

Rosemary Interactions with Drugs

Interaction refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, interact with one another. This could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Rosemary is generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might be harmful when consumed like supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and parsley. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions.

Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of Rosemary along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Drugs that decreases blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidineeee (Ticlid), and several others.
  • Antidiabetic Drug– Antidiabetic medicines are used to lower the blood sugar level of the body. Rosemary might also lower the sugar level. Combination of both these medical agents could increase the risk of blood sugar level getting abnormally low which could cause complications. Such antidiabetic drugs include glimepiride (Amaryl), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), glipizide (Glucotrol), and several others.
  • Aspirin– Rosemary consist of chemicals that are similar to aspirin. Combination of both the medicine inside the body could cause an increased risk of side effects and its symptoms.
  • Salicylate– Salicylate is one of the chemicals found in rosemary. Combination of rosemary with salicylate could cause increased risk of side effects associated with salicylate.
  • Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate– Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate is a kind of chemical that is very similar to a chemical present in rosemary. Consuming rosemary along with Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate could cause increased risk of side effects associated with Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate.

There are also some minor interactions of rosemary with several drugs such as Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) substrates, Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) substrates, etc. There could be several other medicines causing interaction with Rosemary in an unusual manner. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to get complete information regarding rosemary and its safety with any other interacting drug.

Precautions and warnings before using Rosemary

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and food applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Rosemary must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of this herb could result in worsening of certain medical conditions or might cause other unwanted conditions. Such medical conditions includes:

  • Pregnancy Consuming Rosemary during pregnancy is likely to be considered as unsafe when consumed at a medicine amount during pregnancy. It might cause irreversible conditions such as miscarriage. abortion. There is not much information about the safety of rosemary when used as a skin ointment. Therefore, a pregnant woman must avoid consuming rosemary in such a condition.
  • Breastfeeding- There is not enough scientific evidence regarding the safety of a breastfeeding woman or nursing child when Rosemary is consumed. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming rosemary during breastfeeding or keep it in food amounts.
  • Bleeding disorder– Parsley has potency to decrease the formation of blood clotting. Its consumption during bleeding conditions could result in excess or abnormal bleeding than usual resulting in complications. 
  • Allergy– Rosemary consists of a chemical that is identical to aspirin. Intake of rosemary might cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to aspirin. 
  • Seizures– People dealing with seizures must avoid consuming rosemary as it may cause worsening of this disorder.

Side effects of using Rosemary

Interaction of rosemary with several medical drugs and no precautionary actions against several medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • skin redness
  • sun sensitivity
  • vomiting
  • easy bleeding/bruising
  • low blood sugar level
  • miscarriage
  • stomach and intestine irritation 
  • kidney damage
  • pulmonary edema
  • seizures

An individual must make sure to consume rosemary with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention if necessary.


  • The dosing of rosemary is not specified and must be discussed with the doctor if taking as a medicine amount such as supplements. 
  • Rosemary is expected to interact with several medicines of drug categories causing more harmful effects to the body.
  • Individuals dealing with certain medical conditions must discuss with a doctor before consuming rosemary as it may cause worsening of conditions or could develop new unwanted conditions.
  • Drug interactions and medical conditions might cause several side effects and allergic reactions in the body which must be informed to the doctor if they persist or get worse.


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Stimulate and restore your hair growth using Rosemary.

Stimulate and restore your hair growth using Rosemary.

What is rosemary and its use?

Rosemary, scientifically known as Salvia rosmarinus is a naturally occurringgreen herb that is native to the mediterranean. This evergreen herb is a member of the Lamiaceae family of plants along with other members such as basil, oregano, lavender, thyme, etc. 

The herb has needle shaped leaves and a woody aroma. It is a perennial herb shrub that usually grows upto 1 meter in height whereas some plants might grow upto 2 meter. This plant is pretty much resistant to most of the insects and plant diseases, however, certain fungal infections might be effective to this plant in humid climate. 

The herb is used in a number of culinary dishes such as rosemary chicken and lamb due to its rich source of several essential nutrients. Its whole dried herb or dried powdered extract is typically prepared while fresh and dried leaves are used to make teas and liquid extract of rosemary.

In ancient times, rosemary was believed to improve memory. Also, there are many medical conditions in which rosemary has been used such as:

Benefits of using Rosemary and its oil

Rosemary consist of several important health benefits in a human body when taken in its any form in addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties that includes:

  • restoring hair growth
  • resistant to several bugs
  • improves circulation of blood
  • reduces inflammation of joint
  • improves liver health
  • prevents food poisoning
  • weakens antibiotic resistant bacterias
  • might improve brain functioning
  • relieves pain
  • relieves stress
  • improves focus and attentiveness
  • may fight against cancerous cells
  • improves digestive health
  • reduces antibiotic side effects

There might be several other benefits of parsley apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits is obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals in this herb such as:

Rosemary dose for Humans

  • Rosemary is not a kind of substance that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. People generally used parsley as a flavoring agent or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 
  • There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports the oral dosing of rosemary in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional rosemary supplement for any reason. Natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not assured.


  • Rosemary(Salvia rosmarinus), is a naturally occuring green herb that belongs to Lamiaceae family of plants.
  • This herb is used as a flavoring and aromatic agent in a number of dishes and from ancient times, it is used to treat many medical conditions.
  • Rosemary have several essential nutrients and minerals in addition to important beneficial effects in a human body.
  • The dosing of rosemary is not specified and must be discussed with the doctor if taking as a medicine amount such as supplements. 


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Are parsley Supplements safe for everyone?

Are parsley Supplements safe for everyone?

Parsley Supplement

Parsley supplements are herbal medicines that are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of parsley such as antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, etc. In addition to Parsley, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties. These herbal supplements are available in different forms namely pill, soft capsules, oil, ointment, etc. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future. 

Parsley Interactions with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural herbs such as parsley are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might not be pleasing when consumed in a medicine amount such as supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and parsley. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions.

Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antidiabetic Drug– Antidiabetic medicines are used to lower the blood sugar level of the body. Oregano might also lower the sugar level. Combination of both these medical agents could increase the risk of blood sugar level getting abnormally low which could cause complications. Such antidiabetic drugs include glimepiride (Amaryl), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), glipizide (Glucotrol), and several others.
  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of Oregno along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Drugs that decreases blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidinee (Ticlid), and several others.
  • Diuretic drugs– Parsley is expected to work like water pills that cause the body to lose some water. Consumption of parsley along with diuretic drugs might cause the body to lose water more than usual. Such diuretic drugs include chlorothiazide (Diuril), hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, HydroDiuril, Microzide), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), furosemide (Lasix),  triamterene (Dyrenium), spironolactone (Aldactone), and others  
  • Medicine stimulated by liver– Some medicines require breakdown by liver to perform their predefined task. Consuming parsley might cause the liver to resist its operating frequency for such medicine. This could result in several unwanted side effects in the body. Such medicine include ondansetron (Zofran), amitriptyline (Elavil), haloperidol (Haldol), propranolol (Inderal), verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, others), theophylline (Theo-Dur, others), and others.

There could be several other medicines interacting with Parsley in an unusual manner. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to get complete information regarding Parsley interactions with any drug.

Precautions and warnings before using Oregano

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and flavoring applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Oregano must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of dill with medical conditions could result in worsening of such medical conditions that includes:

  • Breastfeeding– There is not enough scientific evidence regarding the safety of a breastfeeding woman or nursing child when Parsley is consumed. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming parsley during breastfeeding or discuss it with a doctor.
  • Pregnancy– Consuming Parsley during pregnancy is likely to be considered as unsafe. Parsley consumption in larger amount is expected to cause menstrual bleeding and abortion. Also, there could be birth defects when parsley is consumed during the first 3 month of pregnancy. Therefore, a pregnant woman must strictly avoid consuming Parsley in such a condition.
  • Diabetes– Parsley is expected to reduce blood sugar level of the body. If an individual is diagnosed with diabetes, it is advisable to keep daily monitoring on their sugar level while consuming Parsley.
  • Surgery– Parsley might lower blood sugar level. It is advisable to avoid consuming parsley at least 2 weeks before undergoing any surgery to avoid complications during or post surgery. 
  • Bleeding disorder– Parsley has potency to decrease the formation of blood clotting. Its consumption during bleeding conditions could result in excess or abnormal bleeding than usual resulting in complications. 

Side effects of using Parsley

Interaction of parsley with several medical drugs and medical conditions might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • high blood pressure
  • high blood sugar level
  • bleeding/bruising
  • birth defects
  • abortion during pregnancy
  • anemia
  • kidney problems
  • liver problem
  • nasal and eye itching
  • wheezing
  • laryngeal oedema

An individual must make sure to consume oregano with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention if necessary.


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Does Viagra affects fertility of Unmarried man??

Does Viagra affects fertility of Unmarried man??


Viagra pill is a kind of medicine that is generally taken an hour before an individual need erection. A healthcare provider may recommend taking Viagra daily, but you should not take it more than once every 24 hours. If taken too frequently, it can cause dangerous drops in blood pressure. There are many different drugs available to treat ED, so if Viagra isn’t working for you, speak with your healthcare provider about your options.

Side effects of Viagra

Generally, side effects of viagra are observed when higher doses of this medicine or more frequent consumption of this drug is administered. Also, several medical condition might cause worsening or rise of new unwanted medical conditions when this drug is consumed.

Common side effects observed while medicating with Viagra are flushing, dizziness, upset stomach, headache, blurred vision sensitivity to light or trouble between blue and green color may occur. Inform your doctor if these conditions persist or get worse. There are some serious side effects which must be informed to the doctor right away if observed such as severe dizziness, fainting, chest/jaw/left arm pain, nausea, etc. There are also some severe allergic reactions involved with these medications which require immediate medical attention if observed such as rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), trouble breathing,decrease or loss of hearing, sometimes with ringing in the ears, sudden decreased vision, including permanent blindness in one or both eyes, prolonged erection, etc.

Natural viagra with immediate effect!

 The way it works is basically the same as Viagra. Watermelon juice is taken on an empty stomach after it has been simmered for a while, cooled, and lemon added once the mixture has been reduced by half.

The Research:

Researchers say that using Viagra pills might damage men’s fertility. Several studies suggest that the anti-impotence drug can harm sperm and may prevent some men from fathering children.

Specifically, recreational drug users could have a hard time starting families. IVF clinics that prescribe Viagra to help men produce sperm might be preventing some couples from conceiving.

They then compared the behavior of the treated sperm with the behavior of standard samples and found that the drug had two main effects. The substance made sperm more active, but also damaged its acrosome, an organ that contains enzymes that break down the membrane surrounding an egg, allowing it to be fertilized by sperm.

A similar study conducted by his team on mice found that sperm from mice given Viagra produced 40 per cent fewer embryos than mice given control pills. In spite of this, there was no indication that babies produced by male mice taking Viagra were harmed in any way.

Clinical trial:

We examined sildenafil’s effect in young men without erectile dysfunction in this randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical study. During this one-dose home-use study, 60 young healthy men without ED were enrolled. Participants had not taken any medication in the previous 6 months. A stable relationship had been maintained for at least three months.

The study randomized the patients to receive either one 25 mg tablet of sildenafil (group 1) or an identical placebo tablet (group 2) after completing the IIEF-5 questionnaire. Participants completed an erectile quality questionnaire. Neither group reported a significant difference in improvement of erection quality, 12/30 sildenafil vs 10/30 placebo (Fisher’s test, P=0.79). A significant reduction in postejaculatory refractory time was observed with sildenafil (12/30 vs 4/30) (chi(2) test, P=0.04). Among young healthy men, sildenafil does not improve erections.  


Taking Sildenafil recreationally should not be recommended for young, healthy men and it should not be given to them to improve their erections. A single-dose home study suggests that sildenafil reduces postorgasmic refractory time. It is possible that sildenafil may be useful for premature ejaculation despite the lack of controlled studies on this topic.

In young, healthy men, taking Sildenafil recreationally or for improving erections should not be recommended. According to a single-dose home study, sildenafil reduces postorgasmic refractory time. Despite the lack of controlled studies, sildenafil may be useful for premature ejaculation.


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What are the top benefits of consuming Parsley?

What are the top benefits of consuming Parsley?

What is Parsley and its use?

Parsley, botanically known as Petroselinum crispum,  is a natural flowering plant in mediterranean. It belongs to a plant family called Apiaceae. It is a bright green in temperate climates. It grows 10-25 cm long in the first year with a number of leaflets sizing 1-3 cm. Parsley is widely used in European, Middle Eastern, and American cuisine. This natural herb is widely used in a number of foods and beverages as a garnisher, condiment, and flavoring ingredient. 

There are several types of parsley available in the nature such as:

  • Curly Parsley
  • japanese parsley
  • Hamburg Parsley
  • Flat leaf parsley

Out of all the different types of parsley available in nature, curled leaf parsley is the most widely used and popular in the United States. Parsley is often used as a garnish ingredient and used in a dried form in soups, stews, and other dishes. 

In manufacturing applications, parsley seed oil also has a wide application in cosmetics, perfumes, and soap in major parts of the world.

Certain forms of parsley such as seed, root and leaf, are generally used to make medicines. Often described as one of the most powerful medicinal plants, parsley provides great nutritional value and several essential medical assistance such as:

  • rich source of antioxidants
  • consist of anti-cancer substances
  • heart disease
  • kidney stones
  • bladder infections
  • constipation
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
  • skin condition and many others

Benefits of using Parsley

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, Parsley consist of several important health benefits in a human body when taken in its any form that includes:

  • anti-cancer properties
  • improve bone health
  • rich source of antioxidant
  • protects eye health
  • antibacterial properties
  • might improve heart health
  • helps in blood clotting
  • might helps against high sugar level
  • Rich in several essential nutrients

There might be several other benefits of parsley apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits is obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals in this herb such as:

Parsley dose for Humans

Parsley is not a kind of substance that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. People generally used parsley as a flavoring agent or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 

There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports the oral dosing of parsley in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional oregano supplement for any reason. Generally natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not guaranteed.


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How often can you consume viagra safely?

How often can you consume viagra safely?

Viagra is a kind of medicine that is generally taken an hour before an individual need erection. A healthcare provider may recommend taking Viagra daily, but you should not take it more than once every 24 hours. If taken too frequently, it can cause dangerous drops in blood pressure. There are many different drugs available to treat ED. If Viagra isn’t working for you, speak with your healthcare provider about your options.

Timing is everything if you want the most out of your sexual life. It’s especially true when you take Viagra for erectile dysfunction (ED). ED medications such as Viagra (generic name sildenafil), have a specific time window during which they work. It might be time to evaluate if you need to take the little blue pill every day if you need to take it every day. 

Taking viagra everyday

Generally, viagra is a kind of medicine that can be taken every but must not be considered as the best choice.

It works by opening up your blood vessels and increasing the amount of blood in your penis. This allowing you to have an erection more easily. In order for it to work, however, you must be sexually aroused. The sensation of sexual stimulation tells the blood to travel to the penis, and Viagra prevents the blood from leaving once it reaches the penis. 

Within an hour of taking Viagra, it starts to work and is effective for about six to eight hours. As a result, you must plan your medication to match your sex life, which isn’t always possible or convenient. Also, if you miss the effectiveness window, you can’t take Viagra again for 24 hours.

You should wait 24 hours before you take another dose of Viagra after you’ve taken your regular dose and didn’t get the desired result or you missed your window. 

Let’s take a closer look at what researchers have discovered when they studied the effects of sildenafil taken daily.

Side effects of Viagra.

Generally, side effects of Viagra are observed when higher doses of this medicine or more frequent consumption of this drug is administered. Also, several medical condition might cause worsening or rise of new unwanted medical conditions when this drug is consumed.

Common side effects observed while medicating with Viagra are flushing, dizziness, upset stomach, headache, blurred vision sensitivity to light or trouble between blue and green color may occur. Inform your doctor if these conditions persist or get worse. There are some serious side effects which must be informed to the doctor right away if observed such as severe dizziness, fainting, chest/jaw/left arm pain, nausea, etc. There are also some severe allergic reactions involved with these medications which require immediate medical attention if observed such as rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), trouble breathing, decrease or loss of hearing, sometimes with ringing in the ears, sudden decreased vision, including permanent blindness in one or both eyes, prolonged erection, etc.

Natural viagra with immediate effect.

Watermelon natural viagra works basically the same as Viagra. Watermelon juice is taken on an empty stomach after it has been simmered for a while, cooled, and lemon added once the mixture has been reduced by half.

Daily Viagra: As per research

The most common psychological cause of erectile disorder is stress and anxiety. Such kind of medical condition are sociocultural cause for male erectile disorder. According to Schiavi (1988), most men experience between three and five erections per night. Having an erection at night isn’t just an inconvenience. They indicate healthy blood vessels and erectile function, and also play an important role in supplying blood to the penis. Compared to erectile disorder, early ejaculation is acause of this disorder. A couple of medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and nerve problems, can make getting and maintaining an erection more difficult. 

The researchers found that 50 mg of sildenafil taken daily increased the frequency of erections in more than half of the study participants (Peng, 2016).

The outcome of another clinical trial examined how people with type 2 diabetes responded to daily sildenafil treatment. In their research, the drug was given daily for ten weeks and significantly improved blood flow and erections in the group that received the medication. It’s worth exploring daily Viagra in future studies even though it’s not the traditional route of treatment.


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Can Oregano cause miscarriage to women during pregnancy??

Can Oregano cause miscarriage to women during pregnancy??

Oregano Supplement

Oregano supplements are generally used to obtain several beneficial medical properties of oregano such as antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiviral, etc. In addition to oregano, there are several high potential healing composites that provide supportive or additional medical properties to oregano. These herbal supplements are available in different forms namely pill, soft capsules, oil, ointment, etc. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such a supplement to avoid any kind of complication with the body’s health in future. 

Oregano Interactions with Drugs

Interaction of a substance generally refers to a potential risk that could develop inside the human body when two or more drugs, products, or medical conditions, interact with one another in a negative manner that could result in certain unwanted health conditions. 

Natural herbs are generally considered safe when taken in food amounts but might not be pleasing when consumed in a medicine amount such as supplements. If an individual is medicating with certain medical drugs to treat any condition, there might be a possibility of interaction between those drugs and Oregano. This could cause complications in the condition that is to be treated or could result in new unwanted conditions. Such interacting medical drugs include:

  • Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant drugs– Intake of Oregno along with drugs that resist blood clotting could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. Drugs that decreases blood clotting includes clopidogrel (Plavix), enoxaparin (Lovenox), warfarin (Coumadin), aspirin, dalteparin (Fragmin), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and several others.
  • Antidiabetic DrugAntidiabetic medicines are used to lower the blood sugar level of the body. Oregano might also lower the sugar level. Combination of both these medical agents could increase the risk of blood sugar level getting abnormally low which could cause complications. Such antidiabetic drugs include glimepiride (Amaryl), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), glipizide (Glucotrol), and several others.

There could be several other medicines interacting with Oregano in an unusual manner. It is recommended to consult a doctor or health professional to get complete information regarding dill interactions with any drug.

Precautions and warnings before using Oregano

Although being a natural herb that is used for a number of medical and flavoring applications, there are certain medical conditions in a human body in which intake of Oregano must be limited or avoided in order to prevent complications. Interference of dill with medical conditions could result in worsening of such medical conditions that includes:

  • Breastfeeding– There is not enough scientific evidence regarding the safety of a breastfeeding woman or nursing child when Oregano is consumed. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming oregano during breastfeeding or discuss it with a doctor.
  • Pregnancy– Consuming Oregano during pregnancy is likely to be considered as unsafe. OPregano consumption in larger amount is expected to miscarriage. Therefore, a pregnant woman must strictly avoid consuming dill in such a condition.
  • Diabetes– Oregano is expected to reduce blood sugar level of the body. If an individual is diagnosed with diabetes, it is advisable to keep daily monitoring on their sugar level while consuming Oregano.
  • Surgery– Oregano might lower blood sugar level. It is advisable to avoid consuming Dill at least 2 weeks before undergoing any surgery to avoid complications during or post surgery. 
  • Bleeding disorder– Oregano has potency to decrease the formation of blood clotting. Its consumption during bleeding conditions could result in excess or abnormal bleeding than usual resulting in complications. 
  • Allergy– Consuming oregano might cause unusual and severe allergy in people who are allergic to oregano or any of Lamiaceae family members that includes mint, marjoram, hyssop, sage, basil, etc.

Side effects of using Oregano

Interaction with certain medical drug and medical condition might cause certain unusual or allergic side effects and condition in a human body that includes:

  • miscarriages in pregnant woman
  • increased risk of bruising/bleeding
  • decreased blood sugar level
  • trouble breathing
  • rashes
  • stomach distress
  • allergic reaction

An individual must make sure to consume oregano with proper precaution and avoid interaction in order to prevent side effects. However if side effects are observed, it is advisable to contact a doctor or get immediate medical attention if necessary.


  • Oregano is expected to interact with several medicines of drug categories such as antidiabetic and antiplatelet.
  • A human body dealing with certain medical conditions must avoid or at least consult a doctor before consuming oregano, especially in medical amounts.
  • Such interactions with medicines and medical conditions could result in unusual side effects which must be informed to the doctor right away if identified.


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Is viagra medicine effective for Married men??

Is viagra medicine effective for Married men??

What is a Viagra?

Viagra, a prescription drug that carries sildenafil as its specially active ingredient. It is worldwide known as the most popular medicine to treat such conditions. Viagra works by increasing blood flow in penis to achieve and maintain erection. Sildenafil Citrate is available in the market in different form out of which, pill form must be taken by mouth as per your requirement but not more than 4 hours before sexual intercourse.

Natural Viagra:

Several food products and drinks might contain properties that are similar to viagra. These drinks and food products may help in treating erectyle dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men. Following are list of several types of natural viagra.

  • Horny goat weed
  • Korean red ginseng.
  • Yohimbe.
  • DHEA.
  • L-citrulline and L-arginine.
  • Medical devices.
  • Lifestyle changes.

Side effects of using Viagra

Common side effects observed while medicating with Viagra are flushing, dizziness, upset stomach, headache, blurred vision sensitivity to light or trouble between blue and green color may occur. Inform your doctor if these conditions persist or get worse. There are some serious side effects which must be informed to the doctor right away if observed such as severe dizziness, fainting, chest/jaw/left arm pain, nausea, etc.

There are also some severe allergic reactions involved with these medications which require immediate medical attention if observed such as rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), trouble breathing,decrease or loss of hearing, sometimes with ringing in the ears, sudden decreased vision, including permanent blindness in one or both eyes, prolonged erection, etc.

Natural viagra with immediate effect.

The way it works is basically the same as Viagra. Watermelon juice is taken on an empty stomach after it has been simmered for a while, cooled, and lemon added once the mixture has been reduced by half.

Viagra for married men

Viagra is a kind of medicine that is only used to boost the erection timing. An individual believe that taking viagra will increase there sexual performnace which is very slightly true. Men usually consume viagra who ae generally dealing with erectyle dysfunction i.e. medical condition in which an individual is unable to achieve erection or unable to maintain erection.

Premature ejaculation is a common problems that resides in 30 percent of male as per studies and reports. The most common psychological cause of erectile disorder is stress and anxiety. Such kind of medical condition are sociocultural cause for male erectile disorder. An individual usually compares oneself with porn video actors and concludes oneself as an impotent person. However, that is generally not true. A normal time for a person to maintain erection is around 2-3 minutes.

Married or not, an individual is recommended to firstly get a medical guidance before consuming such medications. Generally, a marries person can take viagra but under prescription and must also follow the dosses without crossing the prescribed limit. In this way, viagra is normnally safe and an individual can enjoy sexual activity with viagra assiatance. However, several medical conditions and drugs interactions must be considered and discussed before consuming with your medical expert.


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Treat and prevent bacterial infections with Oregano.

Treat and prevent bacterial infections with Oregano.

What is Oregano and its use?

Oregano, botanically known as Origanum Vulgare, is a natural herb that belongs to the mint or Lamiaceae family. The name is derived from the Greek words ‘oros’ meaning mountain, and ‘ganos’ meaning joy. Oregano has green leaves and purple flowers. It consists of fresh and dried leaves of oregano which is closely related to several other herbs such as basil, marjoram, basil, etc. There are many different types of oregano based on the variety in their flavor and region in which they are found. Some of the varieties of Oregano includes:

  • Marjoram
  • Golden Oregano
  • Italian Oregano
  • Mexican Oregano
  • Ornamental  Oregano
  • Mexican Bush Oregano
  • Cuban Oregano
  • Greek Oregano
  • Syrian Oregano and several others.

Out of all the different types of oregano available in nature, Greek Oregano or Origanum Vulgare is the most popular and widely used. 

Oregano is considered as a major herb in a number of dishes and cuisines around the world. Its feature of warmth and sweetness in the dish along with strong flavor, shows its vast demand and applications in foodie peoples worldwide. 

Medical Applications

It can be used as a fresh, dried or oil form, where all contain some important medical application for a human body. Although there is no proper scientific evidences, oregano is expected to treat certain medical conditions in all os its types such as:

  • bacteria
  • viruses
  • indigestion
  • cough
  • ailments
  • wounds
  • respiration
  • menstruation and many more.

How does oregano work in the body?

Oregano consist of certain antibacterial and phytonutrients that fight and kill several infections such as Staph. It helps to prevent cells from damage caused by free radicals through its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. 

Benefits of Oregano in a human body

In addition to its several features associated with flavoring and aromatic properties in a number of dishes, oregano consist of several important health benefits in a human body when taken in any form that includes:

  • consist of good antibacterial agents
  • might help to decrease inflammation
  • could provide anti-cancer properties
  • rich antioxidant source
  • helps to prevent viral infections
  • could prevent heart disease
  • beneficial flavoring substance
  • acts as an antibiotic
  • might help to lower cholesterol
  • might improve gut health

Due to lack of data regarding full potential benefits of oregano in a human body, there might be several other benefits apart from those mentioned above. Also, these benefits is obtained due to several residing vitamins and minerals in oregano such as:

Oregano Dose for Humans

  • Oregano is not a kind of substance that a human body needs daily to perform certain tasks which could only be pulled out by it. People generally used oregano as a flavoring agent or sometimes to treat several medical conditions or gain several medical properties. 
  • There is no clinical evidence that specifically supports the oral dosing of oregano in a human body. It is Generally advisable to consult a doctor or a health professional and follow their prescription if you are taking an additional oregano supplement for any reason. Generally natural substances are considered safe but must be consumed under certain provisions as their safety is not an absolution.


  • Oregano is a naturally occurring plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family.
  • Out of many different types of oregano, Greek Oregano or Origanum Vulgare is the most popular and widely used.
  • It could be used in different forms as a flavoring agent as well as a medical agent to treat  several medical conditions.
  • There are many medical benefits inside oregano for the human body. Such benefits are obtained due to several residing minerals and vitamins in it.


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